8,438 research outputs found

    Ion dynamics and the magnetorotational instability in weakly-ionized discs

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    The magnetorotational instability (MRI) of a weakly ionized, differentially rotating, magnetized plasma disk is investigated in the multi-fluid framework. The disk is threaded by a uniform vertical magnetic field and charge is carried by electrons and ions only. The inclusion of ion dynamics causes significant modification to the conductivity tensor in a weakly ionized disk. The parallel, Pedersen and Hall component of conductivity tensor become time dependent quantities resulting in the AC and DC part of the conductivity. The conductivity may change sign leading to the significant modification of the parameter window in which MRI may operate. The effect of ambipolar and Hall diffusion on the linear growth of the MRI is examined in the presence of time dependent conductivity tensor. We find that the growth rate in ambipolar regime can become somewhat larger than the rotational frequency, especially when the departure from ideal MHD is significant. Further, the instability operates on large scale lengths. This has important implication for the angular momentum transport in the disk.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Hall instability of solar flux tubes

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    The magnetic network which consists of vertical flux tubes located in intergranular lanes is dominated by Hall drift in the photosphere-lower chromosphere region (ā‰²1Mm\lesssim 1 Mm). In the internetwork regions, Hall drift dominates above 0.25Mm0.25 Mm in the photosphere and below 2.5Mm2.5 Mm in the chromosphere. Although Hall drift does not cause any dissipation in the ambient plasma, it can destabilise the flux tubes and magnetic elements in the presence of azimuthal shear flow. The physical mechanism of this instability is quite simple: the shear flow twists the radial magnetic field and generates azimuthal field; torsional oscillations of the azimuthal field in turn generates the radial field completing feedback loop. The maximum growth rate of Hall instability is proportional to the absolute value of the shear gradient and is dependent on the ambient diffusivity. The diffusivity also determines the most unstable wavelength which is smaller for weaker fields. We apply the result of local stability analysis to the network and internetwork magnetic elements and show that the maximum growth rate for kilogauss field occurs around 0.5Mm0.5 Mm and decreases with increasing altitude. However, for a 120G120 G field, the maximum growth rate remains almost constant in the entire photosphere-lower chromosphere except in a small region of lower photosphere. For shear flow gradient āˆ¼0.01sāˆ’1\sim 0.01 s^{-1}, the Hall growth time is 10 minute near the footpoint. Therefore, network fields are likely to be unstable in the photosphere, whereas internetwork fields could be unstable in the entire photosphere-chromosphere. Thus the Hall instability can play an important role in generating low frequency turbulence which can heat the chromosphere.Comment: 8 page, 4 figure

    VLA Observations of a Complete Sample of Radio Loud Quasars between redshifts 2.5 and 5.28: I. high-redshift sample summary and the radio images

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    We present high resolution (arcsecond or better) observations made with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array of 123 radio-loud quasars with redshifts in the range 2.5ā‰¤zā‰¤5.282.5 \leq z \leq 5.28 that form a complete flux limited sample (ā‰„70\geq 70 mJy at 1.4 GHz or 5 GHz). Where possible, we used previous high resolution VLA observations (mainly A array at 1.4, 5 and 8 GHz) from the NRAO archive and re-imaged them (43 sources). For the remainder, new observations were made in the A array at 1.4 and 5 GHz. We show images of the 61 resolved sources, and list structural properties of all of them. Optical data from the SDSS are available for nearly every source. This work represents a significant increase in the number of high redshift quasars with published radio structures, and will be used to study the properties and evolution of luminous radio sources in the high redshift universe

    Studies Toward the Total Synthesis of Antibiotic 593A

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    In 1970 art article was published in the Journal of Antibiotics in which the isolation of a substance from the south African soil microorganism Streptomyces griseolutus designated 593A (NSC-135758) was reported. It was reported to inhibit the growth of human tumors in the chick embryo. Arison and Beck in 1973 proposed the structure to be 3,6-bis-(5-chloro-2 -piperidyl-)-2 ,5-piperizinedione based on spectral data. In the ensuing years a number of further studies were made on the activity of 593A, It was found to be active against a number of solid tumors, several variants of leukemia, and in selectively inhibiting DNA synthesis. A possible mode of operation was suggested in which the Antibiotic would form a bis-aziridine derivative which acts as an alkylating agent

    High Spectral and Spatial Resolution Observations of Shocked Molecular Hydrogen at the Galactic Center

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    The presence of OH (1720 MHz) masers, and the absence of counterparts at 1665/1667 MHz has proved to be a clear diagnostic of shocked molecular gas associated with Galactic supernova remnants. This suggests that shocked molecular gas should be associated with the OH (1720 MHz) masers that have been detected in the circumnuclear disk (CND) and Sgr A East at the Galactic center. In order to test this hypothesis, we observed the H2_2 1--0 S(1) and Br Ī³\gamma lines using NICMOS on the HST and UNSWIRF on the AAT, near the regions where OH (1720 MHz) masers are detected in the CND and Sgr A East. We present the distribution of H2_2 in the North and South lobes of the CND and in Sgr A East. H2_2 emission accompanies almost all of the maser spots detected at the Galactic center. In particular, we find a striking filamentary structure near the Northwest of the CND and evidence that shocked molecular gas is associated with the 70 \kms molecular cloud at the Galactic center. We argue that the emission from the CND could arise in gas heated by the dissipation of the random motion of clumps by collisions or the dissipation of turbulence in a more homogeneous medium. In addition, highly red-shifted gas of up to 140 \kms\ close to the eastern edge of the Sgr A East shell is detected. These observations combined with OH (1720 MHz) results suggest that the H2_2 gas is shocked and accelerated by the expansion of Sgr A East into the 50 and the 70 \kms cloud and into the lobes of the CND.Comment: 31 pages plus 14 figures, ApJ (in press

    Concurrent 43 and 86 GHz Very Long Baseline Polarimetry of 3C273

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    We present sub-milliarcsecond resolution total intensity and linear polarization VLBI images of 3C273, using concurrent 43 and 86 GHz data taken with the Very Long Baseline Array in May 2002. The structure seen in the innermost jet suggest that we have fortuitously caught the jet in the act of changing direction. The polarization images confirm that the core is unpolarized (fractional polarization m < 1 %) at 86 GHz, but also show well ordered magnetic fields (m ~ 15 %) in the inner jet, at a projected distance of 2.3 pc from the core. In this strongly polarized region, the rotation measure changes across the jet by 4.2 x 10^{4} rad m^{-2} over an angular width of about 0.3 milliarcseconds. If the lack of polarization in the core is also attributed to a Faraday screen, then a rotation measure dispersion > 5.2 x 10^{4} rad m^{-2} must be present in or in front of that region. These are among the highest rotation measures reported so far in the nucleus of any active galaxy or quasar, and must occur outside (but probably close to) the radio emitting region. The transverse rotation measure gradient is in the same sense as that observed by Asada et al and by Zavala and Taylor at greater core distances. The magnitude of the transverse gradient decreases rapidly with distance down the jet, and appears to be variable.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Adjusting the frequency of mammography screening on the basis of genetic risk: Attitudes among women in the UK.

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    Purpose To explore public attitudes towards modifying frequency of mammography screening based on genetic risk. Methods Home-based interviews were carried out with a population-based sample of 942 women aged 18ā€“74 years in the UK. Demographic characteristics and perceived breast cancer (BC) risk were examined as predictors of support for risk-stratified BC screening and of the acceptability of raised or lowered screening frequency based on genetic risk, using multivariate logistic regression. Results Over two-thirds of respondents (65.8%) supported the idea of varying screening frequency on the basis of genetic risk. The majority (85.4%) were willing to have more frequent breast screening if they were found to be at higher risk, but fewer (58.8%) were willing to have less frequent screening if at lower risk (t (956) = 15.6, p < 0.001). Ethnic minority status was associated with less acceptability of more frequent screening (OR = 0.40, 95% CI = 0.21ā€“0.74), but there were no other significant demographic correlates. Higher perceived risk of BC was associated with greater acceptability of more frequent screening (OR = 1.71, 95%CI = 1.27ā€“2.30). Conclusion Women were positive about adjusting the frequency of mammography screening in line with personal genetic risk, but it will be important to develop effective communication materials to minimise resistance to reducing screening frequency for those at lower genetic risk

    Using a hypothetical scenario to assess public preferences for colorectal surveillance following screening-detected, intermediate-risk adenomas: annual home-based stool test vs. triennial colonoscopy

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    Background To assess public preferences for colorectal cancer (CRC) surveillance tests for intermediate-risk adenomas, using a hypothetical scenario. Methods Adults aged 45ā€“54 years without CRC were identified from three General Practices in England (two in Cumbria, one in London). A postal survey was carried out during a separate study on preferences for different first-line CRC screening modalities (non- or full-laxative computed tomographic colonography, flexible sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy). Individuals were allocated at random to receive a pack containing information on one first-line test, and a paragraph describing CRC surveillance recommendations for people who are diagnosed with intermediate-risk adenomas during screening. All participants received a description of two surveillance options: annual single-sample, home-based stool testing (consistent with Faecal Immunochemical Tests; FIT) or triennial colonoscopy. Invitees were asked to imagine they had been diagnosed with intermediate-risk adenomas, and then complete a questionnaire on their surveillance preferences. Results 22.1 % (686/3,100) questionnaires were returned. 491 (15.8 %) were eligible for analysis. The majority of participants stated a surveillance preference for the stool test over colonoscopy (60.8 % vs 31.0 %; no preference: 8.1 %; no surveillance: 0.2 %). Women were more likely to prefer the stool test than men (66.7 % vs. 53.6 %; pā€‰=ā€‰.011). The primary reason for preferring the stool test was that it would be done more frequently. The main reason to prefer colonoscopy was its superiority at finding polyps. Conclusions A majority of participants stated a preference for a surveillance test resembling FIT over colonoscopy. Future research should test whether this translates to greater adherence in a real surveillance setting

    Shocked molecular hydrogen towards the Tornado nebula

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    We present near-infrared and millimetre-line observations of the Tornado nebula (G357.7-0.1). We detected 2.12 micron_m H2 1-0 S(1) line emission towards the suspected site of interaction with a molecular cloud revealed by the presence of an OH(1720 MHz) maser. The distribution of the H2 emission is well correlated with the nonthermal radio continuum emission from the Tornado, and the velocity of the H2 emission spans over 100 km/s, which both imply that the H2 emission is shock excited. We also detected millimetre-lines from 12CO and 13CO transitions at the velocity of the maser, and mapped the distribution of the molecular cloud in a 2 x 2 arcmin^2 region around the maser. The peak of the molecular cloud aligns well with an indentation in the nebula's radio continuum distribution, suggesting that the nebula's shock is being decelerated at this location, which is consistent with the presence of the OH(1720 MHz) maser and shocked H2 emission at that location.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, minor changes, accepted to MNRA
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