33 research outputs found


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    PENGARUH UKURAN KATUP LIMBAH TERHADAP EFISIENSI POMPA HIDRAM   Dominggus G.H. Adoe, Defmit B.N. Riwu, Matheos M.T. Penu Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Sains dan Teknik, UNDANA Jl. Adisucipto, Penfui-Kupang NTT        Email :[email protected]   Abstrak Air selalu menjadi bagian terutama dalam kehidupan makhluk hidup di belahan bumi manapun. Bagian yang membentuk permukaan bumi berupa gunung, bukit, dataran tinggi, dataran rendah, lembah, sungai, maupun laut. Jika permukaan bumi tersebut terisi dengan air, gerakan air akan menuju ketempat yang lebih rendah dari tempat awal kedudukannya. Teknologi sederhana dan hemat energi dan dapat menaikkan air dari tempat yang rendah ketempat yang tinggi adalah “Pompa Hidram”  Pompa hidram atau singkatan dari hidraulik ram berasal dari kata hidro sma dengan air (cairan), ram sama dengan hantaman, pukulan atau tekanan, sehingga terjemahan bebasnya menjadi hantaman air atau tekanan air. Jadi, pompa hidram adalah pompa yang energi penggeraknya berasal dari hantaman air yang masuk ke dalam pompa melalui pipa pengantar. Berdasarkan hasil eksprimen dan analisa data dapat disimpulkan bahwa efisiensi tertinggi terdapat pada variasi diameter katup limbah 3 dim sebesar 78,56 % untuk efisiensi D’Aubuisson, dan 78,58 % untuk efisiensi Rankine. Sedangkan efisiensi terendah, terdapat pada variasi diameter katup limbah 2 dim sebesar 63,80 % untuk efisiensi D’Aubuisson, dan 51,39 % untuk efisiensi Rankine.   Kata Kunci : pompa hidram, debit, diameter katup, efisiensi pompa hidram, pipa   Abstract Water has always been a part especially in the life of living things in any hemisphere. The parts that make up the earth's surface are mountains, hills, highlands, lowlands, valleys, rivers, and seas. If the surface of the earth is filled with water, the movement of the water will go to a place that is lower than the place where it started. The technology is simple and energy efficient and can raise water from a low place to a high place is "Hydram Pump" Hydram pump or an abbreviation of hydraulic ram comes from the word hydro sma with water (liquid), ram is equal to impact, punch or pressure, so the translation release of water impact or water pressure. So, a hydram pump is a pump whose driving energy comes from the impact of water entering the pump through the delivery pipe. Based on the results of experimentation and data analysis, it can be concluded that the highest efficiency is found in the variation of the diameter of the 3 dim waste valve, which is 78.56% for D'Aubuisson's efficiency, and 78.58% for Rankine efficiency. While the lowest efficiency, there is a variation of the diameter of the 2 dim waste valve of 63.80% for D'Aubuisson's efficiency, and 51.39% for Rankine efficiency.   Keywords : hydraulic ram, debit, valve diameter, the efficiency of hydraulic ram &nbsp

    Distribution of vasoactive intestinal peptide, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide, nitric oxide synthase, and their receptors in human and rat sphenopalatine ganglion.

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    Cranial parasympathetic outflow is mediated through the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG). The present study was performed to examine the expression of the parasympathetic signaling transmitters and their receptors in human and rat SPG. Indirect immunofluorescence technique was used for the demonstration of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), glutamine synthetase (GS), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), VIP and PACAP common receptors (VPAC1, VPAC2), and PACAP receptor (PAC1). In addition, double labeling was carried out to reveal the co-localization of neurotransmitters. VIP-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons as well as fibers were frequently found in human SPG. Many, homogenously stained NOS-ir cells were found, but no positive fibers. In addition, PACAP-ir was observed in some of the neurons and in fibers. Co-localization was found between VIP and NOS. In rat VIP-, NOS-, and PACAP-ir were found in many neurons and fibers. Co-localization of PACAP and NOS was observed in neurons. PACAP and GS double staining revealed that the PACAP-ir was localized in/close to the cell membrane, but not in the satellite glial cells. PAC1 and VPAC1 immunoreactivity was found in the satellite glial cells of both human and rat. Western blot revealed protein expression of PAC1, VPAC1, and VPAC2 in rat SPG. The trigeminal-autonomic reflex may be active in migraine attacks. We hypothesized that VIP, PACAP, NOS, PAC1, VPAC1, and VPAC2 play a role in the activation of parasympathetic cranial outflow during migraine attacks

    Understanding the dialysis access steal syndrome : A review of the etiologies, diagnosis, prevention and treatment strategies

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    Distal hypoperfusion ischemic syndrome (DHIS), commonly referred to as hand ischemia or 'steal' after dialysis access placement, occurs in 5-10% of cases when the brachial artery is used, or 10 times that of wrist arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) using the radial artery. It is typically seen in elderly women with diabetes, and may carry severe morbidity including tissue or limb loss if not recognized and treated. Three distinct etiologies include (1) blood flow restriction to the hand from arterial occlusive disease either proximal or distal to the AV access anastomosis, (2) excess blood flow through the AV fistula conduit (true steal), and (3) lack of vascular (arterial) adaptation or collateral flow reserve (ie atherosclerosis) to the increased flow demand from the AV conduit. These three causes of steal may occur alone or in concert. The diagnosis of steal is based on an accurate history and physical examination and confirmed with tests including an arteriogram, duplex Doppler ultrasound (DDU) evaluation with finger pressures and waveform analysis. Treatment of steal includes observation of developing symptoms in mild cases. Balloon angioplasty is the appropriate intervention for an arterial stenosis. At least three distinct surgical corrective procedures exist to counteract the pathophysiology of steal. The ultimate treatment strategy depends on severity of symptoms, the extent of patient co-morbidity, and the local dialysis access technical team support and skills available

    White matter microstructural alterations in migraine: a diffusion-weighted MRI study.

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    Migraine is a common and disabling neurological disease. The pathomechanism that underlies the disorder is not entirely understood, and reliable biomarkers are missing. In the current analysis we looked for microstructural alterations of the brain white matter in migraine patients by means of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. The measurements were carried out with a novel approach based on fine-tuned nonlinear registration and nonparametric permutation test in an alignment-invariant tract representation (Tract-Based Spatial Statistics). We found reduced fractional anisotropy in the right frontal white matter cluster of migraine patients. In the same region we also found increased mean diffusivity and increased radial diffusivity. The probabilistic tractography showed connection of this cluster to other parts of the pain network (orbitofrontal cortex, insula, thalamus, dorsal midbrain). We speculate that these findings reflect maladaptive plastic changes or white matter disintegration

    ScreenPro FH - Screening project for familial hypercholesterolemia in central, southern and eastern Europe: Rationale and design

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    PubMed ID: 28225290Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a genetic disorder with well-known genetic transmission and clinical course. Despite great recent progress, FH is still underestimated, under-diagnosed and thus undertreated. Furthermore it represents a significant healthcare challenge as a common risk factor for the premature development of coronary heart disease. The ScreenPro FH Project is an international network project aiming at improving complex care - from timely screening, through diagnosis to up-to-date treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. An important task for the project is to harmonise and unify diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in participating countries, where the situation differs from country to country. Countries with more experience should serve as a model for countries developing the FH network