55 research outputs found

    Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Selling dengan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Bagian Frontliner pada Metro Plaza Pasar Swalayan Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research is to know the leadership style and work satisfaction of frontliner employee at Metro Plaza Pasar Swalayan Pekanbaru.This research takes place in Metro Plaza which located at Harapan Raya street no 201 Pekanbaru. This is qualitative research with case study data; investigate the correlation between selling leadership style and work satisfaction of frontliner employee at Metro Plaza pasar Swalayan Pekanbaru, population of this research is the frontliner employee in the and of year 2012, they are 80 persons. Sample taken is the whole population by using sensus technique. Analyzing the data using correlation rank spearman formula.The finding of the research shows that tenponses of respondent about work satisfaction in category agree, where some frontliner employees feel satisfy with the leadership that applied at Metro Plaza Pasar Swalayan Pekanbaru, responses of the respondent about selling leadership style in category good, for most of employess agree with leadership style applied by the company.The result of correlation between selling leadership style and work satisfaction of frontliner employee using rank spearman formula shows that there are great and positive correlation.Keywords: Leadership, Selling Leadership style, work satisfactio

    Rancangan Dasar Gasifier Batubara Sirkulasi Unggun Mengambang Untuk Membangkitkan Listrik 1 Mw

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    There are 3 choices in accommodating power station facility which have been installed to fulfill standard regulation of environmental quality which progressively tighten. Firstly, facility modification of pulverized–coal fired power plant by applying a flue–gas desulfurisation technology throw away to cost money installation of tired which can 20% of total cost development of it. Secondly, modification system of coal fired power generation become natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) can reach low emission, but fuel cost relatively high, so will influence the electricity generating cost. Third, modification system of electric generation which have been installed by utilizing a mechanism of coal gasification is most efficient and best alternative to yield an environmental friendly of electric generation combined cycle. In this paper, writer try to make a basic design of circulating fluidized–bed coal gasifier using clay catalist related on third choice which expected applicable in the next future to come replace power station system which have ended a period as well as newly even if

    Anthropometry as Indicator of the Family Economic Condition

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    The prevalence of Indonesian population experiencing hunger reaches 20.1%.Anthropometry is considered capable to measure socio-economic conditionsbecause it is directly related to the financial purchasing power of food that affectsintake patterns. The aim of this study is to test the reliability of the familyanthropometry using Height for Age Z Score (HAZ) index and Body Mass Index ZScore (BMIZ) as indicator of the family economic condition. This cross-sectionalstudy design located in Astanajapura (Rural) and Kesambi (Urban) Subdistrict,Cirebon, West Java. The stratification sampling method was held to obtainsamples from all main family members of the selected households (1,999persons) from 405 families. Data analysis used ROC method to obtain the cut-offpoints of anthropometry index, validity test for sensitivity and specificity, andKappa test for the reliability test. The findings indicate that the family HAZanthropometry index could represent the family economic condition better thanthe BMIZ and it is reliable to become an indicator for the economic condition bothin rural and urban areas. There is a positive correlation between consumption percapita and the HAZ index where the higher the family HAZ z score is, the higherthe family consumption per capita. The method can be used to measure the poorprevalence in macro level and select the target of poor families in the micro levelusing the family HAZ anthropometry index. It is recommended to use HAZ indexto estimate prevalence of poor families within the micro level, but the processmust not include children under two years old due to the technical obstacleduring measurement and other substance factors. Further research is needed toproduce a more accurate method in using the family anthropometry as anindicator of family economic condition

    Penggunaan Arang Kayu dan Arang Batok Kelapa terhadap Kualitas Organoleptik, Kadar Air, Ketengikan dan Kadar Lemak Dedak Padi yang Disimpan Selama 4

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    The production of rice bran in Indonesia was 4 million ton in 2011. This big potency of rice bran hasn't been optimally used yet as animal feedstuff, because the rice bran has short storage limit. The rice bran can't be stored in long time because the fat content of the rice bran experiences the hydrolysis reaction easily that causes rancidity. The hydrolysis reaction happens because the reaction of fat and water content. Therefore, the water content of the rice bran must be decreased to prevent the hydrolysis reaction. The charcoal is hygroscopis, namely can absorb water, so that the use of charcoal in storage expected to be able in decreasing the water content and preventing the the hydrolysis reaction on the fat of the rice bran. This research aims to find out the effect of the use of wood and coconut shell charcoal on the organoleptic quality of colour, smell, texture, the water content, rancidity, and the fat of the rice bran stored for 4 weeks. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments. Each treatment was replicated 4 times. If the result of variance analysis is significantly different on a variable, so it's continued by using Least Significant Different (LSD) Test on significant level 5% and 1%. The result showed that the use of the coconut shell charcoal influenced very significantly (p<1%) on the smell, water content, peroxide number of the rice bran stored for 4 weeks. The wood charcoal influenced very significantly (p<1%) on the water content and influenced significantly (p<5%) on the peroxide number

    Alternatif Model Usahatani Konservasi Tanaman Sayuran Di Hulu Sub-DAS Cikapundung

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    . Sutrisna, N., Santun R.P. Sitorus, B. Pramudya, and Harianto. 2010. The Alternative ConservationFarming System Model on Vegetable Plants in Upstream Areas of Subwatershed Cikapundung. The upstreamarea of Subwatershed Cikapundung are located in the dry highland. Inappropriate land USAge that doesn't utilize itsland suitability causes land degradation. The main objective of this research was to design the alternative conservationfarming system model on vegetable plants in upstream areas of subwatershed Cikapundung. The other objectives were(1) to analyze suitability of existing land utilization, (2) to characterize existing farming system, and (3) to analyzethe most effective component of the conservation farming system. This research was conducted by using a surveymethod. The results showed that the category in accordant to existing land use was belong to marginally suitable(S3). The limited factors were pH, base saturation, CEC, drainage, and slope. The most influence component of theconservation farming system were kinds of vegetation, cropping system, ameliorant, conservation techniques, andplastic mulch. There were five alternative models of conservation farming system that can be used in upstream areas ofsubwatershed Cikapundung. Those were (1) model A: conservation farming system bench terraces, the embankmentcrosses the slope, uses of organic matter and lime, and planting of vegetables cropping system with categoriesI+III or II +III, (2) model B: conservation farming system bench terraces, the embankment crosses the slope, usesorganic matter, uses mulch, and planting of vegetables cropping system with categories I+III or II+III, (3) model C:conservation farming system bench terraces, the embankment one-way the slope, use organic matter and lime, usesmulch, and planting of vegetables cropping system with categories I+III or II+III, (4) model D: conservation farmingsystem gulud terraces, the embankment one-way the slope, uses organic matter and lime, and planting of vegetablescropping system with categories I+III or II+III, and (5) model E: conservation farming system gulud terraces, theembankment one-way the slope, uses organic matter and lime, uses mulch, and planting of vegetables cropping systemwith categories I+III or II+III. The alternative models A, B, and C can be used at sloping land 16-25%, meanwhilethe alternative models D and E at sloping land 8-15%. To accelerate the implementation of farming system modelby farmers, the supporting institution of conservation farming system is required

    Kesintasan Pasien Karsinoma Ovarium dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta (Pemantauan 5 tahun)

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    Latar belakang: Kanker ovarium merupakan kanker ketujuh tersering ditemukan di seluruh dunia. Beberapa tulisan menekankan pentingnya faktor-faktor prognostik untuk perencanaan dan prediksi hasil pengobatan. Kesintasan kanker ovarium yang dilaporkan bervariasi berdasarkan stadium saat ditemukan. Di Indonesia, dalam hal ini di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, data-data seperti yang disebutkan di atas masih terbatas. Tujuan: Mengetahui kesintasan 1 tahun hingga 5 tahun dari penderita karsinoma ovarium yang ditatalaksana di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan hubungannya dengan faktor usia, derajat dan jenis histopatologi, jenis pembedahan, adanya asites, adanya residu tumor, dan pemberian kemoterapi adjuvan. Tempat: Departemen/KSMF Obstetri dan Ginekologi Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Bahan dan cara kerja: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan rancangan penelitian kohort hostoris. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan program Kaplan-Maier. Analisis multivariat menggunakan model cox proportional hazard regresi. Hasil: Terdapat 270 kasus kanker ovarium selama kurun waktu 1998 - 2003, hanya 178 kasus yang masuk dalam kriteria inklusi. Subjek penelitian berusia rata-rata 42,7 tahun. Sebanyak 43,8% kasus mendapatkan operasi adekuat, sementara 51,7% kasus diketahui sudah tergolong stadium III. Sebanyak 27% kasus berjenis histopatologi serosum, sisanya adalah musinosum, sel bening, endometrioid dan lainnya. Sebanyak 52 kasus (29,2%) mendapat kemoterapi secara lengkap. Kesintasan keseluruhan karsinoma ovarium adalah 89,3% (1 tahun); 69,7% (3 tahun); dan 54,8% (5 tahun). Kesintasan 5 tahun stadium I: 94,3%; stadium II: 75%; stadium III: 31%. Kesintasan 2 tahun stadium IV sebesar 11,7%. Usia muda tidak terbukti bermakna memberi kesintasan lebih baik dibanding usia lebih tua. Tindakan operasi adekuat primer, adanya asites, adanya residu tumor, jenis histopatologi, derajat diferensiasi, tidak terbukti bermakna mempengaruhi kesintasan karsinoma ovarium. Stadium FIGO terbukti bermakna sebagai faktor prognostik independen (HR 9,2 kali pada stadium III dan 26,5 kali pada stadium IV). Sementara pemberian kemoterapi terbukti bermakna sebagai faktor prognostik independen dengan efek protektif kemoterapi komplit (HR 1.53 x 10-8) dan kemoterapi inkomplit dengan HR 9.14 x 10-7. [Maj Obstet Ginekol Indones 2007; 31-2: 66-72] Kata kunci: karsinoma ovarium, kesintasan, faktor prognostik, stadium, kemoterap
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