1,449 research outputs found

    Smarandachely t-path step signed graphs

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    Characterizing signed graphs which are switching equivalent to their Smarandachely 3-path step signed graphs

    A Note On Line Graphs

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    In this note we define two generalizations of the line graph and obtain some results. Also, we mark some open problems

    A Numerical Solution of Wave Equation for Dynamic Compaction of Soil

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    It is a known fact that any disturbance at the ground surface, like the one created by vibratory, compactors or by application of blast pressure on detonation of a foamed propellant, is transmitted into ground until it is weak enough to travel deeper and farther. The ground acceleration at various points, induces compaction. The transmission of vibrations due to such surface dynamic loads are governed by the equation of motion based on Newton\u27s second law. The equation of motion is presented in Euiler\u27s Coordinates using tensor notation and is solved for surface displacements due to surface dynamic loads. These loads are likely to be experienced over a half space due to movement of vehicles, compactors etc. The paper presents a finite difference iterative method for solving the above equation which permits the simultaneous solution of two partial differential equations in plane strain condition. Results of the present analysis have been compared with those available from theory of elasticity

    Nutrient content in rice husk ash of some malaysian rice varieties

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    Analysis performed on more than 60 samples of 10 different paddy varieties showed 21.33% of the rough rice comprised rice husk, while 13% of the husk constituted rice husk ash. The nutrient content of rice husk ash was 80.26% silica, 0.38% phosphorus, 1.28% potassium, 0.21% magnesium and 0.56% calcium. Statistically, nutrient composition is significantly influenced by varietal differences. As a potential material for fertilizer use, the estimates of total nutrient supplementation available from rice husk ash per annum are discussed

    Hybrid Cryptography security in public cloud using TwoFish and ECC algorithm

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    Cloud computing is a structure for rendering service to the user for free or paid basis through internet facility where we can access to a bulk of shared resources which results in saving managing cost and time for large companies, The data which are stored in the data center may incur various security, damage and threat issues which may result in data leakage, insecure interface and inside attacks. This paper will demonstrate the implementation of hybrid cryptography security in public cloud by a combination of Elliptical Curve Cryptography and Twofish algorithm, which provides an innovative solution to enhance the security features of the cloud so that we can improve the service thus results in increasing the trust over the technology.   

    Comparison between clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging in accurately diagnosing meniscal tears

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    Background: The primary goal of this study was to examine the correlation between clinical results, MRI scans, and Arthroscopic findings in the case of meniscal injury. We compared various parameters between clinical findings and MRI findings in case of suspected meniscus injury cases keeping Arthroscopy findings as the gold standard.Methods: Patients coming to our OPD with complaints of knee pain were examined by an experienced orthopaedic surgeon. The sample size of our study was 60 cases. All suspected meniscal tear cases underwent clinical examination, MRI scanning and Arthroscopic examination to assess the relationship between clinical findings and MRI findings, keeping Arthroscopy findings as a gold standard.Results: For the diagnosis of medial and lateral meniscus tears, a clinical evaluation carried out by an experienced orthopaedic surgeon exhibited greater sensitivity, specificity, precision, and negative and positive predictive values than MRI.Conclusions: A clinical evaluation by an experienced orthopaedic surgeon yielded superior outcomes than an MRI for diagnosing meniscal injuries. MRI is indicated in case of complex knee injuries

    Importance of Instrumentation in Hydropower Projects

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    With the advancement of science and technology, humans endeavored to build massive structures, both on surface and sub –surface taking the advantage of physico-mechanical properties of the construction materials like concrete, steel, wood, rock, etc. Quality is the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind. The term itself is subjective until and unless quantified, cannot be controlled. Instrumentation plays a major role to quantify the quality of materials and check if the resources meet the requirements of the structural design. Several types of instruments are developed and used world-wide in different structures to monitor water pressure, seepage, movements, vibration, temperature, stress, strain and other significant parameters. The role of instrumentation specialist lies in understanding the dominating phenomena in the planned structure,designing the instrumentation network, monitoring schedules and timely analysis for cautioning the engineers,designers,quality personnel and the project management to have a check on construction measures vis-à-vis structural performance. This paper describes the role of instrumentation in hydroelectric projects with a brief case study from Bhutan Himalayas


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    Rasasastra is a branch of Ayurvedic medicine dealing with metals and minerals having higher therapeutic efficacy. Recent world wide discussions on hazardous nature of Mercury have led to the global ban on Mercury through Minamata Convention. This is a crisis situation for Ayurveda as Parada (Mercury) is the heart of Rasasastra. An attempt has been made to educate the readers regarding the medicinal aspects of Mercury. Rasasastra texts starting from Rasendra mangalam to Rasatrangini have been analyzed for relevant verses regarding Mercurial formulations with respect to its disease curing property. Mercury has qualities similar to ambrosia. Mercurial medications prepared from purified Mercury can readily treat even Asadhya rogas (incurable diseases). Purified Mercury samples were tested for their therapeutic efficacy through alchemy. A systematic classification regarding types of Mercury, their impurities and purification procedures are mentioned after extensive research in Rasasastra. Method of intake, Pathya (wholesome), Apathya (unwholesome), complications during Mercurial medication have been cited in classical verses. Paribhasha (definitions) regarding basics of Rasasastra have been described for better understanding of Mercurial processes. Procedures like Jarana (digestion), Astadasa samskara (eighteen purification procedures), Dhruti (stable liquid metal), Satwapatana (extracting the essence), Bandhana, etc have been elaborately described in the texts, but their techniques are still unclear in practical aspect. A special clause should be created for the use of Mercury in Ayurvedic medicines with respect to its health benefits and disease curing properties. Also there is a need to intensify research in the field of Rasasastra.