561 research outputs found

    Analisa Kadar C-organik dan Perbandingan C/n Tanah di Lahan Tambak Kelurahan Sicanang Kecamatan Medan Belawan

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    Kadar C-Organik merupakan faktor penting penentu kualitas tanah mineral. Semakin tinggi kadar C-Organik total maka kualitas tanah mineral semakin baik. Bahan organik tanah sangat berperan dalam hal memperbaiki sifat fisik tanah, meningkatkan aktivitas biologis tanah, serta untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan hara bagi tanaman.Pakan alami di dasar tambak (klekap) sangat dipengaruhi oleh kandungan bahan organik di dasar tambak karena bahan organik merupakan sumber nitrogen. Makin tinggi kadar bahan organik, makin tinggi pula jumlah nitrogen yang dikandungnya sehingga pertumbuhan klekap akan semakin baik. Kadar bahan organik dihitung dari kandungan C–Organik dengan rumus : Bahan organik (%) = 1,74% x C-Organik (%) sehingga kandungan bahan organik tanah dasar tambak dapat dilihat dari kadar C–Organiknya. Kadar C–Organik yang berlebihan akan membahayakan kehidupan dan populasi organisme budidaya tambak. Hal ini disebabkan oleh proses penguraian klekap yang mati membutuhkan oksigen dan menghasilkan gas beracun, seperti CO2, H2S dan NH3. Selain itu kadar C–Organik yang terlalu tinggi juga dapat menimbulkan efek peneduhan.Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan sampel tanah pada 5 stasiun. Berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium diperoleh C-Organik pada stasiun I sebesar 1,20 % tergolong pada tingkat kesuburan tanah rendah, pada stasiun II ,IV dan V sebesar 1,67 %, 0,89 % dan 1,13 % tergolong pada tingkat kesuburan tanah sedang, sedangkan pada stasiun III sebesar 2,20 % tergolong pada tingkat kesuburan tanah tinggi. Rataan dari lima stasiun penelitian adalah 1,71 % tergolong pada tingkat kesuburan tanah sedang

    Silaturahmi Mui - Menpen Hartono

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    Silaturahmi MUI - Menpen Harton

    Subcellular Localization of Beta Catenin in Colorectal Non Neoplastic and Neoplastic Lesions

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    Loss of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) function is typically an early event  in sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) pathogenesis. The key tumor suppressor function of the APC  protein lies in its ability to destabilize free cytoplasmic beta catenin. This lead to the accumulation of nuclear beta catenin, and together with the DNA binding protein Tcf-4, function as a transcriptional activator. Accumulation of stabilized free  β-catenin is considered as an early event and perhaps initiating the process in intestinal tumorigenesis. Neoplastic transformation in the CRC associated chronic colitis is considered similar to the adenoma-carcinoma sequence in sporadic CRC. The distinguish feature from the CRC-related colitis is the difference in time and frequency changes. Loss of APC function, regarded as the beginning of a very common event in sporadic CRC, but the CRC associated chronic colitis generally occurs at the end of the dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. This research was conducted to determine the subcellular location of beta catenin expression in chronic colitis, colorectal adenomas and carcinomas that were evaluated by immunohistochemical staining. It can be concluded that beta-catenin is a component that plays a role in the development of the CRC and the subcellular location of beta-catenin can describe its oncogenic activity.&nbsp

    Penerapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Dalampandangan Islam

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is basically the moral responsibility of companies and enterprises toward societies. The responsibility itself can be initiated by the company itself, employees, other companies, social environments, and even the State where the business is established. The concept of CSR can be seen from two different perspectives. First, it concerns with the company\u27s goal is for profit. Therefore, CSR is believed to be parts of business. Second, it deals with the purpose of a company is for profit while ensuring people\u27s welfare and environmental sustainability become prior concerns. Islam strongly supports CSR since it cannot be denied that the businesses create a lot of unexpected social problems. Consequently, it is the companies and enterprises\u27 responsibility to fix those problems. This is reasonable since they need to explore a variety of natural resources for business sustainability, therefore, they should be responsible for the people and environment in return

    Analisis Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning Thunnus Albacares Di Perairan Sumatera Barat Berdasarkan Model Gam

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    Pengunaan Generalized Additive Model (GAM) sudah umum digunakan di beberapa wilayah laut Indonesia dengan tingkat akurasi yang lebih baik. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk memprediksi daerah penangkapan ikan tuna sirip kuning melalui pendekatan statistik Generalized Additive Model (GAM). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data penangkapan ikan tuna sirip kuning yang didapatkan dari logbook Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bungus dan data oseanografi berupa data suhu permukaan laut, klorofil-a, salinitas dan tinggi muka laut. Analisis kelimpahan ikan dinyatakan dalam nilai laju pancing (hook rate) tuna longline. Laju tangkap merupakan indeks kepadatan stok. Didalam pemodelan, dataset dibagi menjadi 2 bagian yaitu training data yang digunakan untuk pembentukan model dan evaluation data digunakan untuk memvalidasi hasil prediksi dari pemodelan. Pada penelitian ini, data tahun 2015 digunakan sebagai training data dan data tahun 2016 digunakan sebagai evaluation data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, sebanyak 14 model prediksi telah dihasilkan melalui pendekatan model GAM berdasarkan parameter oseanografi. Model variabel SPL+Salinitas+TML+Chl-a merupakan yang terbaik dengan nilai AIC terkecil yaitu sebesar 658,1 dan nilai deviance terbesar yaitu 56,9%. Nilai deviance memberikan pengertian model GAM tersebut dapat menjelaskan data hook rate sebesar 56,9%. Berdasarkan model GAM, daerah penangkapan ikan yang potensial pada tahun 2016 terdapat pada perairan Pulau Siberut dan Sipora

    The Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Autonomy in Indonesia

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    The implementation of regional autonomy has been running nearly 15 years. In fact, the purpose of regional autonomy for improving the welfare has not been fully achieved. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of regional autonomy in improving the welfare by using capital expenditure and growth as an intervening variable. We use the data of 461 counties and cities, the period of 2006-2013, Partial Least Square for testing hypotheses. Empirical evidence shows that decentralization significantly effect on capital, growth, and welfare. Capital has a significant effect on growth but does not has a significant effect on welfare. Growth has a significant effect on welfare

    Improving Students\u27 Reading Comprehension Achievement in Narrative Text Through Paired Story Telling Technique

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    This study attempted to improve students\u27 reading comprehension achievement in narrative text through paired story telling technique. This study was conducted by using classroom action research. The subject of the research was class XI SMA PAB 1 Medan which consisted of 25 students. The research was conducted in two cycles and every cycle consisted of three meetings. The instruments for collecting the data were quantitative data (Reading test) and qualitative data (diary notes, observation sheet and questionnaire sheet). Based on reading scores, students\u27 score kept improving in every evaluation. In the test I the mean was 65.28 in the test II the mean was 71.16. Based on observation sheet it was found that teaching-learning process ran well. Students were active, enthusiastic, and interested in reading. The result of the research showed that applying paired story telling significantly improved students\u27 reading comprehension achievement
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