57 research outputs found


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    Objective: In the present study, the effort was aimed to evaluate the phytochemical components, antioxidant activity, and antimicrobial activity of Artocarpus hirsutus fruit and leaf. Methods: Each plant materials were extracted with two suitable solvents such as acetone and ethanol. Then, the extracts were tested for the presence of active phytoconstituents and antimicrobial activity. Then, it was subjected to antimicrobial activity against fungal and bacterial strains. Results: The present study suggested that the selected plant extracts of A. hirsutus exhibit major phytoconstituents, such as alkaloids, glycosides, terpenoids, phenols, and saponins. Furthermore, the results showed that acetone fruit extract of A. hirsutus and ethanolic fruit extract of A. hirsutus exhibited significant antimicrobial activity with a maximum zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus and Aspergillus tamarii. Conclusion: The present study also exhibited remarkable antimicrobial activity against all the test microorganisms due to the presence of major bioactive phytochemical

    Species Discrimination, Population Structure and Linkage Disequilibrium in Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus tereticornis Using SSR Markers

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    Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. tereticornis are closely related species commonly cultivated for pulp wood in many tropical countries including India. Understanding the genetic structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) existing in these species is essential for the improvement of industrially important traits. Our goal was to evaluate the use of simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci for species discrimination, population structure and LD analysis in these species. Investigations were carried out with the most common alleles in 93 accessions belonging to these two species using 62 SSR markers through cross amplification. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.44 to 0.93 and 0.36 to 0.93 in E. camaldulensis and E. tereticornis respectively. A clear delineation between the two species was evident based on the analysis of population structure and species-specific alleles. Significant genotypic LD was found in E. camaldulensis, wherein out of 135 significant pairs, 17 pairs showed r2≥0.1. Similarly, in E. tereticornis, out of 136 significant pairs, 18 pairs showed r2≥0.1. The extent of LD decayed rapidly showing the significance of association analyses in eucalypts with higher resolution markers. The availability of whole genome sequence for E. grandis and the synteny and co-linearity in the genome of eucalypts, will allow genome-wide genotyping using microsatellites or single nucleotide polymorphims


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    <p>-A trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementations of Spirulina<br>platensis on broiler performance, Hematology and organs weights. Two hundred 1-d-old Broiler chicks<br>were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments, consisting of 2 replicates of 25 birds each.<br>Commercial mash starter and finisher diets were supplemented with 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% of Spirulina<br>platensis. The Body Weights, Feed Conversion Rate, Hematology, Carcass yield percentage were<br>significantly increased by the dietary inclusion of the 1% of Spirulina platensis as compared the control<br>fed broilers. In conclusion, 1% of Spirulina platensis supplementation significantly increased Body<br>weight, decreased Feed Consumption Ratios and improves the Blood Parameters. The Spirulina<br>platensis offers a good alternative to improve poultry production.</p> <p> </p

    Evaluation of Acute and Long-term Toxicity of Siddha Formulation Annabethi Chendhuram

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    Introduction: Annabethi Chendhuram is extensively used for the treatment of anaemia by Siddha practitioners. But concerns about the safety of drugs are raised in the current era due to a lack of scientific validation. Aim: The present study was conducted to determine the acute and long-term toxicity of Annabethi chendhuram. Methods: Acute and long-term toxicity of Annabethi chendhuram were evaluated as per WHO guidelines in Wistar albino rats. In the acute study, 250mg/kg.b.wt of test drug was given for animals then observed for any toxic signs and mortality up to 14 days. In a long-term toxicity study, a test drug was administered at the dose of 25, 125 and 250mg/kg/b.wt/p.o/day for animals up to 90 days and observed for mortality and morbidity. All animals were sacrificed at the end of the study. Haematology, biochemical parameters and histopathological examination were analyzed. Result: In the acute toxicity study, no toxic signs or death were observed in all animals. In the long-term toxicity study, no significant differences were observed in body weight changes, food intake, water intake, haematology, biochemical parameters and histopathology of both control and test groups. Conclusion: The study result concludes that the long-term oral administration of 250 mg/kg.b.wt of Annabethi chendhuram did not cause any toxic effect in rats. So, the drug is safe for human consumption

    Role of Santha Santhrothaya Mathirai (SSM), A Siddha Herbo-Mineral Formulation in the Management of Hepatic Disorders – A Review Study

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    Liver disorders share a larger disease burden of the world every year. Liver disorders are caused by toxic chemicals, drugs, viruses (hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E), excess alcohol intake etc., and are ranked among the top ten killer diseases in India. With only meagre number of dependable drugs available for hepatoprotective action, the present scenario has created a stage for scientific evaluation of traditional medicines in the treatment of liver disorders. The Siddha literature has provided a lot of herbal and herbo- mineral formulations as indications for the management of liver disorders. Though several studies have been done on hepatoprotective herbs in recent years, very minimal researches have been done on herbo-mineral formulations. Therefore this review focuses on the literature search involving both traditional ancient Siddha texts as well as recent researches for hepatoprotective activity on all the ingredients of Santha Santhrodhaya Mathirai (SSM) a classical herbo-mineral formulation that has been indicated for the treatment of Pitha Suram and other biliary disorders.

    Insecticidal and biological effects of three plant extracts tested against the dengue vector, Stegomyia agyptii (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    Development of resistant in vectors especially vector mosquitoes are becoming a challenge for the scientific community for management and control mosquito population. Vector mosquitoes are likely to withstand toxicity and develop resistant mechanism to single active compound hence, combining medicinal plants with rich active compounds stops resistant development and proliferation of mosquitoes. In this study we put effort to evaluate the effect of methanol extract of Tagetes patula, Clerodentron phillomedis, and Catharanthus roseus in individual and in combination against the dengue vector, Stegomyia agyptii. Lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC90) were calculated to find out the effect of the test plants in individual and in combination. T. patula extract showed vaguely higher mortality rate when compared to C. phillomedis, and C. roseus but there was no significant variation among the three test plants. The median LC of combined treatment showed a significant difference between the combined (2.25 µg/mL/3rd instar) and individual treatment (6.41 µg/mL/3rd instar for T. patula, 6.85 µg/mL/3rd instar for C. phillomedis and 6.59 µg/mL/3rd instar for C. roseus). The combined efficacy of three test plants was also effective in controlling vector mosquitoes at fields with different agro-climatic conditions. The study proves that the combination of T. patula, C. phillomedis, and C. roseus is effective in different field conditions at lower concentrations

    Bacterial Fish Diseases and Treatment

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    Fish food is an inevitable item in human consumption with healthy sourceof good quality proteins and fat. Aqua industry can help to improve food security,livelihoods for the poorest and to meet the world’s food demands. But producingmore seafood that is at affordable cost with rich nutrition is challenging for aquaindustry. Many factors affect the productivity of aqua industry; one such an impor-tant constraint is bacterial diseases. Hence, Aqua industry, a booming businesssector, immensely requires continued research with scientific and technical devel-opments, and innovations. Study of bacterialfish disease is one such thrust areawhich requires intense research to understand the causes and control bacterialdiseases infish. The appearance and development of afish disease is the result ofthe interaction among pathogen, host and environment. An insight into bacterialfishdiseases, clinical symptoms and treatment may help to manage the bacterial diseasesand so can make aqua industry a more profitablefield. This chapter deals withdifferent aspects of the most threatening bacterial diseases, occurring in farmedfishes and also in wildfishes, which are results infish loss and economic lossworldwide. A wide range of gram positive and gram-negative bacteria causingbacterial diseases, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, vaccines and the natureof water habitat are also discussed in this chapter

    Evaluation of Antihepatotoxic Effect of Avicennia Marina Against Alco-hol-induced Liver Injury

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    This study aims to evaluate the antihepatotoxic effect of Avicennia marina against ethanol induced hepatotoxic rats. Qualitative phytochemical analysis was carried out in alcoholic extract of leaves of A.marina. The hepatoprotective effect A.marina was investigated against ethanol - induced hepatotoxic (group-III) rats and the activity of A.marina was compared with standard drug (Silymarin) treated (Group-IV) rats.&nbsp; Ethanol was used as hepatotoxic inducer for all experimental rats except for normal control (Group-I) rats and ethanol alone was given for disease control (Group-II) rats. Liver marker enzymes in serum (ALT, ALP, AST, GGT), Bilirubin, Protein and histopathological analysis were carried out. Ethanol treatment elevated levels of liver enzymes, decreased protein and histological damage in hepatocytes. However, treatment with A.marina significantly reversed the above changes compared with ethanol-challenged rats and was comparable with silymarin treated rats. The results clearly demonstrate that A.marina possesses promising antihepatotoxic effect and hence suggests its use as a potential therapeutic agent for protection from ethanol overdose
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