344 research outputs found

    Magnetic Charge Can Locally Stabilize Kaluza-Klein Bubbles

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    We construct a new 2-parameter family of static topological solitons in 5D minimal supergravity which are endowed with magnetic charge and mass. The solitons are asymptotically R4×S1{\mathbb R}^4\times S^1, where the radius of the S1S^1 has a lower bound Rs≥RminR_s\ge R_{min}. Setting up initial data on a Cauchy slice at a moment of time symmetry, we demonstrate that if Rs>RminR_s>R_{min} these solitons correspond to a perturbatively stable "small" static bubble as well as an unstable "large" static bubble, whereas if Rs<RminR_s<R_{min} there are no static bubbles. The energetics and thermodynamics of the magnetic black string are then discussed and it is shown that the locally stable bubble is the end point of a phase transition for an appropriate range of black string parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. v3: references and stringy discussion added, v4: introduction expanded. Minor comments throughout. Accepted for publication in PL

    Binary Cosmic Strings

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    The properties of cosmic strings have been investigated in detail for their implications in early-universe cosmology. Although many variations of the basic structure have been discovered, with implications for both the microscopic and macroscopic properties of cosmic strings, the cylindrical symmetry of the short-distance structure of the string is generally unaffected. In this paper we describe some mechanisms leading to an asymmetric structure of the string core, giving the defects a quasi-two-dimensional character. We also begin to investigate the consequences of this internal structure for the microscopic and macroscopic physics.Comment: 19 pages; uses harvmac (not included

    Supersymmetric Electroweak Cosmic Strings

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    We study the connection between N=2N=2 supersymmetry and a topological bound in a two-Higgs-doublet system with an SU(2)×U(1)Y×U(1)Y′SU(2)\times U(1)_Y\times U(1)_{Y^{\prime}} gauge group. We derive the Bogomol'nyi equations from supersymmetry considerations showing that they hold provided certain conditions on the coupling constants, which are a consequence of the huge symmetry of the theory, are satisfied. Their solutions, which can be interpreted as electroweak cosmic strings breaking one half of the supersymmetries of the theory, are studied. Certain interesting limiting cases of our model which have recently been considered in the literature are finally analyzed.Comment: 20 pages, RevTe

    In vivo activity of a mixture of two human monoclonal antibodies (anti-HBs) in a chronic hepatitis B virus carrier chimpanzee

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    A 35-year-old female hepatitis B virus carrier chimpanzee was infused with one dose of a mixture of human monoclonal antibodies 9H9 and 4-7B (antibodies against hepatitis B virus surface antigen; HBsAg). Blood samples were taken before and up to 3 weeks after infusion. HBsAg and antibodies against HBsAg (anti-HBs) were quantified by radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay. Free anti-HBs was never detected. Thirty min after the start of the infusion the HBsAg level was minimal with maximum loading of the chimpanzee HBsAg with human immunoglobulin. HBsAg complexes could be dissociated by acid treatment. The HBsAg level was completely restored on day 7. Similar results were obtained for the preS1-containing particles that may represent the infectious viral particles in the chimpanzee serum. A mouse monoclonal anti-HBs (HBs.OT40) was found to compete with 9H9 in artificial immune complexes with the pre-treatment HBsAg from the chimpanzee. Used as a conjugate, HBs.OT40 yielded a maximum decrease in the signal in the 30 min sample compared to non-competing anti-HBs conjugates. This indicates binding of HBsAg with 9H9 in the circulation of the chimpanzee. Immune-complexed 4-7B could not be detected by its corresponding 4-7B peptide conjugate, probably due to its low concentration in the complexes. It is concluded that human monoclonal anti-HBs can effectively reduce the level of HBsAg in serum from this chronic carrier. Monoclonals 9H9 and 4-7B may complement each other due to their different mechanisms of inactivation, probably with higher efficiency than that monitored by our HBsAg screening assays

    Gaugino Condensation in M-theory on S^1/Z_2

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    In the low energy limit of for M-theory on S^1/Z_2, we calculate the gaugino condensate potential in four dimensions using the background solutions due to Horava. We show that this potential is free of delta-function singularities and has the same form as the potential in the weakly coupled heterotic string. A general flux quantization rule for the three-form field of M-theory on S^1/Z_2 is given and checked in certain limiting cases. This rule is used to fix the free parameter in the potential originating from a zero mode of the form field. Finally, we calculate soft supersymmetry breaking terms. We find that corrections to the Kahler potential and the gauge kinetic function, which can be large in the strongly coupled region, contribute significantly to certain soft terms. In particular, for supersymmetry breaking in the T-modulus direction, the small values of gaugino masses and trilinear couplings that occur in the weakly coupled, large radius regime are enhanced to order m_3/2 in M-theory. The scalar soft masses remain small even, in the strong coupling M-theory limit.Comment: 20 pages, LATE

    Dynamical Cobordisms in General Relativity and String Theory

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    We describe a class of time-dependent solutions in string- or M-theory that are exact with respect to alpha-prime and curvature corrections and interpolate in physical space between regions in which the low energy physics is well-approximated by different string theories and string compactifications. The regions are connected by expanding "domain walls" but are not separated by causal horizons, and physical excitations can propagate between them. As specific examples we construct solutions that interpolate between oriented and unoriented string theories, and also between type II and heterotic theories. Our solutions can be weakly curved and under perturbative control everywhere and can asymptote to supersymmetric at late times.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX v2: reference adde

    Moduli potentials in string compactifications with fluxes: mapping the Discretuum

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    We find de Sitter and flat space solutions with all moduli stabilized in four dimensional supergravity theories derived from the heterotic and type II string theories, and explain how all the previously known obstacles to finding such solutions can be removed. Further, we argue that if the compact manifold allows a large enough space of discrete topological choices then it is possible to tune the parameters of the four dimensional supergravity such that a hierarchy is created and the solutions lie in the outer region of moduli space in which the compact volume is large in string units, the string coupling is weak, and string perturbation theory is valid. We show that at least two light chiral superfields are required for this scenario to work, however, one field is sufficient to obtain a minimum with an acceptably small and negative cosmological constant. We discuss cosmological issues of the scenario and the possible role of anthropic considerations in choosing the vacuum of the theory. We conclude that the most likely stable vacuua are in or near the central region of moduli space where string perturbation theory is not strictly valid, and that anthropic considerations cannot help much in choosing a vacuum.Comment: 34 pages, no figure

    String Universality

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    If there is a single underlying "theory of everything" which in some limits of its "moduli space" reduces to the five weakly coupled string theories in 10D, and 11D SUGRA, then it is possible that all six of them have some common domain of validity and that they are in the same universality class, in the sense that the 4D low energy physics of the different theories is the same. We call this notion String Universality. This suggests that the true vacuum of string theory is in a region of moduli space equally far (in some sense) from all perturbative theories, most likely around the self-dual point with respect to duality symmetries connecting them. We estimate stringy non-perturbative effects from wrapped brane instantons in each perturbative theory, show how they are related by dualities, and argue that they are likely to lead to moduli stabilization only around the self-dual point. We argue that moduli stabilization should occur near the string scale, and SUSY breaking should occur at a much lower intermediate scale, and that it originates from different sources. We discuss the problems of moduli stabilization and SUSY breaking in currently popular scenarios, explain why these problems are generic, and discuss how our scenario can evade them. We show that String Universality is not inconsistent with phenomenology but that it is in conflict with some popular versions of brane world scenarios.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figure; one reference adde

    Promoting Physical Activity in Middle School Girls: Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls

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    Background - Physical activity is important for weight control and good health; however, activity levels decline in the adolescent years, particularly in girls. Design - Group randomized controlled trial. Setting/participants - Middle school girls with English-speaking skills and no conditions to prevent participation in physical activity in 36 schools in six geographically diverse areas of the United States. Random, cross-sectional samples were drawn within schools: 6th graders in 2003 (n=1721) and 8th graders in 2005 (n=3504) and 2006 (n=3502). Intervention - A 2-year study-directed intervention (fall 2003 to spring 2005) targeted schools, community agencies, and girls to increase opportunities, support, and incentives for increased physical activity. Components included programs linking schools and community agencies, physical education, health education, and social marketing. A third-year intervention used school and community personnel to direct intervention activities. Main outcome measures - The primary outcome, daily MET-weighted minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MET-weighted MVPA), was assessed using accelerometry. Percent body fat was assessed using anthropometry. Results - After the staff-directed intervention (pre-stated primary outcome), there were no differences (mean=-0.4, 95% CI=-8.2 to 7.4) in adjusted MET-weighted MVPA between 8th-grade girls in schools assigned to intervention or control. Following the Program Champion-directed intervention, girls in intervention schools were more physically active than girls in control schools (mean difference 10.9 MET-weighted minutes of MVPA, 95% CI=0.52-21.2). This difference is about 1.6 minutes of daily MVPA or 80 kcal per week. There were no differences in fitness or percent body fat at either 8th-grade timepoint. Conclusion - A school-based, community-linked intervention modestly improved physical activity in girls

    Moduli Stabilisation in Heterotic Models with Standard Embedding

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    In this note we analyse the issue of moduli stabilisation in 4d models obtained from heterotic string compactifications on manifolds with SU(3) structure with standard embedding. In order to deal with tractable models we first integrate out the massive fields. We argue that one can not only integrate out the moduli fields, but along the way one has to truncate also the corresponding matter fields. We show that the effective models obtained in this way do not have satisfactory solutions. We also look for stabilised vacua which take into account the presence of the matter fields. We argue that this also fails due to a no-go theorem for Minkowski vacua in the moduli sector which we prove in the end. The main ingredient for this no-go theorem is the constraint on the fluxes which comes from the Bianchi identity.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX; references adde
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