397 research outputs found

    Advances in Complex Oxide Quantum Materials Through New Approaches to Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), a workhorse of the semiconductor industry, has progressed rapidly in the last few decades in the development of novel materials. Recent developments in condensed matter and materials physics have seen the rise of many novel quantum materials that require ultra-clean and high-quality samples for fundamental studies and applications. Novel oxide-based quantum materials synthesized using MBE have advanced the development of the field and materials. In this review, we discuss the recent progress in new MBE techniques that have enabled synthesis of complex oxides that exhibit "quantum" phenomena, including superconductivity and topological electronic states. We show how these techniques have produced breakthroughs in the synthesis of 4d and 5d oxide films and heterostructures that are of particular interest as quantum materials. These new techniques in MBE offer a bright future for the synthesis of ultra-high quality oxide quantum materials.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    They Destroy the Reproductive System : Exploring the Belief that Modern Contraceptive Use Causes Infertility

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    © 2018 The Authors. Studies in Family Planning published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. on behalf of The Population Council, Inc. A common reason for nonuse of modern contraceptives is concern about side effects and health complications. This article provides a detailed characterization of the belief that modern contraceptives cause infertility, and an examination of how this belief arises and spreads, and why it is so salient. We conducted focus group discussions and key informant interviews in three rural communities along Kenya\u27s eastern coast, and identified the following themes: (1) the belief that using modern contraception at a young age or before childbirth can make women infertile is widespread; (2) according to this belief, the most commonly used methods in the community were linked to infertility; (3) when women observe other women who cannot get pregnant after using modern contraceptives, they attribute the infertility to the use of contraception; (4) within the communities, the primary goal of marriage is childbirth and thus community approval is rigidly tied to childbearing; and, therefore (5) the social consequences of infertility are devastating. These findings may help inform the design of programs to address this belief and reduce unmet need

    Architecting Enterprise Applications for the Cloud: The Unicorn Universe Cloud Framework

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Recent IT advances that include extensive use of mobile and IoT devices and wide adoption of cloud computing are creating a situation where existing architectures and software development frameworks no longer fully support the requirements of modern enterprise application. Furthermore, the separation of software development and operations is no longer practicable in this environment characterized by fast delivery and automated release and deployment of applications. This rapidly evolving situation requires new frameworks that support the DevOps approach and facilitate continuous delivery of cloud-based applications using micro-services and container-based technologies allowing rapid incremental deployment of application components. It is also becoming clear that the management of large-scale container-based environments has its own challenges. In this paper, we first discuss the challenges that developers of enterprise applications face today and then describe the Unicorn cloud framework (uuCloud) designed to support the development and deployment of cloud-based applications that incorporate mobile and IoT devices. We use a doctor surgery reservation application “Lekar” case study to illustrate how uuCloud is used to implement a large-scale cloud-based application

    Measurement of Two-Photon Exchange Effect by Comparing Elastic e ± p Cross Sections

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    Background: The electromagnetic form factors of the proton measured by unpolarized and polarized electron scattering experiments show a significant disagreement that grows with the squared four-momentum transfer (Q2) . Calculations have shown that the two measurements can be largely reconciled by accounting for the contributions of two-photon exchange (TPE). TPE effects are not typically included in the standard set of radiative corrections since theoretical calculations of the TPE effects are highly model dependent, and, until recently, no direct evidence of significant TPE effects has been observed. Purpose: We measured the ratio of positron-proton to electron-proton elastic-scattering cross sections in order to determine the TPE contribution to elastic electron-proton scattering and thereby resolve the proton electric form factor discrepancy. Methods: We produced a mixed simultaneous electron-positron beam in Jefferson Lab\u27s Hall B by passing the 5.6-GeV primary electron beam through a radiator to produce a bremsstrahlung photon beam and then passing the photon beam through a convertor to produce electron-positron pairs. The mixed electron-positron (lepton) beam with useful energies from approximately 0.85 to 3.5 GeV then struck a 30-cm-long liquid hydrogen (LH2) target located within the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). By detecting both the scattered leptons and the recoiling protons, we identified and reconstructed elastic scattering events and determined the incident lepton energy. A detailed description of the experiment is presented. Results: We present previously unpublished results for the quantity R2γ , the TPE correction to the elastic-scattering cross section, at Q2 ≈ 0.85 and 1.45 GeV2 over a large range of virtual photon polarization ɛ . Conclusions: Our results, along with recently published results from VEPP-3, demonstrate a nonzero contribution from TPE effects and are in excellent agreement with the calculations that include TPE effects and largely reconcile the form-factor discrepancy up to Q2 ≈ 2 GeV2 . These data are consistent with an increase in R2γ with decreasing ɛ at Q2 ≈ 0.85 and 1.45 GeV2 . There are indications of a slight increase in R2γ with Q2

    A test of the automaticity assumption of compliance tactics: discouraging undergraduate binge drinking by appealing to consistency and reciprocity

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    The mindfulness of compliance with requests making use of the commitment/consistency or the reciprocity principle was investigated. Participants (N = 129) received a foot-in-the-door (FITD) request (commitment/consistency application), a door-in-the-face (DITF) request (reciprocity application), or no request. Next, participants read either a weak or neutral message about the importance of moderate alcohol consumption then reported the likelihood of not drinking excessively for one week (target request). When accompanied by a weak message, the target request elicited less compliance if preceded by the DITF or FITD requests than by no initial request, suggesting compliance tactics sometimes increase thoughtfulness

    How Accessible Was Information about H1N1 Flu? Literacy Assessments of CDC Guidance Documents for Different Audiences

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    We assessed the literacy level and readability of online communications about H1N1/09 influenza issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the first month of outbreak. Documents were classified as targeting one of six audiences ranging in technical expertise. Flesch-Kincaid (FK) measure assessed literacy level for each group of documents. ANOVA models tested for differences in FK scores across target audiences and over time. Readability was assessed for documents targeting non-technical audiences using the Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM). Overall, there was a main-effect by audience, F(5, 82) = 29.72, P<.001, but FK scores did not vary over time, F(2, 82) = .34, P>.05. A time-by-audience interaction was significant, F(10, 82) = 2.11, P<.05. Documents targeting non-technical audiences were found to be text-heavy and densely-formatted. The vocabulary and writing style were found to adequately reflect audience needs. The reading level of CDC guidance documents about H1N1/09 influenza varied appropriately according to the intended audience; sub-optimal formatting and layout may have rendered some text difficult to comprehend