141 research outputs found


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    Seagrass communities are considered one of the most productive and complex marine ecosystems. Seagrasses belong to a small group of 66 species that can form extensive meadows in all coastal areas of our planet. Posidonia oceanica beds are the most characteristic ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea, and should be constantly monitored, preserved and maintained, as specified by EU Habitats Directive for priority habitats. Underwater 3D imaging by means of still or video cameras can allow a detailed analysis of the temporal evolution of these meadows, but also of the seafloor morphology and integrity. Video-photographic devices and open source software for acquiring and managing 3D optical data rapidly became more and more effective and economically viable, making underwater 3D mapping an easier task to carry out. 3D reconstruction of the underwater scene can be obtained with photogrammetric techniques that require just one or more digital cameras, also in stereo configuration. In this work we present the preliminary results of a pilot 3D mapping project applied to the P. oceanica meadow in the Marine Protected Area of Capo Rizzuto (KR, Calabria Region &ndash; Italy)

    Similarities in drinking behavior of twin's friends: moderation of heritability of alcohol use

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    Previous research has indicated that friends' drinking may influence alcohol use in adolescents and young adults. We explored whether similarities in the drinking behavior of friends of twins influence the genetic architecture of alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood. Survey data from The Netherlands Twin Register were available for 1,526 twin pairs aged 16-25 years. We categorized the twin pairs as concordant (both report similar alcohol use in their friends) or discordant for the alcohol use of their friends. Genetic moderator models were tested by carrying out multi-group analyzes in Mplus. Findings showed a significant moderation effect. Genetic factors were more and common environment less important in the explanation of variation in alcohol use in twins discordant for alcohol use of friends than in twins concordant for alcohol use of friend

    Does smoking among friends explain apparent genetic effects on current smoking in adolescence and young adulthood?

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    We used data from a prospective cohort study of twins to investigate the influence of unmeasured genetic and measured and unmeasured environmental factors on the smoking behaviour of adolescents and young adults. Twins were surveyed in 1988 (aged 11–18 years), 1991, 1996 and 2004 with data from 1409, 1121, 732 and 758 pairs analysed from each survey wave, respectively. Questionnaires assessed the smoking behaviour of twins and the perceived smoking behaviour of friends and parents. Using a novel logistic regression analysis, we simultaneously modelled individual risk and excess concordance for current smoking as a function of zygosity, survey wave, parental smoking and peer smoking. Being concordant for having peers who smoked was a predictor of concordance for current smoking (P<0.001). After adjusting for peer smoking, monozygotic (MZ) pairs were no more alike than dizygotic pairs for current smoking at waves 2, 3 and 4. Genetic explanations are not needed to explain the greater concordance for current smoking among adult MZ pairs. However, if they are invoked, the role of genes may be due to indirect effects acting through the social environment. Smoking prevention efforts may benefit more by targeting social factors than attempting to identify genetic factors associated with smoking

    Axotomy induces axonogenesis in hippocampal neurons through STAT3

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    After axotomy of embryonic hippocampal neurons in vitro, some of the axotomized axons lose their identity, and new axons arise and grow. This axotomy-induced axonogenesis requires importin, suggesting that some injury-induced signals are transported via axons to elicit axonogenesis after axotomy. In this study, we show that STAT3 is activated in response to axotomy. Because STAT3 was co-immunoprecipitated with importin β in the axotomized neurons, we suggest that STAT3 is retrogradely transported as molecular cargo of importin α/β heterodimers. Indeed, inhibition of importin α binding with STAT3 resulted in the attenuation of axonogenesis. Silencing STAT3 blocked the axonogenesis, demonstrating that STAT3 is necessary for axotomy-induced axonogenesis. Furthermore, the overexpression of STAT3 enhanced axotomy-induced axonogenesis. Taken together, these results demonstrate that activation and retrograde transport of STAT3 in injured axons have key roles in the axotomy-induced axonogenesis of hippocampal neurons
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