5,226 research outputs found

    An analytical and experimental study of the behavior of semi-infinite metal targets under hypervelocity impact

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    The material strength and strain rate effects associated with the hypervelocity impact problem were considered. A yield criterion involving the second and third invariants of the stress deviator and a strain rate sensitive constitutive equation were developed. The part of total deformation which represents change in shape is attributable to the stress deviator. Constitutive equation is a means for analytically describing the mechanical response of a continuum under study. The accuracy of the yield criterion was verified utilizing the published two and three dimensional experimental data. The constants associated with the constitutive equation were determined from one dimensional quasistatic and dynamic experiments. Hypervelocity impact experiments were conducted on semi-infinite targets of 1100 aluminum, 6061 aluminum alloy, mild steel, and commercially pure lead using spherically shaped and normally incident pyrex projectiles

    Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) spawning aggregations: hydroacoustic surveys and geostatistical analysis

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    With the near extinction of many spawning aggregations of large grouper and snapper throughout the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and tropical Atlantic, we need to provide baselines for their conservation. Thus, there is a critical need to develop techniques for rapidly assessing the remaining known (and unknown) aggregations. To this end we used mobile hydroacoustic surveys to estimate the density, spatial extent, and total abundance of a Nassau grouper spawning aggregation at Little Cayman Island, Cayman Islands, BWI. Hydroacoustic estimates of abundance, density, and spatial extent were similar on two sampling occasions. The location and approximate spatial extent of the Nassau grouper spawning aggregation near the shelf-break was corroborated by diver visual observations. Hydroacoustic density estimates were, overall, three-times higher than the average density observed by divers; however, we note that in some instances diver-estimated densities in localized areas were similar to hydroacoustic density estimates. The resolution of the hydroacoustic transects and geostatistical interpolation may have resulted in over-estimates in fish abundance, but still provided reasonable estimates of total spatial extent of the aggregation. Limitations in bottom time for scuba and visibility resulted in poor coverage of the entire Nassau grouper aggregation and low estimates of abundance when compared to hydroacoustic estimates. Although the majority of fish in the aggregation were well off bottom, fish that were sometimes in close proximity to the seafloor were not detected by the hydroacoustic survey. We conclude that diver observations of fish spawning aggregations are critical to interpretations of hydroacoustic surveys, and that hydroacoustic surveys provide a more accurate estimate of overall fish abundance and spatial extent than diver observations. Thus, hydroacoustics is an emerging technology that, when coupled with diver observations, provides a comprehensive survey method for monitoring spawning aggregations of fish

    A video method for quantifying size distribution, density, and three-dimensional spatial structure of reef fish spawning aggregations

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    There is a clear need to develop fisheries independent methods to quantify individual sizes, density, and three dimensional characteristics of reef fish spawning aggregations for use in population assessments and to provide critical baseline data on reproductive life history of exploited populations. We designed, constructed, calibrated, and applied an underwater stereo-video system to estimate individual sizes and three dimensional (3D) positions of Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) at a spawning aggregation site located on a reef promontory on the western edge of Little Cayman Island, Cayman Islands, BWI, on 23 January 2003. The system consists of two free-running camcorders mounted on a meter-long bar and supported by a SCUBA diver. Paired video “stills” were captured, and nose and tail of individual fish observed in the field of view of both cameras were digitized using image analysis software. Conversion of these two dimensional screen coordinates to 3D coordinates was achieved through a matrix inversion algorithm and calibration data. Our estimate of mean total length (58.5 cm, n = 29) was in close agreement with estimated lengths from a hydroacoustic survey and from direct measures of fish size using visual census techniques. We discovered a possible bias in length measures using the video method, most likely arising from some fish orientations that were not perpendicular with respect to the optical axis of the camera system. We observed 40 individuals occupying a volume of 33.3 m3, resulting in a concentration of 1.2 individuals m–3 with a mean (SD) nearest neighbor distance of 70.0 (29.7) cm. We promote the use of roving diver stereo-videography as a method to assess the size distribution, density, and 3D spatial structure of fish spawning aggregations

    Discrete Morse Functions, Vector Fields, and Homological Sequences on Trees

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    The goal of this project is to construct a discrete Morse function which induces both a unique gradient vector field and homological sequence on a given tree. After reviewing the basics of discrete Morse theory, we will show that the two standard notions of equivalence of discrete Morse functions, Forman and homological equivalence, are independent of one another. We then show through a constructive algorithm the existence of a discrete Morse function on a tree inducing a desired gradient vector field and homological sequence. After proving that our algorithm is correct, we give an example to illustrate its use

    Analysis of rolling group therapy data using conditionally autoregressive priors

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    Group therapy is a central treatment modality for behavioral health disorders such as alcohol and other drug use (AOD) and depression. Group therapy is often delivered under a rolling (or open) admissions policy, where new clients are continuously enrolled into a group as space permits. Rolling admissions policies result in a complex correlation structure among client outcomes. Despite the ubiquity of rolling admissions in practice, little guidance on the analysis of such data is available. We discuss the limitations of previously proposed approaches in the context of a study that delivered group cognitive behavioral therapy for depression to clients in residential substance abuse treatment. We improve upon previous rolling group analytic approaches by fully modeling the interrelatedness of client depressive symptom scores using a hierarchical Bayesian model that assumes a conditionally autoregressive prior for session-level random effects. We demonstrate improved performance using our method for estimating the variance of model parameters and the enhanced ability to learn about the complex correlation structure among participants in rolling therapy groups. Our approach broadly applies to any group therapy setting where groups have changing client composition. It will lead to more efficient analyses of client-level data and improve the group therapy research community's ability to understand how the dynamics of rolling groups lead to client outcomes.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS434 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    New Mexican Nationalism and the Evolution of Energy Policy in New Mexico

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