732 research outputs found

    Off-farm Income and Risky Investments: What Happens to Farm and Nonfarm Assets?

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    Off-farm work improves and reduces the riskiness of household income. Theoretical analyses reveal that the level and riskiness of off-farm income affect demand for farm/nonfarm investments. A two-limit Tobit model is estimated using ARMS data for 1996-2003. The impact on investment behaviour is evaluated.Farm Management,

    Quadrilateral meshes with provable angle bounds

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm that utilizes a quadtree data structure to construct a quadrilateral mesh for a simple polygonal region in which no newly created angle is smaller than 18.43∘(=arctan(13)) or greater than 171.86∘(=135∘+2arctan(13)). This is the first known result, to the best of our knowledge, on a direct quadrilateral mesh generation algorithm with a provable guarantee on the angles

    Quadrilateral meshes with provable angle bounds

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm that utilizes a quadtree data structure to construct a quadrilateral mesh for a simple polygonal region in which no newly created angle is smaller than 18.43∘(=arctan(13)) or greater than 171.86∘(=135∘+2arctan(13)). This is the first known result, to the best of our knowledge, on a direct quadrilateral mesh generation algorithm with a provable guarantee on the angles

    Off-farm income and risk reduction in agriculture: when does it matter?

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    Investment behavior is analyzed using a dynamic portfolio model including off-farm income. The correlation structure of off-farm income and asset returns and the ratio of off-farm income to wealth is shown to affect portfolio choice. Empirical analysis indicates that off-farm income tends to increase farm assets.Agriculture ; Farm income ; Wages

    Endovascular stent grafting in the presence of aortic neck filling defects: Early clinical experience

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    AbstractObjective: Although endovascular grafts have been increasingly applied to the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms, their use in clinical trials is limited by well-defined anatomical exclusion criteria. One such criterion is the presence of thrombus within the infrarenal neck of an aneurysm, which is thought to (1) prevent the creation of a permanent watertight seal between the graft and the vessel wall, resulting in an endoleak; (2) contribute to stent migration; and (3) increase the risk of thromboembolism. This article summarizes our experience with endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm exclusion in 19 patients with large aortic aneurysms, significant medical comorbidities, and apparent thrombus extending into the pararenal aortic neck. Methods: Of 268 patients undergoing abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, 19 (7%; 17 men; mean age, 71 years) demonstrated computed tomographic and angiographic evidence of intramural filling defects at the level of the aortic neck. In no instance did these filling defects extend above the renal arteries. Endovascular grafting was performed through use of a balloon-expandable Palmaz stent and an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene graft, delivered and deployed under fluoroscopic guidance. Follow-up at 3, 6, and 12 months and annually thereafter was performed with computed tomography and duplex ultrasound scan. Results: Spiral computed tomography and aortography revealed an irregular flow-limiting defect, occupying up to 75% of the aortic circumference, in every case. The mean aneurysm size, aortic neck diameter, and neck length before the procedure were 6.1, 2.43, and 1.4 cm, respectively; the mean aortic neck diameter after the procedure was 2.61 cm. No primary endoleaks were observed after graft insertion, and no delayed endoleaks have been detected during follow-up, which ranged from 7 to 48 months (mean, 23 months). In one patient, an asymptomatic renal artery embolus was detected on immediate follow-up computed tomography, and in another patient, an asymptomatic posterior tibial embolus occurred. Conclusion: No primary endoleaks, endograft migration, or significant distal embolization were observed after endografting in patients with aortic neck thrombus. The deployment of the fenestrated portion of the stent, above the thrombus and across the renal arteries, allows for effective renal perfusion, graft fixation, and exclusion of potential mural thrombus from the circulation. The presence of aortic neck thrombus may not necessarily be a contraindication to endovascular repair in select patients. (J Vasc Surg 2001;33:340-4.

    A Model to Evaluate Buying and Selling Policies for Growing Lambs on Pasture

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    In pastoral sheep finishing systems, farmers aim to maximize profitability by deciding on when and how many animals to buy and/or sell, while taking into account feed availability and current prices. This paper describes a stochastic lamb growth simulation model with a set of heuristic rules, which has been developed to financially evaluate different management strategies for growing lambs on pasture

    Sensitivity Analysis of a Growth Simulation for Finishing Lambs

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    A stochastic lamb growth simulation model with a set of heuristic rules has been developed to evaluate management strategies for a solely pastoral grazing system in New Zealand (Morel et al., 2005). In the present paper the results of a sensitivity analysis for this model are presented