252 research outputs found

    Unitarity violation in sequential neutrino mixing in a model of extra dimensions

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    We investigate the possibility of unitarity violation in the sequential neutrino mixing matrix in a scenario with extra compact spacelike dimensions. Gauge singlet neutrinos are assumed to propagate in one extra dimension, giving rise to an infinite tower of states in the effective four-dimensional theory. It is shown that this leads to small lepton-number violating entries in the neutrino mass matrix, which can violate unitarity on the order of one per cent.Comment: 16 pages, 2 table

    Environmental stress induced fish diseases

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    Diseases have been known to occur among fishes from time immemoria


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    Insiden keselamatan pasien terus mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun, kecelakaan yang tidak diinginkan (KTD) meningkat tiap tahunnya, hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor yaitu pendidikan perawat, beban kerja dan lingkungan kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam mencegah kecelakaan yang tidak diinginkan (KTD) Di RSUD Dr.M.M.Dunda Limboto. Desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini perawat di ruangan Bedah dan Interna RSUD Dr.M.M.Dunda Limboto sebanyak 42 orang. Sampel berjumlah 42 orang dengan teknik total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Uji statistik menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil yang diperoleh ada pengaruh faktor pendidikan (p-value 0,019), beban kerja (p-value 0,016) dan lingkungan kerja (p-value 0,003) dengan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam mencegah kecelakaan yang tidak diinginkan di RSUD Dr.M.M.Dunda Limboto. Diharapkan pendidikan, beban kerja dan lingkungan kerja dapat mempengaruhi penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam mencegah kecelakaan yang tidak diinginkan. &nbsp

    Kepuasan Memediasi Kualitas Layanan dan Citra Perusahaan dengan Loyalitas Pelanggan Lion Air di Kota Denpasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Peran Kepuasan Memediasi Kualitas Layanan dan Citra Perusahaan dengan Loyalitas Pelanggan Lion Air di Kota Denpasar. Penelitian dilakukan di kota Denpasar dan merupakan penelitian asosiatif. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 112 responden dengan menggunakan metode Non Probability Sampling -  Purposive Sampling. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini adalah analisis jalur (path analysis) dan uji sobel yang dihitung menggunakan SPPS for windows. Penelitian ini menemukan baik kualitas layanan maupun citra Perusahaan, keduanya memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan. Kualitas layanan, citra Perusahaan serta  kepuasan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Kepuasan mampu memediasi kualitas layanan dan citra Perusahaan dengan loyalitas pelanggan. &nbsp

    Perancangan Desain Kemasan Jajanan Tradisional Dan Kue-kue Produksi “Bilco” Mojokerto

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    Indonesia memiliki beragam kebudayaan salah satunya adalah jajanan tradisional. Kebudayaan ini dapat menjadi modal daya tarik wisata yang unik sehingga harus dipelihara dan dilestarikan. Bilco Handmade Finger Foods merupakan salah satu toko yang menghadirkan beragam jajanan tradisional terlengkap dan berkualitas di Mojokerto. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, persaingan semakin ketat. Perancangan ini ditujukan kepada masyarakat dan wisatawan asing agar mereka tertarik dan melestarikan kebudayaan Indonesia. Selain itu juga dapat mengangkat citra dan derajat jajanan pasar produksi Bilco Handmade Finger Foods. Melalui perancangan ini diharapkan atar target audience ikut peduli akan pelestarian jajanan tradisional khas Indonesia

    Characteristics of cataract patients who underwent cataract surgery in H. L. Manambai Abdulkadir hospital Sumbawa

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    Background: Cataract is a clouding of the natural intraocular crystalline lens that can cause decrease in vision and may lead to blindness. Worldwide, cataracts are number one cause of preventable blindness. Cataract surgery is the most effective intervention regardless of its etiology. The purpose of this study was to obtain characteristics of cataract patients who underwent cataract surgery in H. L. Manambai Abdulkadir hospital Sumbawa based on cataract types, sex, age, comorbidities, initial visual acuity, and surgery methods. Methods: A quantitative study at H. L. Manambai Abdulkadir hospital Sumbawa. Consecutive, non-random sampling technique was used to recruit participants. This study enrolled 317 cataract patients who underwent cataract surgery. Results: Of the 317 patients, 172 (54.26%) were men, 301 (94.95%) senile cataract, 141 (44.48%) bilateral case, 210 (66.25%) initial visual acuity <3/60, 43 (13.56%) with diabetes mellitus. Two hundred and seventy eight (88.54%) underwent phacoemulsification surgery, with 303 (95.58%) experienced visual acuity improvement. Conclusions: Most of cataracts patients who underwent cataract surgery were men, most surgery were done by phacoemulsification method. Senile cataract and bilateral case are the most common case. Patients had visual acuity improvement after cataract surgery.

    Diversity of Herbaceous Plant in the Utilization Block of Sumber Agung Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman Bandar Lampung

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    Diversity is a variety of species that are similarly formed and the abundance of a species. The purpose of this study is to determine the diversity and characteristics of herbaceous plants in Sumber Agung Resort Bandar Lampung Wan Abdul Rachman (WAR) forest park. The method used is a purposive sampling method at several points, done by direct observation using the Belt Transect method with plot size 1x1 m² with a distance between plot 100 m² then the picture of herbaceous plants taken as documentation material. The species is then taken for identification regarding some literature. Data analysis by measuring the parameters of vegetation using the analysis of density and frequency variables which then determine the Importance Value Index (INP). Observation of herbaceous plants was done by identifying and making herbarium. The results of the study are, there are 45 species of herbaceous plants that have been identified, consisting of 22 families. The highest density of herbaceous species that are found belongs to Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Araceae, Poaceae, Zingiberaceae, and Euphorbiaceae. Characteristics of herbaceous growth are influenced by air temperature, soil moisture, and soil pH. The highest Important Value Index (INP) in herbaceous plants belongs to Family Poaceae; Lophatherium gracile with an important value index (INP) 31.43%

    Two-loop neutrino masses with large R-parity violating interactions in supersymmetry

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    We attempt to reconcile large trilinear R-parity violating interactions in a supersymmetric (SUSY) theory with the observed pattern of neutrino masses and mixing. We show that, with a restricted number of such interaction terms with the λ\lambda'-type couplings in the range (0.1-1.0), it is possible to forbid one-loop contributions to the neutrino mass matrix. This is illustrated with the help of a `working example' where an econnomic choice of SUSY parameters is made, with three non-vanishing and `large' R-parity violating terms in the superpotential. The two-loop contributions in such a case can not only generate the masses in the requisite order but can also lead us to specific allowed regions of the parameter space.Comment: Revised version, 25 pages, 16 figure