1,390 research outputs found

    Bioremediation Treatment of Oily Sludge using Composting Method

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    oil extraction and processing operations in Malaysia have resulted in the production of large volumes of our sludge, which constitute it severe pollution problem for this industry.The our sludge contains crude oil (10-60%), water (30-90%) and petroleum solid particles (5-40%) in various proportions depending on its origin.The accumulation of oily residues in petroleum refineries poses a serious environmental problem, and it was the oily sludge generated from several activities in the oil industry that motivated this work, which has the overall aim of studying the bio treatment of oily sludge from PETRONAS Penapisan (Melaka) tide. Ithd. Previous investigations have found several factors limiting land farming which is large space requirements, the conditions advantageous for biological degradation of contaminants are largely uncontrolled, which increase the length of time to complete remediation, particularly for recalcitrant compounds and inorganic contaminants are not biodegraded.This paper presents the hiorcnncdiation treatment of'oily sludge using composting method as the disposal process. the method that is use in this research is composting by introducing domestic waste to cultivate and enhance microbial degradation of this hazardous compound

    Sensor Based: Gas Leakage Detector

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    Since there are a lot of cases about the gas leakage that happened in Malaysia and other countries, the author realized that having a portable detector could help others as gas leakage is fatal to human beings. Gas detection is an important element for protection plan for human life and property. This project is focused in the construction of a gas leakage detector that is user friendly and cost effective. It is a sensor based gas leakage detector and it made used of the catalytic type of sensor to detect the propane gas as primary gas of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The detector triggered an alarm when it detects from the surroundings at the amount of certain ppm (theoretically ranged from 200-10000ppm) where this was set during the experiment. Apart from that, a red light emitting diode (LED) turned ON when it detected gas leakage. The alarm gave warning to individual in order to do alternative measure and avoid any accident to happen. The prototype performed as required

    Pengaruh Multimedia, Gaya Belajar dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Mikro Ekonomi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Fkip Unlam 2012/2013

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    Learning technologies is necessary in the learning process, because it can spread the information widely, evenly, fast, uniform and integrated so that the message can be delivered in accordance with the content in question. Technology can be a medium for faculty in order to realize the learning process that is effective, efficient, and productive in accordance with the needs and demands of students. This study aimed to determine differences in learning achievement Micro Economics course student of Economics Faculty of Teacher Education UNLAM seen from the use of multimedia, learning styles and learning motivation of students. The research method used was a 2x3x2 factorial quasi-experimental. This research makes the entire population as the entire population of students taking courses in Micro Economics odd semester 2012/2013 as respondents, amounting to 72 students. Data collection using tests, questionnaires and documentation. Data were analyzed using three-way ANOVA analysis. Conclusions derived from this research are: 1) there are differences in learning achievement of students who use the Micro Economic multimedia with conventional media, 2) there are differences in student achievement visual, auditory and kinesthetic, 3) there are differences in student achievement Micro Economics Economics Education courses FKIP UNLAM that have high and low motivation, 4) there is an interaction effect between the use of multimedia to the type of student learning styles, 5) there is no interaction effect between the use of multimedia on the level of student motivation, 6) there is an interaction effect between type of learning style with the level of student motivation, and 7) there is no effect of the interaction effect of the use of multimedia, learning style type, and level of student motivation to learn

    Study on Effect of Nanosilica Sand Addition on Physical and Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

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    Nanoparticles reinforced composite can be considered as a new technology and a good candidate material for research. Since this advanced composite are relatively new, studies need to be done to discover the properties changing in the composite. The aim of this project is to investigate the effect of nanosilica sand addition on physical and mechanical properties of thermoplastic. The thermoplastic that will be used in this research is TITANZEX HI 1100 high density polyethylene while the nanosilica is in the range of 0-100nm in size. The composite materials were manufactured using the compression molding process. Testing shows that addition of nanosilica provides improvement in mechanical properties of HDPE at low nanosilica percentage

    Quantitative infrared thermography resolved leakage current problem in cathodic protection system

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    Leakage current problem can happen in Cathodic Protection (CP) system installation. It could affect the performance of underground facilities such as piping, building structure, and earthing system. Worse can happen is rapid corrosion where disturbance to plant operation plus expensive maintenance cost. Occasionally, if it seems, tracing its root cause could be tedious. The traditional method called line current measurement is still valid effective. It involves isolating one by one of the affected underground structures. The recent methods are Close Interval Potential Survey and Pipeline Current Mapper were better and faster. On top of the mentioned method, there is a need to enhance further by synthesizing with the latest visual methods. Therefore, this paper describes research works on Infrared Thermography Quantitative (IRTQ) method as resolution of leakage current problem in CP system. The scope of study merely focuses on tracing the root cause of leakage current occurring at the CP system lube base oil plant. The results of experiment adherence to the hypothesis drawn. Consequently, res

    Prediction of Peak Junction Temperature of Semiconductor Devices: A Simulation Study

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    Thermal effects have become increasingly important as devices get smaller on-chip. Components temperature on Printed Circuit Board (PCB) will increase due to the thermal interaction between the components, thus, effects its performance. The concern on reliability and performance of the semiconductor devices is one of the main things that the designers should take into account. Due to this problem, thermal control system can be used in order to achieve high performance of electronic system. In this project, it will focus on discretizing two-dimensional heat conduction equation using numerical approach to predict the peak junction temperature of semiconductor devices. The numerical approach will be divided into two main stages. For the first stage, Backward Time, Centered Space (BTCS) finite difference is used to discretize two-dimensional heat conduction equation

    Hemicellulose Extraction and Characterization of Rice Straw and Leucaena Leucocephala

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    Local production of agricultural waste is increasing. It is not fully  utilized  and  can cause an environmental issue if it is not handle wisely. Thus, it is important to increase utilization of lignocellulosic biomass by improving their added value and subsequently decrease the agriculture waste. In this study, rice straw and Leucaena leucocephala were subjected to alkali treatment (4% sodium hydroxide) with different concentration ratio of samples to sodium hydroxide (1:10 to 1:50). The physical and chemical properties of extracted hemicelluloses were studied. The yield of hemicellulose was higher from rice straw compared to Leucaena leucocephala. The chemical functional groups present in hemicellulose were confirmed by Fourier tranform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The surface morphology and roughness of xylan were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Keywords: rice straw, hemicellulose, sodium hydroxide, alkal

    Identifikasi Senyawa Penyusun Minyak Kulit Batang Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Cassia) Menggunakan GC-MS

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    The steam-distilled volatile oil of the cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia) has been analysed by gas chromatography – mass spectrophotometer (GC-MS). It was resulted three chromatogram peaks, there were identified as cinnamaldehyde (91.18 %), eugenol (7.64 %) and cinnamyl acetate (1.18 %) respectively

    Perkembangan Behavioral Accounting Wujud Open Ended Ilmu Akuntansi Sebagai Sosok Social Science

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    The shift of accountancy dicipline has been clearly marked over the past two decades. Normative accountancy that has triumphed for a few decades and has been an icon in accounting practices has gained criticism from many parties, both practitioners and academics. It wa due tothe fact that normative accountancy which is based on researches cannotbe implemented in every day lives. Concequently, a new insight is offering a new understanding of descriptive accountancy in real life.The shift of behaviour accounting is closely related to its epistemology underpinnings, where accounting is not a mono method in nature, but it is actually multi method. That is, whitin its epistemology design, which is the way dicipline is designed,accounting is recognizingand embracing many paradigms.Therefore, accounting is an open ended dicipline that is openended in nature toward social science theories, such as sociology, anthropology and psychology,especially when it is the non positivistic epistemology that is being used as its cornerstone in accounting development researches. This is where normative accounting emerged and developed to explain the phenomenon naturally.The area of behaviral accounting development into: (1) The antecedents and consequences of using acoounting information to evaluate subordinate performance; (2) The role of budget participation in organization control; (3) The consequences of incentive compensation contrancting; (4) The antecedents and consequences of effective control and budgetting system design
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