429 research outputs found

    FeCoCp3 Molecular Magnets as Spin Filters

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    Metallorganic molecules have been proposed as excellent spin filters in molecular spintronics because of the large spin-polarization of their electronic structure. However, most of the studies involving spin transport, have disregarded fundamental aspects such as the magnetic anisotropy of the molecule and the excitation of spin-flip processes during electron transport. Here, we study a molecule containing a Co and an Fe atoms stacked between three cyclopentadienyl rings that presents a large magnetic anisotropy and a S=1. These figures are superior to other molecules with the same transition metal, and improves the spin-filtering capacities of the molecule. Non-equilibrium Green's functions calculations based on density functional theory predict excellent spin-filtering properties both in tunnel and contact transport regimes. However, exciting the first magnetic state drastically reduces the current's spin polarization. Furthermore, a difference of temperature between electrodes leads to strong thermoelectric effects that also suppress spin polarization. Our study shows that in-principle good molecular candidates for spintronics need to be confronted with inelastic and thermoelectric effects

    Sociobiological Control of Plasmid copy number

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All known mechanisms and genes responsible for the regulation of plasmid replication lie with the plasmid rather than the chromosome. It is possible therefore that there can be copy-up mutants. Copy-up mutants will have within host selective advantage. This would eventually result into instability of bacteria-plasmid association. In spite of this possibility low copy number plasmids appear to exist stably in host populations. We examined this paradox using a computer simulation model.

Our multilevel selection model assumes a wild type with tightly regulated replication to ensure low copy number. A mutant with slightly relaxed replication regulation can act as a “cheater” or “selfish” plasmid and can enjoy a greater within-host-fitness. However the host of a cheater plasmid has to pay a greater cost. As a result, in host level competition, host cell with low copy number plasmid has a greater fitness. Furthermore, another mutant that has lost the genes required for conjugation was introduced in the model. The non-conjugal mutant was assumed to undergo conjugal transfer in the presence of another conjugal plasmid in the host cell.

The simulatons showed that if the cost of carrying a plasmid was low, the copy-up mutant could drive the wild type to extinction or very low frequencies. Consequently, another mutant with a higher copy number could invade the first invader. This process could result into an increasing copy number. However above a certain copy number within-host selection was overcompensated by host level selection leading to a rock-paper-scissor (RPS) like situation. The RPS situation allowed the coexistence of high and low copy number plasmids. The non-conjugal “hypercheaters” could further arrest the copy numbers to a substantially lower level.

These sociobiological interactions might explain the stability of copy numbers better than molecular mechanisms of replication regulation alone

    Efficiency of Energy Conversion in Thermoelectric Nanojunctions

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    Using first-principles approaches, this study investigated the efficiency of energy conversion in nanojunctions, described by the thermoelectric figure of merit ZTZT. We obtained the qualitative and quantitative descriptions for the dependence of ZTZT on temperatures and lengths. A characteristic temperature: T0=β/γ(l)T_{0}= \sqrt{\beta/\gamma(l)} was observed. When TT0T\ll T_{0}, ZTT2ZT\propto T^{2}. When TT0T\gg T_{0}, ZTZT tends to a saturation value. The dependence of ZTZT on the wire length for the metallic atomic chains is opposite to that for the insulating molecules: for aluminum atomic (conducting) wires, the saturation value of ZTZT increases as the length increases; while for alkanethiol (insulating) chains, the saturation value of ZTZT decreases as the length increases. ZTZT can also be enhanced by choosing low-elasticity bridging materials or creating poor thermal contacts in nanojunctions. The results of this study may be of interest to research attempting to increase the efficiency of energy conversion in nano thermoelectric devices.Comment: 2 figure

    The number of transmission channels through a single-molecule junction

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    We calculate transmission eigenvalue distributions for Pt-benzene-Pt and Pt-butadiene-Pt junctions using realistic state-of-the-art many-body techniques. An effective field theory of interacting π\pi-electrons is used to include screening and van der Waals interactions with the metal electrodes. We find that the number of dominant transmission channels in a molecular junction is equal to the degeneracy of the molecular orbital closest to the metal Fermi level.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Heat dissipation in atomic-scale junctions

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    Atomic and single-molecule junctions represent the ultimate limit to the miniaturization of electrical circuits. They are also ideal platforms to test quantum transport theories that are required to describe charge and energy transfer in novel functional nanodevices. Recent work has successfully probed electric and thermoelectric phenomena in atomic-scale junctions. However, heat dissipation and transport in atomic-scale devices remain poorly characterized due to experimental challenges. Here, using custom-fabricated scanning probes with integrated nanoscale thermocouples, we show that heat dissipation in the electrodes of molecular junctions, whose transmission characteristics are strongly dependent on energy, is asymmetric, i.e. unequal and dependent on both the bias polarity and the identity of majority charge carriers (electrons vs. holes). In contrast, atomic junctions whose transmission characteristics show weak energy dependence do not exhibit appreciable asymmetry. Our results unambiguously relate the electronic transmission characteristics of atomic-scale junctions to their heat dissipation properties establishing a framework for understanding heat dissipation in a range of mesoscopic systems where transport is elastic. We anticipate that the techniques established here will enable the study of Peltier effects at the atomic scale, a field that has been barely explored experimentally despite interesting theoretical predictions. Furthermore, the experimental advances described here are also expected to enable the study of heat transport in atomic and molecular junctions, which is an important and challenging scientific and technological goal that has remained elusive.Comment: supporting information available in the journal web site or upon reques

    Effect of Thermoelectric Cooling in Nanoscale Junctions

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    We propose a thermoelectric cooling device based on an atomic-sized junction. Using first-principles approaches, we investigate the working conditions and the coefficient of performance (COP) of an atomic-scale electronic refrigerator where the effects of phonon's thermal current and local heating are included. It is observed that the functioning of the thermoelectric nano-refrigerator is restricted to a narrow range of driving voltages. Compared with the bulk thermoelectric system with the overwhelmingly irreversible Joule heating, the 4-Al atomic refrigerator has a higher efficiency than a bulk thermoelectric refrigerator with the same ZTZT due to suppressed local heating via the quasi-ballistic electron transport and small driving voltages. Quantum nature due to the size minimization offered by atomic-level control of properties facilitates electron cooling beyond the expectation of the conventional thermoelectric device theory.Comment: 8 figure

    The Influence of Molecular Adsorption on Elongating Gold Nanowires

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations, we study the impact of physisorbing adsorbates on the structural and mechanical evolution of gold nanowires (AuNWs) undergoing elongation. We used various adsorbate models in our simulations, with each model giving rise to a different surface coverage and mobility of the adsorbed phase. We find that the local structure and mobility of the adsorbed phase remains relatively uniform across all segments of an elongating AuNW, except for the thinning region of the wire where the high mobility of Au atoms disrupts the monolayer structure, giving rise to higher solvent mobility. We analyzed the AuNW trajectories by measuring the ductile elongation of the wires and detecting the presence of characteristic structural motifs that appeared during elongation. Our findings indicate that adsorbates facilitate the formation of high-energy structural motifs and lead to significantly higher ductile elongations. In particular, our simulations result in a large number of monatomic chains and helical structures possessing mechanical stability in excess of what we observe in vacuum. Conversely, we find that a molecular species that interacts weakly (i.e., does not adsorb) with AuNWs worsens the mechanical stability of monatomic chains.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physical Chemistry

    Electrical resistance: an atomistic view

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    This tutorial article presents a "bottom-up" view of electrical resistance starting from something really small, like a molecule, and then discussing the issues that arises as we move to bigger conductors. Remarkably, no serious quantum mechanics is needed to understand electrical conduction through something really small, except for unusual things like the Kondo effect that are seen only for a special range of parameters. This article starts with energy level diagrams (section 2), shows that the broadening that accompanies coupling limits the conductance to a maximum of q^2/h per level (sections 3, 4), describes how a change in the shape of the self-consistent potential profile can turn a symmetric current-voltage characteristic into a rectifying one (sections 5, 6), shows that many interesting effects in molecular electronics can be understood in terms of a simple model (section 7), introduces the non-equilibrium Green function (NEGF) formalism as a sophisticated version of this simple model with ordinary numbers replaced by appropriate matrices (section 8) and ends with a personal view of unsolved problems in the field of nanoscale electron transport (section 9). Appendix A discusses the Coulomb blockade regime of transport, while appendix B presents a formal derivation of the NEGF equations. MATLAB codes for numerical examples are listed in the appendix C