1,019 research outputs found

    Near-infrared polarimetric observations of the afterglow of GRB 000301C

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    Based on near-infrared polarimetric observations we constrain the degree of linear polarization of the afterglow light of GRB 000301C to less than 30% 1.8 days after the burst.Comment: To appear in: Proc. 20th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, eds. J. C. Wheeler and H. Marte

    Precession of collimated outflows from young stellar objects

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    We consider several protostellar systems where either a precessing jet or at least two misaligned jets have been observed. We assume that the precession of jets is caused by tidal interactions in noncoplanar binary systems. For Cep E, V1331 Cyg and RNO 15-FIR the inferred orbital separations and disk radii are in the range 4-160 AU and 1-80 AU, respectively, consistent with those expected for pre-main sequence stars. Furthermore, we assume or use the fact that the source of misaligned outflows is a binary, and evaluate the lengthscale over which the jets should precess as a result of tidal interactions. For T Tau, HH1 VLA 1/2 and HH 24 SVS63, it may be possible to detect a bending of the jets rather than 'wiggling'. In HH 111 IRS and L1551 IRS5, 'wiggling' may be detected on the current observed scale. Our results are consistent with the existence of noncoplanar binary systems in which tidal interactions induce jets to precess.Comment: 5 pages (including 1 figure), LaTeX, uses emulateapj.sty, to be published in ApJ Letters, also available at http://www.ucolick.org/~ct/home.html and http://www.tls-tautenburg.de/research/research.htm

    Experiments towards quantum information with trapped Calcium ions

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    Ground state cooling and coherent manipulation of ions in an rf-(Paul) trap is the prerequisite for quantum information experiments with trapped ions. With resolved sideband cooling on the optical S1/2 - D5/2 quadrupole transition we have cooled one and two 40Ca+ ions to the ground state of vibration with up to 99.9% probability. With a novel cooling scheme utilizing electromagnetically induced transparency on the S1/2 - P1/2 manifold we have achieved simultaneous ground state cooling of two motional sidebands 1.7 MHz apart. Starting from the motional ground state we have demonstrated coherent quantum state manipulation on the S1/2 - D5/2 quadrupole transition at 729 nm. Up to 30 Rabi oscillations within 1.4 ms have been observed in the motional ground state and in the n=1 Fock state. In the linear quadrupole rf-trap with 700 kHz trap frequency along the symmetry axis (2 MHz in radial direction) the minimum ion spacing is more than 5 micron for up to 4 ions. We are able to cool two ions to the ground state in the trap and individually address the ions with laser pulses through a special optical addressing channel.Comment: Proceedings of the ICAP 2000, Firenz

    Coupling a single atomic quantum bit to a high finesse optical cavity

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    The quadrupole S1/2_{1/2} -- D5/2_{5/2} optical transition of a single trapped Ca+^+ ion, well suited for encoding a quantum bit of information, is coherently coupled to the standing wave field of a high finesse cavity. The coupling is verified by observing the ion's response to both spatial and temporal variations of the intracavity field. We also achieve deterministic coupling of the cavity mode to the ion's vibrational state by selectively exciting vibrational state-changing transitions and by controlling the position of the ion in the standing wave field with nanometer-precision

    The Stability of Radiatively Cooled Jets in Three Dimensions

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    The effect of optically thin radiative cooling on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of three dimensional jets is investigated via linear stability theory and nonlinear hydrodynamical simulation. Two different cooling functions are considered: radiative cooling is found to have a significant effect on the stability of the jet in each case. The wavelengths and growth rates of unstable modes in the numerical simulations are found to be in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Disruption of the jet is found to be sensitive to the precessional frequency at the origin with lower frequencies leading to more rapid disruption. Strong nonlinear effects are observed as the result of the large number of normal modes in three dimensions which provide rich mode-mode interactions. These mode-mode interactions provide new mechanisms for the formation of knots in the flows. Significant structural features found in the numerical simulations appear similar to structures observed on protostellar jets.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures, figures included in page tota

    A large X-ray flare from the Herbig Ae star V892 Tau

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    We report the XMM-Newton observation of a large X-ray flare from the Herbig Ae star V892 Tau. The apparent low mass companion of V892 Tau, V892 Tau NE, is unresolved by XMM-Newton. Nevertheless there is compelling evidence from combined XMM-Newton and Chandra data that the origin of the flare is the Herbig Ae star V892 Tau. During the flare the X-ray luminosity of V892 Tau increases by a factor of ~15, while the temperature of the plasma increases from kT ~ 1.5 keV to kT ~ 8 keV. From the scaling of the flare event, based on hydrodynamic modeling, we conclude that a 500 G magnetic field is needed in order to confine the plasma. Under the assumptions that a dynamo mechanism is required to generate such a confining magnetic field and that surface convection is a necessary ingredient for a dynamo, our findings provide indirect evidence for the existence of a significant convection zone in the stellar envelope of Herbig Ae stars.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A (12 pages - 6 figures

    Search for free-floating planetary-mass objects in the Pleiades

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    (Abridged) We aim at identifying the least massive population of the solar metallicity, young (120 Myr), nearby (133.5 pc) Pleiades star cluster with the ultimate goal of understanding the physical properties of intermediate-age, free-floating, low-mass brown dwarfs and giant planetary-mass objects, and deriving the cluster substellar mass function across the deuterium-burning mass limit at ~0.012 Msol. We performed a deep photometric and astrometric J- and H-band survey covering an area of ~0.8 deg^2. The images with completeness and limiting magnitudes of J,H ~ 20.2 and ~ 21.5 mag were acquired ~9 yr apart (proper motion precision of +/-6 mas/yr). J- and H-band data were complemented with Z, K, and mid-infrared magnitudes up to 4.6 micron coming from UKIDSS, WISE, and follow-up observations of our own. Pleiades member candidates were selected to have proper motions compatible with that of the cluster, and colors following the known Pleiades sequence in the interval J = 15.5-8.8 mag, and Z_UKIDSS - J > 2.3 mag or Z nondetections for J > 18.8 mag. We found a neat sequence of astrometric and photometric Pleiades substellar member candidates in the intervals J = 15.5-21.2 mag and ~0.072-0.008 Msol. The faintest objects show very red near- and mid-infrared colors exceeding those of field high-gravity dwarfs by >0.5 mag. The Pleiades photometric sequence does not show any color turn-over because of the presence of photospheric methane absorption down to J = 20.3 mag, which is about 1 mag fainter than predicted by the color-computed models. Pleiades brown dwarfs have a proper motion dispersion of 6.4-7.5 mas/yr and are dynamically relaxed at the age of the cluster. The Pleiades mass function extends down to the deuterium burning-mass threshold, with a slope fairly similar to that of other young star clusters and stellar associations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 16 page

    The Randomized Shortened Dental Arch Study: Tooth Loss

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    The evidence concerning the management of shortened dental arch (SDA) cases is sparse. This multi-center study was aimed at generating data on outcomes and survival rates for two common treatments, removable dental prostheses (RDP) for molar replacement or no replacement (SDA). The hypothesis was that the treatments lead to different incidences of tooth loss. We included 215 patients with complete molar loss in one jaw. Molars were either replaced by RDP or not replaced, according to the SDA concept. First tooth loss after treatment was the primary outcome measure. This event occurred in 13 patients in the RDP group and nine patients in the SDA group. The respective Kaplan-Meier survival rates at 38 months were 0.83 (95% CI: 0.74-0.91) in the RDP group and 0.86 (95% CI: 0.78-0.95) in the SDA group, the difference being non-significant
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