638 research outputs found

    Los mercados de trabajo en Europa central Desempleo, cambio estructural e instituciones / Labour markets in Central Europe

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    En el primer epígrafe, analizaremos el desempleo en las economías en transición y observaremos los flujos entre las situaciones alternativas del mercado laboral. Posteriormente, utilizaremos este enfoque para resumir los factores principales que podrían afectar a los niveles de desempleo de los nuevos Estados miembros que se incorporarán en 2004. Finalmente, ofreceremos una breve perspectiva general de los resultados econométricos empíricos sobre las diferencias entre las características del mercado laboral de la actual Europa de los Quince y de los nuevos Estados miembros

    Perturbation resilience for the facility location problem

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    We analyze a simple local search heuristic for the facility location problem using the notion of perturbation resilience: an instance is γ-perturbation resilient if all costs can be perturbed by a factor of γ without changing the optimal solution. We prove that local search for FLP succeeds in finding the optimal solution for γ-perturbation resilient instances for γ≥3, and we show that this is tight

    Nachruf auf Eberhard Lehmann

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    Multiple sequence alignment based on set covers

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    We introduce a new heuristic for the multiple alignment of a set of sequences. The heuristic is based on a set cover of the residue alphabet of the sequences, and also on the determination of a significant set of blocks comprising subsequences of the sequences to be aligned. These blocks are obtained with the aid of a new data structure, called a suffix-set tree, which is constructed from the input sequences with the guidance of the residue-alphabet set cover and generalizes the well-known suffix tree of the sequence set. We provide performance results on selected BAliBASE amino-acid sequences and compare them with those yielded by some prominent approaches

    Medical Student Milestones in Emergency Medicine

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    Objectives Medical education is a continuum from medical school through residency to unsupervised clinical practice. There has been a movement toward competency‐based medical education prompted by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ( ACGME ) using milestones to assess competence. While implementation of milestones for residents sets specific standards for transition to internship, there exists a need for the development of competency‐based instruments to assess medical students as they progress toward internship. The objective of this study was to develop competency‐based milestones for fourth‐year medical students completing their emergency medicine ( EM ) clerkships (regardless of whether the students were planning on entering EM ) using a rigorous method to attain validity evidence. Methods A literature review was performed to develop a list of potential milestones. An expert panel, which included a medical student and 23 faculty members (four program directors, 16 clerkship directors, and five assistant deans) from 19 different institutions, came to consensus on these milestones through two rounds of a modified Delphi protocol. The Delphi technique builds content validity and is an accepted method to develop consensus by eliciting expert opinions through multiple rounds of questionnaires. Results Of the initial 39 milestones, 12 were removed at the end of round 1 due to low agreement on importance of the milestone or because of redundancy with other milestones. An additional 12 milestones were revised to improve clarity or eliminate redundancy, and one was added based on expert panelists' suggestions. Of the 28 milestones moving to round 2, consensus with a high level of agreement was achieved for 24. These were mapped to the ACGME EM residency milestone competency domains, as well as the Association of American Medical Colleges ( AAMC ) core entrustable professional activities for entering residency to improve content validity. Conclusions This study found consensus support by experts for a list of 24 milestones relevant to the assessment of fourth‐year medical student performance by the completion of their EM clerkships. The findings are useful for development of a valid method for assessing medical student performance as students approach residency. Resumen Objetivos La formación médica es un continuo que va desde la universidad, pasando por la residencia, hasta la práctica clínica no supervisada. Ha habido un movimiento hacia la formación médica basada en la adquisición de competencias promovido por el Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ( ACGME ) mediante los hitos para evaluar la competencia. Mientras la implementación de los hitos para los residentes establece normas específicas para la transición a residente, existe necesidad de desarrollar instrumentos basados en la competencia para evaluar a los estudiantes de medicina según progresan hacia la residencia. El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar los hitos basados ​​en competencias para los estudiantes de medicina de cuarto año al completar sus prácticas clínicas en Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias ( MUE ) (indistintamente si el estudiante planeaba acceder a la MUE ) utilizando un método riguroso para lograr evidencia válida. Metodología Se realizó una revisión de la literatura para desarrollar una lista de hitos potenciales. Un panel de expertos, que incluyó 23 profesores de la facultad cuyas responsabilidades eran directores de programa (4), directores de prácticas clínicas (16), vicedecanos (5) y un estudiante de medicina de 19 instituciones diferentes, llegaron a un consenso sobre estos hitos a través de 2 rondas del protocolo de Delphi modificado. La técnica Delphi construye un contenido válido y es un método aceptado para desarrollar un consenso mediante la obtención de opiniones de expertos a través de múltiples rondas de preguntas. Resultados De los 39 hitos iniciales, se eliminaron 12 al final de la primera ronda debido al bajo acuerdo sobre la importancia del hito o debido a su redundancia con otros hitos. Se revisaron 12 hitos adicionales para mejorar la claridad o eliminar la redundancia, y se añadió uno basado en las sugerencias del panel de expertos. De los 28 hitos que llegaron a la segunda ronda, se alcanzó un consenso con un alto nivel de acuerdo para 24 de los hitos. Estos hitos se esquematizaron a los dominios de competencia de los hitos de la residencia de MUE del ACGME , así como a las actividades profesionales recomendadas para acceder a la residencia de la Association of American Medical Colleges ( AAMC ) para mejorar la validez de contenido. Conclusiones Este estudio llegó a un consenso apoyado por expertos para una lista de 24 hitos relevantes para evaluar el rendimiento de los estudiantes de medicina de cuarto año al finalizar su práctica clínica en MUE . Los hallazgos son útiles para el desarrollo de un método válido para evaluar el rendimiento de los estudiantes de medicina a medida que éstos se acercan a la residencia.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108261/1/acem12443-sup-0002-DataSupplementS2.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108261/2/acem12443.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108261/3/acem12443-sup-0001-DataSupplementS1.pd

    Random Shortest Paths: {Non-Euclidean} Instances for Metric Optimization Problems

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    Probabilistic analysis for metric optimization problems has mostly been conducted on random Euclidean instances, but little is known about metric instances drawn from distributions other than the Euclidean. This motivates our study of random metric instances for optimization problems obtained as follows: Every edge of a complete graph gets a weight drawn independently at random. The distance between two nodes is then the length of a shortest path (with respect to the weights drawn) that connects these nodes. We prove structural properties of the random shortest path metrics generated in this way. Our main structural contribution is the construction of a good clustering. Then we apply these findings to analyze the approximation ratios of heuristics for matching, the traveling salesman problem (TSP), and the k-median problem, as well as the running-time of the 2-opt heuristic for the TSP. The bounds that we obtain are considerably better than the respective worst-case bounds. This suggests that random shortest path metrics are easy instances, similar to random Euclidean instances, albeit for completely different structural reasons

    Nanoscale Electronic Order in Iron Pnictides

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    The charge distribution in RFeAs (R=La, Sm) iron pnictides is probed using As NQR. Whereas undoped and optimally-doped/overdoped compounds feature a single charge environment, two charge environments are detected in the underdoped region. Spin- lattice relaxation measurements show their coexistence at the nanoscale. Together with the quantitative variations of the spectra with doping, they point at a local electronic order in the iron layers, where low- and high-doping-like regions would coexist. Implications for the interplay of static magnetism and superconductivity are discussed

    A genome-wide assessment of stages of elevational parapatry in Bornean passerine birds reveals no introgression: implications for processes and patterns of speciation

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    Topographically complex regions often contain the close juxtaposition of closely related species along elevational gradients. The evolutionary causes of these elevational replacements, and thus the origin and maintenance of a large portion of species diversity along elevational gradients, are usually unclear because ecological differentiation along a gradient or secondary contact following allopatric diversification can produce the same pattern. We used reduced representation genomic sequencing to assess genetic relationships and gene flow between three parapatric pairs of closely related songbird taxa (Arachnothera spiderhunters, Chloropsis leafbirds, and Enicurus forktails) along an elevational gradient in Borneo. Each taxon pair presents a different elevational range distribution across the island, yet results were uniform: little or no gene flow was detected in any pairwise comparisons. These results are congruent with an allopatric “species-pump” model for generation of species diversity and elevational parapatry of congeners on Borneo, rather than in situ generation of species by “ecological speciation” along an elevational gradient