441 research outputs found

    Lattice methods and the nuclear few- and many-body problem

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    We begin with a brief overview of lattice calculations using chiral effective field theory and some recent applications. We then describe several methods for computing scattering on the lattice. After that we focus on the main goal, explaining the theory and algorithms relevant to lattice simulations of nuclear few- and many-body systems. We discuss the exact equivalence of four different lattice formalisms, the Grassmann path integral, transfer matrix operator, Grassmann path integral with auxiliary fields, and transfer matrix operator with auxiliary fields. Along with our analysis we include several coding examples and a number of exercises for the calculations of few- and many-body systems at leading order in chiral effective field theory.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Lect. Notes Phys., "An advanced course in computational nuclear physics: Bridging the scales from quarks to neutron stars", M. Hjorth-Jensen, M. P. Lombardo, U. van Kolck, Editor

    Gauge invariance in the presence of a cutoff

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    We use the method of gauging equations to construct the electromagnetic current operator for the two-nucleon system in a theory with a finite cutoff. The employed formulation ensures that the two-nucleon T-matrix and corresponding five-point function, in the cutoff theory, are identical to the ones formally defined by a reference theory without a cutoff. A feature of our approach is that it effectively introduces a cutoff into the reference theory in a way that maintains the long-range part of the exchange current operator; for applications to effective field theory (EFT), this property is usually sufficient to guarantee the predictive power of the resulting cutoff theory. In addition, our approach leads to Ward-Takahashi (WT) identities that are linear in the interactions. From the point of view of EFT's where such a WT identity is satisfied in the reference theory, this ensures that gauge invariance in the cutoff theory is maintained order by order in the expansion.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Evidence of the Coulomb force effects in the cross sections of the deuteron-proton breakup at 130 MeV

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    High precision cross-section data of the deuteron-proton breakup reaction at 130 MeV deuteron energy are compared with the theoretical predictions obtained with a coupled-channel extension of the CD Bonn potential with virtual Delta-isobar excitation, without and with inclusion of the long-range Coulomb force. The Coulomb effect is studied on the basis of the cross-section data set, extended in this work to about 1500 data points by including breakup geometries characterized by small polar angles of the two protons. The experimental data clearly prefer predictions obtained with the Coulomb interaction included. The strongest effects are observed in regions in which the relative energy of the two protons is the smallest.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    Reconciling threshold and subthreshold expansions for pion-nucleon scattering

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    Heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) at one loop fails in relating the pion-nucleon amplitude in the physical region and for subthreshold kinematics due to loop effects enhanced by large low-energy constants. Studying the chiral convergence of threshold and subthreshold parameters up to fourth order in the small-scale expansion, we address the question to what extent this tension can be mitigated by including the Δ(1232)\Delta(1232) as an explicit degree of freedom and/or using a covariant formulation of baryon ChPT. We find that the inclusion of the Δ\Delta indeed reduces the low-energy constants to more natural values and thereby improves consistency between threshold and subthreshold kinematics. In addition, even in the Δ\Delta-less theory the resummation of 1/mN1/m_N corrections in the covariant scheme improves the results markedly over the heavy-baryon formulation, in line with previous observations in the single-baryon sector of ChPT that so far have evaded a profound theoretical explanation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 tables, Mathematica notebook with the analytic expressions for threshold and subthreshold parameters included as supplementary material; journal versio

    Accurate Charge-Dependent Nucleon-Nucleon Potential at Fourth Order of Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We present the first nucleon-nucleon potential at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (fourth order) of chiral perturbation theory. Charge-dependence is included up to next-to-leading order of the isospin-violation scheme. The accuracy for the reproduction of the NN data below 290 MeV lab. energy is comparable to the one of phenomenological high-precision potentials. Since NN potentials of order three and less are known to be deficient in quantitative terms, the present work shows that the fourth order is necessary and sufficient for a reliable NN potential derived from chiral effective Lagrangians. The new potential provides a promising starting point for exact few-body calculations and microscopic nuclear structure theory (including chiral many-body forces derived on the same footing).Comment: 4 pages Revtex including one figur

    Three particles in a finite volume: The breakdown of spherical symmetry

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    Lattice simulations of light nuclei necessarily take place in finite volumes, thus affecting their infrared properties. These effects can be addressed in a model-independent manner using Effective Field Theories. We study the model case of three identical bosons (mass m) with resonant two-body interactions in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions, which can also be generalized to the three-nucleon system in a straightforward manner. Our results allow for the removal of finite volume effects from lattice results as well as the determination of infinite volume scattering parameters from the volume dependence of the spectrum. We study the volume dependence of several states below the break-up threshold, spanning one order of magnitude in the binding energy in the infinite volume, for box side lengths L between the two-body scattering length a and L = 0.25a. For example, a state with a three-body energy of -3/(ma^2) in the infinite volume has been shifted to -10/(ma^2) at L = a. Special emphasis is put on the consequences of the breakdown of spherical symmetry and several ways to perturbatively treat the ensuing partial wave admixtures. We find their contributions to be on the sub-percent level compared to the strong volume dependence of the S-wave component. For shallow bound states, we find a transition to boson-diboson scattering behavior when decreasing the size of the finite volume.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Power counting and renormalization group invariance in the subtracted kernel method for the two-nucleon system

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    We apply the subtracted kernel method (SKM), a renormalization approach based on recursive multiple subtractions performed in the kernel of the scattering equation, to the chiral nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions up to next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO). We evaluate the phase-shifts in the 1S0 channel at each order in Weinberg's power counting scheme and in a modified power counting scheme which yields a systematic power-law improvement. We also explicitly demonstrate that the SKM procedure is renormalization group invariant under the change of the subtraction scale through a non-relativistic Callan-Symanzik flow equation for the evolution of the renormalized NN interactions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physic

    Ab initio alpha-alpha scattering

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    Processes involving alpha particles and alpha-like nuclei comprise a major part of stellar nucleosynthesis and hypothesized mechanisms for thermonuclear supernovae. In an effort towards understanding alpha processes from first principles, we describe in this letter the first ab initio calculation of alpha-alpha scattering. We use lattice effective field theory to describe the low-energy interactions of nucleons and apply a technique called the adiabatic projection method to reduce the eight-body system to an effective two-cluster system. We find good agreement between lattice results and experimental phase shifts for S-wave and D-wave scattering. The computational scaling with particle number suggests that alpha processes involving heavier nuclei are also within reach in the near future.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    The hyperon-nucleon interaction: conventional versus effective field theory approach

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    Hyperon-nucleon interactions are presented that are derived either in the conventional meson-exchange picture or within leading order chiral effective field theory. The chiral potential consists of one-pseudoscalar-meson exchanges and non-derivative four-baryon contact terms. With regard to meson-exchange hyperon-nucleon models we focus on the new potential of the Juelich group, whose most salient feature is that the contributions in the scalar--isoscalar (\sigma) and vector--isovector (\rho) exchange channels are constrained by a microscopic model of correlated \pi\pi and KKbar exchange.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Lecture Notes in Physic