3,331 research outputs found

    Keberadaan Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Paud) Bagi Keluarga Miskin Perkotaan(studi Paud Mutiara Bunda Kecamatan Pekanbaru Kota)

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    This study titled Existence Institute of Early Childhood Education (ECD) For poorfamilies in the city of Pekanbaru (ECD studies Mother of Pearl District of Pekanbaru City).Researchers interested in this theme because in Pekanbaru City Early Childhood Education(ECD) is growing. In early childhood education is synonymous with expensive andmiddleclass family owned, but now children - children from poor families also attended aneducation at an early age through the Institute of Early Childhood Education (ECD). Withthe formulation of the problem factors - factors that encourage parents put their children inearly childhood institutions, and How to view (perception) of parents of the existence of earlychildhood institutions.The theory used in this study is the Theory of Education, Theory of the Family, Theoryof view (Perception), Theory of the Poor, Structural and Functional Theory. The researchmethod used is descriptive qualitative. The respondents were 10 people, 2 men - men and 8women, in which respondents were selected based on criteria that parents who came frommiddle-class economy.The results showedthat the factors – factors of parents who are in an environment ofpoor families put their childrenat the Institute for Early Childhood Education (ECD) Motherof Pearlis afactor of importance of education, educational cost factor, the factor of socialrelationships, and infrastructure factors. View (perception) parents are institutions (ECD) isimportant forchildren – children at an early age, as well as givinga lot of progress andnegative child development lies in the child quickly performimitation (impersonation).Teacher steaching professional and social relationships already established throughmeetings, recreation with teachers and parents as well asin the event ofa disaster

    Available techniques in hadoop small file issue

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    Hadoop is an optimal solution for big data processing and storing since being released in the late of 2006, hadoop data processing stands on master-slaves manner [1] that’s splits the large file job into several small files in order to process them separately, this technique was adopted instead of pushing one large file into a costly super machine to insights some useful information. Hadoop runs very good with large file of big data, but when it comes to big data in small files it could facing some problems in performance, processing slow down, data access delay, high latency and up to a completely cluster shutting down [2]. In this paper we will high light on one of hadoop’s limitations, that’s affects the data processing performance, one of these limits called “big data in small files” accrued when a massive number of small files pushed into a hadoop cluster which will rides the cluster to shut down totally. This paper also high light on some native and proposed solutions for big data in small files, how do they work to reduce the negative effects on hadoop cluster, and add extra performance on storing and accessing mechanism

    Modeling Traffic Impact of Flyover at an Urban Intersection Under Mixed Traffic Environment

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    In order to ease transportation problems, many urban authorities in India have taken up initiative for construction of flyovers at major intersections. However, in most of the cases a comprehensive planning approach has not been adopted, either due to lack of fund or ignorance about the planning perspective of such proposals. The locations for flyovers have been decided based on present day operating conditions and the traffic impacts of such flyovers at adjacent intersections have not been analysed. In the present paper, the traffic impact of a flyover along with its adjacent intersection has been analysed, using a simulation model developed for mixed traffic operations and poor lane discipline prevailing in India. Through the case study presented in the paper, it has been demonstrated that an ill planned flyover only shifts the location of the problem without bringing any benefit to traffic. The potential use of simulation model for analyzing traffic impacts has been shown; and the need for such analysis for the planning of flyovers has been highlighted

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Dengan Bantuan Bertahap (Scaffolding) Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa Pada Materi Pokok Trigonometri Kelas X B Semester II Sman 1 Labuapi Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    : Mathematics learning process in X B class of senior high school number 1 Labuapi academic year 2013/2014 had some problems, students are not motivated to learn activity by their self, students meet difficulties in learning mathematics. Those problems causes the low of student's mathematics learning activity and achievement in X B class of senior high school number 1 Labuapi. Therefore, this research aims to solve that problems, by implementing scaffolding learning in teaching trigonometri material trough students in X B class of senior high school number 1 Labuapi academic year 2013/2014. The implementation of scaffolding learning method is held in five (5) steps. The result showed that an increase in the average value from cycle 1 to cycle 3, which is 66,56; 75,28; and 84,50. Mastery learning from cycle 1 to cycle 3 respectively are 33,33%, 66,67%, and 88,89%. In cycle 1, the mean score of students' learning activities is 10, 12, and 17, with quite active, active, and very active category. From this result it can be concluded that implementation of scaffolding learning can improve the mathematics activity and learning achievement in X Bclass students of senior high school number 1 Labuapi in material of trigonometry academic year 2013/2014

    Silicon Nanowire Immunosensor for Detection of 8-Hydroxy-2^|^apos;-Deoxyguanosine Oxidative Stress Cancer Biomarker

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    A silicon nanowire-based immunosensor has been developed to determine the presence of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG). This research demonstrates a process for the detection of 8-OHdG, which is an oxidative stress biomarker, in which elevated concentrations in urine and saliva can act as an indicator of the presence of acute leukaemia, colorectal, breast, lung and prostate cancers. The detection of elevated levels of this biomarker is critical in determining the presence of various mutagenesis and can be used to diagnose early stage cancer before initial symptoms appear. The surface functionalization process has involved the attachment of diazonium salt to the silicon nanowire surface with further stage which involves the reduction of PhNO2 to PhNH2. The antibody targeted against 8-OHdG was subsequently bound to the amine NH2 modified grafted layer of a 370 nm width nanowire. The immunosensor was evaluated through the use of current/voltage electrical probe monitoring in which a 2 μg/ml concentration of 8-OHdG was detected. A further comparison with phosphate buffered saline solution added to the sensor was observed to be negligible. The antibody-functionalised SiNW sensor has been used to detect binding of the 8-OHdG biomarker to the SiNW surface within sixty-seconds of exposure, making this a rapid cancer biomarker test

    Understanding comprehensive learning requirements in the Light of al-Zarnūjī’s Ta‘līm al-Muta‘allim

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    This article examines the requirements for quality learning in Islam from the perspective of al-Zarnūjī and according to his book, Ta‘līm al-Muta‘allim. This book has been a source of reference for both students and teachers in many educational institutions in Muslim countries, particularly, the Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. The article attempts to understand the students’ learning requirements proposed by al-Zarnūjī in the above treatise. It is, therefore, a library-based research. The research tackles many issues. It addresses the need for a broad-based learning process and analyzes the requirements in the light of the modern day learning circumstances. It was found that al-Zarnūjī’s theory of quality learning is conditional on six main principles which are, indeed, determinants of quality student outcomes. These are intelligence or high learning ability; high motivation for learning; patience, emotional stability, and commitment to the learning process; availability of financial support; inspiration of the teachers; and disposition to time management in the learning process. The notion of quality education is fundamental to the classical perspective of learning in Islam

    Efficacy of Various IPM Modules on Biotic Pressure and Green Forage Yield in a Forage Production System (Cowpea + BN Hybrid – Berseem mixed with Mustard + BN Hybrid)

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    Various control measures by themselves are not free from one or the other limitations to provide safe, economically viable and efficient in pest population suppression. The economics is much more relevant when we talk of low value commodity like forage crops. Viewing this multifaceted problem and inherent limitations of each control method the ultimate solution lies in integrated pest control expedient. The connotation of the approach is to utilize all the possible methods of control including maximum exploitation of naturally existing populations and regulating factors in as compatible manner as possible to keep the pest population levels below economic threshold. Earlier, IPM in fodder crops has been worked out by Shri Ram and Gupta, 1989; Pandey et al., 2000; Shah et al., 2011

    Transformer Fault Early Warning System Model Using GSM Network

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of amobile embedded system using an Arduino microprocessor to monitorand record key operational indicators of a distribution transformer,such as transformer oil level, temperature and vibration of adistribution transformer in a substation. If there is any abnormalityor an emergency situation, the system sends SMS (Short MessageService) messages to designated mobile telephones containinginformation about the abnormality of the mentioned parameters.Providing early warning of the abnormality of the distributiontransformer can be accomplished by shutting down the entire unitwith the aid on-line monitoring system integrates with Global ServiceMobile (GSM) Modem. Furthermore, the design generally consiststand-alone single chip microcontroller, modem and sensor packageslocated on distribution transformer site. In general, the design isdeveloped for the user to easily recognize the distribution transformerthat is suffered by any high vibration and rise in temperatures andlocated in remote or suburban area which is rarely and hard to reachfor manual monitoring. The ultimate objective is to monitor thetransformer oil level and temperature of 24 hours, 7 days a weekcontinuously besides the current and voltage parameter whichincluded in basis monitoring syste