19 research outputs found

    Climate Change and Agricultural Adaptation in Indonesia

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    This research strives to provide answers regarding adaptation patterns of farmers in confronting climate change in Indonesia. The method utilized for this research is a mixed method. Qualitative data was acquired through a series of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with farmers and agricultural stakeholders in Gunung Kidul and Sleman, Indonesia. Additionally, the survey was carried out to 220 farmers in both research locations. The two research locations were chosen based on the difference in agricultural land. The findings of this research show that farmers understand climate change is occurring in their region and it influences their cultivation method. Farmers utilize their personal experiences as well as local practices in adapting to climate change. The impact most felt by farmers is crop failure and a decrease in quality and quantity of agricultural crops. The ensuing implication is that farmer's income declines more and more. This research found that agricultural product cost increased by almost as much as 50%, whilst farmer's income merely increased half of that, which is 25% since climate change has affected their farming. Responding to the matter, the strategy farmers employ is by changing the planting pattern, using soil cultivation technique, plant pest management technique, and watering/irrigation technique

    Climate Change and Agricultural Adaptation in Indonesia

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    This research strives to provide answers regarding adaptation patterns of farmers in confronting climate change in Indonesia. The method utilized for this research is a mixed method. Qualitative data was acquired through a series of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with farmers and agricultural stakeholders in Gunung Kidul and Sleman, Indonesia. Additionally, the survey was carried out to 220 farmers in both research locations. The two research locations were chosen based on the difference in agricultural land. The findings of this research show that farmers understand climate change is occurring in their region and it influences their cultivation method. Farmers utilize their personal experiences as well as local practices in adapting to climate change. The impact most felt by farmers is crop failure and a decrease in quality and quantity of agricultural crops. The ensuing implication is that farmer's income declines more and more. This research found that agricultural product cost increased by almost as much as 50%, whilst farmer's income merely increased half of that, which is 25% since climate change has affected their farming. Responding to the matter, the strategy farmers employ is by changing the planting pattern, using soil cultivation technique, plant pest management technique, and watering/irrigation technique

    Growth-yield performances of two chilli varieties under different agronomical components applied and their partial economic analysis

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    Received: January 15th, 2022 ; Accepted: April 19th, 2022 ; Published: April 25th, 2022 ; Corresponding author: [email protected] present study had main objective to improve growth-yield performances of two curly red chilli varieties under different agronomical components (ACs) and their partial economic analysis. The research was conducted at Tampirkulon Village, Candimulyo Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, Central Java-Indonesia. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with six combination treatments and four replications. Two curly red chilli varieties tested were Capsicum annum L. ’Kencana’ and ‘OR Twist 42’. Three different ACs investigated were (1) Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVegRI) ACs, (2) farmer ACs, and (3) low-agro input and environmental-friendly (Lai-ef) ACs. Results of the study reveal that growth-yield of chilli were significantly improved due to utilization of healthy seedlings, ‘OR Twist 42’ variety and IVegRI ACs. The seedlings increased number of flowers and fruit plant-1 up to 24.9% and 14.2%; 23.6% and 19.5% induced by ‘OR Twist 42’; and 54.5% and 25.5% stimulated by IVegRI ACs. Combination of ‘OR Twist 42’ and IVegRI ACs was the optimal combination treatment in improving growth-yield performances of the curly red chilli with as high as 279.2 fruits per plant, 1,111.4 g chilli productivity fruit plant-1 , 167 kg chilli productivity plant-1 with 40.6, 39.9, and 33.3% improvement compared to farmer ACs. The combination had Return Cost (R/C) ratio with as high as 2.04. Lai-ef ACs was another interesting result with 1.90 R/C ratio due to low agro-input cost compared to the farmer ACs with as low as 1.64. These results clearly contributed to a better understanding the effect of utilizing healthy seedlings, high adaptive-productive variety and optimal ACs individually or in combination on improving growth-yield of chilli

    Using health facility-based serological surveillance to predict receptive areas at risk of malaria outbreaks in elimination areas.

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    BACKGROUND: In order to improve malaria burden estimates in low transmission settings, more sensitive tools and efficient sampling strategies are required. This study evaluated the use of serological measures from repeated health facility-based cross-sectional surveys to investigate Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax transmission dynamics in an area nearing elimination in Indonesia. METHODS: Quarterly surveys were conducted in eight public health facilities in Kulon Progo District, Indonesia, from May 2017 to April 2018. Demographic data were collected from all clinic patients and their companions, with household coordinates collected using participatory mapping methods. In addition to standard microscopy tests, bead-based serological assays were performed on finger-prick bloodspot samples from 9453 people. Seroconversion rates (SCR, i.e. the proportion of people in the population who are expected to seroconvert per year) were estimated by fitting a simple reversible catalytic model to seroprevalence data. Mixed effects logistic regression was used to examine factors associated with malaria exposure, and spatial analysis was performed to identify areas with clustering of high antibody responses. RESULTS: Parasite prevalence by microscopy was extremely low (0.06% (95% confidence interval 0.03-0.14, n = 6) and 0 for P. vivax and P. falciparum, respectively). However, spatial analysis of P. vivax antibody responses identified high-risk areas that were subsequently the site of a P. vivax outbreak in August 2017 (62 cases detected through passive and reactive detection systems). These areas overlapped with P. falciparum high-risk areas and were detected in each survey. General low transmission was confirmed by the SCR estimated from a pool of the four surveys in people aged 15 years old and under (0.020 (95% confidence interval 0.017-0.024) and 0.005 (95% confidence interval 0.003-0.008) for P. vivax and P. falciparum, respectively). The SCR estimates in those over 15 years old were 0.066 (95% confidence interval 0.041-0.105) and 0.032 (95% confidence interval 0.015-0.069) for P. vivax and P. falciparum, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate the potential use of health facility-based serological surveillance to better identify and target areas still receptive to malaria in an elimination setting. Further implementation research is needed to enable integration of these methods with existing surveillance systems

    Valuation of costs and change in returns of seedling technology and shallot planting distance: A case study in Grobogan Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

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    The increasing rate of shallot production of Central Java Province for the last ten years was lower than the national rate, indicated the need for new technology development. The study aims to determine the economic feasibility of the newly seedling planting technique in three planting distances (10 x 10 cm, 10 x 15 cm, and 15 x 15 cm). In that case, farmers use seed bulbs. The research was carried out in Padang Village, Tanggungharjo Subdistrict, Grobogan Regency, from August to October 2018. Financial analysis, consisting of BCR, MBCR, break-even point of both production and price, and competitive advantage of the techniques were analyzed. The results showed that the newly seedling technologies and planting distance were able to increase the productivity of shallots ranging from 12,685 to 21,088 kg. At the price of shallot bulbs at IDR 10,000 per kg, 10x10 cm planting distance resulted in the highest profit (IDR 180,790,100/ha). It was much higher compared to the farmers' technology (IDR 9,299,000/ha). Based on break-even point analysis, seedling planting technology has a tolerance limit of production and prices decreasing between 67.24% to 71.44% compared to existing technology (16.03%). Seedling planting technology has a competitive advantage with a net profit ratio of 13.76 to 19.44 and a minimum selling price of IDR 3,239 to IDR 3,622 to obtain the same profit as existing technology. Thus, the technology of planting shallot seedlings at a spacing of 10 x 10 cm is recommended to increase the production and profits of shallot farming

    Factors Influencing Post-disaster Reconstruction Project Management for Housing Provision in the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territories

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    In the Occupied Palestinian Territories, the Gaza Strip has suffered regular cycles of reconstruction due to systematic destruction during Israeli military operations, as in 2006, 2008–2009, 2012, and 2014. In this context of ongoing conflict this article aims to identify, rank, and discuss the most important factors influencing post-disaster reconstruction project management (PDRPM) for housing in the Gaza Strip. A set of key factors that influence PDRPM were assembled as a result of a global literature review. A questionnaire survey was conducted, and the obtained data were analyzed using a relative importance index for each PDRPM factor. Findings are presented in six groups: housing approaches, organizational behavior, project funding, supply chain and logistics, communication and coordination, and PDRPM context. Findings indicate that the most significant factors that influence PDRPM for housing provision in the Gaza Strip are related to issues associated with financial resources. It is critical that sufficient funding should be available in order to allow organizations to undertake housing projects in an effective and efficient way. Joint efforts are required from international donors and local organizations in order to effectively manage financial resources with the ultimate goal of improving PDRPM for housing provision

    Sistem Wayfinding Mall di Semarang

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    Shopping mall merupakan salah satu bangunan komersil yang sudah menjadi gaya hidup bagi sebagian besar masyarakat perkotaan. Masyarakat pergi mengunjungi shopping mall untuk memenuhi memenuhi kebutuhan seperti berbelanja, maupun sekedar berekreasi dan mencari hiburan. Sebagai bangunan umum yang menawarkan berbagai Fasilitas dan ramai dikunjungi oleh masyarakat, shopping mall perlu dilengkapi dengan sistem wayfinding yang baik supaya pengguna bangunan tidak mengalami disorientasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan laporan ini adalah metode deskriptif, dokumentatif, dan komparatif dimana penyusunan dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data, menjelaskan, dan menjabarkan terhadap informasi terkait bagaimana pengaruh bahan lantai serta pemilihan bahan lantai yang baik dan murah diaplikasikan pada jalur pedestrian bagi Kenyamanan dan keamanan pengguna. Wayfinding adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk bernavigasi dalam suatu lingkungan. Sistem wayfinding adalah Fasilitas yang memiliki fungsi memberikan kemudahan bagi pengguna dalam bernavigasi. Sistem wayfinding yang baik dapat ditinjau melalui empat strategi, yaitu: District, Streets, Connection, dan Landmarks. Jika pengguna dengan mudah membayangkan keempat strategi tersebut dalam suatu diagram “mind map”, ketika berada dalam suatu bangunan atau lingkungan maka dapat dikatakan bahwa bangunan atau lingkungan tersebut memiliki sistem wayfinding yang efektif

    Analisis Pengaruh Motivasi, Lokasi, Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Keputusan Pemilihan Fitness Center Sebagai Tempat Melatih Kebugaran Tubuh (Studi Kasus Pada Oryza Gym Fitness Center Semarang)

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    The Issues that form the basis of this analysis is the number of new members in OryzaGym Fitness Center is fluctuating every month. Several months have increased thenumber of new members, but there are some months which decreased from the previousmonth.Some promotions have been done by Oryza Gym Fitness Center to be known to thepublic, among others, by spreading leaflets, putting up banners and billboards, and alsoput up signposts Oryza Gym locations.The aims of this research are to determine the effects of motivation, location, and servicequality toward the selection decision of Oryza Gym Fitness Center as a fitness exercise.The data of this research is collected from 100 customers who are members of the OryzaGym Fitness Center.The sampling technique of this research is non probability sampling with the method ofaccidental sampling. The analysis techniques used in the research are validity test,reliability test, classic assumptions test, multiple linear regression analysis andhypothesis test including the t test, F test, and coefficient of determination (R2).The result of analysis using multiple linear regression can be seen that the variablemotivation, location, and service quality has positive influence on the selection decisionOryza Gym Fitness Center. Based on statistical data analysis, the indicators in this studyare valid and variables are reliable. In the classical assumption test, the regressionmodel is free multicollonierity, the heteroscedasticity does not occur, and normaldistribution. Individual sequence of each of the most influential variable is the variableservice quality and then location, while the less influential is the variable of motivation.The result of analysis using coefficient of determination is known that 56,7% of selectiondecision variable explained by the variation from motivation variable, location variable,and service quality variable, while 43,3% explained by others variable that excluded inthis research

    Changes in the forming aspects of the public service bargains components in determining the general budget policy

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    Public Service Bargains (PSB) perspective is used to analyze the relationship between politicians and bureaucrats based on the roles of both parties. This study aims to discuss how the relationship between politicians and bureaucrats and their interactions in two periods of leadership with different backgrounds, to analyze what aspects of interaction, behavior and power are in the PSB framework, particularly in determining budget policy in general. Discussions about governance and leadership as well as the interaction of politicians and bureaucrats are presented based on information and data obtained from primary data sources through in-depth interviews with bureaucratic leaders, that are the Mayor, Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPRD) as legislative bodies, Regional Secretary, and other supporting informants. The qualitative method is processed using NVIVO 12. The main findings in this study are aspects of interaction, behavior and power in two leadership eras with different backgrounds, so that this relationship pattern can be used as a reference in analyzing the relationship between bureaucrats and politicians in the PSB framework. The results of this study can be implemented in determining policies, in this case the general budget determination policy in the City of Magelang. © 2023 Author(s)