634 research outputs found

    Памяти студенток МИИТ - бойцов 19 отдельного батальона ВНОС посвящается...

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    «Let’s remember everyone by name, let's remember our grief. This is necessary - not for the dead! This is necessary - for alive!» (Robert Rozhdestvensky «Requiem»)When preparing the information about the Great Patriotic War, vivid stories about the heroes and their heroic deeds are often expected from the keepers of history - museum employees. Heroic deeds must certainly be impressive, stories are bright and exciting, supported by impressive numbers, high awards. It’s like that... But let the story that will be discussed in the article remind you that the Victory in the most terrible and bloody war of the 20th century became possible due to the daily heroic deeds of all citizens of our country, all without exception, regardless of their age, gender, profession. Precisely because the female students of MIIT, who volunteered for the front in 1942, did not consider themselves heroes, today the staff of RUT (MIIT) Museum is restoring their history bit by bit in the archives and new facts of their military path are published for the first time in 80 years!«Вспомним всех поименно, горем вспомним своим... Это нужно - не мёртвым! Это надо - живым!»(Роберт Рождественский, «Реквием»)От хранителей истории - сотрудников музеев в повествованиях о Великой Отечественной войне часто ждут ярких рассказов о героях и их подвигах. Подвиги непремен­но должны быть впечатляющими, истории яркими и захва­тывающими, подкреплёнными внушительными цифрами, высокими наградами. Всё так. Но пусть история, о кото­рой пойдёт речь в статье, напомнит о том, что Победа в самой страшной и кровопролитной войне XX столетия стала возможной благодаря ежедневным подвигам всех граждан нашей страны, всех без исключения, независимо от их возраста, пола, профессии. Именно потому, что студентки МИИТа, отправившиеся добровольцами на фронт в 1942 году, не считали себя героями, их историю сегодня сотрудники музея РУТ (МИИТ) восстанавливают по крупицам в архивах и новые факты их боевого пути публикуют впервые за 80 лет

    Foreign language test for people with disabilities: basic requirements and specifics of development

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    The article describes the specifics of developing a foreign language test for people with disabilities. It is obvious that such tests have differences in organization and content compared to tests for ordinary students. They have structural, content, functional flexibility and variability depending on the type of violation. The article also notes the importance of taking into account discursive characteristics for determining test situations and selecting language, speech, and communication material while creating each specific test. It is revealed that testers and testologists should have the inclusive competence to develop test materials and conduct the exam.   Such inclusive features should be taken into account while creating materials for testing in a foreign language for people with disabilities. To prove that consideration of these features is necessary, an experiment was conducted in which 15 students with partial and complete vision loss who plan to take a test for the level of foreign language proficiency participated. The students were from different countries: Syria, Egypt, and China. The analysis of respondents ' responses showed that the factors identified in the article are important and should be taken into account in the process of preparing test materials. The results obtained can be used by creators of test materials for people with disabilities, scientists who are engaged in related research in this area

    Structural basis for the interaction of a human small heat shock protein with the 14-3-3 universal signaling regulator

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    By interacting with hundreds of protein partners, 14-3-3 proteins coordinate vital cellular processes. Phosphorylation of the small heat shock protein, HSPB6, within its intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain activates its interaction with 14-3-3, ultimately triggering smooth muscle relaxation. After analyzing the binding of an HSPB6-derived phosphopeptide to 14-3-3 using isothermal calorimetry and X-ray crystallography, we have determined the crystal structure of the complete assembly consisting of the 14-3-3 dimer and full-length HSPB6 dimer and further characterized this complex in solution using fluorescence spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering, and limited proteolysis. We show that selected intrinsically disordered regions of HSPB6 are transformed into well-defined conformations upon the interaction, whereby an unexpectedly asymmetric structure is formed. This structure provides the first atomic resolution snapshot of a human small HSP in functional state, explains how 14-3-3 proteins sequester their regulatory partners, and can inform the design of small-molecule interaction modifiers to be used as myorelaxants

    6-OXA-3-phosphabicyclo[3.1.0]hexane 3-oxide derivatives

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    1. A new group of organophosphorus epoxides with bicyclic systems consisting of condensed phospholane and oxirane rings was prepared. 2. Organic peroxy acids react smoothly with the double bonds of 3-phospholene 1-oxides, but not with those of 2-phospholene 1-oxides. 3. The behavior of phospholene 1-oxides in reactions with electrophilic peroxy acids shows that the nucleophilicity of the double bond in these substances greatly depends on its position in the ring. © 1969 Consultants Bureau

    Investigation of the reactivity of AlCl3 and CoCl2 toward molten alkali-metal nitrates in order to synthesize CoAl2O4

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    Cobalt aluminate CoAl2O4 powder, constituted of nano-sized crystallites, is prepared, involving the reactivity of AlCl3 and CoCl2 with molten alkali-metal nitrates. The reaction at 450 °C for 2 h leads to a mixture of spinel oxide Co3O4 and amorphous γ-Al2O3. It is transformed into the spinel oxide CoAl2O4 by heating at 1000 °C. The powders are mainly characterized by XRD, FTIR, ICP, electron microscopy and diffraction, X-EDS and diffuse reflection. Their properties are compared to those of powders obtained by solid state reactions of a mechanical mixture of chlorides or oxides submitted to the same thermal treatment

    Evolutionary Dynamics of the Pericentromeric Heterochromatin in Drosophila virilis and Related Species

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    Pericentromeric heterochromatin in Drosophila generally consists of repetitive DNA, forming the environment associated with gene silencing. Despite the expanding knowledge of the impact of transposable elements (TEs) on the host genome, little is known about the evolution of pericentromeric heterochromatin, its structural composition, and age. During the evolution of the Drosophilidae, hundreds of genes have become embedded within pericentromeric regions yet retained activity. We investigated a pericentromeric heterochromatin fragment found in D. virilis and related species, describing the evolution of genes in this region and the age of TE invasion. Regardless of the heterochromatic environment, the amino acid composition of the genes is under purifying selection. However, the selective pressure affects parts of genes in varying degrees, resulting in expansion of gene introns due to TEs invasion. According to the divergence of TEs, the pericentromeric heterochromatin of the species of virilis group began to form more than 20 million years ago by invasions of retroelements, miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs), and Helitrons. Importantly, invasions into the heterochromatin continue to occur by TEs that fall under the scope of piRNA silencing. Thus, the pericentromeric heterochromatin, in spite of its ability to induce silencing, has the means for being dynamic, incorporating the regions of active transcription


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    The Geochemical and mineralogical studies showed, that harzburgites of the Chagan-Uzun massif are restites with a degree of partial melting 15–20 %, which formed at temperatures 1520–1420 °С under the conditions of the mid-oceanic ridge and transformed during the evolution of paleooceanic structures under the influence of magmatic processes at the initial stages of subduction and manifestation of boninite magmatism. The combined use of data on the geochemistry of rare and rare earth elements, as well as on the compositions of pyroxenes, Cr-spinels, melt inclusions in Cr-spinels and computational modeling, indicates the formation of clinopyroxenites of Chagan-Uzun ophiolites at the mid-oceanic ridge during crystallization of picrite and picrobasalt melts at temperatures 1315–1245 °C and pressures 4–2 kbar. The study of amphiboles showed high metamorphic parameters of transformation of harzburgites (5.1–1.9 kbar, 820–700 °С) and clinopyroxenites (2.6–1.4 kbar and 740–680 °С) of the Chagan-Uzun massif, typical for ultrabasites from the modern mid-oceanic ridges. In general, results of comprehensive studies made it possible to determine the sequence of paleogeodynamic processes of formation of ultramafic rocks of the Chagan-Uzun massif. Initial formation of harzburgites in the course of partial melting of mantle and crystallization of clinopyroxenites in the magma chamber occurred under the conditions of the mid-oceanic ridge. At the next stage, ultramafic rocks fell within the subduction-zone initiation area, where they were exposed to the influence of boninite melts

    Features of effector lymphocyte subsets in patients with uveal melanoma in recurrent and chronic herpesvirus infection

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    The aim of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of percentages for peripheral blood effector lymphocyte subsets in patients with uveal melanoma manifested by recurrent and chronic herpesvirus infection. There were 141 subjects enrolled: 70 patients with uveal melanoma, 38 patients with corneal ulcers and involvement of the uveal tract as well as 33 healthy donors. Immunophenotyping was performed by using laser flow cytometry with panel of monoclonal antibodies to differentiate lymphocyte subpopulations. IgM and IgG antibodies to herpesvirus infections were determined by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay on an automatic ELISA analyzer Lazurit (USA) with diagnostic kits of CJSC “Vector-Best” (Koltsovo). The data obtained showed that the absolute number of blood lymphocytes (CD45+) in patients with uveal melanoma did not differ from those in healthy donors. In contrast, patients with corneal ulcers and involvement of the uveal tract had this parameter increased. A decreased relative and absolute count of T cells (CD3+) in uveal melanoma, but increased absolute CD3+ number in inflammation was observed. No difference in relative and absolute content of the CD3+CD4+ helper/inducer subpopulation in patients with recurrent herpesvirus infections was found. Corneal ulcers in cancer patients revealed significantly increased absolute level of CD3+CD4+ helpers/inductor cells. Chronic herpesvirus infection in uveal melanoma patients showed increased relative and absolute number of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD3+CD8+). Recurrent herpesvirus infection was featured with decreased relative number of T lymphocytes (CD3+CD8+), upon inflammation, there was noted increased absolute and decreased relative number compared with healthy subjects. Double positive T cells increased in tumor and inflammation. B lymphocytes (CD19+) increased in melanoma and inflammation. The relative number of blood natural killer cells (CD16+CD56+) in uveal melanoma increased upon recurrent infection. Inflammation was coupled to decreased relative level of natural killer cells (CD16+CD56+). Melanoma showed no changes in CD4+/ CD8+ ratio; upon inflammation, its increase was noted in acute and chronic herpesvirus infections (p < 0.05). The suppression of the immune system in uveal melanoma, restricting antiviral defense, was revealed. The data obtained seem to be important for development of personalized approaches to prognosis and treatment of patients with uveal melanoma