63 research outputs found

    Using information-gap decision theory for water resources planning under severe uncertainty

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    PublishedJournal ArticleWater resource managers are required to develop comprehensive water resources plans based on severely uncertain information of the effects of climate change on local hydrology and future socio-economic changes on localised demand. In England and Wales, current water resources planning methodologies include a headroom estimation process separate from water resource simulation modelling. This process quantifies uncertainty based on only one point of an assumed range of deviations from the expected climate and projected demand 25 years into the future. This paper utilises an integrated method based on Information-Gap decision theory to quantitatively assess the robustness of various supply side and demand side management options over a broad range of plausible futures. Findings show that beyond the uncertainty range explored with the headroom method, a preference reversal can occur, i. e. some management options that underperform at lower uncertainties, outperform at higher levels of uncertainty. This study also shows that when 50 % or more of the population adopts demand side management, efficiency related measures and innovative options such as rainwater collection can perform equally well or better than some supply side options The additional use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis shifts the focus away from reservoir expansion options, that perform best in regards to water availability, to combined strategies that include innovative demand side management actions of rainwater collection and greywater reuse as well efficiency measures and additional regional transfers. This paper illustrates how an Information-Gap based approach can offer a comprehensive picture of potential supply/demand futures and a rich variety of information to support adaptive management of water systems under severe uncertainty. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.The authors are grateful to three anonymous referees for their detailed comments. Any errors remain our own. Brett Korteling is supported by the University of Exeter’s Climate Change and Sustainable Futures theme. South West Water are thanked for their generosity in terms of their time and data. Suraje Dessai was supported by the ARCC-Water project funded by EPSRC (EP/G061181/1) and the EQUIP project funded by NERC (NE/H003509/1)

    Emissioin of Intermediate Mass Fragments During Fission

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Thermal excitation of heavy nuclei with 5-15 GeV/c antiproton, proton and pion beams

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    Excitation-energy distributions have been derived from measurements of 5.0-14.6 GeV/c antiproton, proton and pion reactions with 197^{197}Au target nuclei, using the ISiS 4π\pi detector array. The maximum probability for producing high excitation-energy events is found for the antiproton beam relative to other hadrons, 3^3He and pˉ\bar{p} beams from LEAR. For protons and pions, the excitation-energy distributions are nearly independent of hadron type and beam momentum above about 8 GeV/c. The excitation energy enhancement for pˉ\bar{p} beams and the saturation effect are qualitatively consistent with intranuclear cascade code predictions. For all systems studied, maximum cluster sizes are observed for residues with E*/A \sim 6 MeV.Comment: 14 pages including 5 figures and 1 table. Accepted in Physics Letter B. also available at http://nuchem.iucf.indiana.edu

    Tracking the phase-transition energy in disassembly of hot nuclei

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    In efforts to determine phase transitions in the disintegration of highly excited heavy nuclei, a popular practice is to parametrise the yields of isotopes as a function of temperature in the form Y(z)=zτf(zσ(TT0))Y(z)=z^{-\tau}f(z^{\sigma}(T-T_0)), where Y(z)Y(z)'s are the measured yields and τ,σ\tau, \sigma and T0T_0 are fitted to the yields. Here T0T_0 would be interpreted as the phase transition temperature. For finite systems such as those obtained in nuclear collisions, this parametrisation is only approximate and hence allows for extraction of T0T_0 in more than one way. In this work we look in detail at how values of T0T_0 differ, depending on methods of extraction. It should be mentioned that for finite systems, this approximate parametrisation works not only at the critical point, but also for first order phase transitions (at least in some models). Thus the approximate fit is no guarantee that one is seeing a critical phenomenon. A different but more conventional search for the nuclear phase transition would look for a maximum in the specific heat as a function of temperature T2T_2. In this case T2T_2 is interpreted as the phase transition temperature. Ideally T0T_0 and T2T_2 would coincide. We invesigate this possibility, both in theory and from the ISiS data, performing both canonical (TT) and microcanonical (e=E/Ae=E^*/A) calculations. Although more than one value of T0T_0 can be extracted from the approximate parmetrisation, the work here points to the best value from among the choices. Several interesting results, seen in theoretical calculations, are borne out in experiment.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages including 8 figures and 2 table

    The liquid to vapor phase transition in excited nuclei

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    For many years it has been speculated that excited nuclei would undergo a liquid to vapor phase transition. For even longer, it has been known that clusterization in a vapor carries direct information on the liquid- vapor equilibrium according to Fisher's droplet model. Now the thermal component of the 8 GeV/c pion + 197Au multifragmentation data of the ISiS Collaboration is shown to follow the scaling predicted by Fisher's model, thus providing the strongest evidence yet of the liquid to vapor phase transition.Comment: four pages, four figures, first two in color (corrected typo in Ref. [26], corrected error in Fig. 4

    Signals for a Transition from Surface to Bulk Emission in Thermal Multifragmentation

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    Excitation-energy-gated two-fragment correlation functions have been studied between 2 to 9A MeV of excitation energy for equilibrium-like sources formed in π\pi^- and p + 197^{197}Au reactions at beam momenta of 8,9.2 and 10.2 GeV/c. Comparison of the data to an N-body Coulomb-trajectory code shows a decrease of one order of magnitude in the fragment emission time in the excitation energy interval 2-5A MeV, followed by a nearly constant breakup time at higher excitation energy. The observed decrease in emission time is shown to be strongly correlated with the increase of the fragment emission probability, and the onset of thermally-induced radial expansion. This result is interpreted as evidence consistent with a transition from surface-dominated to bulk emission expected for spinodal decomposition.Comment: 11 pages including 3 postscript figures (1 color

    Caloric curve of 8 GeV/c negative pion and antiproton + Au reactions

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    The relationship between nuclear temperature and excitation energy of hot nuclei formed by 8 GeV/c negative pion and antiproton beams incident on 197Au has been investigated with the ISiS 4-pidetector array at the BNL AGS accelerator. The double-isotope-ratio technique was used to calculate the temperature of the hot system. The two thermometers used (p/d-3He/4He) and (d/t-3He/4He) are in agreement below E*/A ~ 7 MeV when corrected for secondary decay. Comparison of these caloric curves to those from other experiments shows some differences that may be attributable to instrumentation and analysis procedures. The caloric curves from this experiment are also compared with the predictions from the SMM multifragmentation model.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figure

    Systematic sensitivity analysis of the full economic impacts of sea level rise

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    The potential impacts of sea level rise (SLR) due to climate change have been widely studied in the literature. However, the uncertainty and robustness of these estimates has seldom been explored. Here we assess the model input uncertainty regarding the wide effects of SLR on marine navigation from a global economic perspective. We systematically assess the robustness of computable general equilibrium (CGE) estimates to model’s inputs uncertainty. Monte Carlo (MC) and Gaussian quadrature (GQ) methods are used for conducting a Systematic sensitivity analysis (SSA). This design allows to both explore the sensitivity of the CGE model and to compare the MC and GQ methods. Results show that, regardless whether triangular or piecewise linear Probability distributions are used, the welfare losses are higher in the MC SSA than in the original deterministic simulation. This indicates that the CGE economic literature has potentially underestimated the total economic effects of SLR, thus stressing the necessity of SSA when simulating the general equilibrium effects of SLR. The uncertainty decomposition shows that land losses have a smaller effect compared to capital and seaport productivity losses. Capital losses seem to affect the developed regions GDP more than the productivity losses do. Moreover, we show the uncertainty decomposition of the MC results and discuss the convergence of the MC results for a decomposed version of the CGE model. This paper aims to provide standardised guidelines for stochastic simulation in the context of CGE modelling that could be useful for researchers in similar settings