116 research outputs found

    Pilot field studies on insect pathogenic fungi to control mirid pests of apples in Norway

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    In a pilot field study conducted in an apple orchard in Hardanger (Western Norway) in two succesive years both Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were applied to apple trees just after hatching of mirid nymphs in spring. Both predatory, omnivorous and principally plant-pathogenic species of mirids were collected, and all groups of species were infected by B. bassiana or M. ansiopliae in treated plots. B. bassiana and M. anisopliae were also found on some individuals in non treated control plots the second year. M. anisopliae was more predominant in 2006, B. bassiana in 2007. Mirids were also observed for natural occurrence of parasitoids, and parasitoids were found both years

    Latvia: The Domino that Did Not Fall

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    Direct Integration and Non-Perturbative Effects in Matrix Models

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    We show how direct integration can be used to solve the closed amplitudes of multi-cut matrix models with polynomial potentials. In the case of the cubic matrix model, we give explicit expressions for the ring of non-holomorphic modular objects that are needed to express all closed matrix model amplitudes. This allows us to integrate the holomorphic anomaly equation up to holomorphic modular terms that we fix by the gap condition up to genus four. There is an one-dimensional submanifold of the moduli space in which the spectral curve becomes the Seiberg--Witten curve and the ring reduces to the non-holomorphic modular ring of the group Γ(2)\Gamma(2). On that submanifold, the gap conditions completely fix the holomorphic ambiguity and the model can be solved explicitly to very high genus. We use these results to make precision tests of the connection between the large order behavior of the 1/N expansion and non-perturbative effects due to instantons. Finally, we argue that a full understanding of the large genus asymptotics in the multi-cut case requires a new class of non-perturbative sectors in the matrix model.Comment: 51 pages, 8 figure

    Direct Integration of the Topological String

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    We present a new method to solve the holomorphic anomaly equations governing the free energies of type B topological strings. The method is based on direct integration with respect to the non-holomorphic dependence of the amplitudes, and relies on the interplay between non-holomorphicity and modularity properties of the topological string amplitudes. We develop a formalism valid for any Calabi-Yau manifold and we study in detail two examples, providing closed expressions for the amplitudes at low genus, as well as a discussion of the boundary conditions that fix the holomorphic ambiguity. The first example is the non-compact Calabi-Yau underlying Seiberg-Witten theory and its gravitational corrections. The second example is the Enriques Calabi-Yau, which we solve in full generality up to genus six. We discuss various aspects of this model: we obtain a new method to generate holomorphic automorphic forms on the Enriques moduli space, we write down a new product formula for the fiber amplitudes at all genus, and we analyze in detail the field theory limit. This allows us to uncover the modularity properties of SU(2), N=2 super Yang-Mills theory with four massless hypermultiplets.Comment: 75 pages, 3 figure

    Metastasis to the breast from an adenocarcinoma of the lung with extensive micropapillary component: a case report and review of the literature

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    Breast metastasis from extra-mammary malignancy is rare. Based on the literature an incidence of 0.4-1.3% is reported. The primary malignancies most commonly metastasizing to the breast are leukemia-lymphoma, and malignant melanoma. We present a case of metastasis to the breast from a pulmonary adenocarcinoma, with extensive micropapillary component, diagnosed concomitantly with the primary tumor. A 73-year-old female presented with dyspnea and dry cough of 4 weeks duration and a massive pleural effusion was found on a chest radiograph. Additionally, on physical examination a poorly defined mass was noted in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. The patient underwent bronchoscopy, excisional breast biopsy and medical thoracoscopy. By cytology, histology and immunohistochemistry primary lung adenocarcinoma with metastasis to the breast and parietal pleura was diagnosed. Both the primary and metastatic anatomic sites demonstrated histologically extensive micropapillary component, which is recently recognized as an important prognostic factor. The patient received chemotherapy but passed away within 7 months. Accurate differentiation of metastatic from primary carcinoma is of crucial importance because the treatment and prognosis differ significantly

    Equidistribution for higher-rank Abelian actions on Heisenberg nilmanifolds

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    2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37C85, 37A17, 37A45; Secondary: 11K36, 11L07.We prove quantitative equidistribution results for actions of Abelian subgroups of the (2g + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg group acting on compact (2g + 1)-dimensional homogeneous nilmanifolds. The results are based on the study of the C∞-cohomology of the action of such groups, on tame estimates of the associated cohomological equations and on a renormalization method initially applied by Forni to surface flows and by Forni and the second author to other parabolic flows. As an application we obtain bounds for finite Theta sums defined by real quadratic forms in g variables, generalizing the classical results of Hardy and Littlewood [25, 26] and the optimal result of Fiedler, Jurkat, and Körner [17] to higher dimension.This work was partially done while L. Flaminio visited the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, UK. He wishes to thank the Institute and the organizers of the program Interactions between Dynamics of Group Actions and Number Theory for their hospitality. L. Flaminio was supported in part by the Labex CEMPI (ANR-11-LABX-07). S. Cosentino was partially supported by CMAT - Centro de Matematica da Universidade do Minho, financed by the Strategic Project PEst-OE/MAT/UI0013/2014

    Catalytic Cycle of Multicopper Oxidases Studied by Combined Quantum- and Molecular-Mechanical Free-Energy Perturbation Methods

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    We have used combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical free-energy perturbation methods in combination with explicit solvent simulations to study the reaction mechanism of the multicopper oxidases, in particular the regeneration of the reduced state from the native intermediate. For 52 putative states of the trinuclear copper cluster, differing in the oxidation states of the copper ions and the protonation states of water- and O2-derived ligands, we have studied redox potentials, acidity constants, isomerisation reactions, as well as water- and O2 binding reactions. Thereby, we can propose a full reaction mechanism of the multicopper oxidases with atomic detail. We also show that the two copper sites in the protein communicate so that redox potentials and acidity constants of one site are affected by up to 0.2 V or 3 pKa units by a change in the oxidation state of the other site