322 research outputs found

    Geochemical characterization the waters of Foggaras the Continental Intercalary Aquifer of Timinoune region (south west Algeria)

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    The study of the Continental Intercalary (C.I) groundwater of the region of Timimoune (southwestern Algeria), based on physico-chemical data (major elements), allowed to understand the geochemistry of foggaras water. The aquifer is contained in the formations of the Lower Cretaceous (Albian and Barremian). The waters are strongly mineralized with an average value 2g / l.The waters have a clear predominance of facies chlorinated-sodium. The risk is high to excessive soil salinization, and the risk of medium alkalinity to very high. Statistical analysis led us to reach two conclusions, the first is that, variable electrical conductivity (EC), dry residue (RS), Na+, Ca2+, Cl-, SO4 --, mineralization, are best correlated and responsible the signing of the mineral load of water, the second is that the nitrate ion (NO3-) opposite to the above-mentioned variables mark its anthropogenic origin. Keywords: Continental Intercalary, mineralization, salinity, PCA, Nitrat

    Chemical polymorphism of essential oils from populations of Laurus nobilis grown on Tunisia, Algeria and France.

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    The compositions of the essential oils isolated from the aerial parts of tree Mediterranean populations of Laurus nobilis L. collected during the flowering phase on Tunisia, Algeria and France, were studied by GC and GC-MS. The analysis has allowed identifying 54 components. The main components were 1,8-cineole, α-terpinyl acetate (10-18.6%), methyl eugenol (10-22.1%), sabinene (1.2-8%), eugenol (1.2-11.7%) α-pinene (tr-4.5%) and β-pinene (0.4-4.2%). The monoterpene fraction was dominant in all the oils analysed and consisted mainly of oxygenated monoterpenes. The oils from the tree populations studied showed a clear chemical polymorphism. The principal component and the hierarchical cluster analyses separated the Laurus nobilis leaf essential oils into three groups

    Régénération de la suberaie tunisienne : état des lieux, contraintes et avancées techniques

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    Alors que la situation des suberaies tunisiennes est extrêmement inquiétante, avec une perte de la moitié de sa surface en 80 ans, la régénération naturelle est pratiquement inexistante. C’est pourquoi les services forestiers tunisiens ont mis en place des essais proposant d’autres techniques de reconstitution artificielle, notamment la plantation. Leur réussite est toutefois fortement liée aux conditions climatiques et aux activités humaines

    Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) in Wistar rat's intervertebral disc after experimentally induced scoliotic deformity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>A scoliotic deformity on intervertebral discs may accelerate degeneration at a molecular level with the production of metalloproteinases (MMPs). In the present experimental study we evaluated the presence of MMP-1 immunohistochemically after application of asymmetric forces in a rat intervertebral disc and the impact of the degree of the deformity on MMP-1 expression.</p> <p>Material-Method</p> <p>Thirty female Wistar rats (aged 2 months old, weighted 200 ± 10 grams) were used. All animals were age, weight and height matched. A mini Ilizarov external fixator was applied at the base of a rat tail under anaesthesia in order to create a scoliotic deformity of the intervertebral disc between the 9<sup>th </sup>and 10<sup>th </sup>vertebrae. Rats were divided into three groups according to the degree of the deformity. In group I, the deformity was 10°, in group II 30° and in group III 50°. The rats were killed 35 days after surgery. The discs were removed along with the neighbouring vertebral bodies, prepared histologically and stained immunohistochemically. Immunopositivity of disc's cells for MMP-1 was determined using a semi-quantitative scored system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MMP-1 immunopositivity was detected in disc cells of annulus fibrosus of all intervertebral disc specimens examined. The percentage of MMP-1 positive disc cells in annulus fibrosus in group I, II and III were 20%, 43% and 75%, respectively. MMP-1 positivity was significantly correlated with the degree of the deformity (p < 0,001). An increase of chondrocyte-like disc cells was observed in the outer annulus fibrosus and at the margin of the intervertebral disc adjacent to the vertebral end plates. The difference in the proportion of MMP-1 positive disc cells between the convex and the concave side was statistically not significant in group I (p = 0,6), in group II this difference was statistically significant (p < 0,01). In group III the concave side showed a remarkable reduction in the number of disc's cells and a severe degeneration of matrix microstructure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study showed that an experimentally induced scoliotic deformity on a rat tail intervertebral disc results in over-expression of MMP-1, which is dependent on the degree of the deformity and follows a dissimilar distribution between the convex and the concave side.</p

    Differences in the Number of Intrinsically Disordered Regions between Yeast Duplicated Proteins, and Their Relationship with Functional Divergence

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    BACKGROUND: Intrinsically disordered regions are enriched in short interaction motifs that play a critical role in many protein-protein interactions. Since new short interaction motifs may easily evolve, they have the potential to rapidly change protein interactions and cellular signaling. In this work we examined the dynamics of gain and loss of intrinsically disordered regions in duplicated proteins to inspect if changes after genome duplication can create functional divergence. For this purpose we used Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the outgroup species Lachancea kluyveri. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find that genes duplicated as part of a genome duplication (ohnologs) are significantly more intrinsically disordered than singletons (p<2.2(e)-16, Wilcoxon), reflecting a preference for retaining intrinsically disordered proteins in duplicate. In addition, there have been marked changes in the extent of intrinsic disorder following duplication. A large number of duplicated genes have more intrinsic disorder than their L. kluyveri ortholog (29% for duplicates versus 25% for singletons) and an even greater number have less intrinsic disorder than the L. kluyveri ortholog (37% for duplicates versus 25% for singletons). Finally, we show that the number of physical interactions is significantly greater in the more intrinsically disordered ohnolog of a pair (p = 0.003, Wilcoxon). CONCLUSION: This work shows that intrinsic disorder gain and loss in a protein is a mechanism by which a genome can also diverge and innovate. The higher number of interactors for proteins that have gained intrinsic disorder compared with their duplicates may reflect the acquisition of new interaction partners or new functional roles

    Insertion of Horizontally Transferred Genes within Conserved Syntenic Regions of Yeast Genomes

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    Horizontal gene transfer has been occasionally mentioned in eukaryotic genomes, but such events appear much less numerous than in prokaryotes, where they play important functional and evolutionary roles. In yeasts, few independent cases have been described, some of which corresponding to major metabolic functions, but no systematic screening of horizontally transferred genes has been attempted so far. Taking advantage of the synteny conservation among five newly sequenced and annotated genomes of Saccharomycetaceae, we carried out a systematic search for HGT candidates amidst genes present in only one species within conserved synteny blocks. Out of 255 species-specific genes, we discovered 11 candidates for HGT, based on their similarity with bacterial proteins and on reconstructed phylogenies. This corresponds to a minimum of six transfer events because some horizontally acquired genes appear to rapidly duplicate in yeast genomes (e.g. YwqG genes in Kluyveromyces thermotolerans and serine recombinase genes of the IS607 family in Saccharomyces kluyveri). We show that the resulting copies are submitted to a strong functional selective pressure. The mechanisms of DNA transfer and integration are discussed, in relation with the generally small size of HGT candidates. Our results on a limited set of species expand by 50% the number of previously published HGT cases in hemiascomycetous yeasts, suggesting that this type of event is more frequent than usually thought. Our restrictive method does not exclude the possibility that additional HGT events exist. Actually, ancestral events common to several yeast species must have been overlooked, and the absence of homologs in present databases leaves open the question of the origin of the 244 remaining species-specific genes inserted within conserved synteny blocks

    National Outbreak of Salmonella Serotype Saintpaul Infections: Importance of Texas Restaurant Investigations in Implicating Jalapeño Peppers

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    BACKGROUND: In May 2008, PulseNet detected a multistate outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype Saintpaul infections. Initial investigations identified an epidemiologic association between illness and consumption of raw tomatoes, yet cases continued. In mid-June, we investigated two clusters of outbreak strain infections in Texas among patrons of Restaurant A and two establishments of Restaurant Chain B to determine the outbreak's source. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted independent case-control studies of Restaurant A and B patrons. Patients were matched to well controls by meal date. We conducted restaurant environmental investigations and traced the origin of implicated products. Forty-seven case-patients and 40 controls were enrolled in the Restaurant A study. Thirty case-patients and 31 controls were enrolled in the Restaurant Chain B study. In both studies, illness was independently associated with only one menu item, fresh salsa (Restaurant A: matched odds ratio [mOR], 37; 95% confidence interval [CI], 7.2-386; Restaurant B: mOR, 13; 95% CI 1.3-infinity). The only ingredient in common between the two salsas was raw jalapeño peppers. Cultures of jalapeño peppers collected from an importer that supplied Restaurant Chain B and serrano peppers and irrigation water from a Mexican farm that supplied that importer with jalapeño and serrano peppers grew the outbreak strain. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Jalapeño peppers, contaminated before arrival at the restaurants and served in uncooked fresh salsas, were the source of these infections. Our investigations, critical in understanding the broader multistate outbreak, exemplify an effective approach to investigating large foodborne outbreaks. Additional measures are needed to reduce produce contamination

    Two Origins for the Gene Encoding α-Isopropylmalate Synthase in Fungi

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    BACKGROUND: The biosynthesis of leucine is a biochemical pathway common to prokaryotes, plants and fungi, but absent from humans and animals. The pathway is a proposed target for antimicrobial therapy. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we identified the leuA gene encoding alpha-isopropylmalate synthase in the zygomycete fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus using a genetic mapping approach with crosses between wild type and leucine auxotrophic strains. To confirm the function of the gene, Phycomyces leuA was used to complement the auxotrophic phenotype exhibited by mutation of the leu3+ gene of the ascomycete fungus Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the leuA gene in Phycomyces, other zygomycetes, and the chytrids is more closely related to homologs in plants and photosynthetic bacteria than ascomycetes or basidiomycetes, and suggests that the Dikarya have acquired the gene more recently. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The identification of leuA in Phycomyces adds to the growing body of evidence that some primary metabolic pathways or parts of them have arisen multiple times during the evolution of fungi, probably through horizontal gene transfer events