527 research outputs found

    27P Chirurgiczne leczenie powikłań powstałych w wyniku radioterapii nowotworów dróg rodnych i jąder

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    Jednym z elementów leczenia dróg rodnych i jąder jest radioterapia. W wyniku tego postępowania może dojść do uszkodzenia promieniami innych narządów. Szczególną wrażliwość wykazuje jelito cienkie oraz jelito grube. Na skutek popromiennego zapalenia jelit występują krwawienia do światła jelita, perforacje, pojawiają się zrosty i zwężenia prowadzące do niedrożności przewodu pokarmowego. Niedrożność może być też spowodowana atonią odcinków uszkodzonego jelita. Częstym powikłaniem popromiennym jest przetoka pochwowo- odbytnicza. W takich przypadkach konieczne jest leczenia operacyjne.Celem pracy jest ocena leczenia chirurgicznego powikłań popromiennych. W Oddziale Chirurgii I WCO w latach 1988–1998 z powodu powikłań popromiennych leczono 90 chorych w wieku 31 do 73 lat; 3 mężczyzn i 87 kobiet. Z rozpoznaniem Ca. colli uteri 79 Ca. endometri 6, Ca. ovariorum 2 kobiety, 3 mężczyzn z rozpoznaniem Ca testis.54 operowano z powodu przetoki pochwowoodbytniczej. 15 razy z powodu krwawienia do świateł jelita, przyczyną 20 operacji była niedrożność przewodu pokarmowego, 1 raz perforacja jelita.Metodę leczenia dostosowywano indywidualnie do poszczególnych przypadków. Stosowano chirurgiczne wywołanie odbytu na esicy lub poprzecznicy, wykonywano operacje Hartmana lub brzuszno-kroczowe odjęcie odbytnicy, stosowano odcinkowe resekcje jelita lub zespolenia omijające, podwiązywano naczynia biodrowe wewnętrzne. W ostatnim okresie w przypadkach krwawienia z odbytnicy z powodzeniem stosowano laseroterapię aparatem Nd: YAG. Należy zaznaczyć, że wymienione zabiegi operacyjne wykonywane były w trudnych warunkach spowodowanych uszkodzeniami popromiennymi; jelito o słabej ścianie wrażliwe na urazy, liczne zrosty oraz krótka zmieniona zapalnie krezka jelita. Niejednokrotnie dużym problemem decyzyjnym i diagnostycznym jest zróżnicowanie niedrożności popromiennej z niedrożnością spowodowaną rozsiewem procesu nowotworowego. Chorzy są w złym stanie ogólnym, a obraz kliniczny jest niejasny. Postępowanie w takich przypadkach wymaga pewnego doświadczenia w prowadzeniu chorych leczonych promieniami.Wnioski1.Metody chirurgicznego leczenia powikłań popro miennych muszą być dostosowane indywidualnie do każdego przypadku.2.Leczenie operacyjne pomimo trudności i ryzyka jest celowe i daje dobre efekty terapeutyczne.3.W przypadku krwawienia z odbytnicy uszkodzonej promieniami nową skuteczną metodą leczenia jest laseroterapia

    Development of cryopreservation for Loxocarya cinerea - an endemic Australian plant species important for post-mining restoration

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    We report the development of a cryopreservation protocol for the endemic Western Australian plant species Loxocarya cinerea (Restionaceae). Shoot tips from two genotypes, SXH404 and SXH804, were cryopreserved using the droplet-vitrification technique. Control explants, which were cryoprotected, but not cooled, showed regeneration for both genotypes (SXH404, 22.1 ± 5.9%; SXH804, 67.7 ± 9.6%). Extension of incubation in PVS2 from 30 to 60 min did not lead to survival after cryopreservation. Thermal analysis using differential scanning calorimetry confirmed the beneficial effect of a loading phase but also revealed no or very little ice formation after cryoprotection of shoot tips in other treatments. Regeneration following cryopreservation was obtained for genotype SXH804 (4.3 ± 2.1%) but not for SXH404. Regenerated explants of L. cinerea SXH804 were morphologically identical to tissue-cultured plants. As an alternative to shoot tips, callus tissues of clone SXH404 were successfully cryopreserved (>66.7% post LN survival) using the same protocol

    Lisht as a New Kingdom glass-making site with its own chemical signature

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    Lisht is one of a few New Kingdom sites with known glass-working debris. Here, we present evidence for the primary production of glass at Lisht, including crucible fragments and semi-finished glass. We also provide 12 new chemical analyses of glass from Lisht, including trace elements. We argue that the glass made at Lisht has a specific chemical signature within the broader range of Late Bronze Age glass compositions from Egypt, further underlining the former existence of primary glass production there and offering the possibility of identifying Lisht-made glass elsewhere in Egypt and beyond

    Primary recovery factor as a function of production rate: implications for conventional reservoirs with different drive mechanisms

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    This study evaluates the dependency of production rate on the recovery of hydrocarbon from conventional reservoirs using MBAL simulator. The results indicated that the recoveries are sensitive to the production rate in almost all hydrocarbon reservoirs. It was also found that the recovery of volumetric gas drive reservoirs is not impacted by the production rate. In fact, any increase in the production rate improves gas recovery in weak and strong water drive reservoirs. Moreover, increasing the production rate in oil reservoirs decreases the recovery with a significant effect observed in the weak water drive reservoirs. The results of this study demonstrate the need for implementing an effective reservoir management in order to obtain a maximum recovery

    The gut microbiota is associated with the small intestinal paracellular permeability and the development of the immune system in healthy children during the first two years of life

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    BACKGROUND: The intestinal barrier plays an important role in the defense against infections, and nutritional, endocrine, and immune functions. The gut microbiota playing an important role in development of the gastrointestinal tract can impact intestinal permeability and immunity during early life, but data concerning this problem are scarce. METHODS: We analyzed the microbiota in fecal samples (101 samples in total) collected longitudinally over 24 months from 21 newborns to investigate whether the markers of small intestinal paracellular permeability (zonulin) and immune system development (calprotectin) are linked to the gut microbiota. The results were validated using data from an independent cohort that included the calprotectin and gut microbiota in children during the first year of life. RESULTS: Zonulin levels tended to increase for up to 6 months after childbirth and stabilize thereafter remaining at a high level while calprotectin concentration was high after childbirth and began to decline from 6 months of life. The gut microbiota composition and the related metabolic potentials changed during the first 2 years of life and were correlated with zonulin and calprotectin levels. Faecal calprotectin correlated inversely with alpha diversity (Shannon index, r = − 0.30, FDR P (Q) = 0.039). It also correlated with seven taxa; i.a. negatively with Ruminococcaceae (r = − 0.34, Q = 0.046), and Clostridiales (r = − 0.34, Q = 0.048) and positively with Staphylococcus (r = 0.38, Q = 0.023) and Staphylococcaceae (r = 0.35, Q = 0.04), whereas zonulin correlated with 19 taxa; i.a. with Bacillales (r = − 0.52, Q = 0.0004), Clostridiales (r = 0.48, Q = 0.001) and the Ruminococcus (torques group) (r = 0.40, Q = 0.026). When time intervals were considered only changes in abundance of the Ruminococcus (torques group) were associated with changes in calprotectin (β = 2.94, SE = 0.8, Q = 0.015). The dynamics of stool calprotectin was negatively associated with changes in two MetaCyc pathways: pyruvate fermentation to butanoate (β = − 4.54, SE = 1.08, Q = 0.028) and Clostridium acetobutylicum fermentation (β = − 4.48, SE = 1.16, Q = 0.026). CONCLUSIONS: The small intestinal paracellular permeability, immune system-related markers and gut microbiota change dynamically during the first 2 years of life. The Ruminococcus (torques group) seems to be especially involved in controlling paracellular permeability. Staphylococcus, Staphylococcaceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Clostridiales, may be potential biomarkers of the immune system. Despite observed correlations their clear causation and health consequences were not proven. Mechanistic studies are required

    Solving a Discrete Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Unrelated Parallel Machines and Sequence Dependent Setup Using a Generic Decision Support Tool

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    In any manufacturing systems, planning and scheduling are not intuitive. Some dedicate tools may exist to help some specific companies to daily plan and assign their activities. Our purpose is to develop a generic decision support tool to solve any planning or scheduling problems. To do so, we use a hybridization between a metaheuristic and a list algorithm. The metaheuristic is generic to any studied problems. The list algorithm needs to be specific to the considered problem. The use of our tool needs a minimum work development. In this paper, our proposal is illustrated by the case study of a textile company which intends to schedule its production, by assigning it resources and dates. This problem can be seen as a Discrete Lot Sizing and scheduling Problem (DLSP)

    Ultraviolet Survey of CO and H_2 in Diffuse Molecular Clouds: The Reflection of Two Photochemistry Regimes in Abundance Relationships

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    (Abridged) We carried out a comprehensive far-ultraviolet (UV) survey of ^12CO and H_2 column densities along diffuse molecular Galactic sight lines in order to explore in detail the relationship between CO and H_2. We measured new CO abundances from HST spectra, new H_2 abundances from FUSE data, and new CH, CH^+, and CN abundances from the McDonald and European Southern Observatories. A plot of log N(CO) versus log N(H_2) shows that two power-law relationships are needed for a good fit of the entire sample, with a break located at log N(CO, cm^-2) = 14.1 and log N(H_2) = 20.4, corresponding to a change in production route for CO in higher-density gas. Similar logarithmic plots among all five diatomic molecules allow us to probe their relationships, revealing additional examples of dual slopes in the cases of CO versus CH (break at log N = 14.1, 13.0), CH^+ versus H_2 (13.1, 20.3), and CH^+ versus CO (13.2, 14.1). These breaks are all in excellent agreement with each other, confirming the break in the CO versus H_2 relationship, as well as the one-to-one correspondence between CH and H_2 abundances. Our new sight lines were selected according to detectable amounts of CO in their spectra and they provide information on both lower-density (< 100 cm^-3) and higher-density diffuse clouds. The CO versus H_2 correlation and its intrinsic width are shown to be empirically related to the changing total gas density among the sight lines of the sample. We employ both analytical and numerical chemical schemes in order to derive details of the molecular environments. In the low-density gas, where equilibrium-chemistry studies have failed to reproduce the abundance of CH^+, our numerical analysis shows that nonequilibrium chemistry must be employed for correctly predicting the abundances of both CH^+ and CO.Comment: 40 pages in emulateapj style, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa