3,574 research outputs found

    New Lessons: The Power of Educating Adolescent Girls

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    Offers data and analysis on the impact of education on adolescent girls' lives and highlights promising approaches. Calls for evaluating girl-friendly education programs, compiling data on non-formal schools, and improving curricula, access, and supports

    Worktime in Contemporary Context: Amending the Fair Labor Standards Act

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja penyebab timbulnya pekerja anak Indonesia dan bagaimana efektivitas perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja anak dalam memenuhi hak-hak anak sebagai pekerja. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Upaya sektoral pemerintah yang sudah diupayakan, masih terlihat lemah dalam implementasi karena masyarakat belum sepenuhnya memahami dan menjalankan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam hal pekerja anak. Meskipun idealnya anak dilarang untuk bekerja, akan tetapi situasi ini terus berlangsung, dan disini para pengusaha masih saja memanfaatkan tenaga anak-anak dalam kegiatan usahanya, terutama sektor informal yang lemah dalam perlindungan hukumnya. Celah-celah yang ada dalam praktek dilapangan masih di gunakan oleh pengusaha yang menggunakan pekerja anak sehingga hak-hak dari si anak kurang mendapat perhatian. 2. Perhatian pemerintah terhadap pekerja anak sudah cukup memadai, meskipun belum adanya payung hukum yang secara khusus mengatur mengenai masalah pekerja anak dalam sebuah pengaturan perundang-undangan secara tersendiri, akan tetapi adanya pengaturan dalam Undang-Undang tentang Anak yang mengacu pada Konvensi Anak Internasional sudah menunjukkan upaya positif dari pemerintah.Kata kunci: Kajian Hukum, Hak Pekerja Anak, Sektor Formal, Pekerj

    Exit Ramp to Sustainability: the plenitude path

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    Juliet Schor, economista de renom i catedràtica de sociologia, identifica signes vitals de resistència iesperança en un món confrontat per desafiaments ecològics extrems. En el seu molt lúcid i documentattreball, l’autora mostra les interconnexions existents entre un amenaçant col·lapse ecològic, la pobresaglobal i les crisis econòmiques. Mentre les proves al voltant de la intensitat dels abusos humans globalssobre la nostra biosfera segueixen augmentant, les estructures, teories i polítiques econòmiqueshegemòniques, en lloc d’oferir solucions sensates, segueixen exacerbant la contribució humana a ladegradació del medi ambient del nostre planeta. Mentre els economistes de les societats riques segueixentractant el medi ambient com un be de luxe, les proves científiques ens diuen que la humanitat no potpermetre’s el luxe d’esperar que certs individus percebin que són novament rics abans de prendre accionsefectives. Segons explica l’autora, hi ha una necessitat urgent de trobar noves formes de reduir les nostrespetjades ecològiques i les emissions de gas d’efecte hivernacle mentre es resolen els problemes econòmicsdel Nord global i augmenten els estàndards de vida de la gent pobre del Sud global. Aquest és el problemareal del nostre temps i el nucli dels conflictes i canvis socials que tenim pel davant. Com demostra JulietSchor en el seu article, necessitem una rampa de sortida, una visió econòmica de transició cap a unaeconomia planetària sostenible que es fonamenti, no només en una comprensió clara del lloc on hem estat,sinó de la resistència d’un moviment emergent i en expansió de persones que estan forjant un camí cap auna nova plenitud.Juliet Schor, a well regarded economist and professor of sociology, identifies vital signs of resistance andhope in a world confronted by extreme ecological challenges. In her very lucid and well-documentedwork, the author shows the interconnection among a threatening ecological collapse, global poverty andeconomic crises. While evidence on the intensity of global stressors on our biosphere keeps mountingprevailing economic structures, theories and policies, rather than offering meaningful solutions, keepexacerbating human contribution to the degradation of our planet’s environment. While economists inwealthy societies keep treating the environment as a luxury good, scientific evidence tells us thathumanity does not have the luxury of waiting for some people to feel rich again before taking effectiveaction. There is an urgent need to find new ways to reduce our eco-footprints and green house gasemissions while solving the economic problems of the global north and raising the standard of living ofpoor people in the global south, she explains. This is the real problem of our time and the core of socialconflict and change ahead. As Juliet Schor demonstrates in her article, we need an exit ramp, an economicvision of the transition towards a sustainable planetary economy based not only on a clear understandingof where we have been, but on the resistance of an emerging and expanding movement of people who areforging a path to a new plenitude.Juliet Schor, economista de renombre y catedrática de sociología, identifica signos vitales de resistencia yesperanza en un mundo confrontado con desafíos ecológicos extremos. En su muy lúcido y documentadotrabajo, la autora muestra las interconexiones existentes entre un amenazante colapso ecológico, lapobreza global y las crisis económicas. Mientras que las pruebas acerca de la intensidad de los abusoshumanos globales sobre nuestra biosfera siguen aumentando, las estructuras, teorías y políticaseconómicas hegemónicas, en lugar de ofrecer soluciones sensatas, siguen exacerbando la contribuciónhumana a la degradación del medioambiente de nuestro planeta. Mientras que los economistas de lassociedades ricas siguen tratando el medioambiente como un bien de lujo, las pruebas científicas nos dicenque la humanidad no puede darse el lujo de esperar que ciertos individuos perciban que son de nuevoricos antes de tomar acciones efectivas. Según explica la autora, hay una necesidad urgente de encontrarformas nuevas de reducir nuestras huellas ecológicas y emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero mientrasse resuelven los problemas económicos del Norte global y aumentan los estándares de vida de la gentepobre del Sur global. Este es el problema real de nuestro tiempo y el núcleo de los conflictos y cambiossociales que tenemos por delante. Como demuestra Juliet Schor en su artículo, necesitamos una rampa desalida, una visión económica de transición hacia una economía planetaria sostenible que se base, no soloen una comprensión clara de dónde hemos estado, sino de la resistencia de un movimiento emergente yen expansión de personas que están forjando una senda hacia una nueva plenitud

    Worktime in Contemporary Context: Amending the Fair Labor Standards Act

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    Why Do We Consume So Much?

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    Same cost, more milk

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    Gharama sawa, maziwa zaidi

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    The Double Bind: The Politics of Racial & Class Inequalities in the Americas, Executive Summary

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    The main goal of the task force, under the leadership of APSA President Rodney Hero, was to investigate the relationship between race and class in producing material, political, and social inequalities in the nations of the Americas. The task force also examined how the political systems in these countries work to foment and/or ameliorate inequalities that track with ethnic and racial identities and socioeconomic status.The work of the task force unfolded in a period in which political science has begun to pay greater attention to the causes and consequences of various forms of inequality. To some extent, political science has lagged behind cognate fields of history, economics, and sociology in terms of scholarly attentiveness to inequality. The recent literature on inequality in political science, however, has focused almost exclusively on rising income inequality and how it affects political representation. The long-standing gaps in the life chances of whites and communities of color in the nations of the Americas have been largely unexplored. At the same time, in Latin America, which had long denied the existence of a relationship between race and ethnicity and class disparities, there has been an explosion in data-gathering on race and ethnicity and in particular on the relationship between race and inequality. The task force members have explicitly sought to grapple with both the problem of rising socioeconomic inequality and the multifaceted racial gaps that exist throughout the Americas. Moreover, they examined the ways in which race and class inequalities are epiphenomena of politics. Thus, their work was organized around several core concepts and theoretical insights that animate research programs in political science—e.g., the role of institutions, the mobilizing power of group memberships, party politics, and social movements. They find that ethnoracial minorities, even in countries in which they represent a large percentage of the population and participate actively in elections, are hampered in translating their demographic potential and civic participation into meaningful socioeconomic gains by their low socioeconomic status and the incentives of the party system