746 research outputs found

    Integration of Exploration and Search: A Case Study of the M3 Model

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    International audienceEffective support for multimedia analytics applications requires exploration and search to be integrated seamlessly into a single interaction model. Media metadata can be seen as defining a multidimensional media space, casting multimedia analytics tasks as exploration, manipulation and augmentation of that space. We present an initial case study of integrating exploration and search within this multidimensional media space. We extend the M3 model, initially proposed as a pure exploration tool, and show that it can be elegantly extended to allow searching within an exploration context and exploring within a search context. We then evaluate the suitability of relational database management systems, as representatives of today’s data management technologies, for implementing the extended M3 model. Based on our results, we finally propose some research directions for scalability of multimedia analytics

    Ideal, Defective, and Gold--Promoted Rutile TiO2(110) Surfaces: Structures, Energies, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics from PBE+U

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    Extensive first principles calculations are carried out to investigate gold-promoted TiO2(110) surfaces in terms of structure optimizations, electronic structure analyses, ab initio thermodynamics calculations of surface phase diagrams, and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. All computations rely on density functional theory in the generalized gradient approximation (PBE) and account for on-site Coulomb interactions via inclusion of a Hubbard correction, PBE+U, where U is computed from linear response theory. This approach is validated by investigating the interaction between TiO2(110) surfaces and typical probe species (H, H2O, CO). Relaxed structures and binding energies are compared to both data from the literature and plain PBE results. The main focus of the study is on the properties of gold-promoted titania surfaces and their interactions with CO. Both PBE+U and PBE optimized structures of Au adatoms adsorbed on stoichiometric and reduced TiO2 surfaces are computed, along with their electronic structure. The charge rearrangement induced by the adsorbates at the metal/oxide contact are also analyzed and discussed. By performing PBE+U ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, it is demonstrated that the diffusion of Au adatoms on the stoichiometric surface is highly anisotropic. The metal atoms migrate either along the top of the bridging oxygen rows, or around the area between these rows, from one bridging position to the next along the [001] direction. Approximate ab initio thermodynamics predicts that under O-rich conditions, structures obtained by substituting a Ti5c atom with an Au atom are thermodynamically stable over a wide range of temperatures and pressures.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Snow drift challenges at Klettsháls mountain road pass in Iceland

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    Snow fences are usually used to control snowdrift problems on a relatively flat and open terrain. Snowdrift problems on mountain roads and passes are normally more challenging. The terrain is often more complex, winds can be stronger and other problems related to road construction have to be solved in joint action with snowdrift problems

    Body Mass Index (BMI), caries and erosion in 15 years Icelandic teenagers

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjectives: The Oral Health Survey in Iceland (2005) revealed a high prevalence of erosion in permanent teeth and increasing levels of caries in 15-year olds. Data from participants on consumption of soft drinks and measurement of Body-Mass Index (BMI) enabled a study of interaction of lifestyle factors in these two dental diseases. The aim was to investigate the interaction of aetiological factors in erosion and caries so that preventive policies could be developed. Methods: Erosion was recorded (modified scale of Lussi), and caries (D3MFT) determined using The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Detailed information on consumption of acidic drinks was obtained by questionnaire. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated following measurements at the clinical examination. Results: There was a linear relationship between the frequency of consumption of acidic drinks and the proportion of the sample with tooth erosion. Erosion was evident in 30%, significantly more often in boys. The average number of teeth with erosion increased steadily with increased frequency of consuming acidic drinks. There was a parallel increase in the D3MFT index and BMI whereas the number of teeth with erosion present declined with increasing BMI in boys. Conclusion: There are different associations between BMI and caries and BMI and erosion.Markmið: Upplýsingar liggja fyrir um tannheilsu og lífsstíl nemenda í 10. bekk íslenskra grunnskóla í rannsókn á munnheilsu íslendinga frá árinu 2005 (MUNNÍS). Gögn um tíðni á tannátu (caries) og glerungseyðingu (erosion), neyslu gosdrykkja ásamt mælingu á hæð og þyngd einstaklinga gáfu möguleika á að skoða tengsl þessara tveggja tannsjúkdóma við holdafar (BMI) einstaklinga og gosdrykkjaneyslu þeirra. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða tengsl tannátu og glerungseyðingar við holdafar með forvarnir í huga. Efniviður: Nemendur voru valdir með tilviljunarkenndu klasaúrtaki (random cluster sample) sem í voru um 20% nemenda í 10. bekk, 384 piltar og 366 stúlkur, samtals 750. Glerungseyðing var greind eftir staðsetningu og alvarleika (modified scale of Lussi). Tannáta var greind eftir D3MFT með The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Með spurningalista var aflað upplýsinga um neyslu á gosdrykkjum. Holdafar var mælt með skoðun á hæð og þyngd. Niðurstöður: Glerungseyðing greindist hjá 30% 15 ára unglinga, piltar voru með martækt meiri glerungseyðingu en stúlkur (38.3% pilta, 22.7 % stúlkna, p<0.001). Stúlkur og piltar voru að meðaltali með 4.24 tennur skemmdar (D3MFT). Tengsl eru á milli aukinnar neyslu gosdrykkja og meðalfjölda tanna með glerungseyðingu. Jákvæð fylgni er á milli tannátu (D3MFT) og líkamsþyngdar (BMI) en neikvæð fylgni á milli glerungseyðingar og holdafars. Ályktun: Mismunandi tengsl eru á milli holdafars og tannátu og holdafars og glerungseyðingu

    Interest in breast cancer genetic testing among Icelandic women

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: It is estimated that 6-10% of all breast cancers in Iceland can be attributed to inherited mutations in newly identified breast cancer susceptibility genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2). Before genetic testing becomes widely available in Iceland it is important to understand what motivates women s interest in undergoing testing as that will provide the data necessary for designing effective counseling interventions. Therefore, the aim of this population-based study was to examine interest in and predictors of interest in genetic testing among Icelandic women. Material and methods: A randomly selected sample of 534 Icelandic women, who had not been previously diagnosed with breast cancer, completed questionnaires assessing, demographic/medical variables, interest in genetic testing, perceived risk of carrying mutations in BRCA1/2 genes, cancer-specific distress and perceived benefits and barriers of genetic testing. The mean age was 53.8 years and 197 of the women had at least one first degree-relative that had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Results: Interest in testing was high with 74% of the women indicating that they were interested in testing. Family history of breast cancer was unrelated to interest in testing whereas perceived risk of being a mutation carrier was significantly and positively related to interest in testing. Interest in testing was also significantly higher among younger women and among women with higher levels of cancer-specific distress. The most commonly cited reasons for wanting to be tested were to increase use of mammography screening and to learn if one s children were at risk for developing cancer. The most commonly citied reasons against being tested were fear of being mutation carrier and worry that test results would not stay confidential. Conclusions: These results suggest that demand for genetic testing, once it becomes commercially available, among Icelandic women may be high even among women without family history of breast cancer. The results also suggest that genetic counseling needs to address women s breast cancer worries as that may increase the probability that the decision to undergo testing is based on knowledge rather than driven by breast cancer fear and distress.Tilgangur: Áætlað er að um 6-10% brjóstakrabbameinstilfella á Íslandi megi rekja til arfgengra stökkbreytinga á tveimur erfðaefnum sem nýlega hafa verið einangruð (BRCA1 og BRCA2). Greina má tilvist þeirra með erfðaprófum. Mikilvægt er að greina hvað ýtir undir áhuga kvenna á að fara í slíkt próf til að tryggja að erfðaráðgjöf beri tilætlaðan árangur. Þess vegna var markmið þessarar þýðisbundnu rannsóknar að kanna áhuga á og kanna forspárþætti fyrir áhuga íslenskra kvenna á að mæta í erfðapróf. Efniviður og aðferðir: Handahófsúrtak 534 íslenskra kvenna, sem ekki höfðu greinst með brjóstakrabbamein, svaraði spurningalista með lýðfræðilegum þáttum/fjölskyldusögu um brjóstakrabbamein, áhuga á að mæta í erfðapróf, mati á líkum á að vera með brjóstakrabbameinserfðaefni, sértækum krabbameinsótta og mælikvarða á hindranir og hvatningu fyrir mætingu í erfðapróf. Meðalaldur var 53,8 ár og 197 konur áttu að minnsta kosti einn ættingja sem fengið hafði brjóstakrabbamein. Niðurstöður: Áhugi á erfðaprófi var mikill þar sem um 74% kvenna höfðu áhuga á að mæta í slíkt próf. Fjölskyldusaga um brjóstakrabbamein tengdist ekki áhuga á erfðaprófi, en mat á líkum á að hafa brjóstakrabbameinserfðaefni tengdist marktækt og jákvætt áhuga á prófinu. Áhugi á erfðaprófi var einnig meiri hjá yngri konum og hjá konum sem óttuðust brjóstakrabbamein. Helstu kostir erfðaprófa voru taldir að þau gæfu vísbendingu um hvort fara ætti oftar í brjóstamyndatöku og til að vita hvort börn þátttakenda væru í aukinni áhættu fyrir brjóstakrabbameini. Helstu ókostir erfðaprófa voru ótti við að greinast með stökkbreytingar og áhyggjur af ónógri persónuvernd. Ályktanir: Þessar niðurstöður gefa til kynna að kröfur íslenskra kvenna um að fá að fara í erfðapróf, þegar þau eru orðin almenn hér á landi verði miklar, jafnvel hjá konum sem ekki hafa ættarsögu um brjóstakrabbamein. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar gefa einnig til kynna að erfðaráðgjöf þurfi að taka mið af ótta kvenna við brjóstakrabbamein því það gæt

    A general-purpose machine learning Pt interatomic potential for an accurate description of bulk, surfaces and nanoparticles

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    A Gaussian approximation machine learning interatomic potential for platinum is presented. It has been trained on DFT data computed for bulk, surfaces and nanostructured platinum, in particular nanoparticles. Across the range of tested properties, which include bulk elasticity, surface energetics and nanoparticle stability, this potential shows excellent transferability and agreement with DFT, providing state-of-the-art accuracy at low computational cost. We showcase the possibilities for modeling of Pt systems enabled by this potential with two examples: the pressure-temperature phase diagram of Pt calculated using nested sampling and a study of the spontaneous crystallization of a large Pt nanoparticle based on classical dynamics simulations over several nanoseconds

    A view of canonical extension

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    This is a short survey illustrating some of the essential aspects of the theory of canonical extensions. In addition some topological results about canonical extensions of lattices with additional operations in finitely generated varieties are given. In particular, they are doubly algebraic lattices and their interval topologies agree with their double Scott topologies and make them Priestley topological algebras.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. Presented at the Eighth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation Bakuriani, Georgia, September 21-25 200

    Predictors of mammography adherence among Icelandic women

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: In Iceland, breast cancer is a second only to lung cancer as a cause of women s cancer related deaths. Despite the widely-recognized utility of mammography for detecting breast cancer at early stages when it is most curable, many Icelandic women do not adhere to mammography screening recommendations. The aim of the present population-based study was to identify factors that facilitate and hinder women s adherence to mammography screening in Iceland. Material and methods: A randomly selected sample of Icelandic women between the ages of 40-69 years, not previously diagnosed with breast cancer (n=1000), were recruited to the study by mail. Participants (n=619) completed questionnaires assessing: demopgraphic variables, knowledge of screening guidelines, possible facilitators (e.g., physician recommendation) and barriers (e.g. concern about radiation) to adherence, as well as stages of mammography screening adoption (precontemplation, contemplation, action and maintenance). Results: Women in the precontemplation stage were more afraid of radiation than women on other stages. They as well as women on contemplation stage were more afraid that mammography would be painful, and less satisfied with previous service at the mammography screening center. Doctors recommendations, as well as women s knowledge about mammography screening guidelines, were positively related to mammography adherence. Conclusions: These findings suggest that physicians may have an important role in motivating women to follow mammography screening recommendations. Educating women about mammography screening guidelines and addressing their concern about radiation and pain may increase mammography adherence further. Service at the mammography screening center may also improve adherence.Tilgangur: Brjóstakrabbamein, ásamt lungnakrabbameini, er langalgengasta dánarorsök íslenskra kvenna á miðjum aldri. Þrátt fyrir alþjóðlegan árangur reglubundinnar brjóstamyndatöku við að finna brjóstakrabbamein á for- eða byrjunarstigi, þegar mestar líkur eru á lækningu, mæta íslenskra konur ekki nægilega vel í myndatöku. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna hvaða þættir hvetja eða letja íslenskar konur til að mæta í myndatöku. Efniviður og aðferðir: Konur á Stór-Reykjavíkursvæðinu, 40-69 ára, sem ekki höfðu greinst með brjóstakrabbamein, voru valdar af handahófi (n=1000) og var þeim sendur spurningalisti í pósti. Þátttakendur (n=619) fengur spurningalista um: lýðfræðilegar breytur, þekkingu á brjóstamyndatöku, mögulega hvetjandi þætti (til dæmis hvatningu frá lækni) og hindranir (til dæmis ótta við geislun) sem tengdust mætingu, ásamt aðlögunarstigum að mætingu í brjóstamyndatöku, það er foríhugun (precontemplation), íhugun (contemplation), framkvæmd (action) og viðhald (maintenance). Niðurstöður: Konur á foríhugunarstigi voru hræddari við geislun en konur á öðrun stigum. Þær ásamt konum á íhugunarstigi óttuðust meira sársauka frá myndavél og voru óánægðari með þjónustu leitarstöðvar Krabbameinsfélagsins. Hvatning frá einkalækni og þekking á því hvenær fara á í myndatöku tengdust einnig jákvætt mætingu. Ályktanir: Þessar niðurstöður gefa til kynna að læknar geti gegnt mikilvægu hlutverki í að hvetja konur til að mæta í brjóstamyndatöku. Með því að upplýsa konur um gildi myndatökunnar og að ræða við þær um áhyggjur þeirra af geislun og sársauka væri hugsanlega hægt að auka þátttöku. Þjónusta á leitarstöðinni virðist einnig geta haft áhrif á það hvort konur halda áfram að mæta í myndatöku