413 research outputs found

    The KELT-South Telescope

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    The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project is a survey for new transiting planets around bright stars. KELT-South is a small-aperture, wide-field automated telescope located at Sutherland, South Africa. The telescope surveys a set of 26 degree by 26 degree fields around the southern sky, and targets stars in the range of 8 < V < 10 mag, searching for transits by Hot Jupiters. This paper describes the KELT-South system hardware and software and discusses the quality of the observations. We show that KELT-South is able to achieve the necessary photometric precision to detect transits of Hot Jupiters around solar-type main-sequence stars.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Astrometry with "Carte du Ciel" plates, San Fernando zone. I. Digitization and measurement using a flatbed scanner

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    We present an original method of digitizing and astrometrically reducing "Carte du Ciel" plate material using an inexpensive flatbed scanner, to demonstrate that for this material there is an alternative to more specialized measuring machines that are very few in number and thus not readily available. The sample of plates chosen to develop this method are original "Carte du Ciel" plates of the San Fernando zone, photographic material with a mean epoch 1903.6, and a limiting photographic magnitude ~14.5, covering the declination range of -10 < dec < -2. Digitization has been made using a commercial flatbed scanner, demonstrating the internal precision that can be attained with such a device. A variety of post-scan corrections are shown to be necessary. In particular, the large distortion introduced by the non-uniform action of the scanner is modelled using multiple scans of each plate. We also tackle the specific problems associated with the triple-exposure images on some plates and the grid lines present on all. The final measures are reduced to celestial coordinates using the Tycho-2 Catalogue. The internal precision obtained over a single plate, 3microns ~ 0.18" in each axis, is comparable to what is realized with similar plate material using slower, less affordable, and less widely available conventional measuring machines, such as a PDS microdensitometer. The accuracy attained over large multi-plate areas, employing an overlapping plate technique, is estimated at 0.2".Comment: 16 pages, 19 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Searching for unknown open clusters in the Tycho-2 catalog

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    We present 11 new open cluster candidates found in a systematic search for unknown star clusters using the astrometric and photometric data included in the Tycho2 catalog. The possible existence of these stellar aggregates is supported by the analysis of proper motions, color-magnitude diagrams, stellar density distributions, and by the visual inspection of the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) plates. With these tools we were able to determine mean absolute proper motions as well as preliminary reddenings, distances and ages for the majority of the candidates. We found that most of them are possibly nearby (closer than about 600 pc) open clusters never studied before.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by A&

    An RGB-D Database Using Microsoft’s Kinect for Windows for Face Detection

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    Target selection for the SUNS and DEBRIS surveys for debris discs in the solar neighbourhood

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    Debris discs - analogous to the Asteroid and Kuiper-Edgeworth belts in the Solar system - have so far mostly been identified and studied in thermal emission shortward of 100 um. The Herschel space observatory and the SCUBA-2 camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope will allow efficient photometric surveying at 70 to 850 um, which allow for the detection of cooler discs not yet discovered, and the measurement of disc masses and temperatures when combined with shorter wavelength photometry. The SCUBA-2 Unbiased Nearby Stars (SUNS) survey and the DEBRIS Herschel Open Time Key Project are complimentary legacy surveys observing samples of ~500 nearby stellar systems. To maximise the legacy value of these surveys, great care has gone into the target selection process. This paper describes the target selection process and presents the target lists of these two surveys.Comment: 67 pages with full tables, 7 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Kinematics of Nearby Subdwarf Stars

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    We present an analysis of the space motions of 742 subdwarf stars based on the sample of Carney et al. (1994, CLLA). Hipparcos parallaxes, TYC2+HIP proper motions and Tycho2 proper motions were combined with radial velocities and metallicities from CLLA. The kinematical behavior is discussed in particular in relation to their metallicities. The majority of these sample stars have metal abundances of [Fe/H] >-1 and represent the thick disk population. The halo component, with [Fe/H] <-1.6, is characterized by a low mean rotation velocity and a radially elongated velocity ellipsoid. In the intermediate metallicity range (-1.6 < [Fe/H] <-1), we find a significant number of subdwarfs with disklike kinematics. We interpret this population of stars as a metal-weak thick disk population.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Warm Debris Disks Candidates in Transiting Planets Systems

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    We have bandmerged candidate transiting planetary systems (from the Kepler satellite) and confirmed transiting planetary systems (from the literature) with the recent Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) preliminary release catalog. We have found 13 stars showing infrared excesses at either 12 and/or 22 microns. Without longer wavelength observations it is not possible to conclusively determine the nature of the excesses, although we argue that they are likely due to debris disks around the stars. If confirmed, our sample ~ doubles the number of currently known warm excess disks around old main sequence stars. The ratios between the measured fluxes and the stellar photospheres are generally larger than expected for Gyr-old stars, such as these planetary hosts. Assuming temperature limits for the dust and emission from large dust particles, we derive estimates for the disk radii. These values are comparable to the planet's semi-major axis, suggesting that the planets may be stirring the planetesimals in the system.Comment: Submitted to A&A: 21 October 2011 / Accepted for publication in A&A: 27 February 201

    Kinematic Control of the Inertiality of the System of Tycho-2 and UCAC2 Stellar Proper Motions

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    Based on the Ogorodnikov-Milne model, we analyze the proper motions of Tycho-2 and UCAC2 stars. We have established that the model component that describes the rotation of all stars under consideration around the Galactic y axis differs significantly from zero at various magnitudes. We interpret this rotation found using the most distant stars as a residual rotation of the ICRS/Tycho-2 system relative to the inertial reference frame. For the most distant (d≈900d\approx900 pc) Tycho-2 and UCAC2 stars, the mean rotation around the Galactic y axis has been found to be M13=−0.37±0.04M_{13}=-0.37\pm0.04 mas yr−1^{-1}. The proper motions of UCAC2 stars with magnitudes in the range 12−15m12-15^m are shown to be distorted appreciably by the magnitude equation in μαcos⁡δ\mu_\alpha\cos\delta, which has the strongest effect for northern-sky stars with a coefficient of −0.60±0.05-0.60\pm0.05 mas yr−1^{-1} mag−1^{-1}. We have detected no significant effect of the magnitude equation in the proper motions of UCAC2 stars brighter than ≈11m\approx11^m.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
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