651 research outputs found

    L’Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic de les Illes Balears (ESADIB): passat, present i reptes de futur

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    Aquest treball vol estudiar la situació actual de l’Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic de les Illes Balears (ESADIB) en el marc dels ensenyaments artístics superiors de la Comunitat Autònoma. Per dur a terme aquest propòsit, analitzarem el passat del centre, el eixos programàtics que desenvolupa en el present com a escola superior de formació i recerca en arts escèniques i presentarem els reptes de futur que l’ESADIB ha d’assolir per integrar-se plenament dins l’Espai Europeu de l’Educació Superior (EEES).Este trabajo pretende estudiar la situación actual de la Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de las Islas Baleares (ESADIB) en el marco de las enseñanzas artísticas superiores de la Comunidad Autónoma. Para llevar a cabo este propósito, analizaremos el pasado del centro, los ejes programáticos que está desarrollando en el presente como escuela superior de formación e investigación en el campo de las artes escénicas y presentaremos los retos de futuro que la ESADIB tiene que conseguir para integrarse plenamente en el Espacio Europeo de la Educación Superior (EEES)

    Immunocytokines: the long awaited therapeutic magic bullet in rheumatoid arthritis?

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    Modulatory cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10 looked promising biologicals, but suffered from poor exposure at the inflamed joints when administered via the patient-friendly subcutaneous route. Immunocytokines have now been engineered with tissue targeting potential and are a possible solution to this problem, although challenges still exist. Local inflammatory processes cause destruction of extracellular matrix (ECM) components, leading to neo-eptitopes, and/or elicit the synthesis of new ECM components. This makes ECM elements interesting targets for antibody-mediated recognition and retention, to achieve higher levels of immunocytokines at the site of therapeutic interference. The study presented by Schwager and colleagues shows that targeted delivery of IL-10 is more efficacious in experimental arthritis. Clinical studies are warranted to show whether this strategy works for all rheumatoid arthritis patients or is better for subgroups with a defined ECM phenotype. In principle, the scFv-targeting system is plastic enough to allow for personalized strategies

    Trapped in a vicious loop: Toll-like receptors sustain the spontaneous cytokine production by rheumatoid synovium

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    Synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) spontaneously produces several cytokines, of which a fundamental role in joint inflammation and destruction has been established. However, the factors sustaining this phenomenon remain poorly understood. In a recent report, blockade of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) was found to inhibit the spontaneous release of inflammatory cytokines by intact RA synovial explant cultures. Adding to the recent evidence implicating other TLRs (in particular, TLR4), this observation highlights the potential of TLRs as therapeutic targets to suppress the local production of multiple cytokines and to control the chronic inflammatory loop in RA

    Gene therapy in animal models of rheumatoid arthritis: are we ready for the patients?

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the synovial joints, with progressive destruction of cartilage and bone. Anti-tumour necrosis factor-α therapies (e.g. soluble tumour necrosis factor receptors) ameliorate disease in 60–70% of patients with RA. However, the need for repeated systemic administration of relatively high doses in order to achieve constant therapeutic levels in the joints, and the reported side effects are downsides to this systemic approach. Several gene therapeutic approaches have been developed to ameliorate disease in animal models of arthritis either by restoring the cytokine balance or by genetic synovectomy. In this review we summarize strategies to improve transduction of synovial cells, to achieve stable transgene expression using integrating viruses such as adeno-associated viruses, and to achieve transcriptionally regulated expression so that drug release can meet the variable demands imposed by the intermittent course of RA. Evidence from animal models convincingly supports the application of gene therapy in RA, and the feasibility of gene therapy was recently demonstrated in phase I clinical trials

    A possible mechanism of ultrafast amorphization in phase-change memory alloys: an ion slingshot from the crystalline to amorphous position

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    We propose that the driving force of an ultrafast crystalline-to-amorphous transition in phase-change memory alloys are strained bonds existing in the (metastable) crystalline phase. For the prototypical example of GST, we demonstrate that upon breaking of long Ge-Te bond by photoexcitation Ge ion shot from an octahedral crystalline to a tetrahedral amorphous position by the uncompensated force of strained short bonds. Subsequent lattice relaxation stabilizes the tetrahedral surroundings of the Ge atoms and ensures the long-term stability of the optically induced phase.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Altitude dependence of fluorescence light emission by extensive air showers

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    Fluorescence light is induced by extensive air showers while developing in the Earth's atmosphere. The number of emitted fluorescence photons depends on the conditions of the air and on the energy deposited by the shower particles at every stage of the development. In a previous model calculation, the pressure and temperature dependences of the fluorescence yield have been studied on the basis of kinetic gas theory, assuming temperature-independent molecular collision cross-sections. In this work we investigate the importance of temperature-dependent collision cross-sections and of water vapour quenching on the expected fluorescence yield. The calculations will be applied to simulated air showers while using actual atmospheric profiles to estimate the influence on the reconstructed energy of extensive air showers.Comment: 8 pages, 18 figures, to be published in Proc. 5th Fluorescence Workshop, El Escorial - Madrid, Sept. 200

    Impact of Varying Atmospheric Profiles on Extensive Air Shower Observation: Fluorescence Light Emission and Energy Reconstruction

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    Several experiments measure the fluorescence light produced by extensive air showers in the atmosphere. This light is converted into a longitudinal shower profile from which information on the primary energy and composition is derived. The fluorescence yield, as the conversion factor between light profile measured by EAS experiments and physical interpretation of showers, has been measured in several laboratory experiments. The results, however, differ considerably. In this article, a model calculation of the fluorescence emission from relevant band systems of nitrogen in dependence on wavelength and atmospheric conditions is presented. Different calculations are compared to each other in combination with varying input parameters. The predictions are compared with measurements and the altitude-dependence of the fluorescence yield is discussed in detail.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, Astroparticle Physics in pres