726 research outputs found

    Probing the topography of the active site of alpha-chymotrypsin.

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    A primary breast cancer with distinct foci of estrogen receptor-alpha positive and negative cells derived from the same clonal origin as revealed by whole exome sequencing

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Background/purpose: Tumor heterogeneity is a now well-recognized phenomenon that can affect the classification, prognosis and treatment of human cancers. Heterogeneity is often described in primary breast cancers based upon histologic subtypes, hormone- and HER2-receptor status, and immunolabeling for various markers, which can be seen within a single tumor as mixed cellular populations, or as separate discrete foci. Experimental design/methods: Here, we present a case report of a patient’s primary breast cancer that had two separate but adjacent histologic components, one that was estrogen receptor (ER) positive, and the other ER negative. Each component was subjected to whole exome sequencing and compared for gene identity to determine clonal origin. Results: Using prior bioinformatic tools, we demonstrated that both the ER positive and negative components shared many variants, including passenger and driver alterations. Copy number variations also supported the two components were derived from a single common clone. Conclusions: These analyses strongly suggest that the two ER components of this patient’s breast cancer were derived from the same clonal origin. Our results have implications for the evolution of breast cancers with mixed histologies, and how they might be best managed for optimal therapy


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    For the past 3 years NZB and NZW mice have been maintained by sister-brother matings from English breeder stock. NZB/NZW F1 hybrids developed lupus-like nephritis during the 6th to 7th month and few survived beyond the 8th month. Renal tissues of these animals were examined with fluorescein-labeled antinucleoside sera, specific for thymine and cytosine, for the presence of denatured DNA in GCW, and with labeled antibody to mouse IgG for the presence of excess host globulin in the same areas. The following results have been obtained: (a) All 51 hybrids, over 5 months of age, had an excess of mouse globulin in GCW. 40 animals between the ages of 5 and 12 months showed, in the same areas, antigens which bound one or both of the antinucleoside antibodies. (b) Renal tissues of 19 NZB mice, 5–19 months old, and 27 NZW mice, 2–18 months old, were examined. Excess host globulin was seen in GCW of 13 NZB and 20 NZW animals. The tissues of only two old NZB mice, 14 months of age, bound antinucleoside antibody but none of the other animals did. The association of rapidly fatal lupus-like nephritis in NZB/NZW F1 mice with denatured DNA and mouse globulin in GCW supports the hypothesis involving this antigen-antibody complex in the pathogenesis of the disease

    Helminth and Intestinal Protozoa Infections, Multiparasitism and Risk Factors in Champasack Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic

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    Multiparsitism is a general public health concern in tropical countries, and is of particular importance in the Mekong River basin of Southeast Asia. Here, we report results obtained from an in-depth study of hepato-biliary and intestinal multiparasitism and associated risk factors in three settings of the most southern province of Lao People's Democratic Republic. Multiple species intestinal parasite infections were very common: more than 80% of the study participants harbored at least two and up to seven different intestinal parasites concurrently. Of particular concerns are the high prevalence of the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini (64.1%) and the moderate prevalence of the blood fluke Schistosoma mekongi (24.2%), as these fluke infections are responsible for severe hepato-biliary morbidity, including the bile duct cancer cholangiocarcinoma. Hookworm was the most common nematode infection (76.8%). We conclude that given the very high prevalence rates of parasite infections and the extent of multiparasitism, regular deworming is warranted and that this intervention should be coupled with health education and improved assess to clean water and adequate sanitation to consolidate morbidity control and ensure long-term sustainability
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