17 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kekenyalan, Daya Mengikat Air, Kadar Air, dan Kesukaan pada Bakso Daging Sapi dengan Substitusi Jantung Sapi

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    Research to determine water content, water holding capacity, tenderness and preference that substituted beef meatballs with beef heart has been done at in the Laboratory of Livestock Product Technology Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science, Diponegoro University Semarang. Experimental design used is completely randomized design (CRD). Treatment applied is T0 = Meatballs with 100% beef, T1 = Meatballs with 90% beef and 10% beef heart; T2 = meatballs with 80% beef and 20% beef heart; T3 = 70% Meatballs with beef and 30% of beef heart. Variable that watched water content, water holding capacity, tenderness, and preference of beef meatballs were substituted with beef heart. The data obtained were processed using the analysis of the error range of 5% to determine the effect of treatment. If there is any difference in the test water content and water holding capacity then proceed to test Dual Duncan area whereas if there is a significant effect for the determination of elasticity and a fondness for beef meatballs with beef heart substitution then proceed with Test Honestly Significant Difference (HSD). The results showed that the substitution of beef meatballs with beef heart up to 30% effect on the water capacity holding, and does not affect water content, tenderness and preference for the meatballs. Conclusion of the study was 30% beef heart can be used to substitute manufacture meatballs

    Total Bakteri, Ph, Dan Kadar Air Daging Ayam Broiler Setelah Direndam Dengan Ekstrak Daun Senduduk (Melastoma Malabathricum L.) Selama Masa Simpan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the number of bacteria, pH, and water content in broiler carcass with soaking senduduk leaf extract at 12 hours of storage at room temperature. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with factor A as the concentration of senduduk leaf extract (a1 = 0%, a2 = 10%, a3 = 15%, and a4 = 20%) and factor B as shelf life (b1 = 6 hours and b2 = 12 hours). The results showed that broiler carcass soaked with senduduk leaf extract that gives real total bacteria effects. However, were not significantly affect the pH and water content. In broiler carsass is 3,21 x 103 total bacterial cfu / g after storage for 12 hours at room temperature. However, this number is still below the limit of microbial contamination (No. SNI. 01-6366-2000)

    Kandungan Pestisida Organoklorin Daging Ayam Roiler Yang Diberi Gulma Salvinia Molesta Rawa Pening Sebagai Campuran Pakan (Organochlorine Content of Broiler Administered with S. Molesta Containing Feed of Rawa Pening's Weed)

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    The goal of this research is to examine whether there is an effect of giving S. molesta weed in Rawa Pening as the composition for brolier chicken ration. The ration contains of organochlorine pesticides. Material given in this research are chicken meats from 16 cut up of the chickens. These chicken are from 100 broiler chickens strain Lohman which have been raised for about 42 days. The approximate mass of chicken body for each chicken is about 1 up to 1.5 kilograms. This reserach used several stages. The stages are preparation and raising the chickens, cutting up the chickens, preparation for the samples, and the analysis by using Gas Chromatography (CG) procedure. The design of the research used in the raising the chickens is Complete Random Design with 4 treatments which for each treatments has been done in four times treatment (To = Broiler ration with 0 % of S. molesta; T1 = Broiler ration with 6 % of S. molesta; T2 = Broiler ration with 12 % of S. molesta; T3 = Broiler ration with 18 % of S. molesta). The analysis for total organochlorine used 16 samples of chicken meats with 4 treatments by 4 times random repetitions. The analysis for the organochlorine profile used 4 samples of chicken Broiler meat by 4 treatments. The data about the content of total organochlorine was analyzed with F test (One Way Anova) in significant range (α) = 0.05. Then, continuing the analysis was by using double region test Duncan, processing of the data was used SPSS 16.0 program. While, the data about the content of organochlorine profile was analyzed descriptively. The result of the research showed that the ration with treatment until 18 % for the broiler chicken has affected (P<0.05) towards organochlorine for chicken meat. The total analysis in organochlorine shows that there is a siginicant increase. The increasing data are 0.05 ppm; 0.09 ppm; 0.14 ppm; dan 0.18 ppm. It has been stated that all the analysis for organochlorine profile for all the giving ration could not be detected because the result was still beyond the detection limit

    Chemical and the Acceptability of Chicken Nuggets as Functional Food with Utilization Rice Bran to Substitute Wheat Flour

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    The purpose of this research was produce a product with the chemical properties and acceptability as well as having health benefits. The research was conducted from July to September 20 12. The variables in this research were insoluble dietary fiber, antioxidant activity, and sensory test. Dietary fiber was measured using the total multienzyme method, antioxidant activity was measured using DPPH method and the acceptability for the sensory test. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications were used in this research. Treatment in this research was the total substitution of rice bran (w / w), consisting of : T0 = 0%, T1 = 25%, T 2 = 50%, T 3 = 75%, T4 = 100. The data obtained were further processed by analysis of variance to determine the effect of treatment. If there was any significant effect of treatment then it was followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test to determine the differences among the treatments. Based on the results of the study showed that the use of rice bran increase insoluble dietary fiber. Similarly, the antioxidant activity, the higher utilization of rice bran, significantly (P <0.05) increased the antioxidant activity of rice bran chicken nuggets. Overall, the use of rice bran as a substitute for wheat flour can improve the chemical properties but lower the acceptability of chicken nuggets as functional food

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Daun Kayambang (Salvinia Molesta) Dalam Ransum Terhadap Kualitas Fisikokimia Daging Ayam Broiler Lohman Jantan (the Use Effect of Kayambang Leaves Powder (Salvinia Molesta) in Feeding Toward Physic and Chemistry Quality of Broil

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    This study aims to determine the Salvinia molesta leaf powder administration on the physicochemical quality of broiler meat. The material used is a strain of broiler chicken meat Lohman age of 5 weeks. Physicochemical parameters studied were pH, WHC and water content. Research using completely randomized design with four treatments that use T0, T1, T2, and T3 with Salvinia molesta leaf powder administration ie T1= 6%; T2= 12%; T3= 18% and T0= 0% control, each treatment was repeated five times repetition. Data analysis using analysis of variance. Statistical analysis proves that Salvinia molesta flour that is used to mix feed rations did not affect the physicochemical ie a decrease of pH, WHC, water levels in broiler meat. Which tends to decrease the pH value of T0= 6.07; T1= 6.15; T2= 6.11; and T3= 6.04%. WHC values tend to increase ranged between 37.03 to 41.58% higher than the normal standard (25-38%). While the water content for each treatment from T0, T1, T2, and T3 are respectively 74.55%; 74.77%; 74.19%; and 74.06%. Overall that the use of leaf powder Salvinia molesta no significant effect (P&gt;0,05) on the physicochemical quality of broiler meat

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Minyak Goreng Berulang terhadap Perubahan Nilai Gizi dan Mutu Hedonik pada Ayam Goreng

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    Frying is one of the efforts to process chicken meat that are commonly used by the public. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of food safety which was noticed from the effects of repeated use of cooking oils to the changes in the nutrition and hedonic quality on fried chicken. The design of experiment for checking nutritional content was a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications, and if the treatments had effects then this experiment should be followed by a Duncan's multiple range test (MRT). The hedonic quality test was established with help from 25 slightly trained panelists. Applied treatments were the use of new cooking oil (T1), former frying oil-1 (T2), former frying oil-2 (T3), former frying oil-3 (T4), and former frying oil-4 (T5). The average values of observations on T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5 for protein were 27.36, 25.95, 25.13, 23.06, and 19%; fat were 17.67, 18.22, 19, 19.24 and 19.12%; and water content were 20.22, 19.04, 16.17, 13.75, and 13.27%. The result showed that the repeated use of cooking oils could give real effect (P&lt;0.05) to protein, fat, and water content. Hedonic quality also had a noticeable effect (P&lt;0.05). The color of fried chicken was getting browner and its texture was crispier. The conclusion of this study was the repeated use of cooking oils was not right because it could lead to serious health problem

    Profil Perlemakan Darah Ayam Broiler Yang Diberi Pakan Tepung Daun Kayambang (Salvinia Molesta)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of alternative local feed ingredients kayambang leaf meal (Salvinia molesta) as a fibrous protein source in broiler diet composition on the production performance and blood lipid. The study used one hundred broiler chickens at 15 days old unsex with average weight 500 ± 6,99 g. The study used experimental completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. Ration treatment was arranged for starter and finisher periods including T0 (ration without Salvinia molesta leaf meal); T1 (ration with 6% of Salvinia molesta leaf meal); T2 (ration with 12% of Salvinia molesta leaf meal); and T3 (ration with 18% Salvinia molesta leaf meal). The results showed that Salvinia molesta leaf meal treatment in broiler diet significantly (P &lt;0.05) influenced body weight gain, feed conversion, and blood lipid. However, the treatment had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on feed consumption and carcass percentage. The conclusion of the study was the use of Salvinia molesta leaf meal decreased the production performance of broiler chickens. In addition, the use of Salvinia molesta leaf meal in broiler rations increased blood lipid profiles although they were still within the normal limits

    Effect of High Fructose Syrup (HFS) Addition on Chemical and Organoleptic Properies of Green Coconut Water Kefir

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    This research aims to determine the effect of High Fructose Syrup (HFS) addition to carbon dioxide (CO2) content, ethanol content and organoleptic properties of green coconut water kefir, and to determine the ideal HFS concentration for green coconut water kefir. Complete Randomized Design is used in this research with 5 treatments and 4 replications i.e. T0 (0% v/v HFS), T1 (2.5% v/v HFS), T2 (5% v/v HFS), T3 (7.5% v/v HFS), and T4 (10% v/v HFS). The CO2 content is measured by sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) titration, ethanol content is measured by distillation, while the organoleptic properties that included level of sourness, level of sweetness, soda sensation, sour aroma, and viscosity are done by 25 panelists. The results show that the addition of HFS is statistically gave significant effect to the CO2 content and organoleptic properties (P<0,05). However, the ethanol content, which analyzed using empirical model of quadratic polynomial regression, show that the addition of HFS is incompatible to the ethanol content of green coconut water kefir. The most optimal HFS concentration is 7.5% v/v, resulting CO2 content of 0.096%; ethanol content 1.545%; and desirable organoleptic properties, which are low level of sourness, high level of sweetness, very high soda sensation, low sour aroma, and high viscosity

    The Reduced Glucose, Acidity, and Preference of Fermented Meat “Petis” on the Different of Meat Broth

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the reduced glocose, acidity, and preference of fermented meat “petis” on the different of meat broth (beef, lamb, and chicken). Fermentation of “petis” used Streptococcus thermophillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus acidophillus. The experiment design was arranged by completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 7 replications. Three meat broth were used as treatment i.e. beef broth (T1), lamb broth (T2), and chicken broth (T3). The results showed that the reduced glucose on fermented “petis” i.e. 9.431%, 9.317%, dan 9.139 % as T1, T2, T3, respectively. The acidity of fermented “petis” i.e. 0.414%, 0.426%, and 0.435%, for T1, T2, T3, respectively. The preference score of fermented “petis” showed 2.80, 2.88, 2.88 for T1, T2, T3, respectively. There were no significant effect of different meat broth on the reduced glucose, acidity, and panelist preference. Keywords : fermented meat “petis”, reduced glucose, acidity, preferenc