145 research outputs found

    Bronchodilator Response in Patients with Persistent Allergic Asthma Could Not Predict Airway Hyperresponsiveness

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    <p/> <p>Anticholinergics, or specific antimuscarinic agents, by inhibition of muscarinic receptors cause bronchodilatation, which might correlate with activation of these receptors by the muscarinic agonist methacholine. The aim of this study was to determine whether a positive bronchodilator response to the anticholinergic ipratropium bromide could predict airway hyperresponsiveness in patients with persistent allergic asthma. The study comprised 40 patients with mild and moderate persistent allergic asthma. Diagnosis was established by clinical and functional follow-up (skin-prick test, spirometry, bronchodilator tests with salbutamol and ipratropium bromide, and methacholine challenge testing). The bronchodilator response was positive to both bronchodilator drugs in all patients. After salbutamol inhalation, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV<sub>1</sub>) increased by 18.39 Ā± 6.18%, <it>p </it>< .01, whereas after ipratropium bromide, FEV<sub>1 </sub>increased by 19.14 Ā± 6.74%, <it>p </it>< .01. The mean value of FEV<sub>1 </sub>decreased by 25.75 Ā± 5.16%, <it>p </it>< .01 after methacholine (PC<sub>20 </sub>FEV<sub>1 </sub>[provocative concentration of methacholine that results in a 20% fall in FEV<sub>1</sub>] from 0.026 to 1.914 mg/mL). Using linear regression, between methacholine challenge testing and bronchodilator response to salbutamol, a positive, weak, and stastistically significant correlation for FEV<sub>1 </sub>was found (<it>p </it>< .05). Correlations between methacholine challenge testing and the bronchodilator response to ipratropium bromide were positive and weak but not statistically significant. The positive bronchodilator response to ipratropium bromide could not predict airway hyperresponsiveness.</p

    Importance of systolic left ventricular dysfunction after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute myocardial infarction with ST-elevation

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    Uvod: Rano i kompletno uspostavljanje protoka kroz infarktnu arteriju je glavni mehanizam kojim reperfuziona terapija poboljÅ”ava ishod kod pacijenata sa akutnim infarktom miokarda sa ST-elevacijom (STEMI). Primena primarne perkutane koronarne intervencije (PCI) kod pacijenata sa STEMI dovodi do ograničavanja veličine infarkta i na taj način zaÅ”tite sistolne funkcije leve komore. Međutim, kod jednog broja bolesnika i pored dobre reperfuzije dolazi do razvoja sistolne disfunkcije leve komore (SDLK) sa ili bez znakova manifestne srčane insuficijencije. Cilj: Glavni cilj studije je bio da se utvrde prediktori razvoja SDLK kod bolesnika sa STEMI koji su lečeni primarnom PCI kao i da se utvrdi uticaj SDLK na intrahospitalnu i 1- godiÅ”nju prognozu bolesnika. Metode: Studija je obuhvatila 348 bolesnika sa prvim STEMI koji su lečeni primarnom PCI unutar 12h od pojave bola u grudima. Prema vrednostima EF koja je određivana 3-5 dana hospitalizacije ehokardiografskim pregledom (po Simpsonovoj metodi) bolesnici su podeljeni u dve grupe: ispitivana grupa u koju je uključeno 180 bolesnika sa EF ā‰¤ 40%, odnosno sa SDLK i kontrolnu grupu koju je činilo 168 bolesnika koji su imali EF > 40%, odnosno bez SDLK. Univarijantna i multivarijantna regresiona analiza su koriŔćene za utrvđivanje prediktora razvoja SDLK kao i za utvrđivanje prediktora mortaliteta i glavnih neželjenih kardiovaskularnih i cerebrovaskularnih događaja (MACE) u intrahospitalnom i 1-godiÅ”njem praćenju. Rezultati: Kao nezavisni prediktori SDLK su se izdvojili: BNP, CK max, ishemijsko vreme i prednja lokalizacija infarkta. Intrahospitalni mortalitet je iznosio 1.7% i svi umrli su bili u grupi sa EF ā‰¤ 40%. Tokom praćenja od godinu dana ukupno 19 (5.5%) bolesnika je imalo smrtni ishod i to značajno viÅ”e u grupi sa SDLK. Kao nezavisni prediktori 1-godiÅ”njeg mortaliteta su se izdvojili: BNP, EF, starosna dob ā‰„ 65 godina, SI tokom hospitalizacije, TIMI (Thrombolysis in myocardial infarction) protok < 3 posle PCI, broj neutrofila i ishemijsko vreme. U intrahospitalnom praćenju glavne neželjene kardiovaskularne i cerebrovaskularne događaje (MACE) je imalo 4.6% bolesnika, a kao nezavisni prediktori MACE su se izdvojili: Killip klasa tokom hospitalizacije, TIMI < 3 posle PCI, CRP i rana tromboza stenta. U 1- godiÅ”njem periodu praćenja MACE je registrovan kod 12.4% bolesnika. Multivarijantnom logističkom regresionom analizom kao nezavisni prediktori MACE su se izdvojili: SDLK, Killip klasa tokom hospitalizacije, broj leukocita, ishemijsko vreme, tromboza stenta, vrsta stenta i viÅ”esudovna koronarna bolest...Background: To successfully reestablish complete flow through the infarct related artery on time is the main mechanism by which reperfusion therapy provides improvements of outcome to patients gone through acute myocardial infarction with ST elevation (STEMI). Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) applied to patients with STEMI limits the size of infarct and that way protects left ventricular systolic function. However, in some cases, even with a good reperfusion, patients still develop left ventricular systolic dysfunction (SDLV) with or without signs of heart failure (HF). Objective: The main objective of the study was to determine the predictors of SDLV development in patients with STEMI, treated with primary PCI, and to determine the effect of SDLV on in-hospital and one-year outcome. Methods: The study includes 348 patients with a first STEMI, treated with primary PCI within 12 hours of the chest pain appearance. Patients underwent a standard echocardiography (Sympsonā€™s method) on the 3th or 5th day of hospitalization and were devided in two groups related to registrated EF values: group of 180 patients that were registrated EF ā‰¤ 40% (SDLV) and control group of 168 patients EF > 40%, who did not have SDLV. For SDLV development predictors specification, as well as for one-year mortality and major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACE) predictors specification, univariate and multivariate regression analysis were used, during in-hospital and one-year monitoring period. Results: Independent predictors of SDLK are: BNP, peak CK, ischemic time and anterior wall infarction. In-hospital mortality rate was 1.7% and all deaths happened in the group with EF ā‰¤ 40%. During the one-year follow-up, a total of 19 (5.5%) patients died, significantly higher in the group with SDLK. As for one-year mortality independent predictors: BNP, EF, age ā‰„ 65 years, HF during hospitalization, TIMI (Thrombolysis in myocardial infarction) flow < 3 after PCI, neutrophil count and ischemic time, stand out. Inhospital monitoring showed MACE had 4.6% of patients, and as for independemt MACE predictors, Killip class during hospitalization, TIMI flow < 3 after PCI, CRP and early stent thrombosis, were allocated. In one year period folow-up, MACE was registrated within 12.4% of patients. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed as independent MACE predictors: SDLK, Killip class during hospitalization, leukocyte count, ischemic time, stent thrombosis, stent type and multivessel coronary disease..

    Determination of specific antibodies titre to salmonella enteritidis by elisa technique in several selected flocks of laying hens

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    In this paper, the antibody titre to Salmonella enteritidis (SE) was examined by the ELISA method in two flocks of laying hens, where during routine bacteriological investigations Salmonellae was never isolated, and in one flock where Colysepticemia was diagnosed and Salmonella isolated accidentally. In the flocks were Salmonellae were not isolated, a titre with a high level of specific antibodies to SE was discovered (15 and 45%), while the flock with accidental findings of SE was poorly positive (5%). These results point to the necessity of introducing serological monitoring to SE so that the infection of salmonella may be discovered early and the prevalence in the flock determined, and also for the purpose of applying adequate measures that could reduce the possibility of secretion of SE through eggs

    E Actitrode: The new selective stimulation interface for functional movements in hemiplegics patients

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    We describe the new multi-contact electrode-array for surface electrical stimulation, and the corresponding interface device that allows on-line selection of the conductive fields during the application of the system. This new device has a specific value for therapeutic applications of electrical stimulation since it allows effective generation of desired functional movements. The user-friendly interface also allows patients at home to select the optimal electrode array; thereby, to receive therapies out of the clinical environment. The electrode was tested in three post-stroke hemiplegics patients. The pilot experiments showed that system works sufficiently good for control of fingers during grasp and release functions without the interference of the wrist movement. The use of electrode is also envisioned for many other applications (foot-drop fitness, shoulder subluxation, etc)

    Sadržaj i distribucija žive (Hg) u kućnoj praÅ”ini i zemljiÅ”tu grada Å ida

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    Mercury (Hg) and potentially toxic elements (PTEs) are components of household dust and are a risk for human health. The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of Hg and PTEs in household dust in individual housing facilities in the town of Å id, Serbia and their correlation to the content of the elements found in the surrounding garden soil. Total of 64 samples of household dust were collected from 16 locations of individual housing facilities on 4 occasions. Samples of surrounding yard and garden soil were simultaneously collected. None of the 64 analysed soil samples exceeded the threshold limit (TL) prescribed by law for non-agricultural soil, which is 0.3 mg kg-1 DM. Content of Hg in household dust was much higher than in the surrounding soil and ranged from 0.005 to 1.566 mg kg-1 DM. The resulting values of PTEs (As, B, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in household dust had a significantly higher range than in the soil. Contents of Hg, B, Cu, and Zn were much higher in household dust than in the soil. According to the results of correlations of the analysed elements in household dust and surrounding soil, and according to the analysed locations, direct effect of Hg and PTEs contents on the content of the same elements in household dust was not confirmed.Živa i potencijalno toksični elementi (PTE) kao sastavni deo kućne praÅ”ine predstavljaju rizik za ljudsko zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje koncentracija Hg i PTE u kućnoj praÅ”ini, u objektima individualnog stanovanja, grada Å ida i njihova veza sa sadržajem elemenata u okolnom zemljiÅ”tu baÅ”tĆ¢ i okućnica. Uzeto je 64 uzorka kućne praÅ”ine na 16 lokacija individualnog stanovanja u četiri vremenska perioda. Istovremeno su uzeti uzorci okolnog zemljiÅ”ta okućnicĆ¢ i baÅ”tĆ¢. Nijedan od 64 ispitivana uzorka zemljiÅ”ta ne prelazi zakonski propisanu graničnu vrednost (GV) za nepoljoprivredno zemljiÅ”te od 0,3 mg kg-1 SM. Sadržaj Hg u kućnoj praÅ”ini je mnogo viÅ”i od okolnog zemljiÅ”ta i kretao se u intervalu od 0,005 do 1,566 mg kg-1 SM. Dobijene vrednosti PTE (As, B, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) u kućnoj praÅ”ini imaju statistički značajan veći raspon u odnosu na zemljiÅ”te. Sadržaj Hg, B, Cu, Zn je mnogo veći u kućnoj praÅ”ini u odnosu na okolno zemljiÅ”te. Prema dobijenim korelacijama posmatranih elemenata u praÅ”ini i zemljiÅ”tu, kao i prema posmatranim lokacijama, generalno nije utvrđen direktni uticaj sadržaja Hg i PTE u zemljiÅ”tu na sadržaj ovih elemenata u kućnoj praÅ”ini
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