315 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo Loop Algorithm for the t-J Model

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    We propose a generalization of the Quantum Monte Carlo loop algorithm to the t-J model by a mapping to three coupled six-vertex models. The autocorrelation times are reduced by orders of magnitude compared to the conventional local algorithms. The method is completely ergodic and can be formulated directly in continuous time. We introduce improved estimators for simulations with a local sign problem. Some first results of finite temperature simulations are presented for a t-J chain, a frustrated Heisenberg chain, and t-J ladder models.Comment: 22 pages, including 12 figures. RevTex v3.0, uses psf.te

    Performance Limitations of Flat Histogram Methods and Optimality of Wang-Landau Sampling

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    We determine the optimal scaling of local-update flat-histogram methods with system size by using a perfect flat-histogram scheme based on the exact density of states of 2D Ising models.The typical tunneling time needed to sample the entire bandwidth does not scale with the number of spins N as the minimal N^2 of an unbiased random walk in energy space. While the scaling is power law for the ferromagnetic and fully frustrated Ising model, for the +/- J nearest-neighbor spin glass the distribution of tunneling times is governed by a fat-tailed Frechet extremal value distribution that obeys exponential scaling. We find that the Wang-Landau algorithm shows the same scaling as the perfect scheme and is thus optimal.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    When xylarium and herbarium meet : linking Tervuren xylarium wood samples with their herbarium specimens at Meise Botanic Garden

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    Background: The current data paper aims to interlink the African plant collections of the Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR) and the Royal Museum for Central Africa Xylarium (Tw). Complementing both collections strengthens the reference value of each institutional collection, as more complete metadata are made available and it enables increased quality control for the identification of wood specimens. Furthermore, the renewed connection enables the linking of available wood trait data with data on phenology, leaf morphology or even molecular information for many tree species, allowing assessments of performance of individual trees. In addition to studies at the interspecific level, comparisons at the intraspecific level become possible, which could lead to important new insights into resilience to and impact of global change, as well as biodiversity conservation or forest management of Central African forest ecosystems. New information: By interlinking the Tervuren Xylarium Wood database with the recently digitised herbarium of Meise Botanic Garden, we were able to establish a link between 6,621 xylarium and 9,641 herbarium records for 6,953 plant specimens. Both institutional databases were complemented with reliable specimen metadata. The Tervuren xylarium now profits from taxonomic revisions made by botanists at Meise Botanic Garden and a list of phenotypical features for woody African species can be extended with wood anatomical descriptors. New metadata from the Tw xylarium records were used to add the country of collection to 50 linked BR herbarium specimens for which this information was missing. Furthermore, metadata available from the labels on digitised BR herbarium specimens was used to update Tw xylarium records with the date of collection (817 records), collection locality (698 records), coordinates (482 records) and altitude (817 records). In conclusion, we created a reference database with reliable botanic identities which can be used in a range of studies, such as modelling analyses, community assessments or trait analyses, all framed in a spatiotemporal context. Furthermore, the linked collections hold historical reference data and specimens that can be studied in the context of global changes

    Universal Statistical Behavior of Neural Spike Trains

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    We construct a model that predicts the statistical properties of spike trains generated by a sensory neuron. The model describes the combined effects of the neuron's intrinsic properties, the noise in the surrounding, and the external driving stimulus. We show that the spike trains exhibit universal statistical behavior over short times, modulated by a strongly stimulus-dependent behavior over long times. These predictions are confirmed in experiments on H1, a motion-sensitive neuron in the fly visual system.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Transition matrix Monte Carlo method for quantum systems

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    We propose an efficient method for Monte Carlo simulation of quantum lattice models. Unlike most other quantum Monte Carlo methods, a single run of the proposed method yields the free energy and the entropy with high precision for the whole range of temperature. The method is based on several recent findings in Monte Carlo techniques, such as the loop algorithm and the transition matrix Monte Carlo method. In particular, we derive an exact relation between the DOS and the expectation value of the transition probability for quantum systems, which turns out to be useful in reducing the statistical errors in various estimates.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Intermediate temperature dynamics of one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets

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    We present a general theory for the intermediate temperature (T) properties of Heisenberg antiferromagnets of spin-S ions on p-leg ladders, valid for 2Sp even or odd. Following an earlier proposal for 2Sp even (Damle and Sachdev, cond-mat/9711014), we argue that an integrable, classical, continuum model of a fixed-length, 3-vector applies over an intermediate temperature range; this range becomes very wide for moderate and large values of 2Sp. The coupling constants of the effective model are known exactly in terms of the energy gap above the ground state (for 2Sp even) or a crossover scale (for 2Sp odd). Analytic and numeric results for dynamic and transport properties are obtained, including some exact results for the spin-wave damping. Numerous quantitative predictions for neutron scattering and NMR experiments are made. A general discussion on the nature of T>0 transport in integrable systems is also presented: an exact solution of a toy model proves that diffusion can exist in integrable systems, provided proper care is taken in approaching the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 38 pages, including 12 figure

    Note on the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz approach to the quantum phase diagram of the strong coupling ladder compounds

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    We investigate the low-temperature phase diagram of the exactly solved su(4) two-leg spin ladder as a function of the rung coupling JJ_{\perp} and magnetic field HH by means of the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA). In the absence of a magnetic field the model exhibits three quantum phases, while in the presence of a strong magnetic field there is no singlet ground state for ferromagnetic rung coupling. For antiferromagnetic rung coupling, there is a gapped phase in the regime H H_{c2} and a Luttinger liquid magnetic phase in the regime H_{c1} < H < H_{c2}. The critical behaviour derived using the TBA is consistent with the existing experimental, numerical and perturbative results for the strong coupling ladder compounds. This includes the spin excitation gap and the critical fields H_{c1} and H_{c2}, which are in excellent agreement with the experimental values for the known strong coupling ladder compounds (5IAP)_2CuBr_4 2H_2 O, Cu_2(C_5 H_{12} N_2)_2 Cl_4 and (C_5 H_{12} N)_2 CuBr_4. In addition we predict the spin gap ΔJ1/2J\Delta \approx J_{\perp}-{1/2}J_{\parallel} for the weak coupling compounds with JJJ_{\perp} \sim J_{\parallel}, such as (VO)_2 P_2 O_7, and also show that the gap opens for arbitrary J/JJ_{\perp}/ J_{\parallel}.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Recent Developments of World-Line Monte Carlo Methods

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    World-line quantum Monte Carlo methods are reviewed with an emphasis on breakthroughs made in recent years. In particular, three algorithms -- the loop algorithm, the worm algorithm, and the directed-loop algorithm -- for updating world-line configurations are presented in a unified perspective. Detailed descriptions of the algorithms in specific cases are also given.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physical Society of Japa

    Diagonalization in Reduced Hilbert Spaces using a Systematically Improved Basis: Application to Spin Dynamics in Lightly Doped Ladders

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    A method is proposed to improve the accuracy of approximate techniques for strongly correlated electrons that use reduced Hilbert spaces. As a first step, the method involves a change of basis that incorporates exactly part of the short distance interactions. The Hamiltonian is rewritten in new variables that better represent the physics of the problem under study. A Hilbert space expansion performed in the new basis follows. The method is successfully tested using both the Heisenberg model and the tJt-J model with holes on 2-leg ladders and chains, including estimations for ground state energies, static correlations, and spectra of excited states. An important feature of this technique is its ability to calculate dynamical responses on clusters larger than those that can be studied using Exact Diagonalization. The method is applied to the analysis of the dynamical spin structure factor S(q,ω)S(q,\omega) on clusters with 2×162 \times 16 sites and 0 and 2 holes. Our results confirm previous studies (M. Troyer, H. Tsunetsugu, and T. M. Rice, Phys. Rev. B53 B 53, 251 (1996)) which suggested that the state of the lowest energy in the spin-1 2-holes subspace corresponds to the bound state of a hole pair and a spin-triplet. Implications of this result for neutron scattering experiments both on ladders and planes are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Revtex + psfig; changed conten