4,108 research outputs found

    Spacetime Defects: von K\'arm\'an vortex street like configurations

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    A special arrangement of spinning strings with dislocations similar to a von K\'arm\'an vortex street is studied. We numerically solve the geodesic equations for the special case of a test particle moving along twoinfinite rows of pure dislocations and also discuss the case of pure spinning defects.Comment: 9 pages, 2figures, CQG in pres

    Visibility diagrams and experimental stripe structure in the quantum Hall effect

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    We analyze various properties of the visibility diagrams that can be used in the context of modular symmetries and confront them to some recent experimental developments in the Quantum Hall Effect. We show that a suitable physical interpretation of the visibility diagrams which permits one to describe successfully the observed architecture of the Quantum Hall states gives rise naturally to a stripe structure reproducing some of the experimental features that have been observed in the study of the quantum fluctuations of the Hall conductance. Furthermore, we exhibit new properties of the visibility diagrams stemming from the structure of subgroups of the full modular group.Comment: 8 pages in plain TeX, 7 figures in a single postscript fil

    Contributing to WUDAPT: A Local Climate Zone Classification of Two Cities in Ukraine

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    Local climate zones (LCZs) divide the urban landscape into homogeneous types based on urban structure (i.e.,morphology of streets and buildings), urban cover (i.e., permeability of surfaces), construction materials, and human activities (i.e., anthropogenic heat). This classification scheme represents a standardized way of capturing the basic urban form of cities and is currently being applied globally as part of the world urban database and portal tools (WUDAPT) initiative. This paper assesses the transferability of the LCZ concept to two Ukrainian cities, i.e., Kyiv and Lviv, which differ in urban form and topography, and considers three ways to validate and verify this classification scheme. An accuracy of 64% was achieved for Kyiv using an independent validation dataset while a comparison of the LCZ maps with the GlobeLand30 land cover map resulted in a match that was greater than 75% for both cities. There was also good correspondence between the urban classes in the LCZ maps and the urban points of interest in OpenStreetMap (OSM). However, further research is still required to produce a standardized validation protocol that could be used on a regular basis by contributors to WUDAPT to help produce more accurate LCZ maps in the future

    Quantum key distribution using a triggered quantum dot source emitting near 1.3 microns

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    We report the distribution of a cryptographic key, secure from photon number splitting attacks, over 35 km of optical fiber using single photons from an InAs quantum dot emitting ~1.3 microns in a pillar microcavity. Using below GaAs-bandgap optical excitation, we demonstrate suppression of multiphoton emission to 10% of the Poissonian level without detector dark count subtraction. The source is incorporated into a phase encoded interferometric scheme implementing the BB84 protocol for key distribution over standard telecommunication optical fiber. We show a transmission distance advantage over that possible with (length-optimized) uniform intensity weak coherent pulses at 1310 nm in the same system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Chagos Islands cases: the empire strikes back

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    Good governance requires the accommodation of multiple interests in the cause of decision making. However, undue regard for particular sectional interests can take their toll upon public faith in government administration. Historically, broad conceptions of the good of the commonwealth were employed to outweigh the interests of groups that resisted colonisation. In the decision making of the British Empire, the standard approach for justifying the marginalisation of the interests of colonised groups was that they were uncivilised and that particular hardships were the price to be paid for bringing to them the imperial dividend of industrial society. It is widely assumed that with the dismantling of the British Empire, such impulses and their accompanying jurisprudence became a thing of the past. Even as decolonisation proceeded apace after the Second World War, however, the United Kingdom maintained control of strategically important islands with a view towards sustaining its global role. In an infamous example from this twilight period of empire, in the 1960s imperial interests were used to justify the expulsion of the Chagos islanders from the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). Into the twenty-first century, this forced elision of the UK’s interests with the imperial “common good” continues to take centre stage in courtroom battles over the islanders’ rights, being cited before domestic and international tribunals in order to maintain the Chagossians’ exclusion from their homeland. This article considers the new jurisprudence of imperialism which has emerged in a string of decisions which have continued to marginalise the Chagossians’ interests

    A Study of Activated Processes in Soft Sphere Glass

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    On the basis of long simulations of a binary mixture of soft spheres just below the glass transition, we make an exploratory study of the activated processes that contribute to the dynamics. We concentrate on statistical measures of the size of the activated processes.Comment: 17 pages, 9 postscript figures with epsf, uses harvmac.te

    Polymer translocation through a nanopore under an applied external field

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    We investigate the dynamics of polymer translocation through a nanopore under an externally applied field using the 2D fluctuating bond model with single-segment Monte Carlo moves. We concentrate on the influence of the field strength EE, length of the chain NN, and length of the pore LL on forced translocation. As our main result, we find a crossover scaling for the translocation time τ\tau with the chain length from τ∌N2Îœ\tau \sim N^{2\nu} for relatively short polymers to τ∌N1+Îœ\tau \sim N^{1 + \nu} for longer chains, where Îœ\nu is the Flory exponent. We demonstrate that this crossover is due to the change in the dependence of the translocation velocity v on the chain length. For relatively short chains v∌N−Μv \sim N^{- \nu}, which crosses over to v∌N−1v \sim N^{- 1} for long polymers. The reason for this is that with increasing NN there is a high density of segments near the exit of the pore, which slows down the translocation process due to slow relaxation of the chain. For the case of a long nanopore for which R∄R_\parallel , the radius of gyration RgR_{g} along the pore, is smaller than the pore length, we find no clear scaling of the translocation time with the chain length. For large NN, however, the asymptotic scaling τ∌N1+Îœ\tau \sim N^{1 + \nu} is recovered. In this regime, τ\tau is almost independent of LL. We have previously found that for a polymer, which is initially placed in the middle of the pore, there is a minimum in the escape time for R∄≈LR_\parallel \approx L. We show here that this minimum persists for a weak fields EE such that ELEL is less than some critical value, but vanishes for large values of ELEL.Comment: 25 Pages, 10 figures. Submitted to J. Chem. Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 124, in press (2006

    Numerical study of a non-equilibrium interface model

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    We have carried out extensive computer simulations of one-dimensional models related to the low noise (solid-on-solid) non-equilibrium interface of a two dimensional anchored Toom model with unbiased and biased noise. For the unbiased case the computed fluctuations of the interface in this limit provide new numerical evidence for the logarithmic correction to the subnormal L^(1/2) variance which was predicted by the dynamic renormalization group calculations on the modified Edwards-Wilkinson equation. In the biased case the simulations are in close quantitative agreement with the predictions of the Collective Variable Approximation (CVA), which gives the same L^(2/3) behavior of the variance as the KPZ equation.Comment: 15 pages revtex, 4 Postscript Figure
