93 research outputs found

    Eta-mesic nuclei

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    In this contribution we report on theoretical studies of η\eta nuclear quasi-bound states in few- and many-body systems performed recently by the Jerusalem-Prague Collaboration [1-5]. Underlying energy-dependent ηN\eta N interactions are derived from coupled-channel models that incorporate the N∗(1535)N^*(1535) resonance. The role of self-consistent treatment of the strong energy dependence of subthreshold ηN\eta N amplitudes is discussed. Quite large downward energy shift together with rapid decrease of the ηN\eta N amplitudes below threshold result in relatively small binding energies and widths of the calculated η\eta nuclear bound states. We argue that the subthreshold behavior of ηN\eta N scattering amplitudes is crucial to conclude whether η\eta nuclear states exist, in which nuclei the η\eta meson could be bound and if the corresponding widths are small enough to allow detection of these η\eta nuclear states in experiment.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; presented at HADRON2017, Sept. 25-29, 2017, Salamanca (Spain); prepared for Proceedings of Scienc

    Specific Rna Self-assembly With Minimal Paranemic Motifs

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    The paranemic crossover (PX) is a motif for assembling two nucleic acid molecules using Watson-Crick (WC) basepairing without unfolding preformed secondary structure in the individual molecules. Once formed, the paranemic assembly motif comprises adjacent parallel double helices that crossover at every possible point over the length of the motif. The interaction is reversible as it does not require denaturation of basepairs internal to each interacting molecular unit. Paranemic assembly has been demonstrated for DNA but not for RNA and only for motifs with four or more crossover points and lengths of five or more helical half-turns. Here we report the design of RNA molecules that paranemically assemble with the minimum number of two crossovers spanning the major groove to form paranemic motifs with a length of three half turns (3HT). Dissociation constants (K-d\u27s) were measured for a series of molecules in which the number of basepairs; between the crossover points was varied from five to eight basepairs. The paranemic 3HT complex with six basepairs (3HT_6M) was found to be the most stable with K-d = 1 x 10(-8) M. The half-time for kinetic exchange of the 3HT_6M complex was determined to be similar to 100 min, from which we calculated association and dissociation rate constants k(a) = 5.11 x 10(3) M(-1)s(-1) and k(d) = 5.11 x 10(-5) s(-1). RNA paranemic assembly of 3HT and 5HT complexes is blocked by single-base substitutions that disrupt individual intermolecular Watson-Crick basepairs; and is restored by compensatory substitutions that,restore those basepairs. The 3HT motif appears suitable for specific, programmable, and reversible tecto-RNA self-assembly for constructing artificial RNA molecular machines

    Renal oncocytoma: a comparative clinicopathologic study and fluorescent in-situ hybridization analysis of 73 cases with long-term follow-up

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    Clinical studies have confirmed that renal oncocytoma (RO) is a benign neoplasm with excellent prognosis. In diagnostically challenging cases of renal oncocytic epithelial neoplasms, fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) is increasingly being used and its ability to distinguish RO from chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (ChRCC) has been documented. In this study, we evaluated the differential diagnostic contribution of FISH in cases of RO

    Separable potential model for K−NK^{-}N interactions at low energies

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    The effective separable meson-baryon potentials are constructed to match the equivalent chiral amplitudes up to the second order in external meson momenta. We fit the model parameters (low energy constants) to the threshold and low energy K−pK^{-}p data. In the process, the K−K^{-}-proton bound state problem is solved exactly in the momentum space and the 1s level characteristics of the kaonic hydrogen are computed simultaneously with the available low energy K−pK^{-}p cross sections. The model is also used to describe the Ï€ÎŁ\pi \Sigma mass spectrum and the energy dependence of the K−nK^{-}n amplitude.Comment: 31 pages, v2 - added corrections to make it compatible with the published versio

    Elastic Pion Scattering on the Deuteron in a Multiple Scattering Model

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    Pion elastic scattering on deuterium is studied in the KMT multiple scattering approach developed in momentum space. Using a Paris wave function and the same methods and approximations as commonly used in pion scattering on heavier nuclei excellent agreement with differential cross section data is obtained for a wide range of pion energies. Only for Tπ>250T_{\pi}>250 MeV and very backward angles, discrepancies appear that are reminiscent of disagreements in pion scattering on 3^3He, 3^3H, and 4^4He. At low energies the second order corrections have been included. Polarization observables are studied in detail. While tensor analyzing powers are well reproduced, vector analyzing powers exhibit dramatic discrepancies.Comment: 25 pages LATEX and 9 postscript figures in a self-extracting uufile archiv

    The A(Kstop−,Ï€Â±ÎŁâˆ“)Aâ€ČA(K^-_{stop},\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp)A' reaction on p-shell nuclei

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    This letter is concerned with the study of the Kstop−Aâ†’Ï€Â±ÎŁâˆ“Aâ€ČK^-_{stop}A\rightarrow \pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp A' reaction in p-shell nuclei, i.e., 6,7Li^{6,7}Li, 9Be^9Be, 13C^{13}C and 16O^{16}O. The Ï€Â±ÎŁâˆ“/Kstop−\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp / K^-_{stop} emission rates are reported as a function of AA. These rates are discussed in comparison with previous findings. The ratio Ï€âˆ’ÎŁ+/π+Σ−\pi^-\Sigma^+/\pi^+\Sigma^- in p-shell nuclei is found to depart largely from that on hydrogen, which provides support for large in-medium effects possibly generated by the sub-threshold Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405). The continuum momentum spectra of prompt pions and free sigmas are also discussed as well as the Ï€Â±ÎŁâˆ“\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp missing mass behavior and the link with the reaction mechanism. The apparatus used for the investigation is the FINUDA spectrometer operating at the DAΊ\PhiNE ϕ\phi-factory (LNF-INFN, Italy).Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Pion interaction with the trinucleon up to the eta production threshold

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    Pion elastic, charge exchange scattering and induced eta production on the trinucleon systems are investigated in a coupled-channels approach in momentum space with Fadeev wave functions. The channel πN→ηN\pi N \rightarrow \eta N is included using an isobar model with S-, P-, and D-wave resonances. While the coherent reactions like 3^3He(π,π)3\pi,\pi)^3He can be reasonably well reproduced up to TπT_{\pi}=500 MeV, large discrepancies appear for the incoherent processes, 3^3He(π−,π0)3\pi^-,\pi^0)^3H and 3^3He(π−,η)3\pi^-,\eta)^3H at backward angles and energies above Δ\Delta-resonance. In the forward direction the (π,η)(\pi,\eta) calculations underestimate the experimental measurements very close to threshold but agreement with the data improves with increasing pion energy. Predictions are made for the asymmetries of the various reactions on polarized 3^3He.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures (available from the authors), Mainz preprint MKPH-T-92-1

    Correlated Λd\Lambda d pairs from the Kstop−A→ΛdAâ€ČK^{-}_{stop} A \to \Lambda d A' reaction

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    Correlated Λd\Lambda d pairs emitted after the absorption of negative kaons at rest Kstop−A→ΛdAâ€ČK^{-}_{stop}A\to \Lambda d A' in light nuclei 6Li^6Li and 12C^{12}C are studied. Λ\Lambda-hyperons and deuterons are found to be preferentially emitted in opposite directions. The Λd\Lambda d invariant mass spectrum of 6Li^6Li shows a bump whose mass is 3251±\pm6 MeV/c2^2. The bump mass (binding energy), width and yield are reported. The appearance of a bump is discussed in the realm of the [Kˉ3N\bar{K}3N] clustering process in nuclei. The experiment was performed with the FINUDA spectrometer at DAΊ\PhiNE (LNF).Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Glutamine depletion by crisantaspase hinders the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma xenografts

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    Background: A subset of human hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) exhibit mutations of ÎČ-catenin gene CTNNB1 and overexpress Glutamine synthetase (GS). The CTNNB1-mutated HCC cell line HepG2 is sensitive to glutamine starvation induced in vitro with the antileukemic drug Crisantaspase and the GS inhibitor methionine-L-sulfoximine (MSO). Methods: Immunodeficient mice with subcutaneous xenografts of the CTNNB1-mutated HCC cell lines HepG2 and HC-AFW1 were treated with Crisantaspase and/or MSO, and tumour growth was monitored. At the end of treatment, tumour weight and histology were assessed. Serum and tissue amino acids were determined by HPLC. Gene and protein expression were estimated with RT-PCR and western blot and GS activity with a colorimetric method. mTOR activity was evaluated from the phosphorylation of p70S6K1. Results: Crisantaspase and MSO depleted serum glutamine, lowered glutamine in liver and tumour tissue, and inhibited liver GS activity. HepG2 tumour growth was significantly reduced by either Crisantaspase or MSO, and completely suppressed by the combined treatment. The combined treatment was also effective against xenografts of the HC-AFW1 cell line, which is Crisantaspase resistant in vitro. Conclusions: The combination of Crisantaspase and MSO reduces glutamine supply to CTNNB1-mutated HCC xenografts and hinders their growth
