415 research outputs found

    Análise e mineração de dados de sensores orbitais para acompanhamento de safras de cana-de-açúcar.

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    Resumo. O impacto causado por eventos climáticos extremos em todo o mundo tem motivado pesquisas para redução de gases de efeito estufa. No Brasil, a cana-de-açúcar é a principal fonte para produção de etanol, como alternativa a combustíveis fósseis. Nesse contexto, dados de sensoriamento remoto têm sido utilizados para monitorar safras de cana-de-açúcar e apoiar pesquisas científicas. Neste trabalho, é proposta uma metodologia baseada em agrupamento de dados para analisar séries temporais de NDVI obtidas de satélites AVHRR/NOAA. Os experimentos mostram que a abordagem proposta permite identificar áreas com padrões de desenvolvimento similares, considerando também os diferentes ciclos de vida da cultura.WCAMA 2011

    New apparatus for DTA at 2000 bar: thermodynamic studies on Au, Ag, Al and HTSC oxides

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    A new DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis) device was designed and installed in a Hot Isostatic Pressure (HIP) furnace in order to perform high-pressure thermodynamic investigations up to 2 kbar and 1200C. Thermal analysis can be carried out in inert or oxidising atmosphere up to p(O2) = 400 bar. The calibration of the DTA apparatus under pressure was successfully performed using the melting temperature (Tm) of pure metals (Au, Ag and Al) as standard calibration references. The thermal properties of these metals have been studied under pressure. The values of DV (volume variation between liquid and solid at Tm), ROsm (density of the solid at Tm) and ALPHAm (linear thermal expansion coefficient at Tm) have been extracted. A very good agreement was found with the existing literature and new data were added. This HP-DTA apparatus is very useful for studying the thermodynamics of those systems where one or more volatile elements are present, such as high TC superconducting oxides. DTA measurements have been performed on Bi,Pb(2223) tapes up to 2 kbar under reduced oxygen partial pressure (p(O2) = 0.07 bar). The reaction leading to the formation of the 2223 phase was found to occur at higher temperatures when applying pressure: the reaction DTA peak shifted by 49C at 2 kbar compared to the reaction at 1 bar. This temperature shift is due to the higher stability of the Pb-rich precursor phases under pressure, as the high isostatic pressure prevents Pb from evaporating.Comment: 6 figures, 3 tables, Thermodynamics, Thermal property, Bi-2223, fundamental valu

    Survivorship care for people affected by advanced or metastatic cancer: MASCC-ASCO standards and practice recommendations

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    PURPOSE: People with advanced or metastatic cancer and their caregivers may have different care goals and face unique challenges compared to those with early-stage disease or those nearing the end-of-life. These MASCC-ASCO standards and practice recommendations seek to establish consistent provision of quality survivorship care for people affected by advanced or metastatic cancer. METHODS: An expert panel comprising MASCC and ASCO members was formed. Standards and recommendations relevant to the provision of quality survivorship care for people affected by advanced or metastatic cancer were developed through conducting: (1) a systematic review of unmet supportive care needs; (2) a scoping review of cancer survivorship, supportive care, and palliative care frameworks and guidelines; and (3) an international modified Delphi consensus process. RESULTS: A systematic review involving 81 studies and a scoping review of 17 guidelines and frameworks informed the initial standards and recommendations. Subsequently, 77 experts (including 8 people with lived experience) across 33 countries (33% were low-to-middle resource countries) participated in the Delphi study and achieved ≥ 94.8% agreement for seven standards (1. Person-Centred Care; 2. Coordinated and Integrated Care; 3. Evidence-Based and Comprehensive Care; 4. Evaluated and Communicated Care; 5. Accessible and Equitable Care; 6. Sustainable and Resourced Care; 7. Research and Data-Driven Care) and ≥ 84.2% agreement across 45 practice recommendations. CONCLUSION: Standards of survivorship care for people affected by advanced or metastatic cancer are provided. These MASCC-ASCO standards will support optimization of health outcomes and care experiences by providing guidance to stakeholders in cancer care (healthcare professionals, leaders, and administrators; governments and health ministries; policymakers; advocacy agencies; cancer survivors and caregivers. Practice recommendations may be used to facilitate future research, practice, policy, and advocacy efforts

    Is age a prognostic biomarker for survival among women with locally advanced cervical cancer treated with chemoradiation? An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group ancillary data analysis

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    Objective To determine the effect of age on completion of and toxicities following treatment of local regionally advanced cervical cancer (LACC) on Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) Phase I–III trials. Methods An ancillary data analysis of GOG protocols 113, 120, 165, 219 data was performed. Wilcoxon, Pearson, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for univariate and multivariate analysis. Log rank tests were used to compare survival lengths. Results One-thousand-three-hundred-nineteen women were included; 60.7% were Caucasian, 15% were age 60–70 years and an additional 5% were >70; 87% had squamous histology, 55% had stage IIB disease and 34% had IIIB disease. Performance status declined with age (p = 0.006). Histology and tumor stage did not significantly differ., Number of cycles of chemotherapy received, radiation treatment time, nor dose modifications varied with age. Notably, radiation protocol deviations and failure to complete brachytherapy (BT) did increase with age (p = 0.022 and p 50 for all-cause mortality (HR 1.02; 95% CI, 1.01–1.04) was found, but no association between age and disease specific mortality was found. Conclusion This represents a large analysis of patients treated for LACC with chemo/radiation, approximately 20% of whom were >60 years of age. Older patients, had higher rates of incomplete brachytherapy which is not explained by collected toxicity data. Age did not adversely impact completion of chemotherapy and radiation or toxicities

    Methane production in grazing cattle supplemented with silage, concentrate and tannins in the Peruvian highlands during the dry season

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la producción de metano en vacunos al pastoreo en el altiplano peruano en un pastizal de Festuca dolichophylla - Muhlenbergia fastigiata (Chilliguar), suplementados con ensilado y concentrado o taninos durante la época seca (agosto). El estudio se realizó en el Centro Experimental «La Raya», Cusco, Perú, ubicado a una altitud de 4200 msnm. Se plantearon tres tratamientos (T1: pastos naturales + ensilado de avena; T2: como en T1 + taninos; T3: como en T1 + concentrado). Cada tratamiento contenía cuatro repeticiones distribuidos en un diseño jerárquico. La determinación de metano se realizó con la técnica del marcador con hexafluoruro de azufre (SF6), siendo la frecuencia de medición por animal de 24 h por 7 d. El contenido de energía promedio en el pastizal fue de 4.1 Mcal EB/g, materia orgánica 91.8%, proteína cruda 10.3% y materia seca 91.1%. La producción de metano (g/d) para T1 fue de 421.7 ± 43.4, para T2 de 330.6 ± 66.7 y para T3 de 367.7 ± 116.5. La utilización de taninos redujo significativamente (p<0.05) las emisiones de metano frente al uso o no de concentrado.The aim of the study was to determine the methane production in cattle grazing in the Peruvian highlands in a pasture of Festuca dolichophylla - Muhlenbergia fastigiata (Chilliguar), supplemented with silage and concentrate or tannins during the dry season (August). The study was conducted at the Experimental Centre «La Raya», Cusco, Peru, located at an altitude of 4200 m. Three treatments were used (T1: natural grass + oat silage, T2: as in T1 + tannins, T3: as in T1 + concentrate). Each treatment had four replicates distributed in a hierarchical design. Methane determination was performed using the sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) marker technique. The measurement was during 24 h for 7 d. The average energy content in the pasture was 4.1 Mcal GE/g, organic matter 91.8%, crude protein 10.3% and dry matter 91.17%. The methane (g/d) production for T1 was 421.7 ± 43.4, for T2 was 330.6 ± 66.7 and for T3 was 367.7 ± 116.5. The use of tannins significantly reduced (p<0.05) methane emissions from only silage supplementation or silage plus concentrate

    Local recurrence after surgery for non–small cell lung cancer: A recursive partitioning analysis of multi-institutional data

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    OBJECTIVE: To define subgroups at high risk of local recurrence (LR) after surgery for non-small cell lung cancer using a recursive partitioning analysis (RPA). METHODS: This Institutional Review Board-approved study included patients who underwent upfront surgery for I-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer at Duke Cancer Institute (primary set) or at other participating institutions (validation set). The 2 data sets were analyzed separately and identically. Disease recurrence at the surgical margin, ipsilateral hilum, and/or mediastinum was considered an LR. Recursive partitioning was used to build regression trees for the prediction of local recurrence-free survival (LRFS) from standard clinical and pathological factors. LRFS distributions were estimated with the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: The 1411 patients in the primary set had a 5-year LRFS rate of 77% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.74-0.81), and the 889 patients in the validation set had a 5-year LRFS rate of 76% (95% CI, 0.72-0.80). The RPA of the primary data set identified 3 terminal nodes based on stage and histology. These nodes and their 5-year LRFS rates were as follows: (1) stage I/adenocarcinoma, 87% (95% CI, 0.83-0.90); (2) stage I/squamous or large cell, 72% (95% CI, 0.65-0.79); and (3) stage II-IIIA, 62% (95% CI, 0.55-0.69). The validation RPA identified 3 terminal nodes based on lymphovascular invasion (LVI) and stage: (1) no LVI/stage IA, 82% (95% CI, 0.76-0.88); (2) no LVI/stage IB-IIIA, 73% (95% CI, 0.69-0.80); and (3) LVI, 58% (95% CI, 0.47-0.69). CONCLUSIONS: The risk of LR was similar in the primary and validation patient data sets. There was discordance between the 2 data sets regarding the clinical factors that best segregate patients into risk groups

    Deciphering Proteomic Signatures of Early Diapause in Nasonia

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    Insect diapause is an alternative life-history strategy used to increase longevity and survival in harsh environmental conditions. Even though some aspects of diapause are well investigated, broader scale studies that elucidate the global metabolic adjustments required for this remarkable trait, are rare. In order to better understand the metabolic changes during early insect diapause, we used a shotgun proteomics approach on early diapausing and non-diapausing larvae of the recently sequenced hymenopteran model organism Nasonia vitripennis. Our results deliver insights into the molecular underpinnings of diapause in Nasonia and corroborate previously reported diapause-associated features for invertebrates, such as a diapause-dependent abundance change for heat shock and storage proteins. Furthermore, we observed a diapause-dependent switch in enzymes involved in glycerol synthesis and a vastly changed capacity for protein synthesis and degradation. The abundance of structural proteins and proteins involved in protein synthesis decreased with increasing diapause duration, while the abundance of proteins likely involved in diapause maintenance (e.g. ferritins) increased. Only few potentially diapause-specific proteins were identified suggesting that diapause in Nasonia relies to a large extent on a modulation of pre-existing pathways. Studying a diapause syndrome on a proteomic level rather than isolated pathways or physiological networks, has proven to be an efficient and successful avenue to understand molecular mechanisms involved in diapause

    Poor reproducibility of compression elastography in the Achilles tendon: same day and consecutive day measurements.

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    OBJECTIVE To determine the reproducibility of compression elastography (CE) when measuring strain data, a measure of stiffness of the human Achilles tendon in vivo, over consecutive measures, consecutive days and when using different foot positions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eight participants (4 males, 4 females; mean age 25.5 ± 2.51 years, range 21-30 years; height 173.6 ± 11.7 cm, range 156-189 cm) had five consecutive CE measurements taken on one day and a further five CE measures taken, one per day, at the same time of day, every day for a consecutive 5-day period. These 80 measurements were used to assess both the repeatability and reproducibility of the technique. Means, standard deviations, coefficient of variation (CV), Pearson correlation analysis (R) and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated. RESULTS For CE data, all CVs were above 53%, R values indicated no-to-weak correlations between measures at best (range 0.01-0.25), and ICC values were all classified in the poor category (range 0.00-0.11). CVs for length and diameter measures were acceptably low indicating a high level of reliability. CONCLUSIONS Given the wide variation obtained in the CE results, it was concluded that CE using this specific system has a low level of reproducibility for measuring the stiffness of the human Achilles tendon in vivo over consecutive days, consecutive measures and in different foot positions
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