1,352 research outputs found
Rejuvenation in the Random Energy Model
We show that the Random Energy Model has interesting rejuvenation properties
in its frozen phase. Different `susceptibilities' to temperature changes, for
the free-energy and for other (`magnetic') observables, can be computed
exactly. These susceptibilities diverge at the transition temperature, as
(1-T/T_c)^-3 for the free-energy.Comment: 9 pages, 1 eps figur
Behind the price: on the role of agent's reflexivity in financial market microstructure
In this chapter we review some recent results on the dynamics of price
formation in financial markets and its relations with the efficient market
hypothesis. Specifically, we present the limit order book mechanism for markets
and we introduce the concepts of market impact and order flow, presenting their
recently discovered empirical properties and discussing some possible
interpretation in terms of agent's strategies. Our analysis confirms that
quantitative analysis of data is crucial to validate qualitative hypothesis on
investors' behavior in the regulated environment of order placement and to
connect these micro-structural behaviors to the properties of the collective
dynamics of the system as a whole, such for instance market efficiency. Finally
we discuss the relation between some of the described properties and the theory
of reflexivity proposing that in the process of price formation positive and
negative feedback loops between the cognitive and manipulative function of
agents are present.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur
Anomalous diffusion, Localization, Aging and Sub-aging effects in trap models at very low temperature
We study in details the dynamics of the one dimensional symmetric trap model,
via a real-space renormalization procedure which becomes exact in the limit of
zero temperature. In this limit, the diffusion front in each sample consists in
two delta peaks, which are completely out of equilibrium with each other. The
statistics of the positions and weights of these delta peaks over the samples
allows to obtain explicit results for all observables in the limit .
We first compute disorder averages of one-time observables, such as the
diffusion front, the thermal width, the localization parameters, the
two-particle correlation function, and the generating function of thermal
cumulants of the position. We then study aging and sub-aging effects : our
approach reproduces very simply the two different aging exponents and yields
explicit forms for scaling functions of the various two-time correlations. We
also extend the RSRG method to include systematic corrections to the previous
zero temperature procedure via a series expansion in . We then consider the
generalized trap model with parameter and obtain that the
large scale effective model at low temperature does not depend on in
any dimension, so that the only observables sensitive to are those
that measure the `local persistence', such as the probability to remain exactly
in the same trap during a time interval. Finally, we extend our approach at a
scaling level for the trap model in and obtain the two relevant time
scales for aging properties.Comment: 33 pages, 3 eps figure
Pinning/depinning of crack fronts in heterogeneous materials
The fatigue fracture surfaces of a metallic alloy, and the stress corrosion
fracture surfaces of glass are investigated as a function of crack velocity. It
is shown that in both cases, there are two fracture regimes, which have a well
defined self-affine signature. At high enough length scales, the universal
roughness index 0.78 is recovered. At smaller length scales, the roughness
exponent is close to 0.50. The crossover length separating these two
regimes strongly depends on the material, and exhibits a power-law decrease
with the measured crack velocity , with . The exponents and characterising the dependence of
and upon the pulling force are shown to be close to and
.Comment: 4 pages, latex, and 4 encapsulated postscript figure
Extremal driving as a mechanism for generating long-term memory
It is argued that systems whose elements are renewed according to an extremal
criterion can generally be expected to exhibit long-term memory. This is
verified for the minimal extremally driven model, which is first defined and
then solved for all system sizes N\geq2 and times t\geq0, yielding exact
expressions for the persistence R(t)=[1+t/(N-1)]^{-1} and the two-time
correlation function C(t_{\rm w}+t,t_{\rm w})=(1-1/N)(N+t_{\rm w})/(N+t_{\rm
w}+t-1). The existence of long-term memory is inferred from the scaling of
C(t_{\rm w}+t,t_{\rm w})\sim f(t/t_{\rm w}), denoting {\em aging}. Finally, we
suggest ways of investigating the robustness of this mechanism when competing
processes are present.Comment: 5 pages, no figures; requires IOP style files. To appear as a J.
Phys. A. lette
Solid state interfacial reactions in a ceria-coated Ni-based superalloy
International audienc
In this article the one-dimensional, overdamped motion of a classical
particle is considered, which is coupled to a thermal bath and is drifting in a
quenched disorder potential. The mobility of the particle is examined as a
function of temperature and driving force acting on the particle. A framework
is presented, which reveals the dependence of mobility on spatial correlations
of the disorder potential. Mobility is then calculated explicitly for new
models of disorder, in particular with spatial correlations. It exhibits
interesting dynamical phenomena. Most markedly, the temperature dependence of
mobility may deviate qualitatively from Arrhenius formula and a localization
transition from zero to finite mobility may occur at finite temperature.
Examples show a suppression of this transition by disorder correlations.Comment: 10 pages, latex, with 3 figures, to be published in Z. Phys.
Wealth Condensation in Pareto Macro-Economies
We discuss a Pareto macro-economy (a) in a closed system with fixed total
wealth and (b) in an open system with average mean wealth and compare our
results to a similar analysis in a super-open system (c) with unbounded wealth.
Wealth condensation takes place in the social phase for closed and open
economies, while it occurs in the liberal phase for super-open economies. In
the first two cases, the condensation is related to a mechanism known from the
balls-in-boxes model, while in the last case to the non-integrable tails of the
Pareto distribution. For a closed macro-economy in the social phase, we point
to the emergence of a ``corruption'' phenomenon: a sizeable fraction of the
total wealth is always amassed by a single individual.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Multifractal Properties of Price Fluctuations of Stocks and Commodities
We analyze daily prices of 29 commodities and 2449 stocks, each over a period
of years. We find that the price fluctuations for commodities have
a significantly broader multifractal spectrum than for stocks. We also propose
that multifractal properties of both stocks and commodities can be attributed
mainly to the broad probability distribution of price fluctuations and
secondarily to their temporal organization. Furthermore, we propose that, for
commodities, stronger higher order correlations in price fluctuations result in
broader multifractal spectra.Comment: Published in Euro Physics Letters (14 pages, 5 figures
Individual and collective stock dynamics: intra-day seasonalities
We establish several new stylised facts concerning the intra-day
seasonalities of stock dynamics. Beyond the well known U-shaped pattern of the
volatility, we find that the average correlation between stocks increases
throughout the day, leading to a smaller relative dispersion between stocks.
Somewhat paradoxically, the kurtosis (a measure of volatility surprises)
reaches a minimum at the open of the market, when the volatility is at its
peak. We confirm that the dispersion kurtosis is a markedly decreasing function
of the index return. This means that during large market swings, the
idiosyncratic component of the stock dynamics becomes sub-dominant. In a
nutshell, early hours of trading are dominated by idiosyncratic or sector
specific effects with little surprises, whereas the influence of the market
factor increases throughout the day, and surprises become more frequent.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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