1,761 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of steady and unsteady viscous flow in turbomachinery using pressure based algorithm

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    The objective of this research is to simulate steady and unsteady viscous flows, including rotor/stator interaction and tip clearance effects in turbomachinery. The numerical formulation for steady flow developed here includes an efficient grid generation scheme, particularly suited to computational grids for the analysis of turbulent turbomachinery flows and tip clearance flows, and a semi-implicit, pressure-based computational fluid dynamics scheme that directly includes artificial dissipation, and is applicable to both viscous and inviscid flows. The values of these artificial dissipation is optimized to achieve accuracy and convergency in the solution. The numerical model is used to investigate the structure of tip clearance flows in a turbine nozzle. The structure of leakage flow is captured accurately, including blade-to-blade variation of all three velocity components, pitch and yaw angles, losses and blade static pressures in the tip clearance region. The simulation also includes evaluation of such quantities of leakage mass flow, vortex strength, losses, dominant leakage flow regions and the spanwise extent affected by the leakage flow. It is demonstrated, through optimization of grid size and artificial dissipation, that the tip clearance flow field can be captured accurately. The above numerical formulation was modified to incorporate time accurate solutions. An inner loop iteration scheme is used at each time step to account for the non-linear effects. The computation of unsteady flow through a flat plate cascade subjected to a transverse gust reveals that the choice of grid spacing and the amount of artificial dissipation is critical for accurate prediction of unsteady phenomena. The rotor-stator interaction problem is simulated by starting the computation upstream of the stator, and the upstream rotor wake is specified from the experimental data. The results show that the stator potential effects have appreciable influence on the upstream rotor wake. The predicted unsteady wake profiles are compared with the available experimental data and the agreement is good. The numerical results are interpreted to draw conclusions on the unsteady wake transport mechanism in the blade passage

    Self-driven soft imaging in liquid by means of photothermal excitation

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    The use of a laser to induce oscillations of an atomic force microscopy cantilever provides a way to excite the dynamics of the system in a very controlled manner. This excitation scheme has been used to obtain reliable self-sustained oscillations, in air and in liquid environments, and to implement an additional control loop leading to a soft, low-interaction, working mode. The dynamics of the oscillating cantilever has been characterized, both theoretically and experimentally, and the effectiveness of the approach has been verified on a test sample. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewe

    Identification of the Anti Listerial

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    Partially purified fractions of the n-hexane extract of Garcinia kola seeds were obtained through column chromatography and their constituents were identified through the use of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Three fractions were obtained by elution with benzene as the mobile phase and silica gel 60 as the stationery phase and these were named Benz1, Benz2, and Benz3 in the order of their elution. The antiListerial activities of these fractions were assessed through MIC determination and only Benz2 and Benz3 were found to be active with MIC’s ranging from 0.625 to 2.5 mg/mL. The results of the GC-MS analysis showed Benz2 to have 9 compounds whilst Benz3 had 7 compounds, with the major compounds in both fractions being 9,19-Cyclolanost-24-en-3-ol, (3.β.) and 9,19-Cyclolanostan-3-ol,24-methylene-, (3.β.). The Benz2 fraction was found to have mainly indifferent interactions with ampicillin and penicillin G whilst mainly additive interactions were observed with ciprofloxacin. The Benz3 fraction’s interactions were found to be 50% synergistic with penicillin G and 25% synergistic with ciprofloxacin and ampicillin. A commercially available 9,19-Cyclolanost-24-en-3-ol, (3.β.) was found not to exhibit any antiListerial activities at maximum test concentrations of 5 mg/mL, suggesting that the compound could be acting in synergy with the other compounds in the eluted fractions of Garcinia kola seeds

    Pharmacodynamic and cytotoxicity effects of Syzygium cordatum {S Ncik, 48 (UZ)} fruit-pulp extract in gastrointestinal tract infections

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    Purpose: To evaluate the pharmacodynamic effect and cytotoxicity of S. cordatum pulp extract in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract infections.Methods: The air-dried fruit pulps were ground, extracted with 100 % methanol and screened for phytochemicals. Serial microdilution method was used to determine the antibacterial activity of the extract against Bacillus cereus (ATCC 10102), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25925), Enterococcus hirae (ATCC 8043), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Salmonella typhimurium (ATCC 700030), Klebsiella pneumonia (ATCC 4352), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 7700), Vibrio fluvialis (AL 019) and Vibrio vulnificus (AL 042). The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was used to assess the cytotoxicity of the extract. Antidiarrheal and antimotility activities were evaluated using castor oil-induced diarrhoea model in rats.Results: The extract revealed the presence of alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, saponins and terpenoids. Total phenolic content was 16.4 ± 1.8 μg/mg. The extract exhibited antibacterial activity with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of as low as 3.13 mg/ml against B. cereus (ATCC 10102), S. aureus (ATCC 25925), E. hirae (ATCC 8043), P. aeruginosa (ATCC 7700) and K. pneumonia (ATCC 4352). Median inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 92 μg/ml and therapeutic index of 0.1 - 0.3 were exerted by the extract. In vivo antidiarrheal activity was 49 % at extract dose of 400 mg/kg, which was much higher than that of the control (0 %).Conclusion: The fruit-pulp extract of Syzyhium cordatum has both antibacterial, antimotility and antidiarrheal activities, and may therefore be clinically safe for use at low concentrations as an antidiarrheal agent.Keywords: Syzyhium cordatum, Antibacterial, Antidiarrheal, Antimotility, Cytotoxicit

    Studies on the pathology of heartwater Cowdria (Rickettsia) ruminantium, Cowdry, 1926 I. Neuropathological changes

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    The most significant pathological changes in the central nervous system of 27 cases of heartwater are described. In addition to leucostasis and cell infiltration in the perivascular and subarachnoid spaces described previously, the following changes were noticed:- Swollen axis-cylinders, microcavitation and focal necrosis of the cerebellar cortex; degenerative and necrotic changes in the neuroglia accompanied by the formation of P.A.S. positive intracytoplasmic granules and globules; the accumulation of P.A.S. positive globules in the V.R. spaces; choriomeningeal oedema and fibrinous choriomeningitis; haemorrhages, oedema and vascular changes. Evidence is submitted in favour of the perivascular globules being proteinaceous and of glial origin.The journals have been scanned in colour with a HP 5590 scanner; 600 dpi. Adobe Acrobat v.11 was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Surveillance of Transmitted HIV-1 Drug Resistance in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces, South Africa, 2005-2009

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    Surveillance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmitted drug resistance (TDR) was conducted among pregnant women in South Africa over a 5-year period after the initiation of a large national antiretroviral treatment program. Analysis of TDR data from 9 surveys conducted between 2005 and 2009 in 2 provinces of South Africa suggests that while TDR remains low (<5%) in Gauteng Province, it may be increasing in KwaZulu-Natal, with the most recent survey showing moderate (5%-15%) levels of resistance to the nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor drug clas

    Association of radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia: An update using the CoULD registry

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    BACKGROUND: Deficiency of the radial aspect of the forearm and hand is the most common congenital longitudinal deficiency of the upper limb. Radial longitudinal deficiency is associated with several named syndromes. The purpose of the present study was to explore patterns of radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia in syndromes and to examine the severity of these differences across various syndromes. METHODS: Data were collected from the Congenital Upper Limb Differences (CoULD) registry. Congenital differences are classified in the registry with use of the Oberg-Manske-Tonkin (OMT) classification system. Diagnosis of a syndrome by a physician as noted in the CoULD registry was recorded. Thumb deficiency and radial deficiency were classified according to the modified versions of the Blauth criteria and the Bayne and Klug criteria, respectively. RESULTS: We identified 259 patients with 383 affected limbs with radial deficiency. Eighty-three of these patients had a diagnosed syndrome. The severity of radial deficiency was correlated with the severity of thumb deficiency. The Kendall tau coefficient indicated significant correlation between radial severity and thumb severity (tau = 0.49 [95% confidence interval = 0.40 to 0.57]; p \u3c 0.05). Subjects with a syndrome were twice as likely to have bilateral deficiency and 2.5 times more likely to have both radial and thumb deficiency compared with subjects without a syndrome. Subjects with VACTERL syndrome (vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb defects) had patterns of thumb and radial deficiency similar to the general cohort, whereas subjects with Holt-Oram syndrome, TAR (thrombocytopenia absent radius) syndrome, and Fanconi anemia demonstrated varied presentations of thumb and radial deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The present study investigated the characteristics of patients with radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia. Our results support the findings of previous research correlating the severity of radial deficiency with the severity of thumb deficiency. Furthermore, we identified characteristic features of patients with radial longitudinal deficiency and associated syndromes

    Effects of Low-Dose Gestational TCDD Exposure on Behavior and on Hippocampal Neuron Morphology and Gene Expression in Mice.

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    BACKGROUND: 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a persistent and toxic environmental pollutant. Gestational exposure to TCDD has been linked to cognitive and motor deficits, and increased incidence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) traits in children. Most animal studies of these neurodevelopmental effects involve acute TCDD exposure, which does not model typical exposure in humans. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to establish a dietary low-dose gestational TCDD exposure protocol and performed an initial characterization of the effects on offspring behavior, neurodevelopmental phenotypes, and gene expression. METHODS: Throughout gestation, pregnant C57BL/6J mice were fed a diet containing a low dose of TCDD (9 ng TCDD/kg body weight per day) or a control diet. The offspring were tested in a battery of behavioral tests, and structural brain alterations were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging. The dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal Cornu Ammonis (CA)1 area was analyzed. RNA sequencing was performed on hippocampi of postnatal day 14 TCDD-exposed and control offspring. RESULTS: TCDD-exposed females displayed subtle deficits in motor coordination and reversal learning. Volumetric difference between diet groups were observed in regions of the hippocampal formation, mammillary bodies, and cerebellum, alongside higher dendritic arborization of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal CA1 region of TCDD-exposed females. RNA-seq analysis identified 405 differentially expressed genes in the hippocampus, enriched for genes with functions in regulation of microtubules, axon guidance, extracellular matrix, and genes regulated by SMAD3. DISCUSSION: Exposure to 9 ng TCDD/kg body weight per day throughout gestation was sufficient to cause specific behavioral and structural brain phenotypes in offspring. Our data suggest that alterations in SMAD3-regulated microtubule polymerization in the developing postnatal hippocampus may lead to an abnormal morphology of neuronal dendrites that persists into adulthood. These findings show that environmental low-dose gestational exposure to TCDD can have significant, long-term impacts on brain development and function. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP7352
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