28 research outputs found

    Simulation of quench detection algorithms for Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin SRF cavities

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    The Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin is carrying out two accelerator projects which make use of high gradient Continuous Wave CW Superconducting Radiofrequency SRF cavities bERLinPro and BESSY VSR. In both projects, a prompt detection of a quench is crucial to avoid damages in the cryomodules and cavities themselves. In this paper, the response of real time estimation of the cavity parameters using the transmitted and forward RF signals is simulated, in order to perform the quench detection. The time response of the estimated half bandwidth is compared with the dissipated energy in the cavity walls for the different type of SRF cavities used in both projects, i.e., bERLinPro s photoinjector, booster and linac, and BESSY VSR 1.5 GHz and 1.75 GHz cavities. As an intermediate step prior to the implementation in an mTCA.4 system together with the LLRF control and test with a real cavity, the algorithm has been implemented using a National Instruments FPGA board to check its proper behavio

    Impact on visual acuity in neovascular age related macular degeneration (Namd) in europe due to covid-19 pandemic lockdown

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    This is a retrospective, multicenter study of consecutive patients with nAMD scheduled for a visit and/or a treatment with an intravitreal injection (IVI) during the 3 months before lockdown in the Ophthalmology Departments of six centers of Europe.The study was conducted on 546 patients, of which 55.13% were females, almost 100% of the patients were White/Caucasian race, and 71.53% of the patients presented a type 1 macular neovascularization (NVM). A total of 62.82% of patients (343 patients) that were on scheduled clinic visits and/or intravitreal injection treatment during the 3 months before the quarantine did not attend either to visit or for treatment during the lockdown. The mean number of injections during the lockdown was significantly reduced. This was followed by a significant reduction in the mean best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) between the 3 months before the lockdown (mean BCVA of 60.68 ± 19.77 letters) and 6 months after lockdown (mean BCVA of 56.98 ± 22.59 letters). Patients with better BCVA before the lockdown and the ones showing neovascular activity were more likely to attend their scheduled visits and/or IVI treatments. The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown have led to a decrease in the number of IVI treatments in patients with nAMD, evidencing a significant vision loss at 6 months

    Cómo poner puertas al campo : tres revisiones panorámicas sobre el uso de biomarcadores en prevención personalizada de enfermedades crónicas

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    Se incluye PDF de la presentación y vídeo del seminario.El seminario trata de dar respuesta a qué biomarcadores hay disponibles o en desarrollo para la prevención personalizada de enfermedades crónicas en la población general. Las revisiones realizadas resumen las principales características y conclusiones de la bibliografía sobre este tema. Abarca los tres principales grupos de enfermedades crónicas:11 tipos de cáncer, 9 enfermedades cardiovasculares y 7 enfermedades neurodegenerativas.N

    An Evaluation of Implementations of the CMB Parallel Simulation Algorithm on Distributed Memory Multicomputers

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    A model of a message-passing network is used to analyze the behavior of three implementations of the Chandy-Misra-Bryant parallel simulation algorithm. The characteristics of the model, the organization of the logical processes that constitute the simulator and the characteristics of the host parallel computer have a definite influence on the achieved performance, measured in terms of speedup. Large, loaded models help CMB to synchronize with a minimum overhead, efficiently exploiting the available parallelism. Mapping several LPs onto each processor achieves a better use of the available processing power, because while a LP is blocked (synchronizing) others can use the CPU. However, it is not convenient to map too many LPs onto each processor because the synchronization cost would be too high. The communication demands of CMB reduce its efficiency in environments where the cost of passing messages is too high: the performance of CMB running on a network of workstations is quite poor; in contrast, good speedups can be a.chieved using commercial multicomputers

    2Dep. de Arquitectura y

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    Three parallel discrete-event simulators—synchronous, conservative and optimistic—implemented on an Intel Paragon multicomputer are comparatively evaluated. Parallelism is achieved by model decomposition, distributing the simulation among a set of collaborative logical processes. The three simulators differ in the way those processes synchronize to obey causal restrictions in the simulation of events. Message passing network models are used to study these simulation alternatives. A set of experiments are carried out to understand how model parameters influence simulator performance. Experimental evidence leads to the conclusion that the optimistic simulator is not a viable tool for the analysis of this kind of models. The opposite conclusion applies to the other two: if the workload assigned to each logical process is above a certain threshold then the synchronization overhead is comparatively low and the simulators perform and scale well up to a large number of processors. Performance threshold is influenced by some parameters of the simulated model (size of the network, load level and message length), as well as by the number of processors used by the simulators. J. Miguel is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Schoo

    Cultivar de boniato INIA Rubí 63 (W1363.4).

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    'INIA Rubí 63' es una alternativa a los cultivares del tipo "criollo" actualmente utilizados. Supera en conservación poscosecha y apariencia comercial a 'INIA Cuarí' e 'INIA Cambará', mientras que la productividad y ciclo es intermedio entre ambos. Se destaca por su muy buen sabor y textura, superior a 'INIA Cuarí' y a 'INIA Arapey'. Cuenta con mayor adaptación a las diferentes zonas agroecológicas de producción y responde a un rango más amplio de fechas de trasplante que 'INIA Cambará'