91 research outputs found

    The Characteristics of Mosque Architecture Based on Public Preferences in Malang City

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    Mosque is an architectural work and public facility that serves as a worship place for Muslims. Mosque architectural elements include domes (roofs), mihrab, minaret, arch, and ornaments. Mosque architecture comprises of various elements, which adapt to the local culture where the mosque is located. As such, its presence also bears some impacts on the appearance of urban architecture. Malang city as one of the major cities in East Java has numerous rapidly developing mosque architectures, including Jami’ Great Mosque of Malang, Sabilillah Mosque, Nurul Muttaqin Mosque, Ahmad Yani Mosque, and Manarul Huda Mosque. The meaning of architectural work is also closely related to the perception of humans who observe it. The public preference for the architectural characteristics of mosques in Malang city is a manifestation of architectural work. Conjoined analysis is employed as method operative to analyze public preference. This study aims to find out the architectural characteristics of mosques in Malang city according to public preferences. The findings can serve as a recommendation for the development of mosque architectural designs in Malang city, especially those possessing locality values. The architectural characteristics of mosques in Malang city which are driven by the public preferences ranging from the highest to the lowest, which is why mosques generally have calligraphy ornaments, circular arch, pentagon-shaped minaret, Indo-Persian dome, and two-minaret design

    Efektivitas Learning Cycle Disertai Mind Mapping terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Submateri Invertebrata di SMA

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    The purpose of this research is to determine effectiveness of Learning Cycle model accompanied by Mind Mapping toward student assesment at submaterial Invertebrates in class X SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Pinyuh. The research was a Quasy Experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The sample of this research are XC (experiment class) and XB (control class). The sample was taken from 2 classes with same average score and standar deviation of pre-test. The instrument been used was multiple choice test that consists of 20 items. Average skor student assesment that had been Learning Cycle model accompanied by Mind Mapping 14.06 was higher by those using conventional teaching 11.88. The U Mann Whitney test obtained Zhitung < -Ztabel (-2.29 <-1.96), meaning that there were significant differences between students assesment that taught by Learning Cycle model accompanied by Mind Mapping and conventional learning. Value of effect size obtained 0,65 means that the effectiveness of the Learning Cycle accompanied by Mind Mapping is medium and accounted at 24,22%

    Dampak Pengembangan Pariwisata Teradap Kehidupan Masyarakat Lokal Di Kawasan Wisata (Studi Pada Masyarakat Sekitar Wisata Wendit, Kabupaten Malang)

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    This study aims to describe and analyze the development of tourism in Taman Wisata Air Wendit, describe and analyze the impact of Wendit tourism development on surrounding communities, as well as describe and analyze the factors supporting and inhibiting factors Malang regency government in Wendit tourism development Malang. The analysis in this study using data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that the development of the Park Air Wendit impact on people's lives around. The impact of such social impacts such as increased skills of the population, the transformation of livelihood and the transformation of the norm. Besides the impact of culture that is still preserved, it can also give economic impacts such as employment, encouraging entrepreneurial activity and improve the income of the people around Wendit tourism

    An Analysis Of Grammatical Errors In Learners' Descriptive Writings At SMA Al-kautsar Bandar Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu jenis kesalahan yang siswa buat yang tergolong ke dalam surface strategy taxonomy dan communicative effect taxonomy dalam menulis karangan deskriptif, serta untuk menyelidiki jenis kesalahan yang sering dan jarang muncul pada karangan siswa tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat qualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 24 siswa kelas XI IPA2 dari SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. Tes menulis digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa siswa membuat semua jenis kesalahan dari surface strategy taxonomy, yaitu omission, addition, misformation, and misordering; maupun communicative effect taxonomy, yaitu kesalahan global dan lokal. Dalam surface strategy taxonomy, jenis kesalahan yang sering muncul adalah misformation; dan jenis yang jarang muncul adalah misordering. Dalam communicative effect taxonomy, jenis kesalahan yang dominan adalah kesalahan lokal, sedangkan kesalahan global merupakan jenis kesalahan yang jarang terjadi. Ha ini menunujukkan bahwa kesalahan selalu terjadi dalam penulisan siswa. This study aimed at finding out the types of error that learners committed in terms of surface strategy and communicative effect taxonomies in their descriptive writings; and investigating which error types most and least frequently appeared in their writings. This study was a qualitative research. The subjects were 24 learners of class XI IPA2 of SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. Writing test was used as the instrument. The findings revealed that the learners committed all error types in terms of surface strategy taxonomy: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering; and communicative effect taxonomy: global and local errors. In terms of surface strategy taxonomy, misformation was the most frequent error type, while misordering was the least frequent error type. In terms of communicative effect taxonomy, the most dominant error type was local error; while the least frequent error type was global error. This evidences that errors always occor in learners English writing

    Implementasi Kontrak Bisnis Terhadap Budaya Lintas Negara Di Jepang (Studi Pada Tenants Di Connect House Co., Ltd)

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    The objective of this research is to describe how to implement the business contract in Japan and the connection with the cross cultural nation from other countries outside from Japan. This research is conducted using pure descriptive qualitative methods or phenomenology approach. This research reveals five steps to contracting as the implementation in Japan as; (1) Creating information, (2) Offer, (3) Negotiation, (4) Accepting, and (5) Completing contract. Afterwards, each country has their own custom, way, and idea which are different in the steps of implementations. Cultural approaches under this study include; (1) Individual vs collectivism to see how people make decision of negotiation; (2) Masculinity vs feminity to see the custom of tenants and company when they have to protect the consideration of contract; (3) Uncertainty avoidance to see how the behavior of people when they have to face ambiguous situation. (4) High vs low context to see how details is the contract. (5) Universalism vs particularism to see the power or position each party in the contract and; (6) internal vs external orientation to see the behavior each parties when they negotiating

    Morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Mori

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data dan deskripsi tentang morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Mori yang mencakup sistem pembentukan kata, sistem penyusunan kata dengan kata hingga menjadi unit-unit yang lebih besar dari kata, yaitu frase, klausa, dan kalimat

    The impact of peer assisted learning on mentors’ academic life and communication skill in medical faculty: A systematic review

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    Peer assisted learning (PAL) was initiated to support the first-year students. In medical faculty, first-year students often find starting new academic life challenging. The impact from the peer mentors’ aspect is not widely explore. The aim of this study was to review studies that reported the impact of PAL programs on peer mentors in medical faculty, particularly on their academic life and communication skill. The DOAJ, PubMed Central, SciELO, and Science Direct databases advanced search used to conduct a systematic literature searching. Systematic search was performed according to preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) checklist recommendations. Five studies were included. All of the reviewed studies shown the impact of PAL programs on mentors’ academic life. Three studies have shown both the impact of PAL programs on mentors on their academic life and communication skill. Studies in this review have shown positive impacts on mentors’ academic life and communication skill. Good communication skills, empathy, leadership and teaching skills will promote individual abilities and skills as a doctor, be it as a practitioner, or as an educator


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    Abstract: This research aimed at identifying the meaning of teenagers’ motivational sentences and identifying values in those sentences. The research belonged to qualitative research. Material object of the study consisted of words, phrases, and sentences written by teenagers and describing a various character education. Formal object of the study was values of character education in teenagers’ motivational sentences. Technique of the data collection was carried out through documentation of teenagers’ writing and interview with some informants. Technique of the data analysis was done through content analysis. In addition to this, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also applied to get an accurate research result. As a result of the research, firstly  the meanings of  teenagers’ motivational sentences showed that (1) teenagers had  spirit of never giving up to overcome a problem, (2) they were aware that their parents had a great role in their growth, (3) someone had  to be sure and  believed in their capabilities, (4) there was a awareness of teenagers that knowledge was very important for their future, (5) they ha spirit to reach their future, (6) they were aware that every single action of theirs gave an impact on them, (7)  teenagers were aware that they had to obey to their God and, (8) whatever activity they did, they oriented to their future. Secondly values of character education in teenagers’ motivational sentences among others were (1) spirit,(2) self- confident, (3) loving, (4) religious, (5) visionary, (6) obedient, (7) brave, (8) patient
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