90 research outputs found
The Social Engagement as a Source of Innovation
Innovation, innovation economy, innovation management are all crucial
issues in both theory and practice of management. The purpose of this paper
is to provide mechanisms for the use of corporate community involvement in
public affairs as a source of innovation for both business organizations and in
relation to ways of solving social problems and pursuing public purposes. The
use of business engagement in social affairs as a source and inspiration for
innovation and the mechanisms of responsible use of that business engagement
by community and public organizations were analyzed. Companies have
discovered that social problems have their economic side and the involvement
in solving the problems of the public sector can strongly stimulate their own
business processes. The new paradigm for innovation grows in the field of
cooperation between private business and public interest, generating positive
and permanent changes for both sides. There is a strong need for the cause
social responsiveness and increased social sensitivity, not only on the side of
the business but also in public organizations
Comparative analysis of smart home management systems
The article presents a comparative analysis of smart home management systems. The paper includes an analysis of the market, from which two systems were selected for detailed analysis. The choice was between the open source locally running Home Assistant system and the cloud-based Google Home solution. The detailed analysis includes a comparison of documentation, functionality, configurability, security, architecture and user feedback. In addition, two studies were conducted. The first addressed the response time of end devices to perform an action in the smart home management system. The second, on the other hand, addressed the time and number of steps required to configure devices with the systems
The Principles of Implementing Early Recognition Systems in an Organization
In the context of the turbulent environment, contemporary organizations have
to work out and implement tools enabling them to handle the turbulence, and
primarily, to avoid negative consequences of these processes. The tools are
related, among others, to obtaining and providing managers, sufficiently
in advance, with adequate management information on the environment.
Early Recognition Systems (ERS) are a response to such conditions of the
organization functioning and the challenge in respect of information support
for decision-making processes. Unfortunately, they are mainly of informalized
character, dispersed on various levels and in various functional areas of
organizations, and very often based on unconscious, habitual actions, and,
in consequence, their advancement and effectiveness are low. Based on the
main characteristics of early recognition systems, the article presents the
framework procedure of systemic solutions in the area of early recognition,
which is supposed to enable formally organized activities within this scope
Stanisław Lem w Hiszpanii: Pokój na Ziemi
W 1975 roku barcelońskie wydawnictwo Seix Barral wydało hiszpański przekład Kongresu futurologicznego Stanisława Lema. W następnych latach Lem wysunął się na czoło rankingu najczęściej tłumaczonych polskich pisarzy. Pierwsza część artykułu analizuje historię hiszpańskich wydań dzieł pisarza, podkreślając zasługi jego najwybitniejszej tłumaczki Jadwigi Maurizio. Druga część tekstu stanowi interpretację powieści Pokój na Ziemi, która – zdaniem autora (i tłumacza) – zasługuje na więcej uwagi ze względu na jej ładunek intelektualny i oryginalny typ bohatera-narratora.Grzegorz Bąk, Uniwersytet Complutense w Madrycie, profesor tytularny na Wydziale Filologii, slawista, hispanista i historyk. Autor i współautor prac na temat historii Polski i historii relacji polsko-hiszpańskich, między innymi: Historia de los pueblos eslavos [Historia narodów słowiańskich], [w:] Historia de las literaturas eslavas [Historia literatur słowiańskich], pod red. F. Presa (1997); F. Presa, G. Bąk, A. Matyjaszczyk, R. Monforte, Soldados polacos en España durante la Guerra de Independencia 1808–1814 [Żołnierze polscy w Hiszpanii podczas hiszpańskiej wojny o niepodległość 1808–1814] (2004), współredaktor tomów zbiorowych. Tłumacz literatury polskiej (między innymi prozy Stanisława Lema).Uniwersytet Complutense w Madryciehttps://solaris.lem.pl/ksiazki/beletrystyka/pokoj-na-ziemi/115-komentarz-pokoj-na-ziemi [dostęp: 30.07.2021].Krasiński Z., La no Divina Comedia, oprac. i przeł. F. Presa González, Madrid 2009.Lem S., Astronautas, przeł. A. Murcia Soriano i K. Mołoniewicz, Madrid 2016.Lem S., Aventuras estelares del piloto Pirx, przeł. L. Krauz, Madrid 2005.Lem S., Ciberiada, przeł. J. Maurizio, Barcelona 1979.Lem S., Diarios de las estrellas, przeł. J. Maurizio, Barcelona 1978.Lem S., Edén, przeł. L. Pastor Puebla, Madrid 2013Lem S., El castillo alto, przeł. Andrzej Kowalski, Madrid 2006.Lem S., El congreso de futurología, przeł. M. Bustamante, Barcelona 1975.Lem S., El hospital de la transfiguración, przeł. J. Bardzińska, Madrid 2008.Lem S., El Invencible, przeł. A. Murcia Soriano i K. Mołoniewicz, Madrid 2021.Lem S., Fábulas de robots, przeł. J. Maurizio, Barcelona 1981.Lem S., Fiasco, przeł. M. de Juan Guyat, Madrid 1991.Lem S., El Fràcas, przeł. J. Ayala, Barcelona 1988.Lem S., Golem XIV, przeł. J. Orzechowska, Madrid 2012.Lem S., La fiebre de heno, przeł. J. Maurizio i P. Giralt Gorina, Barcelona 1983.Lem S., La investigación, przeł. J. Maurizio, Barcelona 1977.Lem S., La investigación, przeł. J. Orzechowska, Madrid 2011.Lem S., La voz de su amo, przeł. R. Másera, Barcelona 1989.Lem S., La Voz del Amo, przeł. A. Murcia Soriano i K. Mołoniewicz, Madrid 2017.Lem S., Más relatos del piloto Pirx, przeł. L. Krauz, Madrid 2005.Lem S., Máscara, przeł. J. Orzechowska, Madrid 2013.Lem S., Memorias encontradas en una bañera, przeł. J. Maurizio, Barcelona 1977.Lem S., Paz en la Tierra, oprac. G. Bąk, przeł. G. Bąk i M.Velis, Madrid 2012.Lem S., Pokój na Ziemi, Warszawa 2009.Lem S., Provocación, przeł. Joanna Bardzińska i K. Dubla, Madrid 2008.Lem S., Provocación, przeł. A. Murcia Soriano i K. Mołoniewicz, Madrid 2020.Lem S., Regreso a Entia, przeł. A. Tortajada, Barcelona 1990.Lem S, Relatos del piloto Pirx, przeł. L. Krauz, Madrid 1991.Lem S., Retorno de las estrellas, przeł. J. Maurizio, Barcelona 1978.Lem S., Solaris, przeł. A. Siewierska, Barcelona 1988.Lem S., Un valor imaginario, przeł. J. Maurizio, Barcelona 1983.Lem S., Vacío perfecto, przeł. J. Maurizio, Barcelona 1981.Makowiecka G., Po drogach polsko-hiszpańskich, Kraków 1984.Makowiecka G., Wracając do lat hiszpańskich, Warszawa 1992.Maurizio-Abramowicz M., Zakopiańskie wspominki, Kraków 1985.Mickiewicz A., Libros de la nación polaca y del pelegrinajes polaco, oprac. i przeł. F. Presa González, Madrid 2018.Mickiewicz A., Słowacki J., Krasiński Z., Norwid C.K., Poesía polaca del Romanticismo, oprac. i przeł. F. Presa González, Madrid 2014.Narębska I., Jadwiga Maurizio – uznana, nieznana, znajoma. Tłumaczka Lema, „Przekładaniec” 2016, nr 32.Narębska I., Panorama histórico de las traducciones de la literatura polaca publicadas en España de 1939 a 1975, Alicante 2011.Orliński W., Lem. Życie nie z tej ziemi, Wołowiec 2017.Presa González F., Bibliografía, Henryk Sienkiewicz en Polonia, [w:] H. Sienkiewicz, Relatos, przeł. i oprac. F. Presa González, Madrid 2006.678
Tell el-Murra (Northeastern Nile Delta Survey) : season 2011
The Project in Tell el-Murra in the northeastern part of the Nile Delta continued excavation of trench S3, uncovering two graves from the Early Dynastic period as well as mud-brick walls belonging to earlier structures. A new trench, S4, was dug to check the site stratigraphy and chronology in the eastern part of the site. Old Kingdom and Naqada III pottery was discovered and Lower Egyptian Culture layers were confirmed at the bottom of the latter trench. Architectural remains consisted of a round silos(?) and walls to the west and south of it. The present research confirmed the existence of settlement on the site from the times of the Predynastic Lower Egyptian Culture until the end of the Old Kingdom (Sixth Dynasty), but it is still unclear whether people of the Naqada culture appeared there already in the second half of the Naqada II period or only in Naqada III. It was also confirmed that a settlement and a cemetery existed on the site
Tell el-Murra (Northeastern Nile Delta survey) : seasons 2012-2013
Excavations of the site of Tell el-Murra in the northeastern part of the Nile Delta in 2012 and 2013, following up on surveys in 2008 and in 2010-2011, uncovered settlement structures from the Old Kingdom in the northeastern part of the site (trench T5). Excavations in the adjacent cemetery (trench S3) cleared more graves, which were dated to the Early Dynastic period based on pottery and stone vessel
New business models in the context of co-creating value with customer
The paper concerns the issues of customer involvement in the co-creating value in accessing resources area. Its purpose is to identify interesting and still poorly recognized research problem, which is the impact of the co-creating value on customer relationships and changes in business models applied on the market, and to present the preliminary research proposal for wider scientific discussion. The paper presents: the outline of the research problem and its rationale, the discussion of the theory of co-creating value as the theoretical basis for the research, and business model concept as the way of value creating and acquisition from the market
Design thinking as the environment for disruptive innovation
The subject of this paper is design thinking as an approach to creative thinking and action adapted from the work of the best designers. Design thinking is a method of solving open, complex and ambiguous user problems. As a method based on the the human-centered, exploratory and iterative potential of attitudes towards design practice and reality itself, it holds a number of attractive qualities for disruptive innovation. The purpose of the study is to identify these design thinking qualities that can support organizations in creating disruptive innovations
Empathizing in design thinking as a source of weak signals for entrepreneurial activity
The aim of this paper is identi cation of the relationship that can arise between design thinking and market opportunities recognition. It occurs mostly at the empathizing phase in which an attempt is made to enter the perspective of the end user. Searching for solutions to identify weak signals seems to be one of the key tasks in today's turbulent environment. Design thinking seems to o er the right solutions to support these actions
Tell el-Murra (Northeastern Nile Delta Survey) : season 2010
Much of the work of the Northwestern Nile Delta Survey Project involved research at
Tell el-Murra, a site in the northeastern part of the Nile Delta chosen for excavation on the basis of
results from the 2008 survey season. Archaeological testing was coupled with magnetic prospection
and geological core drillings in an effort to establish site stratigraphy and chronology. An analysis of
the assemblage of finds (mainly pottery), confirmed occupation of the northeastern part of the site
in the Old Kingdom period, after the southwestern part had already been abandoned. Core drilling
results suggested the presence of Predynastic layers below the Protodynastic strata explored in 2010.
A continued survey around Tell el-Murra comprised prospection at the sites of Tell Abu el-Halyat,
Tell el-Akhdar, Minshat Radwan, Tell Gezira el-Faras, Gezira Sangaha, Mantiqat el-Qalaa and Kafr
el-Hadidi. Naqada III pottery was confirmed at the first four of these sites
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