9 research outputs found

    Anotacijska shema i njezina evaluacija: primjer uvredljivoga jezika

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    The present paper focuses on the presentation and discussion of aspects of OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE linguistic annotation, including the creation, annotation practice, curation, and evaluation of an OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE annotation taxonomy scheme, that was first proposed in Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk et al. (2021). An extended offensive language ontology comprising 17 categories, structured in terms of 4 hierarchical levels, has been shown to represent the encoding of the defined offensive language schema, trained in terms of non-contextual word embeddings – i.e., Word2Vec and Fast Text, and eventually juxtaposed to the data acquired by using a pair wise training and testing analysis for existing categories in the HateBERT model (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk et al. submitted). The study reports on the annotation practice in WG 4.1.1. Incivility in media and social media in the context of COST Action CA 18209 European network for Web-centred linguistic data science (Nexus Linguarum) with the INCEpTION tool (https://github.com/inception-project/inception) – a semantic annotation platform offering assistance in the annotation. The results partly support the proposed ontology of explicit offense and positive implicitness types to provide more variance among widely recognized types of figurative language (e.g., metaphorical, metonymic, ironic, etc.). The use of the annotation system and the representation of linguistic data were also evaluated in a series of the annotators’ comments, by means of a questionnaire and an open discussion. The annotation results and the questionnaire showed that for some of the categories there was low or medium inter-annotator agreement, and it was more challenging for annotators to distinguish between category items than between aspect items, with the category items offensive, insulting and abusive being the most difficult in this respect. The need for taxonomic simplification measures on the basis of these results has been recognized for further annotation practices.U ovome je radu predstavljen proces označavanja uvredljivoga jezika koji uključuje izradu klasifikacije toga jezika, označivačku praksu, vođenje procesa i evaluaciju. Klasifikacijska je shema prvi put predložena u Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk i dr. (2021). Proširena ontologija uvredljivoga jezika sadrži 17 kategorija posloženih u četiri hijerarhijske razine te tako predstavlja shemu uvredljivoga jezika koja je trenirana u okviru nekontekstualiziranih vektorskih prikaza riječi (engl. word embeddings) poput Word2Vec i Fast Text koji su naposljetku supostavljeni podatcima prikupljenima korištenjem analize parova i analize testiranja za postojeće kategorije u modelu HateBERT (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk i dr., u postupku recenzije). U radu se izvještava o označivačkoj praksi u okviru radne grupe WG 4.1.1. Incivility in media and social media COST-ove akcije CA 18209 European network for Web-centred linguistic data science (Nexus Linguarum). Označavanje je provedeno u alatu INCEpTION (https://github.com/inception-project/inception) – platformi za semantičko označavanje koja ima ugrađene alate za takvu obradu podataka. Dobiveni rezultati podupiru predloženu ontologiju eksplicitnoga i implicitnoga uvredljivog jezika koja omogućuje veću raznovrsnost među već prepoznatim tipovima figurativnoga jezika (primjerice metafora, metonimija, ironija itd.). Upotreba sustava za označavanje i prikazivanje jezičnih podataka također je procijenjena u povratnim komentarima koje su pružili označivači. Komentari označivača prikupljeni su metodom upitnika te otvorenom raspravom. Na kraju je usustavljen niz preporuka za buduće označivačke prakse

    Annotation Scheme and Evaluation: The Case of OFFENSIVE Language

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    Purpose: Offensive discourse refers to the presence of explicit or implicit verbal attacks towards individuals or groups and has been extensively analyzed in linguistics (e.g., Culpeper, 2005; Haugh & Sinkeviciute, 2019) and in NLP (e.g., OffensEval (Zampieri et al., 2020), HASOC (Mandl et al., 2019)), under the names of hate speech, abusive language, offensive language, etc. The paper focuses on the presentation and discussion of aspects of the linguistic annotation of OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE, including creation, annotation practice, curation, and evaluation of an OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE annotation taxonomy scheme first proposed in Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk et al. (2021) and Žitnik et al. (in press). An extended offensive language ontology in terms of 17 categories, structured in terms of 4 hierarchical levels, has been shown to represent the encoding of the defined offensive language schema, trained in terms of non-contextual word embeddings – i.e., Word2Vec and Fast Text – and eventually juxtaposed to the data acquired by using pairwise training and testing analysis for existing categories in the HateBERT model

    Hypertension treatment preferences in long-term dialysed children in Poland - a survey of pediatric nephrologists

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    Wstęp Przewlekła choroba nerek prowadzi do rozwoju nadciśnienia tętniczego u większości chorych. Leczenie nadciśnienia towarzyszącego niewydolności nerek jest utrudnione przez ograniczenia w stosowaniu wielu preparatów i brak wystarczających doświadczeń klinicznych, a ponadto istniejące obecnie rekomendacje nie obejmują w ogóle chorych ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek. Wybór terapii hipotensyjnej ogranicza też młody wiek chorych, gdyż wielu leków nie można stosować u dzieci. Celem badania była analiza jakości leczenia przeciwnadciśnieniowego u dzieci ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek poddawanych przewlekłej dializoterapii. Materiał i metody Analizą objęto wszystkie dzieci dializowane w Polsce w dniu 30 listopada 2004 roku (n = 134). Uzyskano informacje dotyczące grup stosowanych leków oraz dawek preparatów, a także opinie lekarzy na temat doboru leków stosowanych przy nagłym wzroście ciśnienia tętniczego oraz tych, których dzieciom dializowanym nie powinno się podawać. Wyniki Nadciśnienie tętnicze stwierdzono u 74 (55%) dzieci (47 chłopców, 27 dziewczynek). Najczęstszą przyczyną niewydolności nerek w grupie dzieci z nadciśnieniem było kłębuszkowe zapalenie nerek (27/74). W badanej grupie 65% dzieci leczono za pomocą kilku leków hipotensyjnych, 32% za pomocą jednego leku, a 3% jedynie metodami niefarmakologicznymi. Mimo aktywnego leczenia, zaledwie u 58% dializowanych dzieci prowadziło ono do obniżenia wartości ciśnienia tętniczego poniżej 95 percentyla dla wzrostu i wieku. Najmniejszą skuteczność kontroli ciśnienia tętniczego obserwowano w przypadku leczenia skojarzonego, zwłaszcza wielolekowego. Najczęściej stosowanymi lekami byli antagoniści wapnia, które podawano u ogółem 73% dzieci, w tym u 43/48 w politerapii, a 11/24 w monoterapii. Inhibitory konwertazy angiotensyny były najczęściej stosowane w monoterapii (50%). Mimo znanych kontrowersji, przy nagłym wzroście ciśnienia tętniczego stosowano najczęściej nifedipinę. Wnioski Badanie wykazało, że w Polsce odsetek dializowanych dzieci wymagających leczenia nadciśnieniowego sięga 55%, w tym większość z nich wymaga podawania kilku leków. Pomimo że zasady leczenia są podobne we wszystkich ośrodkach, skuteczność leczenia pozostaje niezadowalająca (58%).Background Chronic kidney disease is associated with the development of arterial hypertension in a vast majority of patients. The treatment of hypertension in these subjects is difficult and challenging due to a limited clinical experience with most drugs and no widely recognised recommendations for patients with end-stage renal disease. A choice of antihypertensive drugs is further narrowed by the young age of the patients since almost all drugs are not recommended in children with renal failure. The aim of this nationwide retrospective analysis was to assess the hypertension treatment patterns in the population of children with chronic kidney diseases (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis in Poland. Material and methods Among all 134 children dialysed on 30th November 2004 in 13 pediatric dialysis centres in Poland seventy four (55%; 47M, 27F) children were hypertensive. For each patients the treating physicians filled a questionnaire that allowed to collect the following data: the primary kidney disease, chronic dialysis treatment, diagnostic criteria of hypertension and present antihypertensive medication if any. Additionally we asked of the doctors’ preference for a therapy for the acute rise in blood pressure and suggestions which drugs, in their opinion, should not be used in dialysed children. Results In the hypertensive dialysed patients the most frequent causes of chronic kidney disease were chronic glomerulopathies (27/74). Thirty two percent of children were on monotherapy whereas 65% required combined treatment. The therapy was adequate only in 58% of subjects. The lowest rate of efficacy was detected in patients requiring a combined antihypertensive therapy. Among antihypertensive drug classes calcium channel blockers were administered most frequently (in 73% of children, in 11/24 cases in monotherapy and in 43/48 patients in combination). Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors were most frequently administered in monotheraphy (50%). Nifedipine was preferred in acute blood pressure rise in children. Conclusion We conclude that incidence of hypertension in dialysed children in Poland is relatively high. The pattern of the treatment was quite uniform, although the efficacy was relatively low (58%)

    Numerical analysis of fundus eye images in frequency domain

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    A new approach in the analysis of fundus images performed in frequency domain is described. It is related to specific features of the power spectrum and refers to the notion of spectral fractal dimension as well. Preliminary calculations have been carried out for sample series of diagnosed fundus eye images. The results and proposals for further improvements of the method are discussed

    Genome-wide association analyses define pathogenic signaling pathways and prioritize drug targets for IgA nephropathy

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    Genome-wide association analyses define pathogenic signaling pathways and prioritize drug targets for IgA nephropathy

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    : IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a progressive form of kidney disease defined by glomerular deposition of IgA. Here we performed a genome-wide association study of 10,146 kidney-biopsy-diagnosed IgAN cases and 28,751 controls across 17 international cohorts. We defined 30 genome-wide significant risk loci explaining 11% of disease risk. A total of 16 loci were new, including TNFSF4/TNFSF18, REL, CD28, PF4V1, LY86, LYN, ANXA3, TNFSF8/TNFSF15, REEP3, ZMIZ1, OVOL1/RELA, ETS1, IGH, IRF8, TNFRSF13B and FCAR. The risk loci were enriched in gene orthologs causing abnormal IgA levels when genetically manipulated in mice. We also observed a positive genetic correlation between IgAN and serum IgA levels. High polygenic score for IgAN was associated with earlier onset of kidney failure. In a comprehensive functional annotation analysis of candidate causal genes, we observed convergence of biological candidates on a common set of inflammatory signaling pathways and cytokine ligand-receptor pairs, prioritizing potential new drug targets

    Genome-wide association analyses define pathogenic signaling pathways and prioritize drug targets for IgA nephropathy

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    IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a progressive form of kidney disease defined by glomerular deposition of IgA. Here we performed a genome-wide association study of 10,146 kidney-biopsy-diagnosed IgAN cases and 28,751 controls across 17 international cohorts. We defined 30 genome-wide significant risk loci explaining 11% of disease risk. A total of 16 loci were new, including TNFSF4/TNFSF18, REL, CD28, PF4V1, LY86, LYN, ANXA3, TNFSF8/TNFSF15, REEP3, ZMIZ1, OVOL1/RELA, ETS1, IGH, IRF8, TNFRSF13B and FCAR. The risk loci were enriched in gene orthologs causing abnormal IgA levels when genetically manipulated in mice. We also observed a positive genetic correlation between IgAN and serum IgA levels. High polygenic score for IgAN was associated with earlier onset of kidney failure. In a comprehensive functional annotation analysis of candidate causal genes, we observed convergence of biological candidates on a common set of inflammatory signaling pathways and cytokine ligand-receptor pairs, prioritizing potential new drug targets

    Genome-wide association analyses define pathogenic signaling pathways and prioritize drug targets for IgA nephropathy

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    IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a progressive form of kidney disease defined by glomerular deposition of IgA. We performed a genome-wide association study involving 10,146 kidney biopsy-diagnosed IgAN cases and 28,751 matched controls across 17 international cohorts. We defined 30 independent genome-wide significant loci jointly explaining 11% of disease risk. A total of 16 loci were novel, including TNFSF4, REL, CD28, CXCL8/PF4V1, LY86, LYN, ANXA3, TNFSF8/15, REEP3, ZMIZ1, RELA, ETS1, IGH, IRF8, TNFRSF13B and FCAR. The SNP-based heritability of IgAN was estimated at 23%. The polygenic risk of IgAN was associated with early disease onset and increased lifetime risk of end stage kidney failure. We observed a positive genetic correlation between IgAN and total serum IgA levels, allergy, tonsillectomy, and several infections, and a negative correlation with inflammatory bowel disease. Strikingly, all significant non-HLA loci shared with serum IgA levels had a concordant effect on the risk of IgAN. Moreover, IgAN loci were globally enriched in gene orthologs causing abnormal IgA levels when knocked out in mice. The explained heritability was enriched in the regulatory elements of cells from the immune and hematopoietic systems and intestinal mucosa, providing support for the pathogenic role of extra-renal tissues. In the comprehensive functional annotation analysis of candidate causal genes across genome-wide significant loci, we observed the convergence of biological candidates on a common set of inflammatory signaling pathways and cytokine ligand-receptor pairs, prioritizing potential new drug targets