16 research outputs found

    Ab initio description of electron transport through nanoscale systems

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    First-principles calculation of the thermoelectric figure of merit for [2,2]paracyclophane-based single-molecule junctions

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    Here we present a theoretical study of the thermoelectric transport through {[}2,2{]}para\-cyclo\-phane-based single-molecule junctions. Combining electronic and vibrational structures, obtained from density functional theory (DFT), with nonequilibrium Green's function techniques, allows us to treat both electronic and phononic transport properties at a first-principles level. For the electronic part, we include an approximate self-energy correction, based on the DFT+ÎŁ\Sigma approach. This enables us to make a reliable prediction of all linear response transport coefficients entering the thermoelectric figure of merit ZTZT. Paracyclophane derivatives offer a great flexibility in tuning their chemical properties by attaching different functional groups. We show that, for the specific molecule, the functional groups mainly influence the thermopower, allowing to tune its sign and absolute value. We predict that the functionalization of the bare paracyclophane leads to a largely enhanced electronic contribution ZelTZ_{\mathrm{el}}T to the figure of merit. Nevertheless, the high phononic contribution to the thermal conductance strongly suppresses ZTZT. Our work demonstrates the importance to include the phonon thermal conductance for any realistic estimate of the ZTZT for off-resonant molecular transport junctions. In addition, it shows the possibility of a chemical tuning of the thermoelectric properties for a series of available molecules, leading to equally performing hole- and electron-conducting junctions based on the same molecular framework.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Heat dissipation and its relation to thermopower in single-molecule junctions

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    Motivated by recent experiments [Lee et al. Nature 498, 209 (2013)], we present here a detailed theoretical analysis of the Joule heating in current-carrying single-molecule junctions. By combining the Landauer approach for quantum transport with ab initio calculations, we show how the heating in the electrodes of a molecular junction is determined by its electronic structure. In particular, we show that in general the heat is not equally dissipated in both electrodes of the junction and it depends on the bias polarity (or equivalently on the current direction). These heating asymmetries are intimately related to the thermopower of the junction as both these quantities are governed by very similar principles. We illustrate these ideas by analyzing single-molecule junctions based on benzene derivatives with different anchoring groups. The close relation between heat dissipation and thermopower provides general strategies for exploring fundamental phenomena such as the Peltier effect or the impact of quantum interference effects on the Joule heating of molecular transport junctions.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Tuning the Bandgap Character of Quantum-Confined Si–Sn Alloyed Nanocrystals

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    Nanocrystals in the regime between molecules and bulk give rise to unique electronic properties. Here, a thorough study focusing on quantum-confined nanocrystals (NCs) is provided. At the level of density functional theory an approximate (quasi) band structure which addresses both the molecular and bulk aspects of finite-sized NCs is calculated. In particular, how band-like features emerge with increasing particle diameter is shown. The quasiband structure is used to discuss technological-relevant direct bandgap NCs. It is found that ultrasmall Sn NCs have a direct bandgap in their at-nanoscale-stable α-phase and for high enough Sn concentration (≈41%) alloyed Si–Sn NCs transition from indirect to direct bandgap semiconductors. The calculations strongly support recent experiments suggesting a direct bandgap for these systems. For a quantitative comparison many-body GW + Bethe–Salpeter equation (BSE) calculations are performed. The predicted optical gaps are close to the experimental data and the calculated absorbance spectra compare well with the corresponding measurements

    Stability of silicon–tin alloyed nanocrystals with high tin concentration synthesized by femtosecond laser plasma in liquid media

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    Nanocrystals have a great potential for future materials with tunable bandgap, due to their optical properties that are related with the material used, their sizes and their surface termination. Here, we concentrate on the silicon–tin alloy for photovoltaic applications due to their bandgap, lower than bulk Si, and also the possibility to activate direct band to band transition for high tin concentration. We synthesized silicon–tin alloy nanocrystals (SiSn-NCs) with diameter of about 2–3 nm by confined plasma technique employing a femtosecond laser irradiation on amorphous silicon–tin substrate submerged in liquid media. The tin concentration is estimated to be ∌ 17 % , being the highest Sn concentration for SiSn-NCs reported so far. Our SiSn-NCs have a well-defined zinc-blend structure and, contrary to pure tin NCs, also an excellent thermal stability comparable to highly stable silicon NCs. We demonstrate by means of high resolution synchrotron XRD analysis (SPring 8) that the SiSn-NCs remain stable from room temperature up to 400∘C, with a relatively small expansion of the crystal lattice. The high thermal stability observed experimentally is rationalized by means of first-principle calculations

    Single-molecule conductance of a chemically modified, {\pi}-extended tetrathiafulvalene and its charge-transfer complex with F4TCNQ

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    We describe the synthesis and single molecule electrical transport properties of a molecular wire containing a π{\pi}-extended tetrathiafulvalene (exTTF) group and its charge-transfer complex with F4TCNQ. We form single molecule junctions using the in-situ break junction technique using a home-built scanning tunneling microscope with a range of conductance between 10 G0_{0} down to 10−7^{-7} G0_{0}. Within this range we do not observe a clear conductance signature of the neutral parent molecule, suggesting either that its conductance is too low or that it does not form stable junctions. Conversely, we do find a clear conductance signature in the experiments carried out on the charge-transfer complex. Due to the fact we expected this species to have a higher conductance than the neutral molecule, we believe this supports the idea that the conductance of the neutral molecule is very low, below our measurement sensitivity. This is further supported by our theoretical calculations. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first reported single molecule conductance measurements on a molecular charge-transfer species

    Length dependence of the thermal conductance of alkane-based single-molecule junctions : an ab-initio study

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    Motivated by recent experiments, we present here a systematic ab-initio study of the length dependence of the thermal conductance of single-molecule junctions. We make use of a combination of density functional theory with non-equilibrium Green's function techniques to investigate the length dependence of the phonon transport in single alkane chains, contacted with gold electrodes via both thiol and amine anchoring groups. Additionally, we study the effect of the substitution of the hydrogen atoms in the alkane chains by heavier fluorine atoms to form polytetrafluoroethylenes. Our results demonstrate that (i) the room-temperature thermal conductance is fairly length-independent for chains with more than 5 methylene units and (ii) the efficiency of the thermal transport is strongly influenced by the strength of the phononic metal-molecule coupling. Our study sheds new light onto the phonon transport in molecular junctions, and it provides clear guidelines for the design of molecular junctions for thermal management.publishe

    Characteristics of amine-ended and thiol-ended alkane single-molecule junctions revealed by inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy

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    A combined experimental and theoretical analysis of the charge transport through single-molecule junctions is performed to define the influence of molecular end groups for increasing electrode separation. For both amine-ended and thiol-ended octanes contacted to gold electrodes, we study signatures of chain formation by analyzing kinks in conductance traces, the junction length, and inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy. The results show that for amine-ended molecular junctions no atomic chains are pulled under stretching, whereas the Au electrodes strongly deform for thiol-ended molecular junctions. This advanced approach hence provides unambiguous evidence that the amine anchors bind only weakly to Au