66 research outputs found

    Olimpik stil halterde elit ve sub-elit kadın haltercilerin Q-açıları

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    The aim of this study is to determine the quadriceps femoris muscle angle (Q-angle) of elite and sub-elite female weightlifters, and also to examine the relationship of Q-angle with some physical parameters, training experience and weightlifting performances.Elite weightlifters (EWL) participating in international Olympic style weightlifting championships (n=18) and sub-elite healthy female weightlifters participating in weightlifting championships in National-International Weightlifting Tournaments participated in the research (n=18). The Qangles were determined with a goniometer in the supine position at rest. Also, thigh length (TL), thigh girth (TG), pelvic width (PW) and knee extension-flexion muscle strength were measured. Statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS program. p< .05 was accepted significantly.No difference was observed between the demographic and anthropometric values of the EWLs and sub-EWLs (except for age; p>.05). It was determined that the right-left Q-angle values of the sub-EWLs (16.67±2.43o and 18.28±2.70o , respectively) were greater than the EWLs (14.56±2.68o ± and 14.94±2.21o , respectively, p<.05, p<.001, respectively). Differences were detected between the right-left Q-angles of sub-EWLs (p<.05). In sub-EWLs, it was observed that the right Q-angle was positively correlated with weightlifting performances and training experience (p<.05).In this study, it was observed that while weightlifting performance increased depending on the elite weightlifting level, the Q-angle decreased.Bu araştırmanın amacı, elit ve sub-elit kadın halter sporcularının quadriseps femoris kas açısını (Q açısı) belirlemek ve ayrıca, Q açısının bazı fiziksel parametreler, spor seviyeleri ve halter performansları ile ilişkisini incelemektir. Araştırmaya uluslararası Olimpik halter şampiyonalarına katılan elit halterciler (EH), (n=18) ve ulusal-uluslararası halter turnuvalarında halter şampiyonalarına katılan sub-elit sağlıklı kadın halterciler (n=18) katılmıştır. Q açıları, sporcular sırtüstü yatar pozisyonunda hareketsizken bir gonyometre ile ölçüldü. Ayrıca, uyluk uzunluğu (UU), uyluk çevresi (UÇ), pelvik genişlik (PG) ve diz ekstansiyon-fleksiyon kas kuvvetleri ölçüldü. İstatistiksel analiz; t-Test, eşleştirilmiş örneklem t-Testi ve Pearson korelasyon analizleri ile SPSS programıyla yapıldı. p< .05 anlamlı olarak kabul edildi. EH ve sub-EH’lerin demografik ve antropometrik değerleri arasında yaş haricinde fark gözlenmedi (p>.05). Sub-EH'lerin sağ-sol Q açısı değerlerinin (sırasıyla 16,67±2,43o ve 18,28±2,70o ) EH'lerden (sırasıyla 14,56±2,68o ± ve 14,94±2,21o ), p<.05, p<.001, sırasıyla) daha büyük olduğu belirlendi. Sub-EH'lerin sağ-sol Q açıları arasında da farklılıklar tespit edildi (p<.05). SubEH'lerde sağ Q açısının vücut kitle indeksi, sağ UU, sol UÇ, PG, halter performansları ve spor geçmişi ile pozitif ve anlamlı olarak ilişkili olduğu görüldü (p<.05). Bu araştırmada, elit halter seviyesine bağlı olarak halter performansı artarken, Q açısının azaldığı gözlendi

    The Impacts of Elastic Band Training on the Posterior Abdominal Wall Muscles of Olympic-Style Weightlifters

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    Purpose: In this study, it was aimed to examine the impacts of elastics band trainings, which were applied for 12 weeks on the Olympic-style weightlifters, on their sportive performances and psoas, ilacus, and quadratus lumborum muscle volumes.Materials and Methods: This research study was conducted on 4 groups, comprising of 12 men (elastic band training group (n=6), control group (n=6)), and 12 women (elastic band training group (n=6), control group (n=6)) Olympic-style weightlifters. The athletes in the elastic band training groups were engaged in standing hip flexion exercises, clamshell exercises, lying hip flexion exercises, and side bend exercises. Before and after the elastic band training applied to the Olympic-style weightlifters for 12 weeks, (1.5 Tesla) MRI device was used for the axial images of the regions starting from the 12th thoracic vertebrae to the trochanter minor of femur. The volume calculations of the muscles were conducted via the Cavalieri method.Results: After the elastic band training, it was determined that the total volume of posterior abdominal wall muscles of the men and women weightlifters in the elastic band training groups and the total weights lifted by them were higher compared to those of the control group individuals (p<0,001).Conclusion: As the result, it can be stated that including the posterior abdominal wall muscle developing trainings into the general programs of the weightlifters in the Olympic weightlifting sport can both enable an increase in the volumes of the muscles in this region and positively influence the performance of the athletes

    Giant germ cell tumor with mediastinal localization: A report of two cases

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    Germ celled tumors frequently localize in anterior mediastinum.In this study we presented two germ cell tumors with different localization and huge size. We discussed two cases with germ cell tumors operated in our clinic togetherwith literature findings. Chest x-ray, computerized tomography (CT) and transthorasic tru-cut biopsy were used for diagnosis. The huge intratorasic teratomas are rarely seen and surgical full resection is the most importantfactor in survival

    Neuropsychological evaluation of the hydrocephalic children: Review of the literature

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    Hidrosefali, serebral ventriküllerin tümü veya bir bölümünün genişlemesi ile giden ve içindeki beyin omurilik sıvısı miktarının artması sonucu meydana gelen nörolojik ve nöropsikolojik belirtiler topluluğudur. Hidrosefali tanısı konan bireylerin nörolojik bozukluklarına sıklıkla motor, görsel algısal, görsel motor, dikkat, bellek, dil ve yönetici işlevler gibi bilişsel bozulmaların da eşlik ettiği bilinmektedir. Bu becerilerdeki bozulmalar hidrosefali hastalarının akademik ve sosyokültürel becerilerini olumsuz etkilemekte ve bu sorunlar bireyin tüm yaşamına yayılmaktadır. Bu nedenle, hidrosefali hastası çocukların erken döneminde bilişsel bozulmalarının saptanması, uygun tedavi ve rehabilitasyon programlarının geliştirilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, hidrosefali hastası bireylerin bilişsel alanda yaşadıkları güçlükleri tanımlamaya yöneliktir


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    OBJECTIVE: To find out the quadriceps femoris angle (Q-angle) values of elite and non-elite athletes in Olympic style weightlifting. METHODS: This study included 22 male elite athletes that won medals in international Olympic style weightlifting championships and 22 male non-elite athletes who won medals in national Olympic style weightlifting championships. A goniometer was used to determine the angle of the quadriceps femoris muscle while the athletes were in supine position and the muscle was inactivated.  Anthropometric measurements of right-left thigh and lower leg length, right-left thigh and calf girth, and pelvic width of athletes were obtained. One repetition maximum of snatch, clean and jerk and leg strength of the athletes was recorded. To study demographic characteristics and some anthropometric values of lower extremity of the athletes, t-Test was conducted for independent groups. To compare anthropometric measurements of right-left lower extremity and right-left Q-angle values, paired sample t-Test was used. Right-left Q-angle values and relations among other variables were studied by Pearson correlation analysis. SPSS was used for all analyses. RESULTS: Mean age was 19.73±2.97 years and 18.73±1.55 years for of elite and non-elite athletes respectively. No significant difference was observed in demographic characteristics and in some anthropometric values of lower extremity of elite and non-elite athletes (p>0.05). However, right-left Q-angle values of non-elite athletes (10.14±1.55o and 10.14±1.52o, respectively) were higher than the right-left Q-angle values of elite athletes (8.32±1.39o and 8.32±1.32o, respectively) [p<0.003]. CONCLUSIONS: Olympic style weightlifting, which is maintained in elite level, affects the quadriceps femoris angle

    Dissolution kinetics of mild-steel in sea water.

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    A different marker to determine the changes of heart and arrhytmia potential in the elite cyclist athletes that are engaged in sports actively and those that are veteran: T peak T end

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    Doktora TeziMevcut çalışmanın amacı; aktif ve veteran (emektar) elit bisiklet sporcularında dayanıklılık sporunu uzun süreli yoğun antrenmanla yapma ve spora ara vermenin; kalp üzerinde yaptığı değişiklikler ile bu değişikliklerin bir farklı trans miyokardiyal repolarizasyon parametresi olan T peak-T end (Tp-e) değeri ve ölümcül kardiyak aritmi potansiyeli üzerine etkilerini belirlemekti. Çalışmamız; kriterlere uygun elit düzeyde 27 aktif (yaş aralığı 18-35), 27 veteran (yaş aralığı 22-45) sporcu ve 28 sağlıklı kontrol grubu (yaş aralığı 18-45) gönüllüyü kapsamaktadır. Çalışma grupları şu şekilde oluşturuldu: 1. Kontrol; 2. Aktif sporcu; 3.Veteran sporcu. Gönüllüler 12 saatlik açlık sonrası kabul edildi ve kardiyolojik muayeneleri yapıldı. Rutin, bazal kardiyolojik değerlendirmeler için tüm gönüllülerden venöz kan örnekleri alındı. Gönüllülerin 12 derivasyon standart EKG cihazı ile elektrokardiyografik kayıtları alındı. Alınan EKG kayıtlarından; Tp-e intervali, Tp-e dispersiyonu, düzeltilmiş Tp-e intervali ve Tp-e/QT oranı, QT intervali, QT dispersiyonu ve düzeltilmiş QT intervali değerleri deneyimli kardiyoloji uzmanı yardımıyla, bilgisayar destekli olarak hesaplandı. Tp-e intervali hesabı Tangent Metodu ile düzeltilmiş Tp-e ve QT intervali hesabı ise Bazett Formulü ile yapıldı. Bir kardiyolog tarafından gönüllülerin EKO cihazı ile kalp fonksiyonları ve sol ventrikül kitleleri belirlendi. Ayrıca gönüllülerin vücut kitle indeksleri belirlenerek ve vücut yüzey alanları hesaplandı. Çalışmamız 12 ay sürdü. Çalışmamızda ölçümlerden elde edilen Tp-e intervali değerini ortalama olarak, kontrol grupta (1) 75,0±9,3, aktif sporcu grupta (2) 88,1±7,0, veteran sporcu grupta (3) 83,2±8,8 ms bulduk. Grup 1-2, grup 1-3 ve grup 2-3 arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde fark tespit ettik. P değerlerini sırasıyla, (grup 1-2 arası p<0,001, grup 1-3 arası p=0,001, grup 2-3 arası p=0,035) olarak gösterdik. QT intervali değerini ortalama olarak, kontrol grupta (1) 341,2±16,5, aktif sporcu grupta (2) 379,1±22,3, veteran sporcu grupta (3) 357,1±23,1 ms bulduk. Grup 1-2, grup 1-3 ve grup 2-3 arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde fark tespit ettik. P değerlerini sırasıyla, (grup 1-2 arası p<0,001, grup 1-3 arası p=0,006, grup 2-3 arası p<0,001) olarak gösterdik. Sol Ventrikül Hipertrofisini belirleme için kullanılan Sokolow-Lyon İndeksi (RV5+SV1) kriteri değerini ortalama olarak kontrol grupta (1) 1,49±0,44, aktif sporcu grupta (2) 3,22±1,04, veteran sporcu grupta (3) 2,37±0,72 mV bulduk. Grup 1-2 ve grup 1-3 ve grup 2-3 arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde fark tespit ettik. P değerlerini sırasıyla, (grup 1-2 arası p<0,001, grup 1-3 arası p<0,001, grup 2-3 arası p=0,004) olarak gösterdik. Sonuç; yüksek yoğunlukta sürekli olarak ağır antrenmanla, yarışmacı düzeyde yapılan bisiklet sporuna bağlı meydana gelen fonksiyonel, yapısal ve moleküler düzeydeki değişiklikler, aktif ve veteran sporcu kalplerinde Tp-e gibi ventriküler repolarizasyon parametresi değerlerinin uzamasına sebep olmaktadır. EKG ile kolaylıkla belirlenebilen bu durum, ölümcül aritmiler için zemin oluşturabilme potansiyeline sahiptir.A different marker to determine the changes of heart and arrhythmia potential in the elite cyclist athletes that are engaged in sports actively and those that are veteran: T peak T end. The aim of present study was to determine the changes which having intensive and long term training of durability requiring sports and having break caused in the heart; the T peak-T end (Tp-e) value which is a different trans-myocardial repolarization parameter of those changes. Our study consists of 27 active athletes at elite level (aged between 18 and 35) in conformity with the criteria, 27 veteran athletes (aged between 22 and 45) and a control group of 28 healthy athletes. The study groups were formed as follows; 1) Control, 2) Active athletes, 3) Veteran athletes. Volunteers were accepted after 12 hours of hunger and their cardiologic examination was made. Venous blood samples were taken from all volunteers for routine and basic cardiologic assessment. Electro-cardiac records of the volunteers were taken through 12 derivation standard ECG device. From the obtained EKG records; Tp-e interval, Tp-e dispersion, the corrected Tp-e interval and Tp-e/QT ratio, QT interval, QT dispersion and corrected QT interval values were calculated by experienced cardiologists with computer aided. Tp-e intervals were calculated by Tangent method and corrected Tp-e and QT interval were executed by Bazett Formula. Cardiac functions and left ventricular masses of volunteers were identified by experienced cardiologist. Body mass indexes and body surface areas of volunteers were calculated. Our study took 12 months. We found that the average Tp-e interval obtained from the measurement in our study was (1) 75,0±9,3 in control group, (2) 88,1±7,0 among the active athletes and (3) 83,2±8,8 ms the group of veteran athletes, respectively. We determined a significant difference between groups 1-2, groups 1-3 and groups of 2-3. P was found as follows; p<0,001 between the groups of 1-2, p=0,001 between the groups 1-3, and p=0,035 between the groups of 2-3, respectively. We found the average QT interval value as (1) 341,2±16,5 in control group, (2) 379,1±22,3 in the group of active athletes and 3) 357,1±23,1 ms the group of the veteran athletes. We found a statistically significant difference between the Groups 1-2, groups 1-3 and groups of 2-3.P was found as follows; p<0,001between the groups of 1-2, p=0,006 between the groups 1-3, and p<0,001 between the groups of 2-3, respectively. The average Sokolow-Lyon İndex (RV5+SV1) criteria to determine the Left Ventrıcular Hypertrophy was found as follows; (1) 1,49±0,44 in control group, (2) 3,22±1,04 in the group of active athletes and (3) 2,37±0,72 mV in the group of veteran athletes, respectively. A statistically significant difference was obtained between the groups of 1 and 2, between the groups of 1 and 3 and between the groups of 2 and 3, respectively. The P values were determined as follows; p<0,001 between the groups of 1 and 2, p<0,001 between the groups of 1 and 3 and p=0,004 between the groups of 2 and 3, respectively. The conclusion; the changes at functional, structural and molecular levels due to the compete level cycling in accompany with continuous and intensive heavy exercises cause the extension of ventricular repolarization parameters such as Tp-e in the hearts of active and veteran athletes. This occasion which may be easily determined through ECG has the potential of providing a basis for fatal arrhythmia

    The study of the cross-sectional areas of the gluteal muscles on magnetic resonance images of the weightlifting athletes

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    M. gluteus maximus is the most important extensor and lateral rotator of the hip. It is often used to accelerate the body upward and forward from a position of hip flexion. Mm. glutei medius and minimus are referred to as small gluteal muscles. Both muscles are the most important abductors and medial rotators of the thigh. Their action stabilises the hip during standing and walking and prevents the tilting of the pelvis to the contralateral side while standing on one leg. This study aims to examine the cross-sectional areas of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles on magnetic resonance images of olympic style weightlifting athletes (male n = 15, age: 20.00±2.54, height: 1.73±0.54 m, weight: 78.70±14.96 kg; female n = 12, age: 20.75±1.49, height: 1.60±0.64 m, weight: 57.37±8.30 kg) and sedentary individuals (male n = 15, age: 19.9±2.15, height: 1.74±0.53 m, weight: 79±15 kg; female n = 12, age: 20.75±1.36, height: 1.60±0.058 m, weight: 56.68±7.64 kg). The cross-sectional areas of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles were assessed bilaterally using magnetic resonance imaging. It was observed that the cross-sectional areas of the right and left gluteus maximus of male weightlifting athletes were larger than those of sedentary males (z(28)= 2.013, p< .05, z(28)= 1.991, p < .05; respectively). Similarly, it was also found that that the cross-sectional areas of the right and left gluteus maximus of female weightlifting athletes were larger than those of sedentary females (z(22)= 3.296, p< .001, z(22)= 3.726, p [removed].05). It might be stated that olympic style weightlifting trainings have a hypertrophic effect on the cross-sectional area of the gluteus maximus muscle of the athletes

    On a Place Name in Urartian Studies and a new Inscription with an Urartian Expression: qudulani šuḫinaşi

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    Focusing on two main issues, this article first deals with the name and location of the village of Anguzek/Güsak (Topuzarpa) on the Bergri/Muradiye Plain where Urartian inscriptions have been discovered; there are various suggestions about its identification. The second issue is an inscription of the Urartian king Minua (810-785/80 BCE), which we found during the surface survey we conducted in this village in 2017. This new inscription, as well as the inscriptions discovered here in the late 19th century by Waldemar Belck, must have been taken off the walls of the susi (tower temple) in the Pértak (Körzüt) Fortress, which was the largest Urartian investment on the Muradiye Plain, and brought to Anguzek. The text from the newly found inscription is concerned with the ritual of animal sacrifice for the Urartian national God Haldi and his consort ˊArubaini (reading Warubani) in relation to the susi temple. The expression qudulani šuḫinaşi that is mentioned in the text can be interpreted as “the renewal or repetition of a ritual” that was particular to the susi temple. Although we do not know the exact content of this ritual for now, we know about the lambs (UDU.MAŠ.TUR) sacrificed to the Urartian gods