30 research outputs found

    Opinions of teacher candidates on elementary literacy teaching

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    AbstractThis study was performed in order to determine the opinions of 4th Grade Classroom Teaching Department students on elementary literacy teaching. Screening model was used in the study. Data were collected by the questionnaire form developed by Kolaç (2010). Having the answers to open-ended questions reviewed via content analysis method, and having the data from field — assessed, answers from students were thereby collected under different themes. Frequency (f) and percentage (P) values of all those data were assessed. As a result of the research, it was ascertained that, most of the teacher candidates expressed opinions on elementary literacy teaching to be practical, however it was further ascertained they were concerned particularly due to being inexperienced in elementary literacy teaching, and they would like to teach 1st and 3rd grades the most in their first year in teaching. Besides, teacher candidates stated that, specializing in the main field would on one hand be beneficial both in rendering better education to students, and better skills to teacher candidates, but on the other hand this might cause difficulties for teachers to go down to the level of students. Teacher candidates want to become specialized mostly in Maths and Turkish courses

    The human resource management problems of uighur catering company and its counter measures

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    Bu araştırmanın temel amacı 60-72 aylık çocukların Türkçe dil kullanımı düzeylerini belirlemek ve etki eden faktörleri belirlemektir. Bu doğrultuda çocukların Türkçe dil kullanımı düzeylerini belirlemek için “Descoeudres Lügatçe Testinin Tamamlama İtemi” kullanılmıştır. Çalışma grubu 2010-2012 eğitim-öğretim yılında, Konya ili ilçelerinde bulunan, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı bağımsız anaokulları ve anasınıflarında öğrenim gören ve görmeyen 60-72 aylık 292 çocuktan oluşmaktadır. Tarama modelinde olan araştırmanın verileri SPSS 16.0 istatistik paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda 5-6 yaş çocuklarının dil gelişim düzeylerine yaş, cinsiyet, aile öğrenim durumu ve okul öncesi eğitim kurumuna devam etme süresi değişkenlerinin anlamlı farklılaşma yarattığı; kardeş sayısı ve doğum sırası değişkenlerinin ise anlamlı farklılaşma yaratmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.The basic aim of this study is to determine the Turkish usage levels of the children who are 60-72 years old and the factors that influence these levels. For this purpose in order to determine the levels of Turkish usage of the children the “Descoeudres Glossary Test Supplementary Item” was used. The study group consisted of children who were 60-72 months old and who attended and who did not attend the independent pre-schools of Ministry of National Education in Konya and in its districts in 2010-2012 Academic Years. The data of the research in scanning model were analyzed with SPSS 16.0 statistical package program. In the light of the data obtained, it was determined that the variables like age, gender, family education status and the duration of attending a preschool made a meaningful difference in language development levels of 5-6-year-old children. It was also determined that the number of the brothers or sisters in the family and the order of the births of the brothers and sisters does not make a meaningful difference

    Assessment Of The Curriculum Of Turkish Language Teaching In The 2nd Grade Of Primary Education In Terms Of Critical Thinking Skills

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    AbstractThis study aims to assess Turkish language teaching program of the 2nd grade primary school in terms of critical thinking skills. The document examination method, a qualitative research method, was employed in the research. Giving information on the general structure, and content of Turkish language teaching program (6-7-8), gains there from were reviewed. These gains were classified under the titles of critical thinking skills. In the reviewed Turkish language teaching program (6-7-8), 158 gains among the total of 228 under the fields of “reading, listening/following, speaking, writing, learning, and grammar” were found to be intended for critical thinking skills. It was further ascertained that, these gains were intended more for “application” and “analyzing” skills than those of critical thinking

    Examination of critical thinking levels of fifth grade students in primary education in terms of their success in the Turkish language course

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    AbstractThis study was conducted in order to determine the relation between the critical thinking levels of 5th grade students in primary education and their success in Turkish Language course. The study was conducted in line with the relational scanning model. Target population of the study comprised primary education 5th grade students studying in the province of Erzurum. And the sample group comprised 610 students selected by convenience sampling from the counties of Palandöken and Yakutiye. Critical Thinking Scale developed by Demir (2006) was used in the study. In data analysis, by means of SPSS 17.0 software package, frequencies, arithmetic mean, standard deviation levels and, for the correlation between critical thinking levels and Turkish Language course success, correlation analysis were used. In conclusion of the study, it was determined that the criticial thinking levels of students were high and there was a positive correlation between critical thinking levels and success in the Turkish Language course

    Evaluation of Speech, Spatial Perception and Hearing Quality in Unilateral, Bimodal and Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users

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    Objective:The aim of the study was to conduct a scale-based evaluation of the hearing skills of unilateral, bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant (CI) users, including distinguishing, orientating and locating speech and environmental sounds in their surrounding environment that they are exposed to in different contexts of everyday life. The scale results were compared between groups.Methods:A total of 74 cochlear implant users, 30 unilateral, 30 bimodal and 14 bilateral, were included in the study. Their ages ranged from 11 to 64 years. Participants were assessed using the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ).Results:Bilateral CI users’ subjective ratings of their own hearing skills were found to be significantly better than those of bimodal and unilateral CI users; bimodal users' subjective ratings were also found to be significantly better than those of unilateral CI users. Paired comparisons showed statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of total scores of Speech, Spatial, Qualities of Hearing and General SSQ (p<0.05).Conclusion:Our findings show that bilateral use of cochlear implants should be recommended for those presently using bimodal and unilateral devices. Moreover, subjective tests should be used regularly along with objective tests for evaluating CI patients


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    Global warming, energy consumption and the desire to obtain products from renewable sources have led to a resurgence of interest in plant-derived products. Plant fibers with some interesting inherent properties like cost, effectiveness, renewable, available in high quality, have low fossil-fuel energy requirements, and can offer good mechanical properties has attracted it use for composite materials. Hemp, jute, flax, bagasse, coconut fiber, and bamboo are among the natural fibers which has attracted attention because of their low cost compared to synthetic fibers such as glass, carbon etc . Natural fiber reinforced composites are finding successful application in the automotive, electronics, and engineering sectors.In this study, Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) fibers  are obtained from the West Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Firstly the stem of plant was removed than the fibers were gained. Nonwoven surfaces were obtained at different percentages by to the mix Cynara scolymus / polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers.The mechanical properties (elongation (%),tensile strength (N), modulus of elasticity (MPa)) of composite materials were investigated. The mechanical properties of non-woven surface composites of Cynara scolymus / PET fibers were observed with increases in elongation value, strength value and elasticity modulus values compared to a 100% PET based nonwoven surface. In addition, the contact angle values of nonwoven surface composites based on Cynara scolymus/PET fibers were  decreased

    The evaluation of apically extruded sealers and their relationship to various risk factors: A retrospective research

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, kök kanal tedavisi uygulanmış daimî dişlerde, apikalden istemsiz olarak taşan kök kanal dolgu patlarını değerlendirmek ve bu durumu etkileyen olası risk faktörlerini belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmada, tek bir operatör tarafından 18 yıl 6 ay boynunca tedavi edilen 5.381 adet hastaya ait dişler incelenmiş ve çalışmaya toplam 7.761 diş dâhil edilmiştir. Hastanın yaşı, cinsiyeti, pulpal ve periapikal hastalığın teşhisi, ilgili dişin tipi, tedavinin şekli [birincil tedavi (vital, devital), tekrarlayan tedavi], kanal dolum tekniği, hangi kök kanal patının kullanıldığı ve tedavi seans sayısı gibi faktörler incelenerek, taşkın pat gelişimi üzerinde en fazla belirleyici olan etkenin tespit edilmesi sağlandı. İstatistiksel analiz, tek değişkenli ve çoklu değişkenli lojistik regresyon analizleri kullanılarak yapıldı. Bulgular: Olguların ortalama yaşı 43,7±16,6 (yıl) olup; 2.251’i (%41,8) erkeklerden, 3.130’u (%58,2) kadınlardan oluşmaktaydı. Taşkın pat, 7.761 adet dişin 535 (%6,9) tanesinde gözlendi. Birincil tedavi gören vital dişlere göre birincil tedavi gören devital dişlerde (p<0,001) ve tekrarlayan tedavi gören dişlerde (p=0,002), taşkın pat görülme ihtimali daha fazla idi. Kanal dolum tekniği açısından basit tek kon veya vertikal kondensasyon (VK) uygulanan dişlere göre sadece lateral kondensasyonla (LK) (p=0,004) ve LK+VK (p=0,002) ile dolum yapılan dişlerde patın taşma olasılığının daha fazla olduğu belirlendi. AH Plus’a göre AH 26 kullanımının, taşkın pat görülme ihtimalini artırdığı tespit edildi (p=0,002). Sonuç: Nekrotik ve/veya periapikal lezyonlu dişlerde gerçekleştirilen birincil ve tekrarlayan tedavilerin, kanal dolum tekniklerinden LK’nin, LK ile birlikte VK’nin kombine bir şekilde kullanılmasının, kanal dolgu patı olarak AH 26’nın seçilmesinin, pat taşkınlığı anlamında risk faktörleri olduğu belirlenmiştir.The aim of this study is to evaluate the unintentionally apically extruded root canal sealers in endodontically treated teeth and to determine the possible risk factors affecting this situation. Material and Methods: Records of 7,761 teeth belonging to 5,381 patients treated by a single operator during18 years and 6 months were included. The most determining factor on extruded sealer was identified considering the patient's age, gender, diagnosis of pulpal and periapical disease, tooth type, treatment modality [primary treatment (vital, mortal), retreatment], filling technique, sealer choice, and the number of visits. Statistical analysis was carried out by using univariate binary and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Results: The mean age was 43.7±16.6 (years) and 2,251 (41.8%) were men and 3,130 (58.2%) were women. Extruded sealer was observed in 535 (6.9%) of 7,761 teeth. The incidence of sealer extrusion was higher in primarily treated mortal teeth (p<0.001) and retreated teeth (p=0.002) compared to primarily treated vital teeth. In terms of root canal filling technique, it was determined that the probability of sealer extrusion was higher in teeth filled with only lateral condensation (LC) (P=0.004) and LC+vertical condensation (VC) (p=0.002) compared to teeth filled with simple single cone or VC techniques. The use of AH 26 increased the incidence of sealer extrusion compared to AH Plus (p=0.002). Conclusion: It has been determined that primary treatments and retreatments performed in teeth with necrotic and/or periapical lesions, the use of LC, LC in combination with VC, and the choice of AH 26 as a sealer are risk factors in terms of sealer extrusion

    The effect of 8th grade mathematics course frequency of homework followig on students success in mathematics course

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    Bu araştırma, 8. Sınıf öğrencilerinin matematik dersi ödevlerinin takip edilme sıklıklarının öğrencilerin matematik dersi başarısına etkisini tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın modeli matematik öğretmenlerinin ödev takip etme sıklıkları ile öğrencilerin matematik dersi başarısı arasındaki ilişkiyi incelendiği için bu araştırmanın modeli ilişkisel tarama modelidir. TIMSS 2019 uygulamasına katılan Kore, Türkiye ve Mısır ülkelerinin 8. Sınıf öğrencileri ile matematik öğretmenleri araştırmanın çalışma grubunu oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın veri toplama araçları 8. Sınıf öğrencilerine uygulanan matematik başarı testi ve matematik öğretmenlerine uygulanan öğretmen anketinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri TIMSS'in resmî web sitesindeki 2019 Uluslararası Veri Tabanı'ndan elde edilerek kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri analiz edilirken IEA Hamburg'un geliştirmiş olduğu uygulama IEA IDB Analyzer kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara bakıldığında 8. Sınıf öğrencilerinin matematik dersi ödev takip etme sıklıklarının öğrenci başarısına etkisi sadece Kore'deki ödev takip uygulamalarından ödevi sınıfta tartışma ve ödevin tamamlanıp tamamlanmadığını izleme sıklıkları ile öğrenci başarısı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur. Türkiye ve Mısır'daki 8. Sınıf öğrencilerinin matematik dersi ödev takip etme sıklıkları ile öğrenci başarısı arasında ise istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen diğer bir bulguya göre ödev takip uygulamalarının öğrenci başarısına etkisi ülkeden ülkeye değişiklik göstermektedir. Ödev takip uygulamalarından ödevi sınıfta tartışmak ve ödevin tamamlanıp tamamlanmadığını izleme uygulamaları Kore'de öğrencilerin matematik dersi başarısına pozitif yönde bir etkisi bulunmaktadır. Türkiye ve Mısır ülkelerinin öğrencilerinde ise matematik dersi başarısına pozitif bir etkisinin olmadığı görülmektedir. Bir başka bulguya göre ise araştırmada yer alan üç ülkeden Kore, Türkiye ve Mısırda ödev takip etme uygulamalarından en sık yapılan ödev takip uygulamasının ödevin tamamlanıp tamamlanmadığını izlemek olduğu belirlenmiştir. En az sıklıkla yapılan ödev takip uygulaması ise Türkiye ve Mısır'da öğrencilerin kendi ödevlerini kendilerinin düzeltmelerini sağlamak, Kore'de ise ödevi sınıfta tartışmak ve ödevi öğrencilerin notlarına katkıda bulunmak için kullanma uygulamaları en az sıklıkla yapılan uygulamalar olduğu görülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: TIMSS 2019, matematik, ödev takip etme sıklıkları.This research was carried out to determine the effect of the frequency of following the mathematics lesson homework of the 8th grade students on the mathematics lesson success of the students. The model of this research is the relational screening model, since the relationship between the frequency of following homework by mathematics teachers and the success of students in mathematics lesson. The 8th grade students and mathematics teachers of Korea, Turkey and Egypt countries participating in the TIMSS 2019 application constitute the study group of the research. The data collection tools of the research consisted of a mathematics achievement test applied to 8th grade students and a taecher questionnaire applied to mathematics teachers. The data of the research were used by obtaining from the 2019 International Databese on the official websites of TIMMS. While analyzing the data of the research, IEA IDB Analyzer, the application developed by IEA Hamburg, was used. Considering the findings obtained from the research, a statistically significant difference was found between the effects of the 8th grade students frequency of following homework in mathematics course on student success, and only between the frequency of discussing the homework in the classroom and monitoring whether the homework was completed or not, which is among the homework follow-up applications in a Korea. There was no statistically significant difference between the frequency of following the mathematics course homework and the success of the 8th grade students in Turkey and Egypt. According to another finding obtained from the research, the effect of homework tracking practices on student success varies from country to country. Among the homework follow-up applications, discussing the homework in the class and monitoring whether the homework is completed have a positive effect on the succcess of students in mathematics in Korea. It is seen that there is no positive effect on the success of the mathematics course in the students of Turkey and Egypt. According to another finding, it was determined that the most common homework follow-up application among the homework follow-up applications in Korea, Turkey and Egypt from the three countries included in the study was to monitor whether the homework was completed. The least frequently used homework follow-up application is to have students correct their own homework in the classroom and using the homework to contribute to the grades of the students are seen to be the least frequent applications. Keywords: TIMSS 2019, mathematics, homework follow-up frequencies

    Unilateral, bimodal ve bilateral koklear implant kullanıcılarında konuşma, uzaysal algı ve işitme kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Unilateral, Bimodal ve Bilateral Koklear İmplant Kullanıcılarında Konuşma, Uzaysal Algı ve İşitme Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi Amaç: Bu çalışmada, unilateral, bimodal ve bilateral koklear implant kullanıcılarının günlük hayatta farklı mekânlarda maruz kaldığı konuşma ve çevresel sesleri işitme, ayırt etme, yönünü ve konumunu bulma gibi becerilerinin kalitesini belirlemek amaçlanmaktadır. Böylece gruplar arasında karşılaştırma yapılmış, koklear implant kullanan hastaya klinisyenler tarafından uygulanan iyileştirme stratejilerinden elde edilen faydayı öznel olarak değerlendirmek mümkün olmuştur. Gereç-Yöntem: Çalışmaya 11-64 yaş aralığında, 30 unilateral, 30 bimodal ve 14 bilateral olmak üzere toplam 74 koklear implant kullanıcısı katılmıştır. Katılımcılar Konuşma, Uzaysal Algı ve İşitme Kaitesi Ölçeği (KUİK) kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Bilateral koklear implant kullanan hastaların bimodal ve unilateral gruba göre; bimodal grupta bulunan hastaların da unilateral gruba göre kendi işitme becerilerini konuşma, uzaysal algı ve işitme kalitesi açısından istatiksel olarak anlamlı daha iyi bulduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Toplam skorlar açısından her bir ikili grup arasında Konuşma Algısı Skoru, Uzaysal Algı Skoru, İşitme Kalitesi Skoru ve Genel KUİK Skoru açısından istatisiksel olarak anlamlı farklar elde edilmiştir (p<0,05). Sonuçlar: Çalışmamızdan elde edilen bulgularla unilateral olarak koklear implant kullananlara kontralateral işitme cihazı kullanımı ve/veya koklear implant kullanmaları; bimodal koklear implant kullananlara da bilateral koklear implant kullanımı tavsiye edilmelidir. Koklear implant hastalarında subjektif testlerin objektif testlerle birlikte düzenli olarak kullanılması önerilir.--------------------Evaluation of Speech, Spatial Perception and Hearing Quality in Unilateral, Bimodal and Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users Master Student: Büşra Koçak Erdem, Academic Supervisor: Ayça Çiprut (Phd) Department: Department of Audiuology and Speech Disorders Division of ENT Objective: In this study, it was aimed to determine the quality of the skills of unilateral, bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant users to hear, distinguish, orientate and locate the speech and environmental sounds they are exposed to in different contexts of daily life. Thus, the benefits provided to cochlear implant users through healing strategies applied by clinicians were evaluated subjectively and compared between different groups of cochlear implant users. Materials-Method: Materials and Methods: A total of 74 cochlear implant users, 30 unilateral, 30 bimodal and 14 bilateral, were included in the study between the ages of 11-64. Participants were assessed using the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ). Results: Bilateral CI users subjective ratings of their own hearing skills were found to be significantly better than those of bimodal and unilateral CI users; bimodal users' subjective ratings were also found to be significantly better than those of unilateral CI users. Statistically significant differences were found between two groups in terms of total scores of Speech Perception, Spatial Perception, Qualities of Hearing and General SSQ (p <0,05). Conclusion: Our findings show that bilateral use of cochlear implants should be recommended for those using bimodal and unilateral cochlear implants. Also subjective tests should be used regularly with objective tests for evaluation of cochlear implant patients