134 research outputs found

    Unnvikelse fra oljehydrokarboner hos torsk (Gadus morhua)

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    Med norsk forord og sammendrag.In laboratory experiments cod was presented a choice situation between different concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons, appearing as "water soluble fraction" and emulsified droplets derived from Fuel Oil No. 2. In most experiments, the fishes seemed to avoid water containing hydrocarbons, though some fishes for periods was indifferent also to considerable contaminated water. The over all results indicates that a majority of the fishes avoided water containing total hydrocarbons down to 50-100 ug/l sea water. At still lower concentrations, the behavioural response most often seemed indifferent

    Studier av proteiner som er involvert i Enterococcus faecalis V583 sin respons mot omgivelsene

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    Enterococcus faecalis has traditionally been considered a harmless inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract of mammals. However, in the past decade E. faecalis has become a major cause of infections in hospitalized patients. Due to a dramatic increase in resistance to most antibiotics, treatment of such infections is difficult. E. faecalis V583 was the first clinical vancomycin-resistant isolate reported in the United States, and the sequencing of its genome was completed in 2003. Increased knowledge of enterococci is crucial for successful development of new methods and therapies to combat the infections that they cause. The main objective of the work described in this thesis was to identify and study proteins involved in environmental responses of E. faecalis V583. The first part of the thesis (Papers I and II) describes a proteomics approach, while the second part describes studies of individual proteins that were selected on the basis of their potential roles in host-microbe interactions (Paper III and IV). In Paper I we identified proteins that were differently expressed after exposure of E. faecalis V583 to bile. Bile is a major stress factor that the bacteria have to cope with in order to survive in the intestinal tract. This study was done using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with mass spectrometry-based identification of differentially expressed proteins. Of a total of 500 proteins visualized on the gels, 53 unique proteins were identified as differently expressed and among these; proteins involved in fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism were overrepresented. The study of Paper I also allowed a comparison of proteome data with (previously generated) transcriptome data. In the study described in Paper II, an enzymatic method for “shaving” of intact cells was combined with high resolution mass spectrometry methods to identify proteins located on the surface of E. faecalis V583. Surface proteins are important for communication and interactions both among bacterial cells and between a bacterium and its environment. This approach led to the identification of 69 unique proteins, of which 36 were predicted to have an extracellular localization. The majority of these proteins are involved in cell wall synthesis, pheromone-regulated processes and transport of solutes. Interestingly, this study yielded several proteins of unknown function that are interesting targets for further research. Paper III describes an endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase (EF2863) that could potentially enable E. faecalis V583 to deglycosylate host glycoproteins. It was shown that the endo-β-N- acetylglucosaminidase, EfEndo18A, hydrolyses glycosidic linkages in glycoproteins that contain N-linked glycans of the high-mannose and hybrid-type. This may be relevant for enterococcal survival and behavior in the host since it is predicted that twothirds of the eukaryotic proteins are glycoproteins, including several proteins of the immune system. In addition to being involved in nutrient acquisition, enzymes such as EfEndo18A may also have an effect on the host immune system. In addition to being involved in nutrient acquisition, enzymes such as EfEndo18A may also have an effect on the host immune system. E. faecalis V583 contains a chitinolytic machinery whose expression is known to be regulated in response to various environmental stimuli, including stress factors that may be encountered in an animal host. Paper IV show that E. faecalis V583 can grow on chitin and chitin-derived sugars and describes an enzymological chacterization of a chitinase (EF0361) and a chitin binding protein (EF0362). The chitinase, EfChi18A, is an endochitinase, whereas the chitin-binding protein, EfCBM33A, cleaves glycosidic bonds via an oxidative mechanism and acts synergistically with the chitinase. An ultra-high resolution crystal structure of EfCBM33A revealed details of a conserved binding surface that contains the metal-binding catalytic center. There are several studies in the literature indicating that the role of CBM33s could be more complex than a simple food scavenging role, and that suggest roles in virulence and interactions with host cells. Taken together, these studies have provided novel insights into some of the proteins that may be involved in behavior and impact of enterococci and in their interactions with a human host.Tradisjonelt har Enterococcus faecalis blitt ansett som en harmløs bakterie som blant annet forekommer i tarm hos pattedyr. De siste tiår har imidlertid dette endret seg, og man har sett en økning i forekomsten av disse bakteriene som årsak til infeksjoner hos pasienter på sykehus. Behandling av infeksjoner forårsaket av enterokokker er vanskelig på grunn av økt resistens mot de fleste typer antibiotika. E. faecalis V583 var det første kliniske vancomycinresistente isolatet som ble rapportert i USA, og genomet var ferdig sekvensert i 2003. Økt kunnskap om disse bakteriene er viktig for å kunne utvikle alternative behandlinger og for å bekjempe infeksjoner som enterokokker forårsaker. Hovedfokuset i denne avhandlingen har vært å studere hvilke proteiner hos E. faecalis V583 som responderer på ulike faktorer i omgivelsene. I den første delen (Artikkel I og II) ble proteomikk brukt for å identifisere proteiner, mens i den andre delen (Artikkel III og IV) ble bestemte proteiner valgt ut og karakterisert på bakgrunn av deres potensielle rolle i interaksjonen mellom vert og mikrobe. I Artikkel I ble proteiner som viste endret ekspresjon som en respons på galle identifisert. Galle er en betydelig stressfaktor bakterier må tilpasse seg med tanke på å overleve i tarmsystemet. Dette ble gjort ved bruk av to-dimensjonell gel elektroforese og masse spektrometri-basert identifisering. Av totalt 500 synlige proteiner på gelene, ble det identifisert 53 proteiner som endret proteinuttrykk etter at galle ble tilsatt. Dette var hovedsakelig proteiner involvert i fettsyre og fosfolipid metabolismen. Dette er tidligere gjort på transkriptom-nivå, noe som gjorde det mulig å sammenligne dataene mellom disse to studiene. I Artikkel II ble proteiner som er lokalisert på overflaten til E. faecalis V583 identifisert og analysert ved enzymatisk "barbering" av bakteriens overflate, væskekromatografi og masse spektrometri. Proteiner som sitter på overflaten spiller en viktig rolle ved kommunikasjon og interaksjon mellom bakterieceller og mellom bakterien og dens omgivelser. Totalt ble 69 proteiner identifisert, 36 av disse var predikert til å være lokalisert på bakteriens overflate. De fleste av disse proteinene er involvert i syntesen av cellevegg, feromonregulerte prosesser og i transport av stoffer over membranen. Flere av proteinene har også ukjent funksjon, og er derfor aktuelle mål for mer inngående studier. Artikkel III beskriver en endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase (EF2863) som potensielt kan spalte av sukker fra vertens glykosylerte proteiner. Det ble vist at endo-β-Nacetylglucosaminidase, EfEndo18A, kunne hydrolysere glykosidbindingen i glykoproteiner bestående av N-linkede glukaner bestående av ”high-mannose” og ”hybrid-type”. Dette kan være spesielt relevant for E. faecalis V583 sin evne til overlevelse og adferd i verten, siden det er predikert at 2/3 av eukaryote proteiner er glykoproteiner, inkludert flere proteiner som hører til immunsystemet. I tillegg til å uttnytte karbohydrater/sukkermolekyler som næring kan også en hypotese være at EfEndo18A har en effekt på vertens immunsystem. E.faecalis V583 har et kitinolytisk system, som blir regulert som en respons på ulike stimuli fra omgivelsene, inkludert stress-faktorer som bakterien kan møte i verten. Artikkel IV viser at E.faecalis V583 kan vokse på kitin og sukkere av kitin-derivater og det beskrives en enzymologisk karakterisering av en kitinase (EF0361) og et kitin-bindende protein (EF0362). Kitinasen, EfChi18A, er en endokitinase, mens det kitin-bindende proteinet, EfCBM33A spalter glykosidbindinger ved hjelp av en oksidativ mekanisme og virker synergistisk sammen med kitinasen. En høy-oppløselig krystallstruktur av EfCBM33A synliggjorde detaljer av en konservert bindingsoverflate som inneholder ett metall-bindende katalytisk senter. Litteraturen viser flere studier som indikerer at CBM33 kan ha en mer kompleks rolle enn å bare bidra til få tak i næring, men at den i tillegg kan ha en rolle innen virulens og binding til vertens celler. Sett under ett, har disse studiene gitt ett bedre og nytt innblikk i noen av proteinene hos enterokokker som kan være involvert i adferd og interaksjon med verten

    Hydrography of four sea water basins at the Skagerrak Coast 1986 - 1987

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    In the period from February 1986 to May 1987 temperature, salinity, oxygen and hydrogensulphide were studied by sampling from the surface to the bottom in four polls at the South- Eastern coast of Norway: Stølekilen and Kvareneskilen at Kristiansand, Kvastadkilen in Tvedestrand and Joranstadkilen in Moland. The sampling took place every month. The polls were covered with ice from January to April. Except from Kvastadkilen the bottom water was renewed by natural processes in September-October 1986 and in February 1987. In Kvastadkilen the bottom water was stagnant during the entire period, containing 20-30 ml/l of hydrogen-sulphide. In the other polls there were hydrogensulphide in short periods. The most saline water was observed in Kvareneskilen and Stalekilen while the less saline water was found in Kvastadkilen. The highest temperatures at 3 and 5 m depths during the year were observed in Kvareneskilen while Kvastadkilen and Joranstadkilen showed the lowest temperatures. In 1986 there was observed no temperature maximum ("greenhouse effect") at medium depths due to that the sills are to deep to build up a brackish surface layer. It is concluded that Kvareneskilen will be the most suitable poll for production of oyster spat on condition that in-and outflow of seawater can be regulated. NORSK SAMMENDRAG. I perioden fra februar 1986 til mai 1987 ble temperatur, saltholdighet og innhold av oksygen og hydrogensulfid undersøkt i 4 poller på Sørlandskysten: Stølekilen og Kvareneskilen ved Randesund i Kristiansand, Kvastadkilen i Tvedestrand og Joranstadkilen i Moland. Prøvene ble tatt en gang pr måned fra overflaten til bunnen. Alle pollene var islagt fra januar til april. I alle pollene, bortsett fra Kvastadkilen, ble bunnvannet mer eller mindre utskiftet i september-oktober 1986 og i februar 1987. I Kvastadkilen var vannet stagnerende med 20-30 ml/l av hydrogensulfid gjennom hele perioden. I de andre pollene var det i perioder hydrogensulfid ved bunnen. Vannet i Kvastadkilen var forholdsvis lite salt, 25-30 o/oo. Mest salt var vannet i Kvareneskilen og Stalekilen. De høyeste temperaturer i 3 og 5 m dyp både sommer og vinter ble registrert i Kvareneskilen mens Kvastadkilen gjennomgående hadde de laveste temperaturer. Høyeste gjennomsnittstemperatur hadde Kvareneskilen. Det kaldeste vannet ble registrert i Joranstadkilen. I 1986 ble det ikke registrert temperaturmaksimum i midlere dyp, dvs. ingen "drivhuseffekt" som skyldtes at terskelene er for dype til at det samles opp isolerende brakkvannslag ved overflaten. Det konkluderes med at Kvareneskilen er best egnet til produksjon av østersyngel under forutsetning av at inn- og utstramning av vannet kan reguleres ved terskelen

    Protective factors against psychological distress among inpatients in substance use treatment : a cross-sectional study

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    Several studies have found co-occurrence between substance abuse and mental health problems, as well as an association between treatment retention and psychological distress. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of possible protective factors with psychological distress. The present study tested physical activity, self-esteem and sense of coherence, and psychological distress level among inpatients in substance use treatment. The study design was cross-sectional and multicenter. Patients (N = 167) were recruited in 2018 from 10 Norwegian inpatient facilities. They self-reported on 3 validated measurement instruments: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence Scale, and frequency of physical activity. The Hopkins Symptom Checklist-10 was used as an outcome variable of psychological distress. The associations were investigated with multiple linear and logistic regression methods. The results suggested that high self-esteem and sense of coherence were protective factors against high levels of psychological distress: self-esteem (β = −.39, P < .001) and sense of coherence (β = −.352, P < .001). The results offer support for a salutogenic approach in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment by enhancing individuals’ protective factors to reduce psychological distress. Keywords: Inpatient treatment; protective factors; psychological distress; self-esteem; sense of coherence.publishedVersio

    The Innovative Learning Institute for Circumpolar Health. An International summer school for nursing students in rural and remote areas

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    This chapter focusses on nursing students’ opportunities for participation in an international summer school specifically aimed at the people living in the circumpolar regions. The Northern Nursing Education Network offers a two-week intensive course for students to meet and to develop contextual knowledge of indigenous people living in Arctic regions. These areas are often challenged by vast distances and specific health issues. The summer school is made possible by collaboration across three continents and rotates between the northern universities. The topics about which the students learn are made relevant for nursing practice through peer student meetings, lectures and field trips. This chapter highlights the experiences of the students

    Undersøkelser av blåskjell (Mytilus edulis L.) i Oslofjorden

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    Rapport fra reise i Nederland 10 - 17 juli 1983 for å studere produksjon av blåskjell

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    Living with chronic headaches: A qualitative study from an outpatient pain clinic in Norway

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    Background - Although headache is considered a frequently experienced type of pain, the challenges, experiences, and perceptions of people suffering from chronic headaches are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to gain subjective information regarding these aspects in daily life, in order to answer the research question “What is life like with a chronic headache?” Methodology - Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 patients who suffered from chronic headaches. Five main domains were explored: emotions related to headaches; trauma/stressful events; behavioural changes, relationships, and coping mechanisms. Analysis and interpretation - Participants reported that pain restricted their lives in many ways, including not being able to work, loss of status, identity, freedom, intimate relationships and friends. The majority believed that psychological and/or physiological trauma was the reason for their headaches. New information that emerged from this study was how common life events not usually considered major traumas, initiated and maintained symptoms. Shame and feelings of stigmatization appeared to be strongly associated with chronic pain, leading to a scenario where thriving, contentment and enjoyment were often lacking. Main results - This study provided an in-depth understanding of how chronic headache adversely affects the lives of sufferers. Chronic headaches restrict sufferers’ lives, resulting in emotional and behavioural changes and a high level of disability. The complexity of chronic headaches in clinical practice is hugely underestimated, and poorly understood by society in general

    Blåskjell og blåskjelldyrking

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