84 research outputs found

    DDRed in Liberia: Youth Remarginalisation or Reintegration?

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    This report questions mainstream approaches to the reintegration of youthful ex-combatants. In Liberia, the disarmament and demobilisation was implemented quite effectively, but several questions can be asked about the components of reintegration and rehabilitation in the DDR-process. Most ex-combatants are currently unemployed or underemployed as the programmes initiated first and foremost prepared them for jobs that did not exist. The programmes also worked from the assumption that wartime experiences, networks and command structures had to be broken down as they were seen as counterproductive to peace and reconciliation. Drawing on previous research in Liberia the hypothesis is that reintegration can better be achieved through peaceful remobilisation that allows the ex-combatants to make use of the skills, experiences and networks gained through the war. This is illustrated by the recent experience of a nightwatch patrol in Voinjama in Lofa County that was based on rank and command structure from the war which responded to local community demands and filled a security vacuum. This is an alternative path to reintegration that needs further analysis, and the article argued that this should be based on the premises of a genuine understanding of the background of Liberia’s young ex-combatants and the nature and form of their involvement in violent conflict. Many people were involved in the war, but most only fought for certain periods. The motivations for joining varied, but the collected data from our various studies shows that security considerations were among the most important factors. Most combatants were ordinary people who joined for the sake of protection for themselves, their families and their communities. DDR in Liberia, as elsewhere, is, however, built on the assumption that there is something particularly dangerous and marginalised about the group of people who constituted the rank-and-file of the factions involved in the war. This is, as we have seen, not necessarily the case. DDR is very much a reaction to the notion that these people are unattached to society, set apart in their own world, and therefore needs particular attention. The article will therefore suggests that DDR approaches are in dire need of a rethinking that links them more directly to programmes aimed at social cohesion and societal security.

    Studying Insurgencies

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    „Neuer“ Nationalismus und Autochthonie – Ursprungsmythen als politische Konfliktlinie

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    The conflicts in Liberia, Eastern DRC and CĂŽte d’Ivoire can be “read” as “wars of modernity” as they are concerned with the composition of their respective polities: who is a citizen and who is not. However, these contemporary conflicts are deeply embedded in a long history of violence: integral to this history is the issue of land. Citizenship in itself does not secure access to land, but at the very least it allows those with this status a legitimate entry to the competition for land. There is therefore a direct link between contested citizenship and land rights issues. Drawing on fieldwork material from the above-mentioned countries, this article will show how localised identity narratives under certain circumstances destroy as well as reformulate national identities, and that insight from ethnographic work on autochthonic issues can help us understand conflicts in a broad range of African countries.Die Konflikte in Liberia, im Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo und der CĂŽte d’Ivoire können als „Kriege der Moderne“ angesehen werden, weil es dabei jeweils um den Aufbau des Gemeinwesens geht: Wer ist BĂŒrger und wer nicht? Hinter diesen aktuellen Konflikten steht jedoch eine lange Geschichte der Gewalt, wobei die Landfrage das zentrale Problem darstellt. Staatsangehörigkeit allein ist keine Garantie fĂŒr das Recht auf Landbesitz; sie legitimiert aber zumindest Personen mit diesem Status zur Teilnahme am Wettbewerb um Landbesitz. Deshalb besteht beim Thema Landbesitz ein direkter Bezug zwischen den Auseinandersetzungen ĂŒber StaatsbĂŒrgerschafts- und Besitzrechtsfragen. Auf der Grundlage von Material aus Feldstudien in den genannten LĂ€ndern zeigt dieser Artikel, wie einheimische IdentitĂ€ts-„Narrative“ in bestimmten ZusammenhĂ€ngen nationale IdentitĂ€t sowohl zerstören als auch neu bilden, und wie Erkenntnisse zu Autochthonie-Fragen aus ethnografischen Arbeiten helfen, derartige Konflikte in zahlreichen afrikanischen LĂ€ndern zu verstehen

    Preferential trade area for Eastern and Southern African states : en analyse av subregional integrasjon

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    "PREFERENTIAL TRADE AREA FOR EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICAN STATES. EN ANALYSE AV SUBREGIONAL INTEGRASJON" Denne oppgaven er en analyse av subregional integrasjon i SÞr- og Þstafrika. PTA-systemet som analysen behandler er en integrativ prosess som i dag omfatter 23 stater. PTA-avtalen som ble ratifisert den 21. desember 1981 bygger pÄ fÞlgende prinsipper: 1)Reduksjon og gradvis eliminering av toll- og ikke-tollmessige handelsbarrierer mellom medlemmene. 2)Reduksjon og gradvis eliminering av alle kvantitative og administrative handelsrestriksjoner mellom medlemmene. 3)Gradvis harmonisering av medlemmenes finans-, handels- og pengepolitikk. 4)En rettferdig og lik fordeling av de godene avtalen skulle skape mellom medlemmene. 5)Medlemsstater som led tap som fÞlge av handelsliberaliseringer skulle tilbys Þkonomisk kompensasjon. Denne avtalen skulle fÞre medlemsstatene inn i en integrativ prosess som i lÞpet av en tiÄrs periode skulle fÞre frem til etableringen av et Þkonomisk fellesmarked i subregionen. Slik gikk det ikke. SpÞrsmÄlet for analysen er dermed: Hvilke faktorer kan kaste lys over den manglende nasjonale implementeringen av avtalen? For Ä svare pÄ dette spÞrsmÄlet konstrueres det i kapitel l en modell over potensielle Ärsaksfaktorer og nasjonal implementeringsgrad, og et teoretisk rammeverk som bygger pÄ neo-liberal institusjonalisme og neo-realisme. Modellen bestÄr av Ätte uavhengige variabler: Geografiske forhold, infrastrukturelle forhold, industrielt utviklingsnivÄ, ideologisk heterogenitet, systemets autoritet, diffus lojalitet, manglende leder og fordelingssensitivitet, og en avhengig variabel, nasjonal implementering. Utfra denne modellen utledes det to hovedhypoteser knyttet til mangelen pÄ en leder og fordelingssensitivitet. Analysen antar at: 1) Disse to variablene har i sterkere grad enn de andre pÄvirket den avhengige variablen. 2) Av disse to er sensitivitetsvariablen den viktigste. I kapittel 2 presenteres avtalen, dens forhistorie og dens institusjoner og tre land, Kenya, Mauritius og Tanzania. Disse tre statene representerer tre kategorier av PTA-stater, de "aktive," de "tilbakeholdene" og de "unntakssÞkende." De tre landene brukes som indikatorer gjennom studien for Ä analysere medlemmenes posisjoner og strategier ovenfor PTA. I kapittel 3 analyseres de seks fÞrste variablene i modellen. Med et unntak for en mindre gruppe av land (SACU-statene) og to SADC stater (Tanzania og Zimbabwe) pÄ en variabel (diffus lojalitet) finner jeg ikke stÞtte for at disse variablene kan forklare den manglende nasjonale implementeringen av avtalen. I kapittel 4 analyseres de to hovedvariablene, hegemon-spÞrsmÄlet og sensitivitets-spÞrsmÄlet. Analysen stÞtter opp om utgangshypotesen som hevdet at det fÞrst og fremst var disse to variablene som kunne forklare mangelen pÄ nasjonal implementasjon. M.h.p. hegemon-spÞrsmÄlet viser analysen at Kenyas rolle i initieringsfasen er i overenstemmelse med den neo-realistiske oppfatningen av hegemoners betydning ved internasjonalt samarbeide. Kenya var en nÞdvendig betingelse for PTAs etablering. PTA gÄr imidlertid ikke i opplÞsning nÄr Kenya trekker seg ut av denne leder-rollen. Dette er i trÄd med den neo-liberale oppfatningen om post-hegemonielt samarbeide. Men analysen av Kenyas rolle viser hvilket behov det har vÊrt for en leder i PTA pÄ kritiske Þyeblikk i dets historie. M.h.p. sensitivitetsspÞrsmÄlet viser analysen variablens relevans i denne konteksten. BÄde analysen av de tre indikatorlandene og en samlet analyse av PTA-statene viser at statene pÄ viktige saksomrÄder innenfor PTA har verdsatt relative gevinster over absolutte gevister. Jeg finner klar stÞtte for at statenes definisjoner av deres egeninteresse mÄ forstÄs som den til defensive posisjonalister. Statene vektlegger relative gevister for Ä forsvare sin plass i det subregionale hierarkiet av suverene stater. Dette er i trÄd med utgangshypotesen. I kapittel 5 oppsummeres analysens konklusjoner, og i kapittel 6, oppgavens epilog, vurderes utviklingen innen PTA i lys av endringene i SÞr-Afrika

    African Conflicts and Conflicts Drivers : Uganda, Congo and the Mano River

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    The Lecture Series on African Security is a joint collaboration between the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) and the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI). The first round of lectures was conducted in 2008. The lectures revolve around core themes in African security studies and case studies from contemporary Africa, and they are presented by highly renowned international and national experts on Africa.</p

    Den globale flyktningkrisen - de synlige og de usynlige

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    Den europeiske delen av den globale flyktningkirsen har skapt et nyy geografisk hierarki av synlige og unsynlige flyktninger. De synlige er de som kommer til Europa eller har en mulighet til det. De usynlige er de som ikke har denne muligheten. Dette hierarkiet har store implikasjoner bÄde med tanke pÄ hvilke dimensjoner av den globale flyktningkirsen som synes og hvilke som forblir unsynlige, men ogsÄ for hvilke typer av politikk som benyttes og hvilke prioriteringer som gjÞre

    A Comprehensive Strategy EU Strategy for Africa Political Dialogue: Governance, Security and Migration. BRIEFING Requested by the AFET committee (This paper was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs)

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    Much has changed since the creation of the Joint Africa-European Union (EU) Strategy in 2007. The developing world has been changing fast. Development policy and practices are also transforming, albeit at a slower pace. The divide between emerging economies and ‘fragile states’ is increasing. This is also the case in Africa. As not only Africa, but also the EU-Africa relationship is changing and evolving into new dimensions, there is clearly a need to develop a new European strategy, constructed on the basis of an emerging continent. Africa is home to the youngest population in the world and some of the world’s most fragile states. However, it is also a continent with emerging markets and more effective governments. This brief aims to clarify how well the new Strategy must manage to mainstream a European approach to Africa that considers both the inter-continental dialogue and the diversity of development on this emerging continent within the fields of governance, security and migration. As the COVID-19 has turned into a pandemic, the brief also suggests that the new European strategy must reflect this development and the European Parliament should closely monitor the situation as it discusses the Strategy

    “New” Nationalism and Autochthony – Tales of Origin as Political Cleavage „Neuer“ Nationalismus und Autochthonie – Ursprungsmythen als politische Konfliktlinie

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    The conflicts in Liberia, Eastern DRC and CĂŽte d’Ivoire can be “read” as “wars of modernity” as they are concerned with the composition of their respective polities: who is a citizen and who is not. However, these contemporary conflicts are deeply embedded in a long history of violence: integral to this history is the issue of land. Citizenship in itself does not secure access to land, but at the very least it allows those with this status a legitimate entry to the competition for land. There is therefore a direct link between contested citizenship and land rights issues. Drawing on fieldwork material from the above-mentioned countries, this article will show how localised identity narratives under certain circumstances destroy as well as reformulate national identities, and that insight from ethnographic work on autochthonic issues can help us understand conflicts in a broad range of African countries. Die Konflikte in Liberia, im Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo und der CĂŽte d’Ivoire können als „Kriege der Moderne“ angesehen werden, weil es dabei jeweils um den Aufbau des Gemeinwesens geht: Wer ist BĂŒrger und wer nicht? Hinter diesen aktuellen Konflikten steht jedoch eine lange Geschichte der Gewalt, wobei die Landfrage das zentrale Problem darstellt. Staatsangehörigkeit allein ist keine Garantie fĂŒr das Recht auf Landbesitz; sie legitimiert aber zumindest Personen mit diesem Status zur Teilnahme am Wettbewerb um Landbesitz. Deshalb besteht beim Thema Landbesitz ein direkter Bezug zwischen den Auseinandersetzungen ĂŒber StaatsbĂŒrgerschafts- und Besitzrechtsfragen. Auf der Grundlage von Material aus Feldstudien in den genannten LĂ€ndern zeigt dieser Artikel, wie einheimische IdentitĂ€ts-„Narrative“ in bestimmten ZusammenhĂ€ngen nationale IdentitĂ€t sowohl zerstören als auch neu bilden, und wie Erkenntnisse zu Autochthonie-Fragen aus ethnografischen Arbeiten helfen, derartige Konflikte in zahlreichen afrikanischen LĂ€ndern zu verstehen
