5 research outputs found

    Rectus sheath hematoma and retroperitoneal bleeding due to rivaroxaban: a case report

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    Rivaroxaban is one of the new anti-coagulants that inhibit Factor Xa and rarely cause rectus sheath hematoma and retroperitoneal haemorrhage which are uncommon, life-threatening complications. Here is a case of an elderly patient on rivaroxaban therapy for the stroke prevention in non-valvular atrial fibrillation who developed rectus sheath hematoma and retroperitoneal bleeding.Keywords: Rectus sheath hematoma, retroperitoneal bleeding, rivaroxaban

    Metastatic Serous Carcinoma Initially Presented As An Incarcerated And Strangulated Umbilical Hernia: A Rare Case Report

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    Introduction: We report a rare case of a metastatic serous ovarian carcinoma presented as an incarcerated and strangulated umbilical hernia.Presentation of case: A 54 year-old female was admitted to the hospital with a painful mass around the umblical region. It was elucidated during clinical history that the mass had been present for 3 to 4 years without pain. An incarcerated and strangulated umbilical hernia including a solid mass and mesenteric fat was detected on physical examination. She underwent an urgent operation for strangulated umbilical hernia. The pathological diagnosis of the hernia material was reported as carcinoma compatible with serous ovarian carcinoma metastasis. Concurrently, total abdominal histerectomy and bilateral salphingo-oopherectomy, pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection, omentectomy and sigmoid colon resection were performed. Histopathological evaluation confirmed the serous carcinoma originated from the left ovary.Conclusion: In the literature, some metastatic tumors have been reported to be presented as umbilical metastasis rarely. However, the present case is the first metastatic ovarian cancer that initially presented as an incarcerated and strangulated umbilical hernia in the literature, to the best of our knowledge. 

    The Evaluation of gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever

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    Giriş ve Amaç: Ailesel Akdeniz Ateşi (AAA) ile birlikte bazı inflamatuar hastalıkların ve fibromiyaljinin sıklığının arttığı ve plazma serotonin düzeylerinin düşük seyrettiği gösterilmiştir. Benzer şekilde, irritabl barsak sendromu (İBS) ve dispepsi patogenezinde de serotonin metabolizma değişiklikleri rol alabilmekte ve İBS'na fibromyalji eşlik edebilmektedir. Kolşisinin ise antral gastrik biyopsilerde histopatolojik değişikliklere yol açabildiği ve intestinal motiliteyi uyardığı gösterilmiştir. Bununla birlikte AAA hastalarında İBS, dispepsi ve ishal gibi gastrointestinal sistem (GİS) rahatsızlıklarının sıklığıyla ilgili net bir veri bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; AAA'li hastalarda İBS, dispepsi, kabızlık ve ishal gibi GİS hastalıklarının sıklığını belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Gelişigüzel örnekleme yolu ile seçilen 200 hastadan, telefon ile ulaşılabilen 149'u yüz yüze görüşme amacıyla hastaneye davet edilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılmayı kabul etmeyen 3 hastaya ek olarak, GİS semptomlarını etkileyebilecek ilaç kullanımı, diabetes mellitus, hipotiroidi, kolon kanseri gibi hastalıkları, gastrointestinal traktus bütünlüğünü bozan operasyon öyküsü olan toplam 27 kişi çalışmadan dışlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak araştırmaya, 122 AAA hastası (Yaş: 40,18±11,85; E/K: 63/59) ile yaş ve cinsiyet açısından benzer 122 gönüllü sağlıklı kontrol (Yaş: 37,46±13,34; E/K: 50/72) dahil edilmiştir. Verilerin toplanmasında Roma III kriterleri temel alınarak hazırlanmış, 31 sorudan oluşan anket formu kullanılmıştır.Bulgular: İBS ve dispepsi sıklıkları sırasıyla hasta grubunda %18 ve %37,7, kontrol grubunda %10,7 ve %35,2 bulunmuş, aralarında istatistiksel fark görülmemiştir. Gastroözofageal reflü (%13,1'e %16,4) sıklığı açısından da 2 grup arasında fark olmadığı saptanmıştır. Ancak hasta grubunda PPI/H2RB kullanımı (%23,8'e %11,5) belirgin oranda fazla bulunmuştur (p: 0,012). Barsak alışkanlıkları değerlendirildiğinde ise konstipasyonun kontrol grubunda (%7,4'e %15,6, p: 0,045), diyarenin ise hasta grubunda (%12,3'e %0, p: 0,001) anlamlı derecede sık olduğu görülmüştür.Tartışma: AAA hastalarında İBS, dispepsi ve gastroözofageal reflü hastalığı (GÖRH) sıklıkları kontrol grubu ve literatürde bildirilen oranlara benzerdir. AAA hastalarının PPI ve H2RB kullanımının kontrollerden daha fazla olması, bu hastalarda dispepsi ve GÖRH sıklığının saptanandan daha yüksek oranda olabileceğini düşündürmektedir. AAA hastalarında saptanan GİS rahatsızlıklarının sağlıklı kontrollere göre artıp artmadığının belirlenmesi için çok daha geniş olgu serilerine gereksinim vardır.Objectives: It's shown that the frequencies of some inflammatory disease and fibromiyalgia are increased and the plasma serotonin levels are low in Familial Mediterrenean Fever. Like this, irritabl bowel disease may be associated with fibromiyalgia and serotonin metabolism changes play a role in the pathogenes of İBD and dyspepsia. Also it's shown that histological changes seen in gastric antral biopsies following colchicine therapy and colchicine stimulates intestinal motility. Newertheless, the data about the frequency of gastrointestinal disease like İBS, dyspepsia and diarhea is not available. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalance of gastrointestinal system diseases like IBS, dyspepsia, constipation and diarrhea in FMF patientsMaterials: 200 FMF patients were selected by random sampling and 149 patients reached by phone has been invited to the hospital in order to talk face to face.27 of them refusing the investigation, using drugs, haveing a surgery and diseases affecting gastrointestinal symtomes were excluded. Finally 122 FMF patients (Age: 40,18±11,85; M/F: 63/59) and 122 healty control (Age: 37,46±13,34; M/F: 50/72) who were similar in age and sex included to the study. 31 item-Questionnaire that includes Roma III criteria was used in order to collect datas.Results: The prevalance of İBS and dyspepsia were found %18 and %37,7 in FMF patients, %10,7 and %35,2 in controls. There was no statistical difference between groups. Also, there was no difference in term of gastroesophageal reflux disease (%13,4 vs %16,4).But, the use of PPI /H2RB in the patient group (%23,8 vs. %11,5) were significantly higher than controls(p: 0,012) When bowel habits were eveluated, the prevalance of constipation (%7,4 vs %15,6, p: 0,045) in control group and the prevalance of diarhea (%12,3 vs %0, p: 0,001) in FMF group were higher statistically.Discussion: The prevalance of İBD, dyspepsia and gastresophageal reflux disease in FMF patients were similar to control group's and normal population's. Because of the use of PPI/H2RB were higher in patients,it was suggest that the prevalance of dyspepsia and GERD in FMF patients may be higher than expected. To determine whether the prevalance of digestive system diseases in FMF patients are higher than healty controls, larger case series are needed