378 research outputs found

    Freight transport, food production and consumption in the United States of America and in Europe: Or how far can you ship a bunch of onions in the United States?

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    CO2-emissions from traffic - increasingly from freight transport - are growing, es-pecially in the highly developed industrialized countries. The answers to thisenvironmentally problematical development are technical ones mainly: Admi-nistrators and scientists try to improve engines, transportation modes and logisticstrategies. Freight transport is influenced by production, consumption, land-usepatterns and life-styles. But these fundamental determinants of increasing trafficare rarely given the same priority as the technical solutions.The main focus of this paper is on freight transportation and food supply in theUnited States and in Europe especially in Germany. Organic, resp. healthy andsafe food is a growing demand in both countries. People who consume organicfood often believe that this contributes to an environmentally sound behaviour.But transportation issues are not or rarely taken into consideration so far, although long distance transport not only needs energy, it as well influences quality, freshness and taste of food.On both sides of the Atlantic, in freight transportation and food supply can befound a lot of differences as well as similarities. Main differences to the U.S. fromthe European standpoint are e.g. the bigger land area and larger and much moreconcentrated economic units. Quite naturally one can find a higher volume oflong distance freight transport than in Europe. Similarities can be observed, butvery often they present themselves in another extent, e.g. the trend towards pri-vatisation and liberalisation, to more extended suburbanisation or to an unreflec-ted way of consumer behaviour. In addition, this report raises some new questi-ons: is the 'technological solution' of environmental problems the only way.What can be done to include lifestyles and consumer behaviour into a new strategy. --

    from Evaluating Needs and Psychological Mechanisms to Culturally Sensitive Psychotherapy

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    The present habilitation project encompasses research on multiple and complex levels of mental health care preferences and expectations, support systems, psychological mechanisms, as well as novel and culturally sensitive treatment approaches for RAS who primarily stem from Arabic- and Farsi-speaking countries. Until today, there are still enormous mental health treatment gaps for RAS, regardless of the country of residence. The current investigations shed light on a variety of facets, including preferences and expectations on psychotherapy (Böge et al., 2021), the key role of perceived stress and social support on psychopathology (Böge et al., 2020), as well as the representation of symptoms and the influence of stigma in refugee populations (Lindheimer et al., 2020). Moreover, we could show that emotional regulation appears to be a vital psychological mechanism mediating the effect between early life stress and the development of psychiatric symptoms, suggesting a direction for personalized psychotherapeutic interventions in refugees (Demir et al., 2020). In a last step, we developed a novel stepped collaborative and care model, which proved the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in alleviating depressive symptoms of adolescent and adult RAS compared to routine mental health care in Germany (Böge et al, 2022). Against this background, the outcomes of this habilitation project are relevant because they outline where cultural barriers lie, showcase possible ways of overcoming those and depict a suitable, scalable, and collaborative intervention approach. Our outcomes pave the way for resource-saving, cost-efficient, and tailored psychological interventions, specifically for humanitarian aid and international settings with low human and financial resources. In challenging times and impending decades, in which large-scale migration movements and pandemics significantly increase the relevance of global mental health, our findings are especially valuable. Consequently, outcomes of the present work make key contributions to and have implications and a meaningful influence on the immediate and long-term mental health and its provision for RAS worldwide

    Multilevel assessment of public attitudes and stigma towards psychiatry and mental illness in Vietnam

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    The overall goal of this dissertation was to investigate the impact of public attitudes, perceptions and associated stigma towards psychiatry and mental illness on different societal levels in Vietnam. Currently, the mental health care infrastructure in Vietnam is on the verge of transformation, exhibiting the demand for access to effective and adequate mental health care services. Additionally, mental illness-related stigmatization and discrimination remain highly prevalent causing impairment in patients’ access to adequate, effective and reliable psychiatric care. Furthermore, public attitudes towards mental illness, as well as corresponding treatment options, influence help-seeking behaviours of patients and caregivers, ultimately affecting the course of the treatment. In Vietnam, depression and schizophrenia account for at least 75% of all psychiatric inpatients. The present study aims to assess public attitudes towards psychiatrists and treatment options for depression and schizophrenia in Vietnam. A secondary goal is to analyse the existing restrictions patients with a mental illness and the Vietnamese general publics’ desire for social distance from individuals labelled with a mental illness. To that end, for the first time in a Southeast Asian sample, socio-demographic factors will be included to explore their influence within the Vietnamese cultural context. The collected data stems from a general population-based survey that was carried out in the greater Hanoi area using self-report questionnaires. Data was stratified according to the latest Vietnamese census (2009) and micro-census (2013) with regards to socio-demographic factors. Respondents mostly endorsed evidence-based treatment recommendations, such as psychotherapy or psychotropic medication both for schizophrenia and depression. Moreover, negative attitudes towards psychiatrists were associated with religious beliefs and male gender among respondents, while public attitudes towards restrictions of mentally ill people were related to gender and age. Finally, three independent factors were found to influence perceptions regarding the course of mental illness. These include (1) loss of social integration and functioning, (2) lifelong dependency on others and (3) positive expectations towards treatment outcome, out of which two were associated with more desire for social distance. The results of this study will be interpreted in the context of the socio-cultural landscape in Vietnam and give insight into its role in help-seeking behaviour as well as any stigma associated with mental illness giving ground for developments in the mental health system and among care providers. Involving religious institutions in raising awareness about mental health issues while considering socio-cultural factors of the public might pave the way for adequate psychiatric care and destigmatize the mental health system.Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Dissertationsschrift ist es, die Auswirkungen öffentlicher Einstellungen, Wahrnehmungen und die damit verbundenen Stigmata gegenüber Psychiatrien und psychischen Erkrankungen auf verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Ebenen in Vietnam zu untersuchen. Derzeit steht die Infrastruktur der psychiatrischen Versorgung in Vietnam am Rande einer Transformation, bedingt durch eine steigende Nachfrage nach Zugang zu effektiven und angemessenen psychiatrischen Versorgungsdiensten. Nichtsdestotrotz sind Stigmatisierung und Diskriminierung im Zusammenhang mit psychischen Erkrankungen nach wie vor in weiten Teilen der Gesellschaft verbreitet und beeinträchtigen den Zugang der Patienten zu einer angebrachten, effektiven und zuverlässigen psychiatrischen Versorgung. Darüber hinaus beeinflusst die Einstellung der Öffentlichkeit gegenüber psychischen Erkrankungen und entsprechenden Behandlungsmöglichkeiten auch das Hilfesuchverhalten von Patienten und Pflegepersonal, was sich letztlich negativ auf den Behandlungsverlauf auswirkt. In Vietnam sind mindestens 75 % aller psychiatrischen stationären Aufenthalte auf Patienten mit Schizophrenien oder Depressionen verteilt. Die vorliegenden Studien zielen somit darauf ab, die öffentliche Einstellung gegenüber Psychiatern und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Depressionen und Schizophrenie in Vietnam zu messen. Ein sekundäres Ziel ist es, bestehende soziale Restriktionen für psychisch Erkrankte sowie den Wunsch der vietnamesischen Bevölkerung nach sozialer Distanz zu Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen zu analysieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden erstmals in einer südostasiatischen Stichprobe soziodemographische Faktoren einbezogen um deren Einfluss eingebettet in den vietnamesischen kulturellen Kontext zu untersuchen. Die gesammelten Daten stammen aus einer allgemeinen bevölkerungsrepräsentativ stratifizierten Umfrage, die im Großraum Hanoi auf der Basis von Selbstbeurteilungsfragenbögen durchgeführt wurde. Die Daten wurden gemäß des letzten vietnamesischen Zensuses (2009) und des Mikrozensus (2013) in Bezug auf soziodemografische Faktoren stratifiziert. Die Befragten befürworteten größtenteils evidenzbasierte Behandlungsempfehlungen wie Psychotherapie oder pharmakologische Behandlungen zur Behandlung von Schizophrenie ebenso wie bei Depressionen. Darüber hinaus wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen negativen Einstellungen gegenüber Psychiatern und religiösen Überzeugungen sowie männlichem Geschlecht festgestellt, während die öffentliche Einstellung gegenüber Einschränkungen für psychisch Erkrankte eher geschlechts- und altersbedingt war. Konklusiv wurden drei unabhängige Faktoren gefunden, die die Wahrnehmungen über den Verlauf einer psychischen Erkrankung beeinflussen: Dazu gehören (1) ein Verlust von sozialer Integration und Funktionalität, (2) eine erwartete lebenslange Abhängigkeit von Anderen und (3) positive Erwartungen an das Behandlungsergebnis, von denen die ersten zwei Faktoren mit einem stärkeren Wunsch nach sozialer Distanz verbunden waren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie werden im soziokulturellen Kontext Vietnams interpretiert und geben einen Einblick in ihre Rolle bei hilfesuchendem Verhalten sowie den vorherrschenden Stigmata gegenüber psychischen Erkrankungen. Darüber hinaus werden Implikationen für die Entwicklung im psychischen Gesundheits- und Pflegesystem in Vietnam diskutiert. Das Einbeziehen religiöser Institutionen und Praktiken hinsichtlich einer Sensibilisierung bezüglich Fragen der psychischen Gesundheit, im Kontext soziokultureller Faktoren der Öffentlichkeit, könnte einen Weg für eine adäquate psychiatrische Versorgung ebnen und die Inanspruchnahme des psychischen Gesundheitssystems langfristig entstigmatisieren

    Recent Regulations for the Abusive Conduct of Market Dominating Enterprises

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    In Germany, abuse control of dominant companies has been embodied in competition law since the Act Against Restraints of Competition (ARC) entered into force in 1958. Incidentally, the competition rules of the European Community came into effect in that same year. Abuse control, together with the general ban on cartels (including restrictive agreements) represents the traditional foundation of German competition law. The instrument of merger control, on the other hand, was introduced in Germany fifteen years later and not until 1990 in the EU. The three main pillars upholding current German competition law are the enforcement of the ban on cartels, along with merger control and abuse control of dominant companies. The ban on cartels is critically important in Germany because of the development of national competition and the structure of the German economy. Since the nineteenth century, cartel agreements have been widespread in the German economy. However, the ARC sought to end the cartel-related practices, some of which dominated entire industries. Agreements between companies aimed at eliminating competition have been prohibited since 1958 and are punished with substantial fines. Restrictive agreements between competitors are allowed only in exceptional cases and subject to clearly defined criteria. Merger control was not addressed in the original version of the ARC. However, it was clear at that time that mergers often led to considerable competition problems. The acquisition of another company is often the cheapest and fastest path towards company growth. Merging parties hope to achieve a competitive advantage in terms of turnover—for example, by acquiring additional market shares—and in terms of costs, which they expect to decrease due to synergy produced by the merger. Mergers do not always lead to success. On the one hand, they can increase the efficiency of a new entity, especially if markets are undergoing change, thus spurring competition. However, one should not rely on the idea that sheer size in the market guarantees entrepreneurial success. Studies show that quite the opposite is true in an excessive number of cases. On the other hand, mergers between competitors may lead to market dominance or a monopoly. When competition is brought to a standstill, consumers are no longer ensured a benefit from increased efficiency. The aim of merger control is to prevent the creation of dominant positions as a result of mergers and to secure competitive market structures. If this fails, the only recourse is abuse control of dominant companies

    Das Wettbewerbsprinzip: Der Feind wirtschaftlicher Macht

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    Vor 50 Jahren, am 3. Juli 1957, wurde das Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen vom Bundestag verabschiedet. Wie wurde das Gesetz zu Beginn beurteilt und welche Wandlungen hat es bis heute erfahren? Wie sehen die Beziehungen zur europäischen Wettbewerbspolitik aus? Welche Aufgaben müssen noch bewältigt werden? --

    Estimates for Long-term stability for the LHC

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    Since about 10 years survival plots have been used to evaluate single-particle long-term stability. In a recent paper (M. Giovannozzi et al.) this concept has been reviewed, using a dynamic aperture (Dyn.Aper.) definition based on the average over different ratios of emittances. It has been shown that the survival times evaluated according to this procedure decay with the inverse of the logarithm of the number of turns in several different systems. In this paper the validity of this conjecture is tested in the case of the latest LHC lattice which has been studied extensively. The inverse log conjecture also predicts a non-zero Dyn.Aper. at infinite times called DD_{\infty}. The tracking data are analysed for the LHC lattice to determine the relation between DD_{\infty} and the onset of chaos determined through Lyapunov exponents. Two different methods to automate the prediction of the Lyapunov exponent are tested and are compared with DD_{\infty}

    The non-existence of a universal topological type space

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    The concept of types was introduced by Harsányi[8]. In the literature there are two approaches for formalizing types, type spaces: the purely measurable and the topological models. In the former framework Heifetz and Samet [11] showed that the universal type space exists and later Meier[13] proved that it is complete. In this paper we examine the topological approach and conclude that there is no universal topological type space in the category of topological type spaces

    Speeding up Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition by Gr\"obner Bases

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    Gr\"obner Bases and Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition are generally thought of as two, rather different, methods of looking at systems of equations and, in the case of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition, inequalities. However, even for a mixed system of equalities and inequalities, it is possible to apply Gr\"obner bases to the (conjoined) equalities before invoking CAD. We see that this is, quite often but not always, a beneficial preconditioning of the CAD problem. It is also possible to precondition the (conjoined) inequalities with respect to the equalities, and this can also be useful in many cases.Comment: To appear in Proc. CICM 2012, LNCS 736

    Dynamic aperture studies for the LHC version 4

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    The limitations of the dynamic aperture due to field errors of the super-conducting magnets is a notorious problem for the LHC. Given the large amount of independent studies performed by a sizeable research team it becomes necessary to define a common tracking strategy. The emphasis is placed on an elaborate on - and off - line processing of the tracking data making use of all tools presently available. To manage the very time-comsuming investigations our approach is two-fold: firstly we are maximising the computing power running optimised code on state of the art equipment which is continuously upgraded and secondly we speed up the studies by using reliable and automated early indicators for long-term losses. The procedure is exemplified with a series of tracking runs for the LHC version 4 at injection