7 research outputs found

    Számításos kémiai módszerekkel támogatott foszfor- és szilíciumkémia = Computationally assisted of organophosphorus and organosilicon chemistry

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    A kutatás során a 14-es (C, Si, Ge, Sn) illetve a 15-ös (N,P) főcsoport elemeit tartalmazó molekulák vizsgálatával foglalkoztunk. Eredményeinket részben különleges kötésszerkezetek (karbének, foszfinidének) illetve hipervalens vegyületek előállíthatósága és stabilizációjuk lehetséges módjainak vizsgálatában értük el. Külön kiemelendő a konjugált foszfortartalmú rendszerek vizsgálata, melyeket szintetikus kutatócsoportokkal együttműködve végeztünk. Optoelektronikai alkalmazásokra felhasználható különböző konjugált/kondenzált foszfolszármazékok vizsgálatával Regis Reau és Thomas Baumgartner csoportjaival együttműködve születtek eredmények, míg a kationos, semleges és anionos diazafoszfol alapvázat Dietrich Gudat csoportjával együttműködve vizsgáltuk. Proazafoszfatrán szuperbázis és származékainak (John Verkade-val együttműködve) vizsgálata stabilizációjában megállapítottuk a transzannulláció szerepét és mértékét. Vizsgáltuk sziloxánláncok kialakulásának mechanizmusát és e láncok stabilitását. | The target molecules of our research contain group 14 (C, Si, Ge, Sn) and group 15 (N,P) elements. The most important results are related to unusual bonded molecules including carbenes, phosphinidenes, and hypervalent molecules, including their stabilization and synthesizability. Especially noteworthy results were obtained in cooperation with synthetic research groups in the field of conjugated organophosphorus compounds. Different cunjugated/annellated phosphole-based ring systems were targeted in cooperations with Regis Reau and Thomas Baumgartner. Cationic, neutral and anionic diazaphosphole systems were investigated with the Group of Dietrich Gudat. Investigating the proazaphosphatrane superbase and its derivatives (in a joint work with John Verkade) we have established the effect and extent of transannullation. The formation and the stability of siloxane chains was also investigated

    Separation of Volatile Fatty Acids from Model Anaerobic Effluents Using Various Membrane Technologies

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    Effluents of anaerobic processes still contain valuable components, among which volatile fatty acids (VFAs) can be regarded and should be recovered and/or used further in applications such as microbial electrochemical technology to generate energy/energy carriers. To accomplish the separation of VFAs from waste liquors, various membrane-based solutions applying different transport mechanisms and traits are available, including pressure-driven nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) which are capable to clarify, fractionate and concentrate salts and organics. Besides, emerging techniques using a membrane such as forward osmosis (FO) and supported liquid membrane (SILM) technology can be taken into consideration for VFA separation. In this work, we evaluate these four various downstream methods (NF, RO, FO and SILM) to determine the best one, comparatively, for enriching VFAs from pH-varied model solutions composed of acetic, butyric and propionic acids in different concentrations. The assessment of the separation experiments was supported by statistical examination to draw more solid conclusions. Accordingly, it turned out that all methods can separate VFAs from the model solution. The highest average retention was achieved by RO (84% at the applied transmembrane pressure of 6 bar), while NF provided the highest permeance (6.5 L/m2hbar) and a high selectivity between different VFAs

    Acid suppression therapy, gastrointestinal bleeding and infection in acute pancreatitis - An international cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Acid suppressing drugs (ASD) are generally used in acute pancreatitis (AP); however, large cohorts are not available to understand their efficiency and safety. Therefore, our aims were to evaluate the association between the administration of ASDs, the outcome of AP, the frequency of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and GI infection in patients with AP. METHODS: We initiated an international survey and performed retrospective data analysis on AP patients hospitalized between January 2013 and December 2018. RESULTS: Data of 17,422 adult patients with AP were collected from 59 centers of 23 countries. We found that 23.3% of patients received ASDs before and 86.6% during the course of AP. ASDs were prescribed to 57.6% of patients at discharge. ASD administration was associated with more severe AP and higher mortality. GI bleeding was reported in 4.7% of patients, and it was associated with pancreatitis severity, mortality and ASD therapy. Stool culture test was performed in 6.3% of the patients with 28.4% positive results. Clostridium difficile was the cause of GI infection in 60.5% of cases. Among the patients with GI infections, 28.9% received ASDs, whereas 24.1% were without any acid suppression treatment. GI infection was associated with more severe pancreatitis and higher mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Although ASD therapy is widely used, it is unlikely to have beneficial effects either on the outcome of AP or on the prevention of GI bleeding during AP. Therefore, ASD therapy should be substantially decreased in the therapeutic management of AP

    Acid suppression therapy, gastrointestinal bleeding and infection in acute pancreatitis – An international cohort study

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