132 research outputs found

    Anális citológia

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    The incidence of anal cancer has increased in recent decades, particularly among human immunodeficiency virus infected men who have sex with men. Anal intraepithelial neoplasia is a potential precursor lesion of anal cancer. Anal cytology is the primary screening test for anal intraeptithelial neoplasia. Aim: The authors aimed to analyze the results of anal cytology of patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection at the National Centre of STD, Department of Dermatology, Dermatooncology and Venereology, Semmelweis University. Method: 155 anal cytological examinations were performed in 140 patients between November 1, 2012 and August 31, 2014. Results: 44% of patients were found to have anal dysplasia, and only 1.6% of patients had high-grade lesions. This rate is lower as compared to published studies including larger number of patients. Conclusions: The study underlines the necessity of screening for anal lesions in the population at-risk

    Immunological and biochemical characterisation of 7ap, a short protein translated from an alternative frame of ORF7 of PRRSV

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    Sequence analysis revealed a short alternative open reading frame (ORF) named ORF7a within the nucleocapsid gene of genetically divergent porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) genomes. Alignment of the corresponding protein sequences (named 7ap) revealed substantial heterogeneity among 7aps of different genotypes, though all of them are predicted to be positively charged. Green fluorescent protein and FLAG fusion constructs of ORF7a of the HU-14432/2011 PRRSV demonstrated that 7ap is expressed. 7ap of HU- 14432/2011 (Hu7ap) was synthesised chemically, and ELISA experiments revealed that Hu7ap binds strongly to mammalian IgGs. Protein-protein gel retardation assays and complement fixation inhibition suggest that 7aps bind to the CH2 domain of the IgG(Fc) fragment. Cellular localisation and immunological characteristics of PRRSV 7ap may indicate multiple functions including nuclear and cytoplasmic over-tuning of normal cellular processes and immunosuppression

    A simple model for the cooperative stabilisation of actin filaments by phalloidin and jasplakinolide

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    AbstractThe stabilisation of magnesium actin filaments by phalloidin and jasplakinolide was studied using the method of differential scanning calorimetry. The results showed that actin could adapt three conformations in the presence of drugs. One conformation was adapted in direct interaction with the drug, while another conformation was identical to that observed in the absence of drugs. A third conformation was induced through allosteric inter-protomer interactions. The effect of both drugs propagated cooperatively along the actin filaments. The number of the cooperative units determined by using a quantitative model was larger for jasplakinolide (15 actin protomers) than for phalloidin (7 protomers)

    Ionok ütközése atomokkal, molekulákkal és felületekkel: magasabbrendű folyamatok = Collisions of ions with atoms molecules and surfaces: Higher-order processes

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    Ionok és atomok illetve molekulák ütközéseiben megmutattuk, hogy kis (1-100 keV/nukleon) ionenergiákon a többszörös elektronszórási folyamat (az un. Fermi-shuttle mechanizmus) járuléka elérheti a teljes elektron-emisszió 5-10 százalékát, és a nagyenergiás elektronok ki-bocsátásában ez a folyamat meghatározó lehet. A hidrogénmolekula ionizációjában magasabb rendben fellépő interferenciajelenségek közül pontosan megmértük a másodrendű folyamat járulékának szögeloszlását. Találtunk egy magasabb frekvenciájú komponenst is, melynek értelmezése egyenlőre nyitott kérdés. Ion-molekula ütközésekben megmértük a kilépő molekula-fragmentumok szög és energia-eloszlását, és értelmeztük annak anizotróp jellegét. Az ion-felület kölcsönhatások területén a szigetelő fóliákban kialakított nanokapillárisok un. ionterelő hatását vizsgálatuk. Felépítettük az ehhez szükséges mérőberendezést, majd elsőként kimutattuk és megmértük alumíniumoxid nanokapilláris minták ionterelő képességét. Elemeztük a lítiumszerű lövedékionokon végbemenő kételektronos, un. transzfer-loss folyamatot. Megmutattuk, hogy egy metastabil kvartett állapot keltési hatáskeresztmetszetét a lövedék magasabb héjaira befogódó elektronok teljes hozama szabja meg, amivel megmagyaráztuk egy anomálisan nagynak tekintett hatáskeresztmetszet eredetét. | It has been shown in collisions of ions with atoms and molecules that at low ion energies (1-100 keV/u), the contribution of the multiple electron scattering sequences (the so called Fermi-shuttle mechanism) may amount of 5-10% of the total electron emission. Morover, this process can be dominant in the emission of high energy electrons. Studying the higher order interference effects in the ionization of the hydrogen molecule, we accurately measured the angular distribution of the second order component. A higher frequency contribution has also been found, which has no evident interpretation yet. We measured the angular and energy distribution of molecular fragments in ion-molecule collisions, and provided an interpretation for its anisotropic properties. In the field of ion-surface interaction, we studied the ion-guiding ability of the nanocapillaries formed in foils of isolating materials. We have constructed the measuring apparatus. We determined first time the ion guiding properties of capillary samples formed in anodic alumina. We analyzed the transfer-loss process (a two-electron transition) on lithium like projectile ions. We have shown that the production cross section of a metastable quartet state is deter-mined by the capture yield to all the higher n shells of the projectile. This fact explained the anomaly of a ?too large? measured cross section

    Egy ritka zoonosis: a Schistosoma turkestanicum vérmétely által okozott cercaria dermatitis Magyarországon | A rare zoonosis in Hungary: cercarial dermatitis caused by Schistosoma turkestanicum blood-fluke

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    Absztrakt Az állatokban sok mételyfaj él, amelyek lárvája a gazda bőrén keresztül fertőzi azt. Ezek közül az ember szempontjából a legfontosabbak az emlősök vérmételyei, mert belőlük kerülnek ki az embert fertőzni képes vérmételyek is. Több fajuk a trópusi országok lakóinak rettegett schistosomosisát okozza, míg más fajok behatolnak ugyan az ember bőrébe, de adulttá nem válnak a testében. A mérsékelt égövben főleg az utóbbi, bőrgyulladás formájában jelentkező infekció fordul elő. A mételylárvák eredete legtöbbször nem tisztázható, ezért általában sem orvosok, sem állatorvosok nem foglalkoznak a fertőzés forrásával. Szarvasokban élő mételyfajról bizonyítottuk be, hogy a régen „vízi rühösség”-nek nevezett bőrbántalmat csigákból kirajzó cercariák okozzák. A Duna egyik árterén endemikus Schistosoma turkestanicum okozta dermatitis ritkán kerül orvos szeme elé, pedig informális közlések alapján úgy tűnik, hogy rendszeresen előforduló tünet a métely élőhelyén lévő vizekben halászó vagy fürdőző embereken. Ráutaló kórelőzmény esetén indokolt a humán vérmétely-fertőzöttséghez hasonló szerológiai reakciót adó cercaria dermatitis eredetét kivizsgáltatni. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(40), 1579–1586. | Abstract Several trematodes that parasitize vertebrate animals utilize swimming aquatic larvae to infect the host percutaneously. The most important ones among these parasites are the blood-flukes of birds and mammals comprising species that are also zoonotic. Within this latter group are species that cause the bilharziasis or schistosomiasis of inhabitants of the tropical countries, and other trematode species that are able to penetrate human skin, but do not develop to an adult form of the worm in the body. In temperate climates this latter type of infection occurs mainly in the form of an unpleasant inflammation of the skin and is often called “swimmer’s itch”. In most of these cases, the origin of the larvae remains unexplored, the source of the infection is neglected by the medical or veterinarian practitioners. Herein we report for the first time in Hungary that the cause of such dermatitis was the cercariae of Schistosoma turkestanicum, which infected red deer (Cervus elaphus) in this country. The local name of this pristine disease is “water mange” and it occurs only in one of the floodplains of the Danube. On the basis of informal communication this symptom seems to be rather regular among people who do fishing or have a bath in the habitat of the blood-fluke. In the case of adequate anamnesis it is worth examining the origin of the cercarial dermatitis which may give cross-reactions with human schistosomiasis during serological tests. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(40), 1579–1586

    Full Genome Sequence of the Western Reserve Strain of Vaccinia Virus Determined by Third-Generation Sequencing.

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    The vaccinia virus is a large, complex virus belonging to the Poxviridae family. Here, we report the complete, annotated genome sequence of the neurovirulent Western Reserve laboratory strain of this virus, which was sequenced on the Pacific Biosciences RS II and Oxford Nanopore MinION platforms

    Persistent Suppression of Type 1 Diabetes by a Multicomponent Vaccine Containing a Cholera Toxin B Subunit-Autoantigen Fusion Protein and Complete Freund’s Adjuvant

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    Data presented here demonstrate multifunctional vaccination strategies that harness vaccinia virus mediated delivery of a gene encoding an immunoenhanced diabetes autoantigen in combination with complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) that can maintain safe and durable immunologic homeostasis in NOD mice. Systemic coinoculation of prediabetic mice with recombinant vaccinia virus rVV-CTB::GAD and undiluted or 10-fold diluted CFA demonstrated a significant decrease in hyperglycemia and pancreatic islet inflammation in comparison with control animals during 17–61 and 17–105 weeks of age, respectively. Synergy in these beneficial effects was observed during 43–61 and 61–105 wks of age, respectively. Inflammatory cytokine and chemokine levels in GAD-stimulated splenocytes isolated from vaccinated mice were generally lower than those detected in unvaccinated mice. The overall health and humoral immune responses of the vaccinated animals remained normal throughout the duration of the experiments

    P-298: Screening of adolescent hypertension, and evaluation of target organ damages. Results from the Debrecen hypertension study

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    We performed a cross-sectional, population-based survey in Debrecen. All high school attending youths (a total sample of 10359, average age was 16.2±1.0 years) participated in the study. Following a 10 minute rest, 3 repeated BP measurements were taken by a validated OMRON M4 devices. Subjects completed a demographic and lifestyle survey as well. The 50th, 90th and 95th percentile value of the BP were defined by dividing the adolescent population into age-, gender- and height-specific subgroups. In comparison with US guidelines, in our sample, the systolic BP of boys in the different subgroups was 6 to 11 mmHg higher, while this difference was less marked for girls (1 to 5 mmHg). There were no marked differences in diastolic BP. With the help of a multiplex regression model we analyzed factors influencing BP. At systolic BP gender (β=0.373) and BMI(β=0.261) had a largest relative weight, while age (β=0.043), father's hypertension (β=0.042) and mother's hypertension (β=0.38) had a smaller, but also significant importance. BMI (β=0.264), gender (β=0.097), age (β=0.052), father's HTN (β=0.041) and mother's HTN (β=0.038) were predictive of diastolic BP. Adjusted R2 was 0.281 at systolic, and 0.181 at diastolic BP. Systolic and/or diastolic BP exceeded the age, gender and height adjusted 90th percentile of 1614 (15.84%) adolescents. Performing 2x3 extra measurements on this sample, 2.34% of the subjects had confirmed HTN. Target organ damage was observed in numerous cases: left ventricular hypertrophy in 13%, retinopathy in 12% and microalbuminuria in 10% of hypertensives. IMT in the common carotid artery was higher in hypertensive adolescents (means±SD: 0.55±0.11 mm) than in healthy control subjects (0.48±0.08 mm, p<0.001). Similar to this, a higher LVMI was measured in hypertensive (102.7±30.5 g/m2), than in healthy teenagers (91.1±25.2 g/m2, p<0.01). The screening of high blood pressure is important in adolescence also, because of the prevalence and the target organ damages. Early diagnosis of hypertension and follow-up may lead to the prevention of target organ damage